Chapter 1:


Ugh, I need a baby sitter. Who can I call? I need to leave in like 20 minutes. Maybe someone is on face book that I can ask.

I scroll through my friend list.


Ugh, is there anyone on here I can trust with my girls?

Oh! Perfect.

I grab my phone, enter her number and hit call, desperately hoping she'll be free.

Come on, pick up.


"Bella?" I ask, making sure the number is still hers.


"Hey, it's Edward."

I hope she remembers me.

A few seconds of silence pass, and I push away the idea that she's forgotten me.

"Edward who?"

"Edward Cullen, your math teacher from high school."

"Oh, Mr. Cullen, wow, it has been forever since I have seen you or even talked to you. How is everything?"

"Everything is good. I just need a huge favor?"

"Really? Well, what can I do?"

"Is there any way you could come by and watch my daughters for a couple of hours? I have to go to this huge meeting, and I have no one to watch them."

"Of course, I will be there in about 15 minutes."

"Awesome...and thank you so much."

"No problem...see you soon."

I give Bella my address and walk over to my girls.

"Hey, so my really good friend Bella is going to come over and watch you guys. Be good for her, ok?"

"Ok," they both say at the same time. I sense that they are both a little anxious about a stranger coming by to look after them, but I know they'll love Bella, so I don't worry too much. She was so sweet to me when I taught her.

Wow, it doesn't feel like it has been six years since I have seen her. I hope it isn't awkward. It shouldn't be. Katie and I were friends her Senior year even though I wasn't her teacher at the time.

I finish getting ready.

15 minutes later...

The door bell rings. I go and get it. I open the door and it's Bella. "Hey Bella, thank you so much for coming by on such short notice. You're really saving the day!"

"Hey Mr. Cullen, and no problem."

We walk into the living room where my girls are nervously sneaking glances in our direction.

"Gwen, Katie, this is Bella...Bella these are my girls."

"Hi guys, nice to meet you," Bella said.

They both went behind each of my legs.

"Come on girls, Bella is nice. Don't be shy." They stay behind me. I smile at Bella.

"They will warm up to you."

"No problem."

I look at my watch. "I have to go...I will see you later. If you need anything you have my number and girls be good for Bella...I should be back in about two hours." I give both my girls a kiss on the check and smile at Bella. I grab my car keys and head out.

While driving, all I good think about was I hope the girls will like Bella. I am sure they will. She is very sweet and seems to be good with kids.


Edward pulls out of the drive way and I turn and look at the girls. "So, what do you guys want to do?" They both just stare at me. This is going to be a long couple of hours.