Bang. Thump. Skid.

Darcy Lewis growled and jammed her finger into the power button on the television remote. She was done hearing what she had grown to assume was a couple having sex against her and Jane's apartment's front door. She was sick having to turn up the volume on the television to ignore it, and it was their door, damn it. The lovebirds could go elsewhere to carry on. She ignored the pleading look Jane sent her and headed down the hallway. "Can you people learn to shut up? It's girl's day in, damn it!" She undid the two locks and yanked the door open. She didn't all expect to have someone's back come falling into her a moment after she did so.

Darcy scrambled back and gawked as the person, man, she mentally corrected, as his back connected with the wooden floor. She looked down as he looked up, green eyes wide and black hair now quite discheveled. Darcy merely blinked at him, then looked back outside, where a couch was now half on the ground, half lifted by a tall, muscular man with long, blonde hair. He was blinking right back at her and gaping like a fish out of water.

The blonde man finally found his voice. "Uh, sorry, we're just moving in across the hall here, and we couldn't get the damn couch across without leaning on the door, and…" He trailed off.

Jane came running into the hallway. "Jane, what was…?" She spotted the man on the floor, and then the one a couple of feet from the doorway. Her eyes lingered on the one in the doorway for a few more seconds. She paused, then made quick work of tucking her hair behind her ears and straightening her shirt. She offered a sweet smile in the blonde's direction. "Hi…"

The blonde wore a similar expression. "Hi…"

Darcy watched the two exchanging googly eyes. She rolled her eyes and was about to cut it off, when a different, but not unwelcome interruption came from the floor.

"Um, excuse me. Man still on the floor, and if I get up myself, my head would be in a rather… inappropriate area by the lady, so…"

Darcy quickly jumped out of the way, and the black-haired man pushed himself up off the ground, muttering an apology. He straightened himself out, only to kneel back to pick up his end of the couch that had fallen when he did to survey possible damage.

Darcy took that moment to tilt her head and appreciate the view provided. If Jane could gawk, so could she. He rocks those jeans. She thought with a cheeky grin.

"Looks alright, by some miracle. No scratches…" He reported. "No need for a lawsuit or anything…" He added under his breath.

"Lawsuit? Oh, no!" Jane cut in, to the man's displeasure. "We wouldn't do that to new neighbors, would we, Darce?"

Darcy snapped out of her observation time and shook her head. "Naw, it happens all the time." She agreed. "So you guys are the new 2B people, huh?"

The black-haired man nodded and rose to his feet, and the blonde offered a vocal "Yes."

Darcy put her hand out. "I'm Darcy Lewis." She jabbed a finger in Jane's direction. "This is-"

"Jane Porter," Jane cut her off before she could finish, still staring at the blonde with a wide smile.

Darcy noted the black-haired man arch an eyebrow at Jane, then at the other man, then at Darcy herself, and he let the other eyebrow raise. Darcy shrugged in response.

The blonde put down his end of the couch and slid around it to offer his hand. "Thor Odinson." He shook hands with Darcy, then Jane, smiling at Jane's small little giggle, but still seemed oblivious to the girl being taken by him so quickly. Instead, he took it as a reaction to his name. "Yes, well, my brother and my parents had some… specific interests."

The black haired man chuckled in agreement. "I'm Loki, the brother in question. Fitting in our situation, isn't it?"

Jane finally snapped out of her state. "… Wait, like, seriously, Thor and Loki? After…"

Loki nodded. "Mm hm,"

Thor held out his hands and imitated the sound of thunder, with a nod of his own before he offered another smile.

Jane shrugged. "Could've had worse names."

Loki smirked. "Try having them before you say that." He offered. After the comment earned a few seconds of silence, he nodded, looking at the couch. "Right, well, sorry about this. We better continue with this, then." He turned his attention back to the young women. "Do excuse us. I'm sure we'll see you around, being neighbors and all." He lifted his end of the couch.

Thor, taken aback by his brother's bluntness for a moment, scrambled to the other end. "Ladies, nice meeting you." He called before having to keep up with Loki's pace out of the apartment.

Darcy waited for them to get past their problem with her door, then shut it. "Well, that first goodbye was rude." She mused. "That guy had a nice ass, though."

"Yes he did." Jane nodded.

Darcy glared at her. "The other guy. The one on the floor. Not Gigantor."

"I didn't notice- and why was he on the floor, anyway?" Jane asked.

Darcy shrugged. "Gravity."

Jane stared at her for a moment, then laughed. "Okay, then."

Darcy nodded. "Can we please get back to the movie? I wanna that one guy blow up again!"

Jane rolled her eyes. "I think your love of pyrotechnics should worry me…"

"Says Miss. Science." Darcy replied. "Now, let's get back to the movie where vampires kill people." Before Jane could protest further, Darcy grabbed her friend's hand in order to drag her back into the living room, but not before examining the area where the couch had fallen and Loki had checked for damage. There was something damn near unsettling about that man, and she had no issue letting him have it if he had lied about scratches or anything on their floor. However, as he had said, there was no damage on the floor, so she simply nodded, satisfied. Maybe she would give them a chance, after all.

A/N: Soooo… first Thor fic. I know they seem OOC. That'll change, I promise. Sorry the first chapter is so short. The plot bunny came to visit and then decided my mind was a perfect place to hang for a while. The next chapters will be longer, and include the boys being recruited for spider killing, having baking supplies, spontaneous snowball fights, Twilight bashing, and much, much more.

I don't own Thor, blah blah blah. The movie Darcy's talking about is Blade II.