So, here we are, the final chapter. Isn't that depressing? No? Well, fine.

Anywho, before we begin, I just want to thank everyone. Every view, every review, every single person who has even glanced at this. Even if you hated its guts. I know my writing isn't the best, and room for improvement is obvious in my grammar and spelling and life but the fact people have actually read this is still amazing to me. So, as a special thank you, I have a little present at the end. It's best to think of this chapter as a short epilogue.

Sam was waiting, face scrunched in trepidation, for Mr. Schue to announce his name. Miss Pillsbury was standing next to him, the reason for her presence not yet known by most of the glee club. He turned to face Puck, who was sitting to his left. His bandages were so expertly strung around his waist their existence was disguised by even the tightest outfits. Luckily his bruises were clearing fast, appearing as just an off colour section of skin than evidence of abuse. Somehow, Sam feeling his boyfriend's arm draped over his shoulder wasn't enough, and he desired eye contact. Puck seemed to feel his lingering eyes, and met them with an encouraging smile.

"Now, I believe Sam has a song for us..." Sam's eyes darted to Mr. Schue, who was looking at him with concern. "I believe you wanted to say something first, Emma...?" She blinked at the sudden attention, then stepped forward.

"Um, yes," she played with her nails as she spoke. "I have asked Sam to perform a song that he sees will help him get past any previous struggles in his life. Now, songs that express torment aren't always happy, so please don't be affronted by potential melancholy." She really wasn't helping with Sams nerves. "But I'm sure he'll perform greatly anyway." With her final inveigle, she sat in the seat next to Mr Schue, waiting for Sam to take the stage. Feeling the intense and confused stare of his peers, Sam knew it was time. Dragging Puck with him, he stood in the centre of the classroom as Puck fetched his guitar from behind the piano. For some reason, the floor gained very interesting qualities, and he didn't want to take his eyes off it. Finally, he felt something had to give and lifted his gaze to his audience. Puck slung his guitar over his shoulder, wincing only slightly as he adjusted the strap. Most of the glee club seemed to have curious interest, not believing ordinary Sam sported a backstory with trauma. Nonetheless, as Puck strummed the introduction of the song, he forfeited an explanation and waited for his cue.

"Can't wash it all away

Can't wish it all away

Can't cry it all away

Can't scratch it all away..."

Puck sang as best he could. He didn't usually perform songs with such a mournful register - but he could stretch for Sam. His voice strained with all the empathetic emotion he was harbouring, trying to do justice to Sam's feelings, but there was no time to validate if he was singing appropriately, and Sam cut in with his lyrics.

"Long lost words whisper slowly to me

Still can't find what keeps me here

When all this time I've been so hollow inside

I know you're still there..."

Sam knew that his song choice was cryptic at best to everyone in the room - the only way it could make sense was if someone betokened an omniscient knowledge of Sam's past. And, thankfully, no one did. For now, for this short lived duet, he wanted to remember the feelings of security and insularity, because soon he would have to reveal most of his life, which he would do acquiescently.

"Watching me, wanting me

I can feel you pull me down

Fearing you, loving you

I won't let you pull me down..."

Sam liked this song, and right now it seemed to be serving him well. Belting out notes gave him a reason to close his eyes, allowing him short bursts of nothingness that were easier to look at than the crowd. It was also a reminder. He could still feel Sebastian as a tormenting wraith surviving in his memories, one that wouldn't go away. It would try to lead him back down the road of dismal self worth, repeating a cycle that was better left undone. But Sam knew now that he couldn't go through such acts again, and that he wouldn't let himself. Puck seemed to notice Sam becoming lost in thought, and took it upon himself to continue, bringing down the tempo with gentle guitar strums.

"Lying beside you

Listening to you breathe

The light that flows inside of you

Burns inside of me..."

The quiet yet distinct lyrics woke Sam, forcing him to continue with his lyrics, adding to the contrast in intensity.

"Hunting you I can smell you alive

Your heart pounding in my head..."

"Cast me not away

Say you'll be with me

For I know

I cannot bear it all alone..."

Puck sang again, their voices melting so where whos note ended and the others began was unidentifiable. Everyone, including Miss Pillsbury and Mr. Schuester, were surprised with the performance. Sam had never really presented himself as one for solos, preferring to sway behind Rachel and fit in, and Puck usually liked to set things on fire. This, to say the least, was different for both of them. Not better, or worse, just... different.

"Watching me, wanting me

I can feel you pull me down

Fearing you, loving you

I won't let you pull me down..."

Sam belted out the final notes, stopping abruptly, as planned. He took a fortifying breath and looked around the room to see nothing but his confused and slightly affronted friends. Opening his mouth, he tried to explain the song, but the emotional force it held over him forced silence. Instead, he darted out the door, not looking back. With a worried crease on his brow, Puck dropped his guitar and followed.

Puck found Sam in the deserted toilets, splashing water over his face. He seemed unhinged by his performance, despite having nailed it. Sam looked up, relaxing as he focused on Puck's face through the mirror.

"Dude," Puck said, "Why'd you run?"

Sam breathed heavily. "I don't know." He ran a hand through his hair. "It was scary, I guess - putting all my past on display for everyone. Even if they didn't have a clue what the hell was going on."

Puck smiled, walking forward. "Well, either way you nailed it."

"We," Sam corrected, smiling as a pair of arms snaked around him. "Thanks for helping, by the way. I know it wasn't your usual style."

"'S'cool. Any louder and it would've hurt."

"Oh yeah," Sam remembered, twisting within the circle of Puck's arms. "How's the recovery going?"

"Pretty good, considering you've asked a million times," Puck grinned. "I'm all stitched up. Doctor says a couple months of laying low, but that's not how I roll."

"Didn't he say it's a miracle you didn't get Peritonitis?"

"Probably, I don't know."

Sam laughed. "How could you not know? You were there!"

Their conversation was stopped by the toilet door swinging open. They quickly separated, taking to separate basins.

"Relax, guys: it's just me." Kurt raised an eyebrow - they were acting so inconspicuous it was conspicuous. "Miss Pillsbury wants you for your counselling session now."

"Thanks, Kurt," Sam smiled, grabbing Puck's hand when they were once again alone.

"Ready?" Puck asked, gently squeezing the blonde's digits.

"Ready." The two entwined their fingers for as long as they could, dividing only when they walked out into the corridor.

"Sam, Puck," Miss Pillsbury said as the two took their seats in her office. "Welcome. I thought a good place to start would be explaining the song you just sang."

Sam looked to Puck, who nodded, beckoning with a smile. "Um, sure, okay," he finally answered, shifting in his chair to a more comfortable position. This was going to take a lot of explaining.

It's not an epilogue, it's a prologue! Well it's both! ASDFGHJKL YAY i think

I've got a sequel in mind, which will be chock full of flashbacks so everyone can get the lowdown on Sam's past with some degree of clarity. Who knows, maybe some flashbacks may include Puck, and we might find out some things about his life as well?

It will also be a songfic, and it will be based on the songs of my favourite band, which were foreshadowed in this chapter. That reminds me, Understanding and Haunted were the two songs used here, mashed up, both by Evanescence.

If anyone has any questions or anything regarding my fiction please message me - anon or not I love to hear from you!

And last but certainly not least:

Thank you for reading