Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters in this story except for Fawn. She is my own creation. Other than that, I do not own anything but the idea.

Chapter 1:

"You're hitting like a little cub. Hit Harder! Left. Left. Right. Kick. Right. Right. Faster. Block again…Good." A female demoness said to her student.

"Was that better Fawn?" a tired eight-year-old girl asked.

"Yes princess. That was better. You still need a lot of work if you are going to be the guardian of the crystal. Now go get cleaned up for breakfast. Meet back here by 3:00." Fawn said dismissing the girl.

"Is Reina really doing better, Fawn?" a voice said from the shadows once the girl was out of the dojo.

"Yes my lord. I would not lie to your daughter, or give her false hopes. She is strong enough to take down a human without a second thought. However, she is not strong enough to take down a demon attacker. She is only human…she can only do so much. If you had allowed her to remain a demoness, her training would have already been completed. This is too much strain on her fragile body. I am sure the lady would have agreed with me if she was still alive." Fawn said standing her ground almost daring the lord to say anything.

"I am sure my mate would have understood. There are demons out asking questions about the crystal. The closer they get to these lands the closer they come to feeling the energy from the crystal. You have two days to have her ready to accept the crystal into her body. Fawn…after the ceremony my dear little Rin will have to leave here to throw off the scent of the crystal." Lord Rengae said looking out the window, "you will also have to take the book of legends as well…if that gets into the wrong hands that will be the end. The book is the key to how the crystal works as well as the ceremony to place it within a guardian."

"Lord Rengae…I fear I do not understand what you mean by throw off the scent of the crystal." Fawn questioned.

"Those demons, who are hunting down the crystal, can sense it. When it obtains a guardian, the scent will disappear. By then they will have a set direction. I cannot risk them killing Rin as they search for the crystal. Therefore, if she is gone already then they will never find her. The crystal will change her scent after the first 24 hours of having the crystal in her. She will be left in your care Fawn. Keep her safe at all cost. She is all I have left." Lord Rengae said with sadness in his jade eyes, before walking out of the dojo.

Fawn's nose twitched at the smell of fresh coffee, bringing her out of a deep sleep. She sat up a minutes viewing her surroundings. The sun shone into her Victorian window, letting her know it was a new day. 'Damn…that's the third time this week that I have had those bizarre dreams…well more like memories…but what does it mean. I never had dreams of my past before…only the haunting images of a dreadful night. It's like my subconscious is trying to tell me something.' Fawn thought as she rose out of bed putting on her purple silk robe, and went down to the kitchen.

"Rinny, could you be an angel and pour me a cup of coffee…please." Kenji whimpered sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Sure Kenji…but you have to tell me what you are doing up so early on a Saturday." Rin said pouring Kenji a cup of coffee.

"Well sweetheart…" Kenji began only to be interrupted.

"I could ask you the same thing." Fawn said stalking in like a lioness on two feet. Rin envied demon grace; it was so smooth and elegant.

"I have to work. Why are the two of you up?" Rin asked again.

"Well…we are demons Rin…and you know our senses are heightened. Therefore, we smelled coffee. The smell woke us up." Kenji said in a 'duh' tone.

"Reina that was a silly question to ask. You have lived with demons your whole life. You should have known why we were up when you brewed the coffee. What is this about you working today? You have already worked six straight days. Your body needs rest; humans are more fragile than demons or even hanyous. Maybe your hanyou boss needs a reminder." Fawn said in her 'I'm not pleased' tone.

"Yeah, you do that and I'll be looking for another job. I unlike you have to work for a living. I do not come from a high-ranking demon clan where I have money I can just throw away and not have to work. Anyway, I have to get going. I will see you later. I'll call on my lunch break…unless you're going to bring me lunch" Rin smiled.

"I'll make you something Reina…I'll see you at one o'clock sharp." Fawn said hugging Rin bye.

Kenji sat quiet until he heard Rin start her car and said, "You do realize that you're acting like her mother. She is not your kit…she is a grown woman. You need to give her space to live her life."

"My job is to protect her at all cost…plus her mother is dead, so someone has to step in. Lord Rengae died with my solemn vow to protect Reina. So don't be telling me what I need to be doing Kenji." Fawn growled.

