Chapter 27
"That is exactly what I am saying. You are immortal or soon will be, brother."
"But I am not yet twenty one?"
"Since you will turn twenty one soon, there is no escaping it that is also one of the reasons why I am here. Ares want to leave his post as a guardian and no one else can replace him except you."
"Why do you think brother? You have the other part of the Crystal. "
"Dan, the two parts of the Crystal need to be united once again. You are still here, alive and a carrier. That is the only logical explanation and the only right thing to do." Spoke Gia.
"You are not needed on Mars at the moment and you do not need to be there 24/7. Your duty to the Prince one day will end the peace over the Universe will rain once again. At that time Serenity will want all the planets be returned to their former glory. That means brother that Kings and Queens and Guardians will have to take upon their duties once again. Who will take the responsibility of ruling planet Mars? That is still unknown. However, what is known is that you will be her new guardian."
"But, but…"
"There is no but, brother. It is already too late."
"What do you mean by that statement?"
"The Crystal would not have split and saved your life if it did not choose you willingly to be its next carrier. You are also changing from within to accommodate what is to take place soon; your immortality and your new powers."
"But, but, but…"
"I know you are stunned, brother. There is nothing that can be done. It is what it is and what will be. Don't you remember, brother? During the Silver Millennium, before you were taken to the moon to be a part of Terrance's Knights, do you not remember how many assassination attacks there were on your life. Ninety percent of them came from Olympus. Now they have no other choice but to accept you."
"For the first time the Gods are aware that you carry the Fire Crystal of Mars within you and if they kill you they also kill one of their own. That is the greatest taboo of them all." It was Gia who answered his question.
"Ares was the one who protected you then. He may be a God of War but he loved you as his own. He was mellow at that time. Like a puppy, but the moment that someone tried to hurt you he turned vicious. His aura turned blackest of black and if you looked close enough you would be able to see a black wolf by his feet. In that state the only one who could touch either Ares or the wolf was you. That alone meant a lot at least to those who understood and they were our father and me. At the beginning we did not understand why. However, when I started to look deeper, per Queen Serenity's orders, I finally understood everything. You are a God and a chosen guardian."
"Ah, Ah, Ah…"
"Accept what has been put forth, brother. The othe Gods have already done so. There will be animosity, tis true, but access they did. Do the same thing and know that you are free to love Gia openly."
"Thank you, Lea. I freely accept what has been put forth."
"Good, then accept this." Lea took out the one half of the Fire Crystal and handed it to her brother.
Instantaneously the second part of the Fire Crystal that was inside of Dan floated out to join together with its sister to create a whole crystal. Looking at it all saw that the Crystal itself looked like flames, even the inside of it was burning with fire.
"There is a huge ceremony that should go with the movement of the Crystal from one owner to the next, but I think we can do without it."
"How come you have it?" Gia asked already subconsciously knowing the answer to her own question.
"Ares knew that it would be needed so he gave it to me, for safe keeping as well as to give it to this lank head when time came."
"Lank head?"
"Of course, brother, sometimes you can be such thick headed, but I still love you. I also know that you will guard our planet with pride and... Well I think you get the drift."
"Yes, I get it and I love you too."
"Now go rest, both of you."
"Good night Lea."
"Good night brother. Good night Goddess."
"Good night Lea and thank you for everything."
"You are welcome."
They left the den together finally happy to be able to be together and show their love for one another. There was nothing stopping then. No more rules, they were finally free and happy. However as they were leaving there was another person that was hidden and listening to whole conversation that just took place in the den. He finally knew the truth, but he was also aware that there was more. More to this story and more to their separation; he wanted and needed to know all.
"I know you are there, so why don't you just come in. It is time that we spoke and cleared the air. I am well aware that you want to know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Come in"