Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson. Rick Roirdan does.

I pull the sleeves of my jacket over my hands as the cold winter air sweeps through camp. Even though the borders of camp are protected from outside weather, it still gets cold around New Years for some reason. If I asked Chiron, he would probably go off on some tangent about it, so, I don't. I, just suck it up, because apparently "It's not that cold" to the others.
Hurrying into the Hermes cabin I pull off my beanie and take off my jacket, the temperature difference is pretty extreme. Although I've only been at camp for about four months now, I feel at home. It's so much better than the foster families I've been with. The thought that my dad is a god, still boggles my mind. But hey, it's a lot better than having another prisoner parent. Before mum was sent to jail, she said that's why dad was attracted to her. She said that he thought a little thievery was cool, and hot in a chick. I think that's why she broke into so many places, trying to get his attention, trying to get him back. But, it didn't work.

"TERRA!" I hear someone scream my name from outside. I began to laugh as I know who it is and why. Nico di Angelo. That boy needs to get some security equipment for his cabin or something as it has become my tradition to do... something to his cabin every Friday afternoon. I did something simple this time, as a late Christmas present, itching powder in his clothes

He stormed into the room, his brown hair wet and scratching he chest, arms and neck, "WHAT THE HADES?" he yelled.
"O dearest Nico, so nice of you to call in, how have you been?" I ask with a mischievous smile.
"Cut the crap, Terra. What is wrong with you? MUST YOU PRANK ME EVERY WEEK?" Nico retorted, glaring daggers.
"I must you see as I am madly in love and have no idea how to express my feelings towards you." I say, unable to keep a straight face and laughing at the end.
At this he attempts to storm out of the room, I run to the door and block his path, my height helping me as I'm about two inches taller.
"Let. Me. Go. Terra." Nico says through clenched teeth.
"In a second shorty," at this he pushes me but I stay firm at the door, "Gods, pushy? Anyway, I'll be the bigger person and ignore that. Are you coming to hang out with us in the Demeter cabin tonight?"
"Maybe." He replies shortly as he pushes me out of the way and storms out. Slamming the door behind him.

I slump along to the Demeter cabin, scratching my hands, I got most of the itching powder off. Normally, I wouldn't leave my cabin after dinner, but Percy has been on my case the entire winter break. So, I have to go. A lot of the year rounders are on an overnight excursion at Olympus so the eight of us who aren't going, are staying in the Demeter cabin tonight. Why we must? I have no idea.

I walk in to find Annabeth, Percy, Connor, Travis, Lou Ellen and Miranda sitting in a circle in the middle of the room. I sit down between Percy and Lou Ellen. After a few minutes of small chit chat, Terra comes running in, "I'm not late, am I?" she asks, her brown, curly hair flying everywhere. "Yes." I snap.
"Nico," Percy says with a threatening voice which then softens, "No, you're not Terra."
"Cool." She takes a seat between Lou Ellen and myself with a dazzling smile. What? Dazzling? Snap out of it Nico.
"What are we going to do?" I ask.
"Truth or Dare." Connor suggests.
"NO!" We all yell. The amount of times we've had to play that stupid game is ridiculous.
"20 questions, or something like that?" Lou Ellen asks.
"Sure, I guess. Rules are; You have to answer the question or you take off one piece of clothing, no cheating, socks, shoes, jackets and hats don't count." Annabeth answers.
"So basically the truth part of truth and dare?" Connor asks, annoyed.
"Yes." Miranda replies.
"Why?" The Stoll brothers ask.
"Because, I don't want to be left in the situation of taking off my underwear or proposing to Clarrise. AGAIN." The Stoll brothers laugh at her response.
"Okay everyone swear on the river Styx, to make sure." Terra says. I have to give her credit, she's fit in pretty quickly, since she's still relatively new, in comparison to everyone else.
After the swear, Annabeth goes first, "Travis, do you like Katie Gardner?"
He drops his head, then takes off his shirt. We all laugh.
"Fine then," Travis turns to his brother, "Connor, do you like Lou Ellen?" grins cross everyone but Connor and Lou Ellen's face. They both blush, and Connor takes off his shirt. Lou Ellen blushes more and takes a sudden interest to her hands.
Connor looks at Terra, "when's your birthday?"
"That is the most difficult question I have ever been asked." She replies sarcastically.
"Do you want me to ask another question." He winks at her and she glares back.
"NO. My birthday is May 17th."
"Mines May 16th. I'm older than you." I gloat, finally having a one up on her.
"Well, you're technically older than all of us," Percy says, "and our mortal parents, and maybe even their parents."
"Shut. Up. Percy." I say.
"Back up. What?" Terra asks.
"Nothing." I mumble.
"No," she hits my arm, "it's not nothing, I'm the only one who doesn't know, someone tell me."
She looks around, and no one talks. She starts to laugh, "Nico, how old are you?"
"I don't know." I say quietly.
"Okay?" She asks, then ignores the question completely and continues with the game, "who's next?"