Rin arrived at the office a half hour before her shift, and began working on the list of things Inuyasha needs. It did not seem like that much to do, she had to get all the company reports for the past year and the monthly reports for this year. Fortunately, she filed them all away. Therefore, it would only take her two hours to gather them all. Once she had them neatly in boxes on her desk, she went into Inuyasha's office to see where he wants them.

"Rin, just the person I wanted to see…how's the search coming along?" Inuyasha asked a little worried.

"I'm done…where do you want them? Please don't say in here…your office is a mess." Rin said in disgust.

"No…not in here. My half-brother needs them in his new office. Kagura is over there now getting her new desk set up, have her help you." Inuyasha instructed before typing away on his computer.

Rin grumbled and went back to her desk to grab the three boxes of reports. She struggled getting them down the hall and plopped them on Kagura's desk. "Gee Kagura, thanks for all your help…it would have been nice if you could of grabbed a box or two from me." Rin said in a sweet sarcastic tone.

"It's not my problem if you can't carry them 5o feet from your desk." Kagura snarled, "now get them off my desk you human wench. They go inside Sesshomaru's office not here on my desk."

"Well then get the door you lazy bitch." Rin said smartly not thinking whom she was talking to and not realizing they were being watched from down the hall.

"What did you say…?" Kagura stuttered in shock and anger.

"I said. Get. The. Door. You. Lazy. Bitch." Rin annunciated every word loudly so she was clearly heard.

"You stupid human wench…I'll fucking kill you for disrespecting me." Kagura snarled about to lunge. Unfortunately, for Kagura someone moved faster, pinning Kagura in the chair she sat in.

"You will not touch her you lowly excuse for a wind sorceress!" Fawn growled threatening, "If I ever find out you touched a single hair on her head I will kill you slowly until you beg for death."

"Fawn…Fawn! Do not hurt her…you are going to get me fired. She isn't worth it." Rin said coming to her senses on what had just happened.

"Fine…heed my warning wind sorceress if you touch my ward…heaven and hell won't be able to shield you from my wrath." Fawn warned Kagura before stalking off towards Rin to make sure she is ok.

"What's going on down here? I heard growling." Inuyasha said coming to a halt.

"This bitch threatened me Inuyasha!" Kagura whimpered as fawn made a threatening growl.

"Ma'am…I don't know who you are, but you can't go around threatening my employees." Inuyasha said coming to Fawn's side.

"She almost went after my ward. What kind of place you running here hanyou? I come down here to have lunch with my ward and I find this poor excuse for a demoness about to lunge at her." Fawn turned growling at Inuyasha in demand of respect.

Inuyasha stared at her blue markings in shock. He knew this to be a high-ranking demoness. "Hmmmm…you're from the fire and ice fox clan, aren't you." He blurted out without thinking.

"Yes…I don't see what point that makes." Fawn said confused.

"I am just surprised to see that one survived. The last time I heard of the fire and ice fox clan they were massacred a little over a decade ago with the Taiyoukai manor in the southwestern lands. As I am sure, you are well aware, that your clan is the most powerful fox demon clan. Just as powerful as the Inuyoukai. Much respect Miss…."

"Fawn Kitsune…and you…"

"Inuyasha Tashi…son of Inutashio Tashi, head of our clan."

"Inutashio's boy thought he only had purebred son…not a mutt." Fawn said making a frank but hurtful observation. This made inuyasha grind his teeth.

"Fawn! Be nice! God she's gonna get me fired." Rin yelled.

"Reina, enough babbling. Inuyasha keep your bitch in line and off my ward…understand." Fawn said grabbing Rin by the arm leading her to her desk where Fawn left their lunch.

Watching Fawn walk away as if she had dismissed him, Inuyasha turned to Kagura taking out his frustration on her by saying, "Kagura, Go home before I fire you and make Rin the assistant to both my brother and me. You nearly caused bad blood with one of the most powerful clans of the south. As of Monday you are my brother's problem."

Rin and fawn ate their lunch in silence, due to not only what happened with Kagura, but due to the anger Rin was feeling. She is so mad about the fact that Fawn embarrasses her at work or wherever they go, if Rin gets into an argument with a demon, fawn always pops up threatening the demon in front of everyone. She was making a big deal out of something so small. It always left Rin feeling like a child. With that thought, Rin decided that enough was enough. Tonight it will all change. She planned to show Fawn that she was capable of taking care of herself.

