Yes, this is the FINAL CHAPTER of The Mirror. Which I've been working on this story a long time, so it feels good to get it finished.

I want to say thank you to you all, my dear, dedicated readers. I dedicate this story to every single one of you who kept reading and reviewing the whole time. Thank you all.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry if it's not very long or not very good…

"You can really send us home?" our Ethan asked, watching this Jesse curiously.

"Yes. You helped me destroy him. I promised her I would send you four home if you did. Are you ready?" Ethan and Benny shared a look before nodding.

"I guess so," they mumbled together, looking at Sarah and Rory.

"Yes, let's go home! I'm starving!" Rory exclaimed, pouting.

"I need to check up on Erica, so yeah, let's get going." Benny and Ethan turned to their other selves and smiled.

"It was … interesting. Meeting you all and everything. Seeing what we would be like as vampires," Ethan said, waving at them.

"And thanks … for getting us together," Benny said, reaching for Ethan's hand. The other Benny and Ethan nodded, smiling.

"Hope you guys get home okay. Maybe next time we'll come to your universe-slash-dimension and bother people," this Ethan says, smiling happily. This Benny just nodded in agreement, smiling as well.

"Ethan," this Sarah said, walking up to him and hugging him. "Thanks for getting me and Rory together. I couldn't be happier. So thank you, so much."

"No problem. Now if only my Sarah and Rory could see how perfect they are together."

"I see it!" Rory said enthusiastically, smiling at our Sarah, who just shook her head.

"Not gonna happen anytime soon."

"Later then!" Rory said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Well, now that your goodbyes are said, are you ready to go home?" Jesse asked, smiling at the four teenagers, who all nodded. "Okay then, follow me." They followed him deeper into the house, towards an empty bedroom. "In here." They stopped outside of the closet door, where a door length mirror was situated. This mirror had a decorative edge, different animals carved into it.

"Do we just touch it?"

"Yes. Touch it and it'll take you where you need to go. I hope you all get home safely. And thank you all again for your help."

"No problem. We're happy to get rid of him, trust us on that," Benny said, holding onto Ethan's hand tightly. "Ready to go home E?" Ethan nodded and using their free hands, they touched the mirror at the same time, causing a light to engulf them.

Ethan and Benny each fell to the ground with a hard thud, causing each boy to groan out in pain. A smaller thud soon joined them, followed by another.

"You dorks need to learn to land on your feet," Sarah said, straightening up and dusting herself off.

"Well sorry we're not all immortal with awesome reflexes," Ethan said, sitting up, rubbing his head. "I'm really beginning to hate inter-dimensional travel."

"Me too," Benny muttered, sitting up and shaking his head. "You okay?" he instantly asked Ethan, pulling him closer.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good," Benny said, smiling.

"No one's worried about me?" Rory complained from his spot on the floor. He had yet to get up. Sarah walked over and nudged him with the toe of her boot.

"You okay?"

"Aww Sarah you care!" he said, jumping up and hugging her, causing her to laugh.

"Let go of me you dork," she said, pushing him away. He just smiled and went happily.

"Hey Sarah, you wanna go hunt together? It can be a date!" Sarah rolled her eyes but smiled at him.

"Sure. One date can't hurt." Rory shared a surprised look with Benny and Ethan before smiling.

"Let's go Sarah!" he says, reaching for her hand.

"No hand holding!" Benny and Ethan both started laughing as they walked home holding hands.

"Wanna watch a movie when we get back to my house?" Ethan asked hopefully, smiling at his boyfriend.

"I'd love to."

Once back at Ethan's house and in his room, Benny and Ethan were cuddled on his bed, watching a movie, enjoying being home. Ethan was sitting with his back against Benny's chest, who had his arms around the shorter boy. They were enjoying the contact when Benny got an idea.

"Hey E… You know… we didn't get to spend much couple time in the other dimension."

"Which is why we're cuddling and watching a movie right now."

"Yeah … but I wanna do this," Benny said, turning Ethan's face to his so he could kiss him. Ethan smiled into the kiss and turned himself around so he could wrap his arms around Benny. They moved their lips against each other perfectly as Benny moved them so they were laying back, Ethan on top of him. Benny's hands found their way down to the hem of Ethan's shirt, pushing up slightly, causing the shorter boy to shiver at the contact. Before he could move the shirt any further, a voice yelled at them from the other side of the door.

"BENJAMIN WEIR! STOP MAKING OUT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND AND GET OUT HERE SO I CAN YELL AT YOU!" Benny's Grandma called out, knocking harshly on the door.

"Dammit," Benny muttered as Ethan moved off of him, trying to control his laughter. Benny opened Ethan's bedroom door, frowning. "How'd you get into Ethan's house?"

"His mother let me in. Now let me tell you what you did wrong this time…" her voice got muffled as Benny shut Ethan's bedroom door, leaving Ethan in his room alone, where he burst out laughing.

"Ahhh, it's good to be home."

End! Yes, end of this story. So, I hope the ending wasn't too bad.

Once again, thank you to all my dear dedicated readers who stuck by me in this story.

Thanks again you guys,
