Chapter 10

Let's Make it Right

"Get back into your homes and stay there!" the large-nosed man hollered, shooing a few children back into the crowd.

"T-too much pressure!" one of the boys he had shooed cried, twitching as he ran. Next to him, a boy with a blue hat turned and flipped a bird at the man with the monstrous-sized nose.

"And keep control of your children!" the man screamed, his face becoming red.

Trying to keep his cool, the man with a nose half the size of his face watched as the crowd slowly decreased in size. Some just gave up on rebelling, while others were frightened for the safety of their families. Even with this stricken fear, some refused to give up their ground. They sat firmly with stern faces.

"Just get back inside where you belong," the man sighed, wiping his over-sized sniffer.

Suddenly, the crowd began to panic, retreating for their homes. Were they actually listening to his commands?

"Run for your lives! That maniac is going to ram right into us!" Mr. Garrison screamed, running as far away as possible.

Curious, the massive-nosed man turned around, eyes widening. He took a dive to his right, just in time. A black HAF van sped down the road, running straight into a home.

"Wait a minute," Mr. Garrison muttered. "That's my house! You sons of bitches are gonna die!"

Another HAF van pulled in, skidding to a stop. A man with a gun sat in the passenger's seat, still firing at the first van.

"Let's get the fuck outta here!" Eric's voice cried from within the vehicle, turning a few heads.

Four boys jumped out of crashed van and dashed into town, screaming their lungs out. Each one of them ran past their parents, who gasped at the sight, begging them to stop. Just as anyone would predict, the other van unloaded with HAF members who took a chase for the four boys.

"Now that's not right," Stephen Stotch stated, glaring at the large-nosed man. "You're chasing children with guns?"

"What is this world coming to?" Linda, his wife, chimed in.

The great-nosed man swallowed hard, tugging at the collar of his suit. "Now, now. Let's not be rash." Sweat trickled down his face as the crowd grew once more, a few HAF members joining them.

"Look!" Kyle huffed, pointing his finger at Town Hall. "Mayor McDaniels! Maybe she can help us!"

"Fat chance!" Eric grumbled, thinking back to when he had tied her up.

"It's worth a shot," Stan interjected, just as a bullet flew passed his head.

"I-I don't wanna die!" Butters cried, keeping a firm grip onto Eric's hand.

Without much thought, they dove behind the mayor, using her as a shield. They watched as the HAF members set their guns at ease, approaching them quickly.

"What's going on?" Mayor McDaniels questioned, glancing back at the four boys.

"Those boys are interfering with a project of ours, ma'am," a HAF member began, "They not only kidnapped someone we were holding in custody, but they have ruined quite a bit of our equipment."

"I started the damn group! I have something to say, but those bastards won't let me!" Eric hollered, peeking out from behind the mayor's leg.

"You're diseased!" another HAF member bickered back, crossing his arms.

"Let the boy speak," Mayor McDaniels muttered, sighing heavily.

"Thanks!" Eric sang, jumping for the podium in front of Town Hall. Taking his time, he adjusted the microphone to his liking, blowing into it afterwards. "Can I have your attention, everybody! Please go to Town Hall for an important announcement!"

His voice rang loud and clear throughout the town, grabbing great attention. As if their lives depended on it, every citizen within South Park crowded around Town Hall, staring at the fat boy in awe. What was he about to say? Would he stop this madness?

"People of South Park! Heterosexuals Against Faggotitus, aka HAF!" Eric began, clearing his throat. His eye caught attention of a TV crew standing in the back, recording every word that came out of his mouth. They probably didn't have a news story prepared, so they figured this one would do.

"I need you all to realize that what I'm about to say is….true." His eyes swatted throughout the crowd, picking up familiar faces. He even found the large-nosed man with a few bruises. "Faggotitus…isn't real."

A few people gasped.

"Yeah. It's fake. It exists just as much as a Jew's faith in Christ." Eric licked his dry lips, taking a deep breath.

"You see…I never had anything against gays, really. I just didn't think I was gay. So when I started getting a gay crush on someone, I went out and said it was unnatural. I never meant to cause half the country to turn homophobic. Seriously, you guys. Faggotitus was just a made up disease to explain my weird-ass feelings I didn't understand. Now I do. So I'll just show you I have the balls to admit it. I, Eric Theodore Cartman, am a homosexual; a faggy, gay homosexual. HAF is now dead. Anyone associated with HAF should just forget about it, or be shot on the spot. Thank you."

The fat boy stepped away from the podium, settling himself next to Butters. His face was glowing a faint pink as his looked away from his audience. They all stood in silence, watching him. Was this good or bad? Did he fuck up? What would happen next?

"Way to go, Cartman," Kyle murmured, smiling at his fat friend.

"Yeah, well said," Stan added, clapping his hands.

Slowly, others began to clap. It was like a domino effect, one after another. Soon enough, the whole crowd was cheering, even the HAF members.

"Wait!" a man in a lab coat roared, silencing the crowd. "I discovered the cure for faggotitus! So it has to be real!"

The entire town glared, belittling the man. The large-nosed man pulled out his shot-gun and sent a bullet straight into the man's skull. "There is no faggotitus."

The whole crowd began to cheer once more, sending a smile upon Eric's face. Maybe being gay won't be so bad after all.

"E-eric," Butters cooed, eyeing the one who gripped his hand.

"Yeah, Butters?"

"Does this mean we're dating?"

Eric let out a heavy sigh. "God damn it, Butters. You're so retarded. Of course we're dating…"

As reports, stories, and articles flew across the country, more and more families became less homophobic. They seemed to revert back to their feelings prior to the entire faggotitus catastrophe. Eric made sure that everyone had understood that faggotitus was just a creation made out of fear, rather than fact. He and Butters even attended a gay pride parade to ensure his support for homosexuals. All seemed normal. Butters was even grounded for three weeks.

