Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Torchwood , it all belongs to the BBC and RTD
Summery: This is AU story there are no weevil or alien, the only connection to Torchwood are the characters names, Jack Harkness and his husband Ianto Jones are lawyers living in London, Jack mother plot to get him back in Cardiff, to take his rightful place at Harkness Enterprises alongside his father and brother, with the help of Gwen unaware of his marriage.
A/N:This chapter has been REVISED,Many thanks to the awesome '' DarkwingDuckie'' who's editing an suggestions improved this story. PLEASE REVIEW
The Harkness Family was one of Cardiff's wealthiest and prestigious families'.In high society circles, any association with them spoke volumes.
At university, Jackson Harkness set two goals for himself; one, to own his own company and second, to marry Katherine Swanson. She was a beautiful, strong,independent, and outspoken woman who knew what she wanted and let nothing stand in her way to accomplish it. These qualities are what attracted Jackson Harkness to her at university but after forty years, two sons, and grandchildren those qualities had become annoying.
Jackson often wondered if his wife's need to control their sons' lives lead to his eldest's, Jackson Harkness Jr. (also called Jack), choice to live and continue his education in London instead of joining the family business (Harkness Enterprises) after graduation. Jackson also believed this made Katherine more determined to keep their youngest son, Gray, at home under her control.
Years later after graduation and with the overwhelming approval of his mother,Gray took his place along his father's side in the family business.
After Gray's marriage to Keri and the birth of their two children, Katherine insisted they remain living on the Harkness estate where the Harkness' built another home for Gray's family.
Sometime Keri would get frustrated with Katherine's interference in her family's life (secretly referring to her as the Queen Mother wannabe) but, at the same time, she liked the benefits and status of being a part of thisfamily. Additionally, the Harkness' adored their grandchildren, Tommy and Alice.
Katherine sat at the breakfast table drinking her morning coffee as her husband, Jackson, read the financial section in the morning paper.
Putting her cup down Katherine sighed, ''Jackson, I think this year we should invite the kids to the main house for the holiday. I've talk to Esther and James (the family servants) and they have agreed to help with the preparations before they leave for the holiday."
"That will be fine dear," Jackson replied, slightly annoyed by the interruption knowing no matter what his opinion, she always did as she pleased.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MLNY~~~~~~~~~~~
As the wind blew the heavy downpour of rain against their window, Jackson Harkness Jr. and his partner, Ianto Jones, lay wrapped in each other's arms after indulging in a round of passionate sex wanting to make this time between them last. They knew when the sun rose Jack would be leaving for Cardiff after his mother's phone invitation insisting her son come home for the holiday.
Jack and Ianto have been married a year. Jack loved his parents but knew that they, and especially his mother, wouldn't approve of his lifestyle. Spooning Ianto and pulling him even closer Jack smiled thinking back to the first time he laid eyes on his gorgeous husband.
Both were lawyers working in the same building but for different firms. Ianto had heard gossip about Jack, a ruthless lawyer who never lost a case. So, when Ianto's best friend, Tosh, and her husband, Dr. Owen Harper, invited him over for dinner, he had no idea that Owen's friend from university would be there or that he was none other than the prestigious Mr. Jack Harkness Jr.
The roar of thunder caused Ianto to stir and Jack kissed his neck, pulling him even closer.
"Jack, what's wrong?" Ianto whispered, "You need to sleep, you have a long trip tomorrow."
"I was just thinking about how hard you made me work for your love and hate being away from you," Jack paused, "I really think I should tell my parent about us."
"Jack, from what you told me about your mother, do you really think she would openly accept her son's marriage to another man? As for me making you work for my love, you enjoyed every minute and you know it," Ianto smirked.
"Yes I did and now you're all mine," Jack replied kissing him.
Morning arrived too soon for Jack and Ianto and as they said goodbye at the airport,Ianto couldn't shake the uneasy feeling. He had never met Jack's mother but his instinct told him she was someone you never turned your back on.
Later, Ianto arrived at his office to find Tosh already there bringing him files he would need for court. Tosh and Ianto had been friends since grade school and she knew when something was bothering him.
Ianto told Tosh of his uneasy feeling about Jack's return home for the holidays. Tosh thought that Ianto was being paranoid since this would be their first holiday apart. She insisted he spend it with her and Owen but Ianto had already made plans with his sister, Rhiannon, and her family.
Jack removed his luggage from the cab smiling as he looked at the family home,thinking how he needed to visit more often. But then he realized the reason for staying away, his mother and her desire to control every aspect of his life. He often wondered how Gray and his father dealt with her on a daily basis.
Quietly opening the door he could hear his mother giving the family's long time servants, James and Esther, instructions concerning dinner. He walked inafter leaving his bags in the foyer.
"James, Esther, she's not paying you enough; demand more money," he teased.
Hearing his voice, Katherine turned and embraced her son as tears of joy streamed down her face. Esther and James also welcomed Jack Jr. home before leaving the room.
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