
What can I say? The last chapter! I wrote it, and I hope you guys like it. In last chapter I mean the end of this story, but you can follow the adventures of Elphaba in Rain's adventures in the magical New York. Here you will see how Fiyero and the rest will head to New York. Meet Idina Menzel, Kristin Chenoweth, Leo Norbert Butz, Taye Diggs and many more. And see how they react to the Ozians!

What happens to Out of Oz? I have written some things that have never appeared in the chapters, and now I'm going to try to make it in to more of a book. How am I going to share it? I have no idea yet, but I will let you know. Are there things in the Out of Oz- universe that you would like to see. Tell me in a review. Tell your friends of Out of Oz, I am glad you joined the journey. I had a fun run, and I hope to continue this story for many years. Thank you for the love and all the honor.

Enjoy this chapter,

Tell me in a review, what your overall idea is of Out of Oz! Thank you.

People go check out the new story 'Rain's adventures in the magical New York.

Chapter 21: When the end comes around…

Elphaba turned to the door, she wanted to open it. Why? She had no idea. Maybe she wanted to know who was behind it, if that person was here to help them. Or maybe here to see what they were up to. She stared in the room, Dorothy was standing right next to her. Elphaba turned in the room, to notice that Rain wasn't there.
"Open the door…" Elphaba called out. "It's my daughter who's in the middle of having a nightmare…"

Elphaba threw the door open. She noticed that the very mild wind felt amazing in her hair. Why had she thrown open the door this way? Did she want to scare away anyone who was in front of it? A low pitch scream was heard, Elphaba couldn't identify the scream. She didn't know if it belonged to an Animal or any human inside the rebellion. One thing was sure, the scream did not belong to her daughter.

"Please, don't hurt me…" The lion lowered his head and showed the fear within. Elphaba remembered him, this was the same lion she had rescued from the hands of the wizard. The very lion that followed around Dorothy.
"Oh, cowardly lion." Dorothy said as she threw her arms around him. "Thank Oz, you're okay."

"No, thank Oz." Elphaba turned to him. She pointed to the share and told him to sit down. "What are you doing? Did Madame Morrible want you to spy on us?"
"No." He started to shake. "I swear it you, miss Elphaba. I owe you my gratitude. You've saved my life, when anyone watched by. It took a lot more than courage to leave. It's my gratitude towards you that brought me here…"
"Brr, what's wrong?" Glinda took a step in his direction.

"Gratitude my ass…" Boq took a step on. "You were just as determent to end Elphaba's life. You were with us, don't tell me that your cowardly nature kept you from being here. So tell us why you were send here, everything!"
"I'm not send." Brr spoke "If Morrible knew I was here, she would kill me. What I'm about to say, will ruin her plan."
"Talk…" Elphaba put her hand on his back. "We're all here for you, if you tell us we will protect you. No matter what. I promise you. Do you believe me?"

"I do." The lion nodded his head ."It's awful."
"What's going on?" Fiyero took a step in front of Elphaba, he turned to the cowardly lion. "Is there anything we need to know? Is she up to something?"
"It's not something she's up to…" The lion paused "It's something she knows, that you don't. Something that could end up killing everyone here."
"Wait a tiktok second?" Glinda raised an eyebrow. "What is she going to do?"
Glinda's words made the room ice cold and quiet. It had never been so quiet in this room, Fiyero wanted to say something, but any word would be able to cause a riot. Panic was created to easily, so Fiyero just kept his mouth. Elphaba had an expression of fear on her face. Fear like no one had ever seen. She turned back to Brr, the lion. Right now he was playing with his tail, fear was in his eyes. She had never seen this fear in his eyes before, when they were rescuing him in Shiz. Right than there was nothing she could do, she hadn't dared to remove him from the cage. Right now she pulled him in her arms, stroking his back.
"It's going to be okay." Elphaba whispered "Brr, it's going to be okay. I value your courage to defy Madame Morrible. You did good. Right now, you should lay down. We'll talk about things after we dealt with Madame Morrible."

"Then it might be too late…" Brr spoke once more again. He turned his eyes to Elphaba, her hands were still stroking his back. He did feel whole lot better. But this couldn't wait until later. "Madame Morrible has her hands on a prophecy about the island. The prophecy says that the island will be opened to a person from this world, one from another and one that is from both worlds. She thinks that you, Glinda and Dorothy can open the entrance to the island, after that she can kill us all. Elphaba, she's going let you witness the deaths of everyone you love."
"She hopes it will turn her dark." Fiyero put an arm around Elphaba. "And if Elphaba turns dark, Madame Morrible can use the Grimmiere. It will make their power unlimited."
"How do we know that this does not belong to her plan?" Baxiana spoke "This works in her plan. Now we know what to do to open the island, so with other the island will be open. And she'll be able to kill everyone."

"I don't believe that." Elphaba pulled the lion behind her back. She felt how he moved closer so he didn't have to face the group of people. "I have saved him one day. You believe that someone with a plan of evil would be so scared for the very leader he believes in. Why would he be shivering like this?"
"Elphaba's right." Glinda moved towards her. "He's not here in Madame Morrible's name. He's here to help us."

"Then we still need to be careful." Baxiana spoke "We don't know if the force field of the island will keep protecting us. We don't know if it will stay up, after wards. We need to know if we can win"
"We out power her." Dorothy spoke "Right?"
"Madame Morrible…" Anne stepped towards them. She was still in her chicken form. "She's not going to out power you. She's going to black mail you."
"Black mail?" Glinda raised an eyebrow. "Would she do that? She wouldn't fight…"

"She's always done that…" Elphaba spoke "We'll have to think our plan through. Right?"

