Full Summary

When Dimitri said Love Fades, Mine has. He left Rose broken. Refusing to let anyone see her in this state, she left St. Vladimir. But even when she's no longer in Dimitri's presence, she just can't seem to get over the pain in her chest. She still yearns for him...still remembers every single touch and how sparks seem to fly whenever he's near...that is until an idea hits her, she doesn't have to remember. Rose sets off to Russia, with the hope of getting Oksana to remove her memory of the man who hurt her... What if Oksana refuse? What will Rose do? And most importantly, what will happen when Dimitri finally follow his heart and come after her...only to find that the love of his life can't even remember his name. Will he give up? When he knows that somewhere deep in her brown eyes, his Roza is still there. That somewhere, she still loves him. Find out now in my latest fanfic, A Place Where You Love Me.

Hey guys! It's me again! So an idea kinda hit me a few days ago. I just can't stop thinking about it so I finally decided to write a fanfic based on that idea :) That's how this fanfiction was born! The first chapter is a little bit short, just to see if you guys might be interested in reading and would like for me to continue. The plot is already developed so read this chapter and let me know what you think! :)

Happy Readings!

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Academy. Richelle Mead does.

Chapter 1


Why do people go to church? I asked myself.

To find peace, to feel closer to God? To purify their souls?

Well, if those are all the reasons then I should probably leave right now.

I'm not here to find peace.

I'm not here so I could feel closer to God.

And I'm definitely not here to purify my soul. My soul is fine as it is, thank you very much.

Why am I here, then? You'd probably ask.

Well, sitting alone a few pews down from me, is the man I love, I yearn for.


Knowing the situation, I know he's not really alone. The guardians – as silly as it sounds - are probably lurking in the corners, preparing for an attack incase Dimitri's strigoi side took over.

Yeah, ridiculous.

But apparently the guardians aren't alone in this.

Dimitri agrees with them.

He didn't seem to mind having them trailing after him 24/7. He refused to take risks and put anyone around him in danger. He cares too much, a trait that is so un-strigoi like.

He cares for everyone...everyone besides me, apparently. Since being restored back, he wouldn't even look at me. It's so frustrating! But I thought maybe he needed some time. It couldn't have been easy for him. So I gave him time. That was why for the last few weeks, I didn't push him when he told me he didn't want to talk...or even see me.

Yeah, it hurts like hell, especially the last part. But being a passionate and understanding kind of girlfriend I am, I let it go.

Now that two whole weeks have passed, it's time I act again. If he needed some time to get over it then, he should be more than over it by now.

So here I am, watching him. In his god-like glamour, and under the lights of the candles, he looks so calm...so at peace.

There's nothing I'd like more than to run into his arms right now. But afraid that his arms won't be there to catch me, I decided to take it slow. One step at a time.

That being decided, I quietly make my way down the aisle, making sure not to disturb anyone trying to purify their souls.

I plopped down next to Dimitri, making him jumped a little.

"So..." I started, feeling a little bit awkward.

He turned around to look at me before turning away quickly, his guardian mask on full force.

"Dimitri." I tried again, even though my voice sounded hard, there's something that sounded like...desperation in there too.

At first I didn't think he was going to reply, thank god he did.

"What do you want, Rose?"

Rose. He called me Rose, not Roza. But that's not the only thing.

"What?" I asked before I could stop myself.

Dimitri just stares at me.

Damn that guardian mask of his! I can't even guess what he's feeling underneath.

"Why are you doing this to me, Dimitri?" I shout at him.

Before he could reply, a guy from the pew in front of us turned around and glared for me to shut up.

"Look, I know it's tough for you after all you've been through...I understand, okay? But please, Dimitri, don't push me away. Let me in so I can help you." I said, lowering my voice into a whisper.

Dimitri tensed and I can see that his guardian mask is slipping a little.


Slowly, I lift my hand and place it on his arm. Anyone around would have thought he was shocked by electricity by the way he jerked away from me so fast.

My eyes started to sting just then and I realized it was tears threatening to fall. I quickly blink them away. There's no damn way I'm going to cry. Just no.

"I cannot believe you! I went to the end of the Earth for you! Found a way to turn you back even when everyone said it was impossible! And this is how you thank me. So this is it then, Dimitri? This is how it's going to be for us from now on?" I demand, my voice raising up once again.

It took him about two minutes before he came up with a reply. A very shitty one, if I must say. "Roza, I know what you did for me. I haven't forgotten. And I thank you for that. I will find a way to repay you, you know that...but...there is no 'us' there has never been. It was stupid of me to led you on like that and for that I am sorry."

I blinked, slowly processing what he's just said. "Bullshit! That bullshit, Dimitri! It's pathetic! Especially coming from you!" I screamed at his face. Then I noticed the guardians coming out of their hidings from the corner of my eyes. They think Dimitri is causing a trouble. I have to act fast.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself down before I speak again, "You listen to me Dimitri Belikov. I know you are hurt. I know it's difficult for you and you think your actions as a strigoi is somehow your fault. But Dimitri, it's not! You weren't you. And I know with every bones in my body that if the situation is reversed, and I was the one who was turned, you'd be saying the exact same thing to me." I let it all out in one breath.

Dimitri looked as if he want to say something but I cut in, "Don't. Don't even try to deny it."

"Stop. Don't do this, Roza. You know I can't..." he sounded almost desperate, it only pissed me more.

"No, YOU stop, Dimitri! Are you even listening to me? I knew – we knew - this wasn't going to be easy! But we both agreed that our love is too strong to be ignored. What we have...it's worth fighting for. I still believe that, Dimitri. Because of what happened, you might not see it yet but soon, you will! I haven't given up, Dimitri. I would never give up on us." I hate myself for sounding so desperate. But it had to be said. And let's face it, I'm pretty desperate.

"Roza..." he started, "I have already given up..."

No. No, he doesn't get to do this so easily. "No. When two people love each other the way we do, they would never give up. Never, Dimitri! And I know you love me!"

Who would have thought that someone with such a beautiful face could say something that...deadly. What he said next froze me to the core of my heart.

"Roza...love fades, mine has." he said those words so lightly, so calm, like it's effortless. And that did it.

All the tears of sadness, grief, lost, pain, torture, anger, desperation, frustration, hope, joy and back to sadness all over again. All those tears that had threatened to fall since the moment Dimitri was taken away from me, are a second away from falling now. All those awful things he had said to me, done to me, as a strigoi. Those things were nothing compared to those four words that just left his mouth. He had never put it that way before. Even in a terrible situation, deep down I still know he loved me. But now that he said those words. That he had given up on me, that he no longer love me...it just...it hurts too much.

He must have noticed the change in my emotion, the pain that reflected in my eyes...and maybe he even heard the sound of my heart breaking, shattering into shards because his guardian mask suddenly slipped. That may even be pain in his eyes. But I didn't wait to find out, because if I did, everyone in the church would have seen me cry.

And Rose Hathaway doesn't cry.

Avoiding Dimitri's eyes, I ran out of the church. Passed Dimitri, passed the staring crowd and passed the guardians.

And never once did I look back.

Okay so the first chapter is not that good, I have to admit. Same old plot. But that's how this story begins! The similarities end right here :) If you would like for me to continue or if you have any suggestions, please let me know in the review area!

Thank you for reading!

xx Prim