Rin pulled up to the house, still filled with anger and rage from the incident that happened at work. The more Rin thought about it the angrier she got. She slammed the doors all the way up to her room quickly changing into her workout clothes. Tying her long brown hair up into a high ponytail. Fawn just sat at the breakfast bar sipping her cappuccino not taking any notice of Rin's temper tantrum.

"Fawn…get your ass to the sparring room now. I'm going to prove to you that I can take care of myself and I don't need you to keep treating me like a child." Rin said in a demanding voice. She was two completely different people. One sweet girl that works her ass off and another that is a fighting machine.

"Reina…I will not tolerate you disrespecting me and I am not going to acknowledge your childish behavior." Fawn said placing her cup down on the table.

"No…You will fucking acknowledge me Fawn. What you did this afternoon was embarrassing, and uncalled for. I felt like I was in elementary school having you rescue me from all the demon bullies. I am 23 years old, and I can take care of myself. I do not need a bodyguard, going to my job acting like you run the place. That ends right now!" Rin growled. Her eyes flashing from green to red for a split second. She was extremely pissed and needed to be calmed down quickly.

'Shit…is her demon side trying to break the seal…I have no choice but to fight her.' Fawn realized before saying, "Fine Reina, you win. Let's go…and I won't hold back you ungrateful child."

Rin followed Fawn to the practice mats. The faced each other on the mat measuring each other up with their eyes. Rin was the first to attack, throwing all kinds of swift punches and kicks, her eyes flashing quickly from red to green the whole time. All Fawn could do was block and dodge, when she found an opening she took it. They both were using an incredible amount of strength. Kenji could not do anything, but to stand on the side in amazement praying that the fight does not get out of hand and someone ends up seriously hurt. At this point Kenji was not sure who was going to walk away from this and who was going to get seriously hurt. Rin had almost an equal amount of force that Fawn was using. They went on fighting for three hours before Rin's body over came with exhaustion and gave out on her. Kenji rushed over to Rin's side checking her out. She just passed out from exhaustion. She would be fine with an adequate amount of rest. Kenji carried Rin to bed before coming down to check on his cousin. He found Fawn slouched on the couch trying to regain some of her strength.

"She has gotten a lot better hasn't she Fawn." Kenji said sitting next to his cousin.

"She has always been an adequate fighter for a human. Unfortunately, I was almost out matched. Her eyes were flashing red through the whole fight. I am afraid that the seal to her true form is breaking. If that breaks…will her memory charm break as well? It seems her true form is trying to break out, and I do not know if it is due to the crystal being inside her for so long that it is making her whole being stronger even the hidden parts deep within her. Both Lord Rengae and I drained our power for a whole week to make the seal strong enough. Her anger must have fueled her demon side to react. At least it hasn't changed her scent any." Fawn said thinking aloud not sure what to make of the situation she had just encountered down stairs.

"Well Fawn…you pushed her to the breaking point. I told you to back off and stop mothering her so much. Humans do not mother their children until they are in their twenties. You have not allowed her to live a normal human life by letting her make her own choices and standing by to catch her if she falls. We both know she is the Lady of the South Western lands as well as the Guardian of the crystal…but…right now to her knowledge she is just a human woman being raised by two demons, and doesn't know a thing about her past. All she can remember is what you have told her about you knowing her parents and taught her to fight, and after a tragic accident, you became her legal guardian and is living with me. You taught her to fight bullies and to protect herself…then why have not you allowed her to put that to use. You have never allowed her to fight her own bullies. Fawn…I love you, but you need some time away from Rin." Kenji sighed stating the facts.

"Maybe your right Kenji…I've been caring for her, her entire life. I guess I have never learned to stop. Can you call the housekeepers at the kitsune manor, and get them to prepare for my arrival. I am going to clean up then I am leaving. You must swear to me that you will lay your life down for her. If you run into trouble give me a call ya' hear."

"I swear to you Fawn kitsune, by my honor and the honor of the fire fox clan, I will protect Lady Reina Taiyoukai/Juno with my life. If anything goes wrong, you will be the first to know. Now go get cleaned up while I call the staff at our manor."

Fawn nodded and went to the shower to clean up. As she let the hot water cascade over her tired body rinsing away all the soap, she could not help but to let her mind wonder to the night she showed up on Kenji's doorstep.



The door swung open revealing an irritated, tired Kenji. "Kenji…Thank God you're here…Can we come in please?" Fawn pleaded to her cousin, holding a tired human girl in her arms. Kenji was shocked to see his distant cousin on his doorstep.

