Alright everyone sorry for the long wait /: I'm caught up in school though lol. But annnyyyyywayyys This chapter has not been edited. I can't get ahold of my beta sooooooooo idk if the chapters will be from now on unless i can contact her... BUUUUTttttt anyways Onward and upward lol (orrrr somthing like that.)



Roxas' P.O.V:

"Yo, sleepy-head, wake up." Axel's bored voice cut through my restless, pained sleep.

Not wanting to face the red head, I acted like I was still asleep and didn't hear him. I thought Axel's soft foot steps ment he had walked away, so I slowly let out the breathe,I didn't know I was holding, only to find out I relaxed too soon. Axel's long, pale fingers wrapped around my boney shoulder, shaking it gently. I stiffend at the sudden contact but I regretedd it immediately, as pain shot from my rectum all the way up my spine.

"Uh," I groaned in extrem pain.

"Yeah, you're gonna be sore." Axel commented off handedly while looking back at his black silk sheets disapprovingly. "Hm, you got blood everywhere. Those sheets are so expensive." He stated more to himself than me.

I tried to sit up so I could yell at this bastard , tell him it was his own damn fault but The pain was so overwhelming that I desided against it and remained lying down instead.

'ugh, It feels like he really did rip me apart.' I miserably thought before slowly reaching my hand around to my bottom. My hand slid over the dryed blood, flaking off a little. 'That's a lot of blood.' my mind said, I winced as I slid my hand the rest of the way around the round cheek before coming to my the crack of my ass and slid over the tender opening. I whimpered as I felt how much his big cock had stretched the hole and felt fresh warm blood seep onto my finger tips. I applied slight pressure before I gasped in pain and pulled my blood fingers away.

I looked at Axel's person, noticing he now had on black sweat pants that hung dangerously low on his hips but he was shirtless showing off his firm chest. Axel was leaned up against the wall by a dark cracked door with light shinning through, looking lost in thought as he stared at me.

"Wh, why..." I asked, as my buttom lip qurivered slightly. "Did y-you do th-is to m-m-me?"

Axel's body tensed for a moment before he groaned, "Oh, Jesus, don't start that crying shit again." and he rubbed his hand over his face roughly. "It's annoying as hell." He grumbled as he shoved himself of the black wall and made his way through the clean room to the messy bed. He leaned down to where I sat and put his arms around my waist and pulled me to a standin position.

As he pulled me into a standing position my legs screamed in protest and horrible pain shot from my bum all the way up my back. I the excruciating pain made me want to scream. I help back the scream in exchange for a pain grunt and fresh tears pricking the corner of my red eyes. I leaned into the muscular body trying to releave the pain and gripped his shoulders with my nails. Axel make a slight noise of discomfort as he held my thin waist. 'Yeah you bastard, I hope it hurts.' I thought vindictively.

"What are you doing?" I asked griting through my teeth.

"I'm not taking a chance on you pissing in my bed." Axel said simply as he moved towards the door he was leaning by just a moment ago.

"If I had to go I would've just gone by myself." I stated even as the uncomfortable feeling of my bladder reminded me that I did, indeed, have to pee.

"Well," Axel drawled as he pushed open the door to reveal a bathroom. "as I said; I'm not chancing you pissing on my bed. And besides you need to shower before lunch..." He paused a moment and looked at me emotionlessly. "Unless of course, you just want to meet everyone in this state." As he jestered to my naked dirty body.

'Meet everyone?' I thought as I looked at him questioningly. Then the thought hit me... I have no clothes. I looked up into Axel's neon eyes that were filled with myrth, mortified at the idea of people seeing me naked. 'It's bad enough Axel's seen me without clothes on! My own fucking mother doesn't see me naked!'

"Ahw, what's the matter, Roxy?" Axel chuckled. I didn't responed, only stared at Axel in horror. "What, cat got your tougne?"

"Meet people? I have no clothes." I gulped staring into Axel's eyes.

"Well, if you get a shower,then I'll give you clothes."Axel said as he walked me over the black tile floor to the red toilet and set me on the rim.