Fiyero turned in the small family library. Elphaba had started to work on their strategy. She had not forgotten the pain of losing a daughter, but she was good in ignoring that pain in her body. With that the stress seemed to be more in change. The 5 month pregnant Elphaba didn't think about her special condition. She thought she was powerful enough to keep going. Fiyero worried about her nature. In her previous pregnancies it hadn't done anything. It was only the very first child they had lost by the traces of Elphaba's stubbornness. Fiyero looked through the books, to find something that Elphaba could simple read. Read and just lay down, but Fiyero doubted that she would do that. Elphaba was to stubborn.
"Daddy..;" A voice came from the other side of the room. He saw Rain standing there, she was wearing a sleeveless red dress. One that Elphaba had made for her.

"What's it darling?" Fiyero smiled to her.
"I'm worried about mom." Rain sat as she sat down on the table so she could stare right in her father's eyes. "She's stressed out of her mind, looking for a plan. I know that Glinda and Dorothy can come up with a plan, they don't need her…"
"Don't tell that little detail to your mom." Fiyero smiled, he touched Rain's nose. "You know how she gets when people don't seem to need her."
"I could replace her…" Rain smiled "I can do magic."

"Off course you can super hero." Fiyero pulled her in his arms. He threw her over his shoulder as she walked around the room. Rain laughed as Fiyero pulled her once again over his shoulder. He put her on the floor, and slowly patted her back. Rain started to run around the table, she laughed as she put her arms around his leg. Fiyero pulled her once again in his arms.
"I love you, Rain." Fiyero kissed her head. "I'm so sorry that I didn't show you. You know that your dad and all of us lost your sister. We all miss her…"
"I miss her too, daddy." Rain stared at the books. "Dad are there books on myths?"
"Many pumpkin." Fiyero smiled "Why?"

"Help me find them." Rain smiled "I need to figure something out."
"Sure, I will pumpkin." Fiyero picked her up, so she could see the books on the top shelves. Rain's reading had improved the last months that she could read books for adults, she didn't need help. Right now she liked to make everyone believe that she did need help. Sometimes she would ask her mom she needed help. In reality she didn't need any real help. It made her mother proud, she believed that it wouldn't work the same way on her father.

"What has happened to you in this last few months?" Fiyero smiled at the girl. "You were never this smart."
"I always was, dad." Rain smiled as she pulled a book from the shelves. Fiyero read that the book was about ancient spells, a book that Elphaba herself read a few times. Fiyero turned to her.
"What are you planning?" Fiyero turned to her.
"It's a secret." Rain smiled "You won't understand, daddy. Mommy says you are brainless."
"Rain…" Fiyero moved his hand over her hair. Another smile appeared on her tiny face. Fiyero placed her on his lap. Rain read the book, as Fiyero started to bread her hair. Elphaba made this seem like such an easy job, he had struggled with this for many months. It was only a year ago, he had learned it. Now he seemed to like to bread Rain's hair. It was Glinda Rose that didn't like her hair breaded.
"What are you looking at?" Fiyero spoke once more again.

"I have a plan daddy." Rain smiled "You can't tell mommy."
"Rain, you're just 5." Fiyero turned to her. "You need to tell me what you're up to. So I can tell your mommy, and she can…"
"You don't trust me!" Rain jumped of his lap. "You think I can't do anything. I'm 5 years old! I'm not a child anymore!"

"Rain, that's exactly what you are!'" Fiyero put his hand on her shoulders. "You are a child, Rain! A five year old child! You can't pretend that you're an adult. Why the need to grow up so fast?"
"Why the need to stay like this?" Rain turned to him. "I'm just as smart as mommy. I'm just as good in magic as mommy. I am an adult witch, I can do level 5 spells. Than why can't I do spell to my full ability?"
"Because it's dangerous!"' Fiyero turned to her. "Do you know what happens in battle? People try to get you killed. That's how things work in the real life, you can't compare magic spells in here, with them in the real world. You are not fast enough, I know your brain is good. But you're just a child. Why don't you give yourself more time?"

"Dad, I know how I can save everyone…" Rain stared at him. "Please dad, why won't you let me?"
"Because, we can't lose you to." Fiyero pulled her in his arms. "You're my little girl."

"Rain, promise me." Fiyero stared at her. "Promise me that you can't do anything. Promise you that you will let the fighting to Glinda, mommy and myself. Maybe even Dorothy. Okay?"
"Okay." Rain looked away. "Can you handle me that copy of Les Misérables? I would like to read a bit…"

"You are a daughter of your mom." Fiyero smiled

Glinda turned around, they had been making plans for hours now. Elphaba hadn't slept in days. She had been practicing with the new wand and she had been looking in the Grimmiere. She had been planning the spells and about how they were going to do. Elphaba had figure out they needed to stand in a row, while holding hands. It was Elphaba that needed to say the spell. They needed to do the spell to find the island together to.

Elphaba was sure that Madame Morrible would trace the magic she would be using. She knew that Madame Morrible would be on her tail, the moment she would let the spell escape. They didn't have enough time. Elphaba turned to Glinda, she had been speaking words of worry the whole day. Next to her was Brr, the cowardly lion.
"Would you like to sleep for a bit?" Elphaba smiled at him. She slowly stroked his back. "You look really tired, sweetie."

"No, I'm okay, Elphie." Brr spoke "But I think everyone agrees that you should sleep a bit."
"We can do this by our self." Dorothy spoke "You need to sleep, if not for yourself than do it for the baby."
"Yes, Elphie." Glinda touched her hand. "You look tired, I mean you can leave me in charge right."

