Disclaimer: I do not own Phantom of the Opera (the musical OR the movie) or any of the characters within it. I only own my OC, Sylvia.

Foreword: Okay, this is my first fanfiction where I write people singing lines (besides my short Sweeney Todd one, which had few sung lines in it), so if it seems weird, do forgive me! I'll get better at it, I swear! I would also like to acknowledge grapejuice101 for requesting this story. I'm so glad I get to write this! Thank you for the ideas you've given me! And you requested this story at an amazingly good time- I'm obsessed with Phantom and am singing 'Wishing You Were Some How Here Again' in a vocal concert soon! Oh, and anything in italics is singing! Anyway, I hope you like the first chapter! And in the words of the Joker from The Dark Knight: " And here… we… Go."


" Masquerade… Paper faces on parade… Masquerade… Hide your face where the world will never find you…" The words echoed through Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny's head as he heard the music box play the familiar tune. He sat in his wheel chair, now an old man, remembering how the Opera Populaire used to be a spectacle for people for miles around to come see. To see the acting, to listen to the magnificent music and singing, but now, it was a charred husk of what it once was. It had been so long ago since that fiasco had happened all because of… of… that man, yet Raoul remembered it all as if it happened the day before, as if he was still a young man with his beloved Christine by his side.

He sat there, at the public auction inside the opera house, looking at the props that were for sale. He recognized Madame Giry across the room, and that brought back even more memories. The only thing he wanted to purchase was the music box- the music box that was playing that song that reminded him so much of how happy his life had been, and reminded him of Christine. It reminded him of the masquerade ball. The music box was of a monkey dressed in Persian clothing and held two cymbals, that gently clanged together as the music played.

" May I commence at fifteen francs?" The auctioneer asked. A man raised his hand. " Fifteen! Thank you!" Raoul gestured to his nurse, who raised a hand for him. " Yes, twenty from you, sir, thank you very much." Madame Giry raised a hand. " Madam Giry, twenty-five, thank you, Madame. Twenty-five I am bid. Do I hear thirty?" Raoul's nurse raised a hand. " Thirty! And thirty-five…?" The auctioneer asked, looking at Madame Giry. She made eye contact with Raoul and shook her head. " Selling at thirty francs then. Thirty once… thirty twice…" He slammed his gavel down. " Sold, for thirty francs, to the Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you, sir."

A man brought the music box down to Raoul, gently handing it to him. He inspected the familiar music box, remembering.

" A collector's piece indeed… every detail exactly as she said. Will you still play when all the rest of us are dead?" Raoul thought as he gently touched the money's hand.

" Lot six-six-six then! A chandelier in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera…" The auctioneer said. Everyone suddenly snapped to attention and turned to look at the canvas covered chandelier. " A mystery never fully explained. We're told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier, which figures in the famous disaster! Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts of it for the new electric light. Perhaps we can frighten away the ghost of so many years ago, with a little illumination." He nodded to a few men. " Gentlemen!" He said in means of an order.

With a few swift yanks, the canvas was ripped away from the chandelier as it flickered and sparked to life. Men pulled with all their might to lift the chandelier to its once great home in the dome of the opera. A wind blew across everyone's faces as shock fell over them. Everyone could have sworn they could hear the chords of a strong organ playing as the chandelier rose, and the opera was restored to its former glory…

Afterword: There's the prologue! The first chapter will have the OC in it I swear! I just wrote this and the first chapter together and thought it would flow nicer if this was a prologue and the next was the first chapter. I hope you liked it! (Especially you, grapejuice101!) Let me know what you think! REVIEWS WOULD BE LOVED!
~ Mary