"Ah!" I groaned in pain as I struggled to try to get up again.

"Woah there, tiger." Axel said as he placed his long strong hands on my shoulders keeping me down to the cool porclin seat. "You need to go to the bathroom and then get a shower if you want my clothes." He finished as he put one of his extreamly hot pale hand inbetween my legs making sure my penis was in the bowl. As I became even more embrassed I tried to push his hand away for my genital area.

"Get off ! What are you some kin-" I began but before I could finish the sentence my bladder began to relase itself into the red bowl echoing as Axel snickered, looking down on me. After what seemed like the most humiliating few minutes of my life my bladder ended its golden stream into the bowl and Axel moved his hand away but continued to stare at me with those mocking eyes. "I can't believe I just... and infront of Axel... while he aimed for me!' I screamed mentally.

"Well, Roxas." He said seductivly as he leaned towards me until he was eye level. "I thought you didn't have to go." He mused.

"I-I-I..." I tried to come up with a comeback but failed. I looked away from Axel's eyes to his chest watching the way his musles danced under his pale skin as he put his hands on his knees. My curlen blue eyes travled to his tattoo once more. 'I wounder what that means.' my mind asked itself, a passing thought, as my eyes traveled from his abs to his belly button where his red , happy-trail lead to the top of the black sweat pants , tied loosely around his hips.

"You're staring again." Axel stated, bringing me back to reality as I noticed his face was closer to my own.

"I was not." I said defensively.

"Really, now?" He chuckled.

"Yes, really. I was just ... thinking of ... something." I grumbled looking into those hypnotic eyes.

"Oh?" Axel's deep vocie vibrated as his face got a little closer."What is it you were thinking of, then?"

"Umm..." Axel's face seemed to get even closer. "I was thinging ... about..." I murmured looking from Axel's bright flaming red, spiky hair, to his eyebrows, then to the scruffy red stubble that shadowed his chin. "You're hair..."

Axel's chuckle vibrated my lips as his lips barly brushed mine. "Hmm, what about my hair exactly?" he inquried and locked his neon eyes with my curlen blue eyes.

"Just... is... it... real?" I questioned as I closed my eyes when his touched my a little more. In a split second I opened my eyes and caught myself on Axel's hips with my hot red face slammed into his toned stomach.

Axel bursted into an uncontrolable fit of laughter. "R-Roxas," he barly chocked out before laughing harder.

Embrassed beyound belife that he would almost let me fall after pulling me towards him, I shoved him away and yelled "What the hell was that for, you jackass?"

"What?"Axel said pausing in his laughter to look at me dumbfounded. "Oi! how the hell am I a Jackass this time?" He returted.

"Because, you pull me forward and try to kiss me, only to try and let me fall forward on my face!" I Yelled angerly

Axel stared for a moment before bursting into another howling laughter fit. Axel doubled over for a second before falling on his ass laughing so hard he was crying and holding his gut, while his body was shaking.

"What the hell do you find so damned funny?" I growled as his laughter calmed slightly and Axel pushed himself into a sitting position on the black tile.

Axel whipped a tear off his fake tear drop tattoos and said, "Wooh, hooo... Damn. That was too good," He chuckled again and I glared at him in utter discust. "Roxas, I didn't 'pull you towards me' as you said." He stated. "As a matter of fact, my hands never left my knees. You were the one leaning in to kiss me. I never moved towards you at all." He finished with a huge chessire grin showing his perfectly white teeth.

"I - what? You've lost it. I did NOT lean into you." I stammered. 'I didn't... I wouldn't. I'm not gay, he's playing me!' I despertly reminded myself.

"mhmm, Right. Well we need to hurry and get a shower." Axel said ending the conversation as he looked at his black droid global. "Lunch is in thirty-nine minutes." He finished as he hauled me onto my feet once more and pulled me to the fairly large stand-up shower on the wall infront of the red toilet. He turned the knobs and the water soon roared to life. "Here, stand still." He grumbled as he let me go and moved to take off his baggy pants.