"Off course." Elphaba spoke "I will sleep for an hour? Is that okay? I can't sleep for too long after all…"
"We will wake you up…" Dorothy laughed "Before we go-go.."
"That's some reference I don't understand."

Dorothy watched how Elphaba left the room. She walked up the stairs towards the bedrooms. Glinda smiled as she put an arm around the lion. They started to talk about their approach. It was Glinda's idea to keep soldiers near the entrance to the island. Merlia would be protecting the rest of the soldiers with magic. She had to stop Madame Morrible.
"Are you sure that she can stop a witch of Madame Morrible's age?" Dorothy spoke "Elphaba couldn't stop her by herself, what makes you say Merlia can. I mean.."
"I so can!" Merlia spoke "I mean Glinda believes I can…"

"I think we should put some more, witches." Baxiana spoke
"I don't know if you checked anything the last time." Glinda spoke "But we have only witch that is not busy with opening the island, we can't actually put more people on the mission. And practicing magic takes time…"
"What about the young child?" Brr spoke "She looks capable of doing magic."

"You are talking about using my five year old granddaughter in battle?" Baxiana spoke "She's five, she's not a full blown witch, you will bring in her in danger. I say no to that plan."
"I second that." Glinda spoke "We can't send a child in battle. We're not immoral. Elphaba will be pissed if we do.."

"Look I think we should…" Now it was Boq who spoke. "I know it's cruel, but mentally she's not five."
"Just because she thinks she's older, doesn't mean we should see her as an adult." Glinda spoke "You treat kids as kids, because they are kids. If you let Rain fight among us, she'll be convinced she's just as much of an adult as we are. I don't think that is what she's supposed to think."
"Plus Elphaba wouldn't take it good…" Dorothy spoke "Would teaching someone magic take that long?"
"It depends…" Glinda raised her shoulders. "If you're like Elphaba, a week. If you're like me a month. Not fast enough. Every day we take longer, the longer Madame Morrible has to match our power."

"That is true…" Dorothy spoke "Right now, we have the power of surprise, but every day she'll get more forces to join her. She'll get more powerful."
"That's right." Glinda reacted "So we'll have to fight…"
"Teach me…" Dorothy stood up. "Teach me magic."
"You don't want me to do that." Glinda spoke "I'm not going to teach you Dorothy. We are the witches of Oz, we will need to save Oz, that is not your job. Let us do our job. Don't pretend you are the one that is going to save Oz. We don't want you to get in more danger."

"That's it Dorothy." Glinda turned to her. "I know what's best. The wizard didn't have a problem with using you as a messenger, but I do!"

Dorothy stepped away from Glinda. Why did she even believe Dorothy wouldn't be able to protect Oz? Why did the bubbly blond insist that she and only she would protect Oz? Has she not proved her devotion to the land when she was 16 years old? Or didn't it mean the same as the blond who had grown up in the land?
Dorothy rolled her eyes, why did she even need Glinda's permission to learn magic? She could learn it by herself. This castle would have a big library, all big castles had a big library. Didn't they?
She took a step on and followed the halls. She loved old castles, there was something about them that enchanted her mind. It mas the musicality in them. It seemed that most castles played its own song, all you needed to do was listen. It seemed that this castle would belong to the phantom. Dorothy smiled. She turned around the corner and ended up in the library. On the sides she could see high bookcases, there was a ladder that had been used only a few moments ago. Books were on the table. She could read most of them were about magic. Protection magic. She saw there was a paper full of notes. She recognized the handwriting,

It belonged to Rain Tiggular. The young girls she considered a baby sister. Her handwriting was as perfect as it could be, for a five year old she was to smart. Her teacher would throw her out, since there would be nothing for her to learn. She turned around, as a high scream entered her ears.

The next moment Dorothy noticed that a small body was on the floor. Next to that there were a few books. A laugh came from the body. Rain smiled as she moved her hands to the books.
"Oh my Shiz, I thought you were dad." Rain smiled "Don't tell him I'm in here. And not reading Les Mis…"

"Aren't you a bit too young for that book?"
"Not really…" Rain took the book. "Mathilda read the same books as I did. I could read Charles Dickens all day too."
"what are you doing anyway?"
"Why are you asking me?"
"I know that you can't do that." Dorothy spoke "I know that your dad won't like it, when I tell him you're up to something. Right, isn't it?"
"I'm always up to something." Rain smiled "They know that. You do know I'm never up to nothing, my parents know me. So you…"
"They don't know you're up to magic."

Rain looked up to Dorothy. Dorothy's eyes were serious, she saw that Dorothy wasn't going to give up. She turned around and grabbed the book, she opened it up to a page. Her eyes returned to Dorothy's face, that had softened up. Rain slowly moved the book towards her, so she could read it. Dorothy moved her hand over the pages.
"Why do you want to use this spell?"
"Because, if there's no force field, this can create one." Rain explained "The other spell will create a vortex, if it's complete, Madame Morrible's power will be consumed by it. She will die."

"But anything magical that comes near it, does to…" Dorothy pushed the book to her. "If you want to complete the spell, you will have to be near it. Rain, this is suicide."
"It's not…" Rain smiled "I am fast."
"You are too proud." Dorothy spoke "There's no way you can complete the spell, and be able to survive. What can this vortex do more?"
"It reverses any spell…" Rain turned to Dorothy. "It will turn Madame Morrible to her former self, which was dead. To me it can't too anything, so it could kill me…"

"It could?"
"You can't tell mom." Rain spoke "You promised!"
"I didn't." Dorothy spoke "And I wouldn't have told if this spell was not something that could kill you. "
"So what were you doing here?"