Questions come and go. Clothes come off, and secrets are shared, until, we're down to everyone's last question, by now, it's after midnight. Terra yawns and I ask, "Someone tired?"

"Yes it takes a lot of effort and time to prank people. That counts as my last question. She curls up on the ground. She's the only one who has answered every question, meaning she's still fully clothed. Within seconds her breathing evens out, her body seems to loosen and she's asleep. She seems so much more innocent when she's asleep, her upturned eyes and sharp nose don't seem as intimidating. Her long legs curled, she seems so much smaller. A curl falls over her face and I push it behind her ear.

"Nico?" I hear someone say my name, then realize it was Percy. "What?" I ask.
"Well?" Annabeth questions.
"What?" I ask, again
"Could you ever be friends with my sister you idiot?" Travis says.
"She pranks me every week." I retort.
"That's not an answer." Lou Ellen replies.
"I don't think-" thunder booms as I talk and everyone gives me a look as if to say, You know what happens if you lie.
"Maybe." I say quickly.
"Well, I'm going to sleep." Annabeth says, then pulls her shirt over her head, pulls a pillow off one of the beds and lies down.
"What about the rest of the game?" I ask, "you guys still have questions."
"No, we don't. Yours was the last. You missed the others, clearly too busy being a creep and watching my little sister sleep." Connor says.
"I was not." I reply, "I'm going to sleep." I lie back and use my shirt as a pillow. Before I know it, I'm sound asleep...

5 months later...
"Happy Birthday!" I yell as I burst into the Hades cabin.
Nico mumbles something and rolls over in his bed.
"I have cake!" I say, walking towards him and holding out the cake with an iced 13 on top of it.
"Did you make it?" he mumbles.
I'm bad at baking, like, awful.
"No. I got Percy to drop it off when he visited yesterday. His mum made it." Percy visited camp yesterday to wish Nico a happy birthday and give him a birthday present, since he had school today.
At this he shot up. I placed the tray with the cake and a glass of coke on the bedside table.
"You swear you've done nothing to this cake?" Nico asks, pointing to the cake.
"I swear I've done nothing to the cake." I say laughing. He cuts a slice and holds it out to me. "Take it." He says.
"Nico, I didn't do anything to the cake I swear on the river Styx."
"Okay... but do you want some?" He asks as if I'm stupid.
"Thanks." I take the piece from him and take a bite, "oh my gods, why haven't I tried this delicious cooking before?" I ask as I sit on the opposite bed.
"Percy's mum is the best cook ever." Nico says taking a bite of his piece of cake, "is this for me?" he asks pointing to the drink of coke on the bedside table.
I nod my head and take another bite of cake.

He sips the drink, and then it suddenly sprays his face. I laugh as I know why. I couldn't help it, I froze mentos into the ice cubes. So, when the ice melted, well. We all know what happens when you put mentos in coke.
"Terra! You promised!" Nico yelled.
I smiled, "No, I didn't. I promised I didn't do anything to the cake. I made no promise about the drink"

At this, Nico grabbed a handful of cake and throws it at me. It hits me square in the chest. "HEY!" I yell, and pick up a handful of cake and hit Nico in the face. He was laughing so much he didn't see it coming. We then spent the rest of the morning throwing cake at each other and dodging it. By midday cake covered the cabin walls. I lay on the floor with Nico beside me, talking. And in that moment we unofficially became best friends.

A/N: Happy Australia Day! Okay, so I wrote this because I'm having major writers block with my other story. The Hero's of Olympus series is completely nonexistent in this story, so yeah. Please don't be harsh with this. Review!