I looked at the glass shower door seeing it fog up from the heated water. I watched for a moment until I felt Axel's hand on the small of my back slightly pushing me forward. That's when his words sunk in, hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"What do you mean by 'we need to hurry'" I asked with a nervous glace back at Axel's , now, very naked body.

"Heh, I need one too, don't cha think?" He purred as he moved to stand behind me. He wraped his lanky arms around my waist and I felt his limp penis rub against the small of my back. I stiffend as the events from last night came flooding back.

'No, he can't get a shower with me. he'll... he'll do it again. i have to get away! Run,Roxas. ... Run why are you just standing here?' I screamed at myself as I stood infront of Axel. But for some reason , my body wouldn't move, even as Axel manovered me into the shower. But as soon as the warm water hit my face and Axel pressed me into his chest burrying his face in my hair, it was like my body snapped and I struggled to get away from his grasp.

"No," I yelled as i tried to pry his hands from around my waist. "Don't, please, not again." I blubbered as tears blured my vision.

"Stop this insane movement." Axel demanded as he shoved me against the shower wall making me hiss in pain.

"Get off me then. Go get a shower somewhere else." I plead quickly as I push his chest to get him away. Axel tried to grab my hands and pin them above my head but the warm water made his grip slip and I shoved more forcefully at his chest. Axel's body didn't move an inch. "Get away!" I cried as I saw Axel's hand swing and connect with my check with a horrible sting.

"Shut the fuck up, kid." He growled dangerously. "This is my shower. and the other seven bathrooms arn't exactly accessable. So get over it and get cleaned." Axel demaned as he shoved a shampoo bottle at my chest before turning around grumbling to himself.

"You're a fucking bastard. and I hate you." I cried to myself as I began washing my greasy hair.

Sora's P.O.V:

I awoke to a warm embrace and a pleasent smell. in my sleepy state I snuggled closer to the unknown warmth with a soft sigh.

"Goodmorning, to you as well, my love." I heard someone's voice say softly.

Slightly confused I peeked one eye open to look up at the warm soft voice. My sleepiness left me completely as I saw the teal soft eyes of none other than , Riku McFallen. I squealed as I sat up and dove for his gourguse face. "Oh *kiss* my *kiss* GAWD *kiss*" I screamed excitedly kissing his face. "How, what, when... Oh Riku!" I squeaked as I huged his neck.

"Yes, Sora. It's me." He chuckled quietly as he hugged me back kissing my temple. "How did you sleep, my love?" He questioned.

"How did I sleep? Oh well I had a dream that my mom was making me clean my room but I didn't want to. But then she said that if I didn't she wasn't gonna let you come over. Sooooooo I quickly cleaned my room. and you came to the house and we cuddled on the couch going to watch a movie because my family wasn't home and the-" I rammbled until Riku's soft lips pressed onto mine and successfully silencing me.

I moaned into the kiss quitely as I felt his lips pressed to mine for the first time. 'This is so much better than I thought it would be.' I told myself as I put my fingers through Riku's course sliver hair. He chuckled into the kiss and slid his hot tongue over my bottom lip. I egarly let him in and he roamed my mouth. His strong warm hands roamed under my shirt I remember putting on last night.

'mmm, soo... wait how did I ... get here.' I thought and pushed Riku's chest and looked at him confusedly. "How did I get here, baby? " I questioned.

His eyes hardened a little and he looked away from me to the dark blue sheets. "Will you hate me if I tell you, Sora?" He questioned emotionless.

Completely shocked I wrapped my arms around his pale neck. "What? No, Riku I love you. I told you I wish I would come kidnap me remember?" I said urgently while I kissed his neck.

His deep chuckle rumbled my body as he ruffled my hair before turning my chin towards him. He kissed my again but this time it was just a chaste kiss. "And you ment that, right?"

"Yes, I wish I could be with you forever, Riku." I giggled and intertwined our fingers. He squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Good, then." He stated cooly.

"Why did you ask though?" I questioned.

