The colour of Summer
- DISCORD I'm howling at the moon, and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon -
Normal POV
The night progressed as it was always planned to go. The girls danced and sang drunken pop songs with strangers that they might never meet again. This was standard protocol for these four. Drink after exuberant drink, shot after dizzying shot, they became elated and they were not only drunk off of the horrendous amount of alcohol they had consumed, but the desire for even the shortest lived happiness.
Such a short amount of time with those they had grown so fond of. It hadn't even been that long, a few weeks at the most. But when you are working for the same cause, you tend to grow and learn with them more so than those you meet by chance.
However, as these four exceedingly special girls were getting drunk off their asses, those back at the house prepared for the final act, the final scene of this charade.
They had procured two vessels for the energy (of Heaven and Earth, respectively) to be sealed until the Akatsuki's return to Amegakure. As of this moment, they were preparing a transportation Jutsu, much like that which transported them here in the first place. Only this one transported them to an underground sacred temple in Italy, the only known place on this planet left that could remove the energy from its human vessel.
Ella, dear sweet Ella, had brought in Amegakure soldiers in as added protection, just in case Grace and Solace managed to follow them. All that was left now was for the girls to come home. The Akatsuki donned their robes again and discarded the clothes Lisa had so generously bought them.
Now, we return to the caves in which we first met these people. There was Nagato, and his lady angel beside him. She always kept a paper clone beside him, ever since they left the area. Konan was preparing him for a different Jutsu, one that took him strait too Amegakure again. He would still be able to control Pein from there, but only one. The link would grow too strenuous otherwise.
"Is everything in place?" Nagato wheezed.
"Yes Nagato." Konan said calmly, drawing symbols in the dirt around him.
"It's a pity…" He began uncertainly. She paused and looked up at the frail man.
"What is?" She continued to work silently.
"About those four… Even the other three… They were kind and they… I think they can almost understand us, in a way…" Nagato struggled to find the right words to express his discomfort with the situation. He had, in all truth and honesty, fallen in love with not only these young adults, but this world as well.
"Well, you never know. Always expect the unexpected when you are certain about victory." Said Konan gently. The caves were silent once more. Soon, they would be gone. But for now, let's see how the girls are going.
"NO BUT THIS IS SO LEGIT!" Lisa yelled. "I'm 19 BiTcH! Lookit!" She shoved the ID into the bouncers face.
"Miss, I don't care if you're 19 or 91. We're over capacity-..."
"BULLsHiT dUDE! You JUST let ThOsE Bimbos IN THERE!" The bouncer sighed and turned to her two far more sober friends, and the one that was somewhere in between.
"Look, it's getting late. Take this one home before she causes a public disturbance." Grace shot him an apologetic smile and gently guided Lisa away. Solace linked arms with Mae to stop her from wondering onto the road.
"Okay you two, enough tequila." Solace yawned. "He's right anyway, it's almost… Like… Tomorrow. We'll get you a cuppa to sober you up then you're off to bed, alright?"
"Can we… We get some… Some… Some, some, some…" Mae thought for a moment. "Some… OH! Some cupcakes? And then go… Go and… Burn some shit? I'd… I'd like that."
"Mae you are drunk." Said Grace. "We'll get you some coffee, and then I'll put you to bed. No burning things."
"Will you SING mE a LullABy GraaaaaaCEY?" Lisa slurred.
"We'll see." Grace sighed, opening the doors to her car. Soon they had been sobered due to the wondrous miracle that is coffee. Albeit, by not that much. Lisa was still a little wobbly on her legs, and Mae was still saying retarded things. But they were almost home, and this place promised a well-earned rest from the drowsiness that ensued after a night of clubbing.
"We're home darlings~!" Sung Mae.
"Shhhh they're probably sleeping fuckass." Solace hit her over the head and Mae let out a strangled mewl of hurt.
"Good night, demon." Whispered a calm voice in Grace's ear. There was a sharp pain and then nothing.
Endless, swirling, dreaming. Cold darkness.
In the early hours of the next morning (or a few hours later)
Solace woke with a start to the feeling of the cool tiles against her pale skin. Grace had jumped awake, fully registering what had happened last night.
"GET UP!" She roared at Solace's drowsy figure. "Dammit! I knew it! I KNEW IT! I knew this would happen if we took them in!" She yelled furiously. Solace began to remember. The first one down was Grace, then Lisa, then… Black…
"Oh no…" Solace moaned. "Oh no OH NO OH FUCK OH GOD-…" Grace yanked her by the arm to her feet.
"This is it, angel! If we don't get our asses over there pronto they're dead!" They snapped into focus, a hunter's mind taking hold. They had barely enough time to dress appropriately (dresses are not ideal). So, a minute later, they emerged, fully clothed and ready to fight. A quick trip to the weapons room and they were ready. A bag full of explosives, guns, ammo and spare knives, as well as Grace and Solaces' personal weapons on their own bodies, respectively.
"Wings out, soldier." Barked Solace as they strode out the front door. It took an enormous amount of strain to sprout the feathery shapes. Contrary to popular belief, demons do not have bat wings. They have black feathers, and are rather well groomed.
That night they flew into the sky, heading towards a meeting with fate. They had better hope Lady Luck was one their side, because really… Nobody else was.
- DISCORD whatever did we do to make you take our world away? -
A/N It's a little choppy, I know. Sorry. But I want to speed this up! Quick quick quick! I can actually write action scenes, you see! Okay, important shit!
Should the four go to a whore house (sort of thing IDK) or a circus? I like both ideas. Tell me what you think? Pretty please?
Send me your OC! Even more than one! I'll accept all of them! Just tell me everything about them INCLUDING what role they will play in the story.
Okay I think that's it. See ya later!
Love always,