Dorothy noticed how the silence returned to the room. Rain has crossed her arms over her chest. She stared at Dorothy with a smile on her face. It seemed like she was almost able to read Dorothy's mind. Dorothy looked up to turn away from Rain's eyes, she noticed that she was unable to escape the eyes of the young five year old. Only a few seconds later she noticed that the little girl was hovering over the floor.
"How did you learn that?" Dorothy spoke "Hover over the floor? How did you learn magic? Who thought you?"

"I did." Rain admitted.
"So what do you need to teach magic?" Dorothy turned to her. "Is it anything but the will to learn?"
"Well, will goes a far way." Rain spoke "Anyone has the ability to become a witch, most don't want to. It took me a day to learn a simple spell. I was three…"
"So can you…" Dorothy spoke "If you teach me, I can help you with the protection spell. Or I can try to protect my family, you guys are…"
"You really want to learn…"

"And you won't treat me like a child anymore?"
"Not when you are the teacher."
"And you will bake me cookies whenever I ask?"
"I didn't…" Dorothy rolled her eyes. "Yes."
"Good." Rain smiled "I will teach you, if you make me cookies right now. I want chocolate chip cookies."
"If I make you cookies, will we start the lesson right now?"
"You get me cookies, I will teach you a spell." Rain gave another smile "That's the deal."

"Oh boy."

Elphaba woke up as she felt the baby kick once more. She rolled her eyes, the war that was coming made her scared. Was it really a war? Or a simple battle that would take longer? What was the difference between a war and a battle? They already fought, so people would consider this the first Ozian war. She hoped the first would be the only one. She hoped that no one would ever bring anyone back from the dead. It was that had started all of this. All of their problem.

"Are you still tired?" It was Fiyero's voice. "I saw you were asleep, so I thought I would let you sleep. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Yero." Elphaba smiled
"Sometimes I mind that Rain is exactly like you." Fiyero admitted "I wish she had my brain. She wouldn't be so courageous and smart. It's a bad combination, Fea. And you know that. I think this could become her dead. What are we going to do? Do you even know what your battle strategy will be?"

"Partly." Elphaba admitted. "Why are you worried about Rain's kind nature? I thought that was you love about me and her. I mean you always…"
"Yeah, but it's that same kind nature that ended us here as fugitives. It's that kind nature that is going to get you and Rain killed. She's just a five year old, but she wants to be treated as an adult. There are times you talk to her, it almost seems that you are talking to an adult. She's a child. Elphaba, you can't let her have all this books. I mean Les Misérables. She's five years old, she's not supposed to read or write. She's supposed to play with her toys, like Glinda Rose…"
"Look how she ended up…" Elphaba spoke "How dangerous it may be. Fiyero, this is who she is. We can't change her. You know that right?"
"I wish I could…" Fiyero hugged her "I wish I didn't have to be this worried about her. When does it get better?" "Never." Glinda whispered. "I mean Talésa isn't even like Rain, but I worry about her to. It's normal, it's what parents do."

"Glinda is there a plan?" Elphaba stood up. "Is there?"
"We open the island…" Glinda spoke "And Merlia keeps Madame Morrible away…"
"Isn't there anyone else that can protect with magic alongside Merlia?" Elphaba spoke "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just I couldn't stop Madame Morrible by myself."
"There's Rain…" Boq spoke who stepped next to Glinda.
"You're not using my daughter for that…" Fiyero spoke

Silence took over as Elphaba thought of the possibility. Why was she even thinking about putting her daughter out there? She shouldn't be thinking about putting her daughter in that kind of danger. But yet she was thinking about the possibility of her daughter being in danger.
"Elphaba!" Fiyero turned to her. "Are you with them?"
"I'm not!" Elphaba spoke "But she could be strong enough to keep her away. No, she's our daughter. Glinda, you teach anyone. I don't care who. You can teach some china girl. Just get someone with Merlia, someone who's not my daughter!"

"See!" Glinda gave him a playful push." I told you."
"See what I mean?" Fiyero spoke "You were thinking of Rain as an adult? You thought she was able to do it…"
"I still do…" Elphaba spoke "I believe in my daughter, and I know without any doubt she can do it. That doesn't mean I think she should. You put to little faith in your daughter, she can do anything she puts her mind to. And when she puts her mind to something, no one can stop her."

"Just like someone I know…" Fiyero smiled "She's like you, Fea. I'm proud of the both of you, but at the same time I'm worried. I don't want to lose you. Promise me, you'll be safe."

Rain stepped in the library, she closed the door. She locked the door behind her. Dorothy was already there, she had a plate of cookies in her hand. Rain smiled as she took a cookie in her hand. She started to eat it. Rain smiled as she ate the first . Rain sat down and took a book, it was a book on spells for beginners. Dorothy sat down over her. The child was a fast learner, her reading went almost as fast as Dorothy's.
"So what is the thing you want to learn?" She opened the book. "Levitation? Simple hand magic? Or defensive spells? Or do you want to be able to attack Madame Morrible? Do you want to able to protect yourself and/or kickass?"
"Levitation would be sweet…" Dorothy admitted "How fast can you teach me?"