"Hmm." He said as he began to kiss my neck slowly. "Because, That's what I did. You're wish, Sor, is my command." He chuckled again as as he stopped and looked me in my bright blue eyes.

"Wh- Whaaa?" I question dumbly.

Riku opend his mouth to answerbut was cut off by a firm sharp, loud knock on the wooden door. I jumped slightly and looked wide eyed at the door. "Lunch 'ill be ready in five minutes so get ya asses out 'ere." Stated a deep scary voice.

"Alright, Xig." Riku sighed.

"I mean et. S'ot ma fault ya didn't wake em las night." The gruff voice continuted.

"Alight, damn. We'll be there when we get dressed." He growled out through his teeth. When the hard heavy foot steps disappeared Riku looked back at me with a bright smile. "Well, you hungry babe?"

As if right on que my stomach graowled loudly, making me blush. "Yeah, I guess I am." Riku laughed again before he got up and threw on a pair of faded blue jeans and a plain black zip-up hoodie. I watched as he looked through his neatly folded draws and pulled out bright blue sweatpants along with a white whiffe beater be fore returning to the bed where I sat.

"Here ya go, Sor." He comented as he passed the clothing over to where I was sitting.

"Thank you Riku." I smiled as I kissed his check. I began to slid the tight skinnys I wore last night off as I ask Riku, "Hey, umm.. What do you mean by 'your wish is my command' anyway?" with a curious voice.

He looked up from my ass to my face as he off handedly replied, "Well, I kidnapped you, so you belong to me now." I looked at Riku unsure of what to think of this news. 'OMG! that means I will always see Riku! but... wait what about my mom, dad and Roxas...' I thought as Riku grabbed my hand and lead me through the long white halls and down the gigantic stair case. 'Wait, Roxas ... he... came with us last night and he... so where is he?' my confused mind questioned.

"Hey, Riku,." I said tentivly. "Where's my brother, Roxas?"

"He's wit-"

Riku began until the exact topic of disscussion's enraged voice screamed through the magnificent bagie and hard wooden dinning room, "Sora, You Fucking Bastard!"

Back to Roxas P.O.V.:

As I showered I tried to stay as far away from the red headed monster. It wasn't very far because the shower wasn't very big.

I acted as if Axel were not there, even if he spoke I ignored him. I finished my shower and tried to get out of the shower but Axel's much larger frame was blocking the door as he rinsed the suds out of his flaming hair. 'You're such a dick.' I thought as I wish my look would make him drop dead.

A loud knock echoed through the bathroom as Axel cut the shower off . "Hey, Ax, man lunch will be ready in like three minutes sooooo don't be late." Sang a a very happy voice from the other side of the door.

"Mmk, Dem." Axel replied dully. "Just gonna shave and get dressed " He told this 'Dem' as he began to shave his light red fuzz from his chin. Surpisingly, Axel was done before I could get the flaming PJ pants on with a black whiff beater on. "You almost ready." He asked coldly as he looked at me from over his shoulder.

I looked at him after the shirt was on and I tied the pants as tight as they would go, though they still fell off me. "Yeah," I retorted back just as cold, glaring at his back as he walked away towards the door. On the otherside of his bedroom door was a long hallway that Axel walked through.

'Ugh the least this ass could do is wait for me.' I mopped as I ran to catch up with Axel for the third time as I heard laughter and murmurs from what appeared to be a dinning room. There was a long wooden table in the middle of the magnolum floor. The table was filled accept four seats. As Axel and I waled in through large opening on the left of the room I caught a glimps of Sora and Riku.

"Sora, you fucking bastard!" I yelled and ran twards him at full speed with my fist drawn back.

'I'm gonna kill you.' I screamed in my head.


Soooooooooooooo You likeeeeeey you? hate it ? Let know lol.

Sorry about the short Sora p.o.v. just didn't want to for get Him lol. but anyyways there wont be much of Sora's P.o.v. Its mainly Roxas' maybe Axel's ? what you think ? butttttt wellll sorry for all the errors I hope you liked it though (:

welp, until next time (: