Taz lay in bed, brown eyes wide open. She stared at the stained ceiling of her room, counting the pockmarks. Her mind was racing far too much for her to even consider sleep. She glanced quickly over at the alarm clock beside her. 10:58; It was going to be a long night.

Commander Up was on a mission; gone without her. He refused to let her come, and when she threatened him, the other members of the team started talking.

"Hey! Taz has the hots for Up!" Krayonder said.

He was now sitting in the Hospital wing with a broken nose and arm.

It hadn't really been her fault. It was his fault and she knew it. He better know it by now too.

Taz looked over at the clock again. 11:00.

She sat up quickly in bed, kicking off the heavy covers. She adjusted her white tank top so that the straps were no longer falling off her shoulders. The tiny Lieutenant swung her feet over the side of the bed; they didn't touch the floor.

Taz stood up, and paced around her room, petite feet padding the ground. Why couldn't she sleep? It wasn't like her to get so caught up in a mission.

But that was just it. She wasn't caught up in a mission; she was caught up in a man, a man far greater in age. He knew much more than she did, he had far more experience than her. But she didn't care. She loved him. And he loved her too. At least, she hoped he did.

Taz's eyes flashed to the clock again, paranoid. Why was time moving so slowly? She began to suspect that Tootsie had tried pulling a prank on her.

She stomped out of her room, settling down in the mess hall. She was planning out her revenge when her eyes settled on the clock hanging on the far wall. 11:11.

There was something special about this moment. A memory tugged at Taz's mind. She remembered back to when she was a little girl, growing up in a man's world.

"Hey Taz,"her father had said. "Look at what time it is."

Taz was laying on the floor, playing with her action figures, a Starship Ranger in one hand and an alien in the other. She then raised her eyes to the clock on the wall.

"11:11" she responded, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Yes. When it's 11:11, you need to make a wish. But be sure not to tell anyone, or it won't come true," Her father grinned. "Now wish!"

Taz scrunched her eyes shut.

"I wish Up was back." She whispered to herself. She opened her eyes again, and surveyed the room. No Up. She began to walk back to her room, disappointed, but was stopped.

"Looking for someone?" A familiar voice called from behind her.

Taz grinned. She slowly turned to face the voice. Her smile faded when she saw the wound on his brow.

"You idiot!" She yelled! She ran towards him. He opened his arms for a hug; she punched him in the face.

"Still having hard feelings I guess." Up said, and massaged his jaw.

"What were you thinking?" She balled her hands into fists, preparing to punch him again.

"I… I…" Up tripped over his words. He settled his hands over her tiny fists.

Taz couldn't take it anymore.

She stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him. The kiss was soft at first, but increased in intensity as the pair realized how much they missed each other. Her tiny hands wrapped around his neck; his hands on the back of her head, and on her back.

Footsteps echoed behind the Lieutenant and her Commander.

"Oh my god! Taz and Up! I... Oh my god!" Krayonder shouted.

Taz broke off the kiss, an evil twinkle in her eyes again. She looked into Up's eyes and smiled cruelly.

"Krayonder get your scrawny little ass over here!" She shouted. She quickly sprinted after the fleeing Starship Ranger.

"That's my girl." Up said quietly.