"3, 4 hours tops." Rain smiled "5, if you're a slow learner. Which I doubt you will be. What else?"
"Some defensive hand magic and maybe a spell or two?" Dorothy spoke "Like moving objects…"

"The art of moving object took me 3 weeks…" Rain opened the book to moving objects. "I know a couple simple spells that are easier. Moving objects are level 3 spells. You don't start with level 3 spells."
"So you will teach me these spells?" Dorothy turned to her. "Will I be able to protect you?"
"If you're smart, than yes." Rain smiled "But you will need to know that Madame Morrible fights dirty, the only way you can win, is if you play dirty too. Don't think about good and evil, the only way good wins is playing dirty. We don't need to stay good, the ends justify the means."
"Wow." Dorothy smiled "Let's start…"
"Here…" Rain handed Dorothy a small wand. It was pink with green jams. Dorothy stared at it, she thought it was beautiful. It looked like something that belonged to both Glinda and Elphaba at the same time. Dorothy put her hands on the small wand. She pointed it to Rain.

"I made it for Glinda Rose's 6th birthday." Rain smiled "It was supposed to be her first wand. She never turned 6. Mom said that 6 would be the age when we could use magic. I didn't wait, Glinda Rose was waiting for it. Yet it never happened. Maybe if she knew magic, she could have protected herself. Maybe I should have thought her myself. I shouldn't…"
"It's not your fault…" Dorothy put an arm around her shoulder. "Never blame yourself for her dead."
"Well..." Rain looked down. "I do blame myself."

Dorothy slowly stood up. She moved in front of the table. Slowly she stared at the book. She read the words, it told her to relax. Happy thoughts, Dorothy thought. That was Peter Pan thought her about flying. So Dorothy closer her eyes and thought of her parents. About when she was little, about having fun. That was all she would need, but nothing happened.
"Happy thoughts?" Rain smiled "You do know it doesn't work like that. Peter Pan had it wrong. You have to take your wand in your hand. Make an eight movement with your wand hand."
"What's my wand hand?"

"The hand you use your wand with." Rain pointed the wand at Dorothy. One of her hands moved up. The wand that Rain had just given her moved in her right hand. Rain smiled. "That is your wand hand. So an eight movement. And pretend your head is very light. Think flying."
"Isn't there a spell?" Dorothy spoke "Like abracadabra?"
"Well, no." Rain smiled "Flying or levitation is non-verbal spell. Fire balls are verbal, when you're not my mom that is. She learned how to summon them without using a wand. Amazing, isn't it?"

"Very?" Dorothy smiled "How about a fire ball?"
"How about you concentrate yourself on levitation?" Rain rolled her eyes. "After that we will go on with a more complicated spell. Beside, fire balls are level 5."
"What level are you at?"


Dorothy moved her wand in 8 movements. She had never known that her right hand would be her wand hand. Especially since she was left handed. Dorothy felt how her head got lighter, but after 5 minutes her feet still didn't want to defy gravity. Frustration got to her.
"Dorothy, it doesn't work the first moment." Rain spoke "You need to relax, if you don't it will never work. Trust me, you will be able to do this. My mom never succeeded in performing a full levitation spell, but that was because she went for flying right away. Okay, calm down."
"Calm down." Dorothy said in her head. She started to move the wand once more again.

"Remember Dorothy, magic is about trust." Rain spoke "You have to relax. Relax and believe you can do it."

Dorothy noticed how time moved around her. Five minutes, nothing had happened. 10 minutes, still nothing had happened. 20 minutes, still nothing had happened. 30 minutes later, she felt like she was flying around the room.
"You did it!" Rain yelled "Dorothy, you did it!"
"I did it!" Dorothy started to make salto's in the air. Rain joined her in the air.

"So…" Dorothy turned to her. "How long did this take you?"
"10 minutes." Rain smiled "When I was like 1."
"Okay, you were raised in this world." Dorothy turned to her. "Wasn't I good?"
"Yeah, you are a fast learner." Rain spoke "How about protective magic?"

Elphaba stared at the battle plan Glinda had come up with. It looked smart, with someone protecting her. She turned to Glinda and gave her a small smile. Elphaba turned towards her.
"Can't Dorothy learn magic?" Elphaba spoke "I mean if she teaches, she will be able to protect herself?"

"I don't think Dorothy needs to protect Oz, she's a child."
"She's in her twenties." Brr spoke "that doesn't count as a child anymore. Does it Glinda?"
"I still look at her as that small child…"Fiyero stepped in the room. "I'm with Glinda, we should keep Dorothy out of the fight. She can stay with the kids."
"She's an adult." Oscar stepped in the room. "An adult that can fight. And I think I want to learn magic…"

"I was in the idea that magic wasn't something anyone could learn." Oscar took a step on. "That's what Madame Morrible told me for years. It was illusions that made me the wizard of Oz, now I want to learn real magic. Can you?"
"I will teach you." Elphaba spoke
"I am going to teach Baxiana." Glinda spoke "That way, we'll out power her. We're going to win."

"I mean how could we not win.."
"Too much pride is not safe." Elphaba said. "We'll have to come up with a safe battle plan."
"We have…" Glinda spoke "Let's attack tomorrow."

"So this will create a force field?" Dorothy stared at the book. "What can I do with a force field?"
"A force field is your strongest defense against an attack. It will keep you standing for hours." Rain explained. "It's your best way to survive. Dorothy, it's important you can do it. So anyway, you have a verbal version. Yet, I'm going to teach you the non-verbal alternative. It's easier and better to protect yourself. Plus, the verbal one can be blocked by an easy spell. So you just move your wand in front of your head. Okay…"
"Rain what now?"