The only bothersome fact he faced was that Butters had somehow talked him into returning all the money citizens had donated to his cause. How the little asshole did it, he didn't want to know. All he knew was that he was happy knowing someone, other than his mother, loved him. He was happy that someone saw past his rough outer-edges. Butters Stotch loved him and meant it. It was an indescribable, outstanding feeling.

His heart continued to soar at the touch of the warm, wet tongue against his own. Eric was in bliss, as passion swooned between him and his blond companion. It was heaven; their warm, naked bodies rubbing against each other on the cool, soft bed. Their usual love games would commence, but it never stopped these moments from losing their lustful charm.

"E-eric," moaned the blond.

"Shh," the fatter boy softly hushed, gently planting his lips upon the other boy. Smoothly, his beefy hands trailed down his lover's soft skin toward his private area.


"Relax. It's not going to hurt."

A soft gust of breath escaped the blond's lips as the larger boy wrapped his pudgy hands around his genitalia. Butters could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks, face becoming redder than it was during their passionate kiss. To his surprise, Eric allowed his hand to trail up and down Butters' shaft, the pace rapidly gaining speed. As the fat boy gained pace, the smaller boy's moans grew louder and louder.

"Oh, Eric," Butters moaned.

As the brunette continued to jack off his boyfriend, he planted his lips at the tip of his lover's penis, sucking with ease before taking more into his mouth. Both his hands and mouth moved in sync now. Saliva coated the blond's cock, which hardened with the pleasure that was building up inside of him. His heart raced. It was amazing. It was thrilling. It was so passionate! In fact, it was so stimulating that he had to-…

"E-eric!" he gawked.

The brunette shook his head.

In less than a moment cum had shot up inside Eric's mouth, dripping down his chin as he tried to swallow as much of it as he could. It tasted like heaven; a paradise in his mouth. Although it burned his throat on its way down, it was worth it.

"Damn it, I wasn't prepared for that, Butters!" Eric teased, yet was still serious.

"S-sorry, Eric,"

The brunette just let out a slight chuckle and proceeded to suck his boyfriend dry. He didn't care if it felt like lava draining down his throat; it was so fucking worth it.

"Wake up, Eric," Butters whispered, shaking his boyfriend's shoulder. "Mr. Harrison has an important announcement to make."

Gradually, the fat boy perked up his head, starring straight at the Mexican man in front of the class. He knew his dick had become excited from his dream, but he just didn't give a damn; at least, not anymore.

"Class. I have some bad news. It turns out that Mr. Garrison was hired as a middle school teacher. What does that mean? It means that I get to be your teacher for the rest of the year," Mr. Harrison explained to the class, eyes fixed upon his pupils.

"Hurray!" the class cheered.

"Fuck, not a Mexican for a teacher," Eric huffed in barely a whisper through his teeth.

The door cracked open, revealing the principal. Her face was filled with concern. "Mr. Harrison, can I have a word with you outside?"

"Si, señora," he answered, taking a step towards the door. "I'll only be a moment, class. Just take out your homework from last night." With that said, he stepped out of the classroom.

"Sweet! Now we can do whatever the hell we want!" Eric said, smiling at Butters.

Kyle, who had been watching the two of them all day, stood up. "Cartman." He turned to the boy next to him, Stan. "Stan."

All eyes were focused on the Jew.

"I've learned something these past few days. Actually, I've learned a couple things."

"Jesus Christ, not this shit," Eric groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, fat boy!" Kyle sneered. "Anyway, I've learned something these past few days. Sometimes people do certain things because it makes them feel better, not because it is good for them. And sometimes it makes them feel so good; they become addicted and lose control. You can't force someone to stop something that makes them feel good; you can only help them control their addiction."

"Thanks, Kyle." Stan smiled. "You know, I've learned something too. Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places. And sometimes, it's those places that understand you the most and become the most helpful, like Kenny was for Butters and Cartman."

"Go fuck yourselves!" Eric hollered, receiving some laughter from the class.

"It's not funny!" Stan growled, crossing his arms. "Kenny died trying to get you two together!"

"Whatevah," Eric spat, rolling his eyes once more.

"I also learned that even the coldest of people can have a fucking heart," Kyle grumbled, eyeing Eric. "They can be complete assholes, but they can truly care for someone."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Jew-boy." Eric waved a hand at Kyle, as if it would shoo him away.

"H-haven't you learned anything?" Butters questioned, placing a hand on Eric's.

"Do you wanna know what I've learned? I've learned that being gay kicks ass!" A smug look plastered on Eric's face.

"You didn't learn a thing about homosexuality not being a disease? Or maybe even that being gay isn't a sign of weakness like you thought?" Kyle hissed.

"I learned that you're a faggot," Eric said, smiling.

"I change my mind. Do you know what I learned today?" Kyle began, "I learned that no matter what, Cartman will always be an asshole; even when he's an ass-fucking asshole!"

Eric stared at Kyle for a moment, trying to register what was being thrown at him. "Hey, wait a minute! I never ass-fucked Butters!"

The End

FINALLY! FINISHED! onto the sequel. Thanks to the polls I made on deviantART, it shall be called Disobey Disorder. I thank my sister, *ShinjiLover, eight million times for Cartman's final dream! She came up with it and wrote it (originally)...then I wrote it in my own words. Thanks so much for the help! (You can't find her version anywhere...she wrote it for me on her computer and gave me the file XD). What do you think? Sorry if it's a bit rushed. :/