9 –Alive (Epilogue)


W/C: 1716

CONTENT/WARNINGS/SPOILERS: still AU and OOC, attempted humour, sappy romance

SUMMARY: Vicki and Henry discover a new live together.


Home had never felt so good. Home had never been so…intense before.

She was here…with him. It was almost unbelievable. There were so many things he had to tell her – to explain. But there just hadn't been enough time…to talk.

They couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other. He couldn't keep the grin off his face and he could tell she thought he was gloating or something but he wasn't, he was simply overjoyed.

He left her wrapped in a warm cocoon of blankets a few minutes before sunrise and for Henry it was pure torture. He couldn't stop the feverish thread of rambling thoughts. He didn't have enough time to tell her what she needed to hear.

'What if she isn't here when I wake?'

'What if she's left me?'

'What if she changes her mind or decides it was all a huge mistake?'

'I haven't even told her about the changes I want to make for her…'

He had made it to his bed, had even double checked his blinds when he zipped back to her room. She was drowsy but still awake. He had to say something before he left her for the day…

"Vicki. I have so much to tell you but there's no time tonight…"

She was exhausted. Emotionally drained and physically sated. She pried her eyes open with a little groan and smiled up at him. He looked edgy now and it wasn't what she expected so she raised a hand to his face.

"Hmmm?" was all she could muster.

He stared intently into her eyes and beseeched her "... look...please don't leave…okay?" His face was so earnest and so…desperate she could only nod.

"I'll be here when you get up. I promise." It was a whisper but he heard her.

He kissed her feverishly and hugged her to him one last time before he zipped away again. She rolled over and almost giggled with happiness. He really didn't want her to leave. He was so cute when he was…terrified.


She slept most of the day tucked under a heap of Egyptian cotton. 'These must have cost a fortune,' she mused. She'd slept peacefully, deeply, dreamlessly without interruption until nearly three o'clock. She actually blanched when she looked at the clock. She didn't usually sleep this long or this well. She didn't usually spend eight hours or so having continuous mind-blowing sex either. She was ravenous. She went straight for the fridge and dove into the left-overs from last night's take-out. She was utterly thankful that Vancouver boasted several 24/7 take-out and delivery joints. 'Cause there was no way she'd make it to a restaurant with her stomach growling and gurgling like this. After she devoured everything in the fridge she had just enough energy to have a shower.

She found a greasy dinner a couple of blocks down the street. It was pure heaven. The toast was dripping with butter and the scrambled eggs to die for. She ate enough for two and then went looking for a corner store. She picked up some essentials and then headed on back to the condo.

The sun was making its way across the sky and doing an impressive job of leaving an exotic painting in its wake. She pulled out her digital camera and took over twenty shots of the brilliant sky. She watched the sun slip into the ocean. It seemed to sizzle as it sunk under the deep blue waves.

She smiled, knowing he would wake in moments. Knowing he would immediately search her out. Knowing he felt the same intense emotions as she. She wanted to show him the photos she took of the sunset. It was the only reason she took the pictures. She wanted to share something of her day with him.

The glass door slid open behind her and she turned her head towards the sound. He was fast. He slipped in behind her, wrapping his arms around her possessively. He buried his face in her tangled wind-blown hair and inhaled her scent.

"You're here. I'm so glad you're here. I was afraid you wouldn't stay." He sighed in relief and hugged her tighter.

"Of course I stayed." 'I'm not going anywhere mister,' she thought. "Well, actually I went out and then I came back. But I wanted to be here when you woke up." She was rambling a bit. She always rambled when she was nervous. She wasn't sure how to act now that they had finally … collided.

"Oh! I took some pictures for you. The sunset was amazing. I thought maybe you'd like to see it?" 'Or not. Or maybe I'm a big dork.' She started to feel foolish the minute the words were out. So she started backtracking.

"But that's just silly. So forget about that. I …" She started off on a tangent but he cut her off midsentence.

"You took pictures for me?" 'You totally love me!' An overeager voice shouted in his head. He was grinning ear to ear and the sound of his voice rang through the air. He was surprised by such a sweet gesture.

"Please, show me. I want to see." He spun her around and took a hold of her forearms. He held her at arm's length and looked her up and down as if he was searching for the camera.

She sputtered. "Oh. Okay. I've got the camera here." She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a little digital camera. She turned it on and brought up the most recent pictures.

He was eager, like a little boy. It was so damn cute. Her first instinct had been right. She was glad after all that she thought to take the pictures.

She suggested they upload the photos to his computer so they could view them on a larger screen. He jumped at the idea and dragged her inside to his office.

Who knew such a little gesture would make him so happy? It made her happy, she realized, to see him get so excited. Oh, she was so in love with him.

"These are great, Victoria. Thank you, so much for thinking of me. " He held up his hand when she started to insist it was nothing.

"I know. I know. They're just pictures. But the fact that you thought of me and you wanted to share this with me … it just makes me feel so … great." 'Loved.'

"So, thanks." He kissed her tenderly on the lips and then pulled her close into a hug.

He broke contact after a moment and took her by the hand to the kitchen. "You said you went out? Did you have something to eat?"

"Yes. I'm good. I hit a dinner. Ate twice my weight in grease. I feel great." She smiled and rubbed her still full tummy for emphasis.

"Okay. Is that a good thing?" She looked content for now but he was thinking about how frequently humans have to eat. She'd need more food sooner than later.

"Do you want me to drive you to a grocery store? I'd be happy to?" This was the first of many things he would have to get used to. He had already decided that he would do whatever she needed to make this feel like her home too. And that meant having plenty of food on hand.

"Actually, I just picked up a few things at the corner store. I'm good for today." She realized he'd never offered to take her shopping for food before.

"I've been thinking a lot about what I need to change."

"You don't have to change anything Henry," she insisted.

"Yes, I do. You know I do." He sighed and looked deeply into her eyes. "I've always keep you out. We've kept each other out. But I don't want it to be like that anymore. I want you to be a part of my life Vicki."

She smiled, looked down and fidgeted before meeting his eyes again. She nodded. "You're right things have to be different. We both need to make changes Henry. Not just you."

"Yesterday, I told you I'd do 'almost anything' for you and I meant it. I want this to be your home too if you'll have it. If you hate it we can move. Find something more to your preference."

"I don't care where we live. I just want to be with you." She cupped his face gently.

"I know there must be things that you need from me … like the way I feed. I promise it will be different. I won't … ahem … play with my food and I certainly won't bring my food home with me. This is our home now."

She stared at him. Her mouth even hung open a moment or two before she reined it in. "I … I … thank you. That's the one thing. That was the one thing I couldn't stand. I couldn't watch that. I'm sorry if that makes me petty or selfish or whatever. I'm too possessive and I sure as hell get jealous. I don't share well." She smiled and shrugged apologetically.

He reached out and took her hand in his. "I totally understand. If you played with your food or whatever the equivalent would be … I'd get … jealous like crazy. I'd leave a trail of corpses." He shrugged and smiled apologetically back at her.

He led her towards the sofa and they sat side by side.

"Would you like to … watch me feed? It might make you feel better" he asked tentatively.

She was shocked. She didn't respond right away. Instead she looked at him closely. This was a huge thing; she knew that for a fact. This was more than an olive branch this was the whole frickin tree. "Yes, thank you Henry." She took the tree he offered and more. She took everything he offered and she gave everything back to him in return. They'd finally found each. Nothing and nobody would ever tear them apart. She'd kick their ass if they even tried.