Rain moved in front of her. She was hovering a few feet above the ground, so Dorothy copied her movement. They didn't say anything for the next five minutes. They were turning in circles, all of the sudden a fire ball appeared from her Rain's hands. An invisible shield appeared before Dorothy's hands. For a few seconds she kept the force field
"How did I do that?" Dorothy felt how she landed on the floor. She turned to Rain.

"Remember that feeling." Rain turned to her. "Now try it again. You should think about danger and move your wand in a simple circle. It is very simple. It's actually easier than levitating."

Dorothy moved her wand in a circle. The idea of danger in your head was never fun. She thought of the fire ball, about Madame Morrible. Fear started appear in her fibers. She was thinking about everything. All of the sudden a silver shield appeared in front of her.
"Now keep it up, Dorothy." Rain spoke "Keeping up a shield is the most difficult thing. It takes concentration. Think about protecting the person you love the most. If you do that, you will be okay. I always think about my brother, my
sisters, my mom and dad. If you do that, it will work."

"Okay." Dorothy moved her other hand next to the wand. Her mind went to her friend Anne, her mind went even to the small Rain she considered as her little sister. Dorothy noticed that the shield got a bit bigger and moved around Rain and Dorothy.
"Good, but keep in mind that the bigger the shield, the more effort it takes to keep it up."
"Let's see how it puts up with an attack." Rain moved away from the shield and threw gigantic fireballs at Dorothy. Dorothy's face changed under the pressure. It almost felt like being punched in the stomach. Dorothy tried to keep her shield up. It seemed to work. Dorothy smiled as she returned her eyes to Rain.

"Good job." Rain smiled "You are learning fast."
"What about fire balls?" Dorothy turned to her. "Do you think I can do it, Rain?"
"We can try." Rain smiled "But we can't practice here. The last time I practices with fire balls I burned my entire room. I set fire to my bed."

"Let's go outside."

Elphaba stepped towards her father. A simple spell was something he could do. She didn't know, if he could protect her. But she needed to trust him.
"Trust me, Elphaba." He whispered.
"I do trust you." Elphaba whispered. "It's that woman I don't trust. I don't think the war is going to end well. We had to sacrifice everything. Our home and stuff, for what? A free Oz? A country that takes everyone the way they are.."

"The Oz that I helped to destroy." Oscar spoke "That one I'm going to restore."
"Look at this, Elphaba." Fiyero stepped towards her. Elphaba turned around as she saw an entire colony of dragons. Elphaba smiled as she remembered the dragon that Rain had saved so much months ago.
"Atilea." Elphaba spoke "Why are you here? You are safe in Quox. You don't need to stand with us…"

"We do." Atilea spoke. "You promised we could return to the mountains of Quox, to humans who give us power we will stand with you. We will all stand with you. You want a free Oz, you want the old Oz back. The land where we all lived together. And now we can get that…"

"We want Oz back…" Another dragon said. "And you will get Oz back, we will fight until the last one falls, and then we will rise from the smoke and fight on."
"Why do you trust us all?" Fiyero spoke

"Because you sacrificed everything to fight." Atilea spoke, she looked at Elphaba and Fiyero. "Your child was a victim by the cruelty of war. After all the pain you kept going for a free Oz! That kind of people disserve our loyalty."
"To Oz!" A dragon screamed.
"For Oz!" Atilea screamed "For Elphaba!"

"For Ozma!"Elphaba smiled "Let's attack!"

Elphaba and everyone had started their trip early. They were following the spell in to the mountains. After a few moments it took them over sea. It was Glinda that made a pink ship appear, and it was Elphaba that had turned it to a normal brown ship only a few seconds later. Rain smiled as she stepped on the ship. She was right next to Dorothy. Dorothy smiled to her. Elphaba was steering the ship, she had her wand in her hand.

The events of the past hour was very simple. Elphaba had started the location spell, a bright green orb had been created. They needed to follow that. Right then, they knew that Madame Morrible would be right behind them. Rain had packed her bag earlier. There was food in there, but mostly herbs to create one of the strongest barriers and she had hidden the vortex ingredients from Dorothy. She had promised to Dorothy that she wouldn't do it. Yet, she had lied. She would do the spell, whatever it took. Dorothy had warned her about that spell. She believed that Rain would end up dead.
"So, do you think I will be able to create a fire ball?" Dorothy spoke "I was only able to create on fire ball…"
"It will work…" Rain smiled "I promise you, it will be okay. You should trust yourself, mom says that you are the strongest person, when you believe. You can be anyone…"


Madame Morrible hang over the papers. She stared at the maps of Oz, trying to figure out the location of a magical island wasn't easy. And finding where to enter it, was ever harder. Madame Morrible cursed. She had noticed the absence of the lion. She knew he was running to Elphaba.
"Have you found him?" Madame Morrible spoke

"I'm sorry, Madame." The man kneeled down. "He passed by their borders. We aren't able to pass them. I don't understand why he got passed them and we didn't."
"Because he's an Animal. Elphaba would never shoot an Animal." Madame Morrible spoke "Get going, find him. Or find them. And get them back to me!

"Madame?" the animal behind her spoke "Why don't we just wait? They will lead us to the island, we'll attack when they open the gateway to the island."
"That is actually a good idea!" A smile appeared on her face.

Madame Morrible laughed. Her evil laugh was something that went through their bone marrow. Madame Morrible laughed as she smiled. She stared to the mountains of Oz, she was in the bad lands. It was a place where no one could live, but with magic she managed. She didn't believe they were able to send her out of Oz. Madame Morrible stared to the night sky.