"Fawn…Come in…"Kenji ushered his battered looking cousin inside to the couch, "What happened to you?"

"We were attacked at the Taiyoukai manor…a bunch of demons who were looking for the crystal…well better yet the new guardian…they sprung on us late in the night slaughtering everyone in their path, hoping to find the guardian. I barely managed to get Reina out…she is my responsibility now Kenji. I need help…please help me." Fawn cried holding the exhausted girl tightly in her arms.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'll help you…but first let me get this straight…this kid is the guardian of the crystal? I am sure you would not just save any random human kid knowing the guardian was unprotected…right. If I am right and she is the guardian…well shouldn't the guardian be…I do not know… a demon. This is too much for a human child to endure." Kenji said staring down at Reina, trying to make sure he was understanding what his cousin was getting him into.

"She wasn't born a human…This is Lady Reina Marie Taiyoukai, Daughter to Lord Rengae, and Lady Airey of the South Western lands. This child is half fire and ice fox and half Inuyoukai. At a very young age, Lord Rengae and I sealed away her demon form. She has been trained to fight and to keep the crystal safe. Since the crystal has a living guardian now, it can no longer be detected. She is safe for now. I thought I would be able to do this myself, but I have no idea what I am doing. I have lived in the taiyoukai manor for so long I don't know how to act out here in Tokyo without drawing attention. I don't even know how to get her identity changed or anything."

"I'll make a phone call…I think it is safe to keep her first name, but what should her last name be…hmmmmm…oh I know…I will use my deceased roommate's last name…her last name was Juno. She was a human that was killed by a drunk driver on her way home from work a while ago. We could pass her off as her kid and have papers placing both of us as her legal guardian. I think Reina Juno fits…don't you?"

Reina Juno…I like it…could I lay her down in you room…until we get something else set up for her. She has fought so hard tonight…I want her to wake up in a comforting atmosphere, such as a warm bed."

"Yeah. You do that while I make a few calls. Then I will help you get cleaned up. You look like hell." Kenji said opening his cell phone to make a few calls.

Fawn smiled at her cousin, taking Rin to Kenji's room laying her gently on the nice soft bed. Before she could leave the room, Rin woke up in a panic, "Fawn…Fawn!"

"Shhhh…its ok Sweetheart, I'm here…go to sleep, we are safe now. You fought so hard little one, now is time to rest. I need to go get cleaned so I can rest with you." Fawn smiled sitting on the bed stroking Rin's cheek with the back of her hand in such a mothering way.

"Stay with me…Don't leave me Fawn…Promise me." Rin clung to the tired demoness, as if it was her lifeline.

"I swear I will never leave you Reina…Where ever you go I won't be far away. The second you say my name I will be right by your side." Fawn promised, "But for now…don't call my name, I am dirty and would like to take a nice long bath. My cousin Kenji is also here to help keep us safe. Just rest now sweetheart, all the bad things are gone and the world is a better place. Have sweet dreams of cookies and cakes, and remember the sweet smells from the garden."

*End Flashback*

Fawn just collapsed where she stood in front of the bathroom mirror wrapped in a towel, and just wept at the memory. This will be the first promise she has ever broke to Rin. Rin will not ever remember it. Not since the day, Fawn erased her memory after a month of living with Kenji. Kenji heard Fawn sobbing in the bathroom and went into comfort his cousin, "Fawn…what's wrong?" Kenji asked taking his cousin into his arms.

"I promised I'd never leave her when we first arrived here. I can't do this Kenji…I thought I could leave her, but I can't." Fawn cried soaking Kenji's chest with her tears.

"Awww Sweetheart…it's ok…She won't ever remember that…plus you have to go, you always said when Rin was old enough to take care of herself you would go off and find the book Lord Rengae wanted you to take. It is time for you to cut the apron strings and do what you have to do. Come on let's get you packed and ready to go." Kenji said pulling Fawn to her feet, and helped her get packed, while she got dressed.

A/N: ok I know I have a lot of unfinished work…well I am working on revising a lot of my previous work to make it better and in order for me to also finish it. So to all my fans I am really really really really sorry for making you wait an eternity. Please don't kill me yet. I will try to make it up to you by posting at least three chapters of this story ASAP! Thank you! Please review…I love feedback on my stories.
