Hello, and welcome to my new story! I just needed to get this out, I hope you all enjoy! In this story, The Hellsing organization that is headed By Integra is set in a future timeline. Although, Alucard will be much, much, older than portrayed in the series.

Disclaimer: Do not own Sailor moon, or Hellsing. Just the plot.

'Light calls to darkness, just as darkness calls to light. One cannot exist without the other.'

It was a lesson Cosmos had learned well, after the battle with the chaos-possessed Galaxia. Chaos had been banished back into the darkness of every heart, and she lost everything. While in the galaxy cauldron, Guardian Cosmos had given her the choice of starting over with her loved ones back on earth, or taking up the role of protector of the universe in the place of those who had died so often to do so. "They deserve a life away from all of this. They deserve the happiness denied them so long in the name of duty. Let them be reborn on earth as normal humans with no memory of the past. They protected me for so long, it is time I return the favor." In saying those words, she had broken the future that would have been, and the dreams she would never achieve. Chibiusa faded from existence with a whispered 'momma', taking with her the future of Crystal Tokyo for the final time. 'I am sorry, my sweet daughter. Perhaps we will meet again, someday.' As the senshi's crystals entered the cauldron to be reborn, their respective powers and last thoughts as the people they were at present were sent into Usagi, who floated there in tears.

Sailor Mercury. 'Usagi, you were my greatest friend, and I can never thank you enough for what you have done for me. I wish you had chosen differently, my princess. None of the senshi ever resented the lives we had serving you. I love you, my princess, and best friend..always.'

Sailor Mars. 'Usagi, why? I never wanted it to be this way, and I am sure no one else did, either! I can't accept that you will be all alone, fighting these battles forever! I don't want a life where I won't remember my best friend, and the lives we had together! Usagi!' Her pleas went unanswered, because Usagi knew that her choice was the right one for them all.

Sailor Jupiter. ' I don't like this at all, bunny! Why must you be the only one to suffer the destiny that belonged to us all? I accepted my place by your side, and fought for a bright future! Why did you choose to take all that we exist for away, Usagi? Why must you fight alone?' Usagi smiled at the concerned voice of the strongest inner senshi. ' Mako-chan, you all deserve a life away from this. I am sorry, but this must be, or you all will keep dying for a future that was never up to you. Go, and rewrite your own destiny. Live your life, make your own path. I love you.'

Sailor Venus. 'Usagi, what kind of leader would I be, if I didn't understand where you are coming from? I just wish that it could be different. Fighting alongside you, and protecting you has been a great honor, and I will always love you, my princess.'

Sailor Uranus. 'Koneko, I don't accept this. You, fighting alone for all time? You deserve better than a fate like that. In the lives that you send us to, don't you think we will feel that something is missing? Like piece of us is out of reach? Promise me that if things ever become too much, that you will awaken us. Please, koneko...' Usagi shook her head. 'I am sorry, my friend. It will be out of my power to do so. You will be reborn as human, but I will never forget the lessons you have taught me. Goodbye, Haruka.'

Sailor Neptune. 'Princess, you have come so far, and learned so much. I am proud of you. Know that I never regretted a second of serving you, and wish that you would still allow us to do so. Thank you for this chance, I just wish you to find happiness as well. Be well, princess.'

Sailor Pluto. 'Since the beginning of time, I have stood guarding the gates of time, and the beginnings of your great legacy. Now, my princess, you will guard all that is until the end of time. I never wished that burden to fall on you, sweet Serenity. I know that your mother would be proud of the maturity you have reached, and I am proud as well. You will forever be in my heart.'

Sailor Saturn. 'For so long, I was the darkness in your court of light, princess. I carried the burden of death and the chance of rebirth through the ages, and it saddens me that you will soon know that fate. You are pure sweetness, dear princess, and now you must be strong as well. In my last act as the goddess of death and rebirth, I bless you, Princess Serenity, with the knowledge of the ages, and the strength and resolve to carry on though the darkest times. I love you.'

The last to go was the hardest on her, and she broke down in the gentle light of her love's crystal. 'Usako… I have loved you through the ages, and I will love you forever, in my heart. Even if my mind won't recall, my heart will carry the ocean of love I have had for you over the centuries. I wish I could stay with you, and give you the life you deserve, but I understand you are doing the same for me, in this moment. I love you with all that I am, my moon princess. I hope we meet again.' Usagi clenched her eyes shut, trying to ebb the flow of tears. 'Mamo-chan…Endymion, I am so sorry that we never had the life we dreamed of. We were star-crossed from the beginning, though I never regretted any part of it. I love you enough to gift you with a life of peace. Go, and live your dreams. You will always be in my heart, my sweet prince of Earth.'

She looked into the light to the cauldron, and watched as her loved ones disappeared. "Live well, my precious ones. In the name of the moon…" She was transformed forever into the queen of the stars, the protector of balance, Sailor Cosmos. Usagi, a sweet girl from earth with the biggest heart anyone ever saw, was no more, and all traces of once was in that life vanished. Now, she lived to combat and banish the darkness that would dare to disrupt the peace she had given all for.

And so, years passed as she adapted into her new life, fighting off any forms of Chaos she discovered. Time moved on, and the world forgot, as did anyone who once had part in the legacy of the silver millennium. She watched over Earth often, looking into the lives of the reincarnations of her dear ones, until darkness made it self known to her. 'Curious…' At long last, Cosmos would descend to Earth into a fight she had no idea existed.

No Interaction with the Hellsing cast just yet, but we will have some next chapter. Review! Ideas are welcome, but no flames. Parings will come into play, some might surprise you.