She thought the star were something that she would remove from the world. Right away. Right than a bright orb appeared. Madame Morrible smiled
"Let's go."

Elphaba turned her eyes to the small island that appeared out of the tick mist. No one ever dared to go here, they called it the misty sea for a reason. Elphaba had heard curses about this place. Would all the mist be to protect this place? That was something she could believe. But why was there an island that connected all the words? And if so, would Madame Morrible be able to destroy all the lives that she came in contact with.

Elphaba connected the rope to the small three that was standing on the side of the island. Elphaba moved the plank so they could step of the ship. Glinda was the first one to move of the boat.
"Would she already be here?" Rain turned to Dorothy.
"I think so…" Rain pulled the bag closer.
"Rain, why is there so much in the bag?" Dorothy turned to her, slowly Dorothy turned to Rain. "No, Rain."
"If I get the vortex going, she will die." Rain spoke "I know she'll be close to the tree. I need to do this. Please let me…"

"Let you die?" Dorothy turned around, as she heard a noise. She could see all kinds of creatures moving from the mist and moving towards them. She could hear Fiyero yell. Swords were pulled from their containers. The moved on the ship and started to launch arrows at them. Dorothy turned to Rain and noticed the small girl had moved away.
"Make the fire ball work." Rain yelled "I'm counting on you. Do it, save everyone."

The dragons moved from the darkness and attacked the flying figures, they were magically protected from the arrows the other people were shooting. Some of the Ozians escaped from both attacks and reached the boat. There it turned in to a violent attack. Fiyero slammed his sword in to the first trap. A couple of figures were trapped in a net and that net was pulled upward.
"Go Glinda, Elphaba and Dorothy, you need to go now! We can't hold this for too long."

Elphaba, Glinda and Dorothy moved towards the small star. Why was a star branded in the stone? Did whoever hid the island knew about its dangers. Was that why they hid the island from all of Oz?
Elphaba, Glinda and Dorothy joined hands. It was Elphaba who read words from the Grimmiere. Dorothy saw how Elphaba started to chant the words. Time had never gone so slow. After a few moments, the sky cleared up and a beautiful island appeared. Dorothy smiled.

Rain saw how Dorothy, Elphaba and Glinda stepped away from the group. Now it was up to her. She slowly took the ingredients for the force field, she instructed that her siblings should go stand behind the group, so they could cross the barrier right away. She started to pour the different flowers. She started to chant when the island opened up. She could already see Madame Morrible come towards her.
"Dad, get everyone on the island!" Rain yelled. She started to take the ingredients of the vortex. She believed that her mom had a plan to fight Madame Morrible on the island, little did she know that wouldn't be needed.
A vortex spell was rather easy. You secured a place and made sure that the power you wanted to reverse was secured there. She was lucky that she chose the small part of the island. Madame Morrible wouldn't be able to get away, and if she did, it would be too late.

"What is she doing?" Fiyero called "Why isn't Rain coming here? Elphaba, do you know something…"
"She's…" Dorothy paused
"What is she doing?"

"I promised not to tell." Dorothy closer her mouth. "So I won't tell. It's a promise a made to a friend."
"She's 5." Elphaba grabbed Dorothy's hair. "I can make you in pain. Trust me, you know that. If you don't…"

"She's going to use a vortex." Dorothy spoke "She wants to use it to destroy Madame Morrible. There, I said it! I was the one that needed to make a fire circle around the island. She hoped you wouldn't know…"
"A vortex will kill her…" Elphaba spoke "She needs to get out before everything…"
"Can we save her?"

"Not Elphaba." Fiyero spoke "The Vortex will have the same effect on her, than it does on Rain. A mortal should do this. Like me."
"Fiyero, you would die to." Elphaba spoke. "Right?"
"What do we need to do?"

Madame Morrible watched as her minions were destroyed one by one. The weird thing was that she couldn't seem to care. Emotions was not something she experienced. She hadn't experienced them for a long time. As she flew on the island, she could see Elphaba's daughter standing there. Chanting. This was way too easy. Why didn't the daughter pay more attention to danger.

She landed on the small island, Rain's dark skin turned a bit more pale. She turned around to face Madame Morrible. She took a shy step back.
"I'm not afraid of you." The little voice said, Madame Morrible laughed.
"Aren't you sweetheart?" She stepped closer. "Look at this hands, I killed your sister with this hands and now I will kill you."

"Now!" Rain screamed with a loud voice.

Fire appeared around the island. Dorothy was surprised with the force of the fire, she had never conjured great flames. And these were even better.
"What do we do now?" Dorothy spoke "Fiyero?"
"Get her, Dorothy." Anne spoke "I have a plan."
"You do know what the vortex does." Dorothy screamed. "It could kill you."

"It won't."

Madame Morrible turned once again to Rain. She smiled as she took a step closer. Rain felt the fear come in to her vanes right now. Was she going to meet her end here?
"There's nowhere you can go…" Madame Morrible screamed "Just to your sister."

"You will meet your end." Rain moved the vortex closer behind her. It looked like a piece of wood, but most magical people could recognize a closer from miles away. After you dropped it, it took 10 seconds to activate it. It was enough time for her to escape. She turned around for a bit. What would she need to do?
"Drop it, if you dare." Madame Morrible screamed. "You won't make it."
"Give it to me…" Rain stared at the chicken, it was Anne. Why hadn't she heard how the chicken came her way. Slowly Rain gave it to the small chicken. She started to run, as she ran she could hear Madame Morrible yell after her. And when she looked in front of her, she could see her mom performing a spell. As she jumped of the line, she could hear a loud noise. Everything went dark.

Rain opened her eyes as she gained conscious. She noticed how her mom hugged her almost right away.
"Sweetie, I'm so glad you're okay." Elphaba hugged her. "Rain, that was a stupid idea, very stupid."
"Yet she saved us all." Oscar spoke

"Where's Anne?" Rain stood up." Is she there?"
"Rain, she didn't make it." Dorothy stared at the clouds of smoke. Rain hugged her mom closer, she wish she could apologize to them. Rain cried. She had caused the life of Dorothy's best friend. She felt bad and nothing would be able to heal the pain she was feeling right now.
"She wanted this. " Dorothy spoke "She lived to save people, that's just what she did."
"This is my fault." Rain cried
"It's not." Dorothy hugged her. "You saved us all rain. She saved us all, I think she would have been proud.

"So does this mean the war is over?"
"I think it does." Elphaba smiled

The smoke lifted and they slowly smiled as the loss came to them. The war had cost many lives, it had cost the existence of a land named Quox. It had been destroyed and a few animals would try to restore it. 5000 souls had lost their lives: humans and Animals had fought side by side. It had proven their loyalty to the humans.

Now they could see the sea and the left overs of the battle. The ship had been fully destroyed, Madame Morrible's body had been destroyed by the impact. Only Anne's body was right there. She was pale. Dorothy had never seen her this way, even when she was a little girl. She ran towards her, pulling her best friend in her arms.
"It was supposed to be me…" Dorothy cried. "Me."

"It's not Dorothy." Elphaba smiled "She died, so we all could live. She made a sacrifice. You should go on and live more than ever."
"I…" Dorothy hugged her closer. "I love you, Anne."

"Hey." Anne stirred a bit. "Are you really partying without me? I mean I like punch and pie. Get me.."
"How is it possible?" Fiyero turned to her. "A vortex reverses: Life to dead, right?"
"Or chicken to human." Anne smiled "I was a human, so I was turned in to my right form. I was only knocked out. I was the only one that go in there."
"Boq too…" Elphaba turned to him. "I'm sorry."

"On the other hand…" Boq turned to Rain. "Can you summon another vortex?"
"I think this situation calls for one thing…" Dorothy turned to Fiyero and Elphaba. "A wedding."

Rain watched how her mother walked outside in a long white dress. This was something her sister should have seen, she would have loved the dress. Glinda was jumping up and down in a way only Glinda could do. She smiled and called out how she was her best friend. Rain believed that Glinda was happy that she had seen their wedding. After all this years, they still loved each other, their wedding was the most beautiful one she had ever seen. It was the first time Elphaba was happy again. She was finally marrying the love of her life. Baxiana smiled in pride, she wished her husband was there. They always used to talk about how they wanted to marry of Fiyero. And right now he was marrying Elphaba.

"Elphaba, when I met you I was brainless. I didn't know what I wanted with my life, I spent my days getting kicked out of every school I entered. With your help I was able to get my first A. And when I found you, I found true love. You are the one I want to have kids with, and already have. With you I can win any darkness. I love you." Fiyero smiled "And I can't wait to call you my wife."
"Dearest, sweetest Fiyero." Elphaba cried "I would say you were the first one to really love me. But Glinda was first. I would say you were the first one to really take me as I am, but that was Glinda too. Yet, there is something about you. You were the first one that gave their life for me. You were the first one that followed me in the darkness. You followed me, when Glinda didn't. And now I see where you think this is going, but you have always been the love of my life. Why? I don't know. I guess I knew I had fallen for you, when I had fallen to deep. You are my love, my life, my everything. I love you, my Yero. This is forever."

The party took all night. Baxiana had cooked everything. She was proud of what she had done. Elphaba and Fiyero spend the whole night dancing, which wasn't all that long.
"You know, I thought you would look different." Glinda smiled "How does it feel to be human again?"
"So fine." Anne smiled "I disserved it? Didn't I?"
"Yes you did." Dorothy smiled "You should be proud of yourself."

"Very." Rain smiled "How long are you guys going to stay?"
"We have to get back." Dorothy turned to her. "Rain, this isn't goodbye. You will come to New York. Remember, wicked. You need to fight."
"So…" Fiyero stepped next to her. "What's going to happen?"

"After the wedding I'm going home." Dorothy turned to Rain. "I have to, I don't belong here. I need music to survive. And you need to stay here and write your story. My world need me, this world needs you. We need to go."
"Why?" Rain cried. "You could stay. You could bring this shows here, people could…"

"We have to go…"

Rain stepped towards Dorothy, she pulled her in a hug. Dorothy had tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe she was leaving behind the only sister she would ever have.
"Dorothy, you're like a sister to me." Rain said "Please, stay."

"I can't." Dorothy spoke "Like I said, you belong here, I belong home. We all have our home. And if you go with me, your mom will miss you. This is how it has to be."

And with that Anne and Dorothy stepped in door. They had found it a few days ago, now they were going home. Dorothy turned around and saw how Rain was clenched to her mother's leg. She had tears in her eyes, with a simple movement she took a step back and disappeared. Rain cried as Elphaba moved her hand over her head.

"Darling, you will see her again." Elphaba picked her up. "After all, we have to find who will play me. Don't we?"
"Yes." Rain smiled "Do you think she's okay?"

"We're all okay." Elphaba smiled

With that they turned around and headed of the island. The war had stopped. Everything was okay, now their future could begin. First they had to rebuild everything. But they wanted it, no the world needed it. Elphaba smiled . Everyone was okay. Their life in Oz was waiting to begin.