(A/N: Before I continue this fanfic, I would like to say that I have gotten a very amusing review from a certain someone. Something about ships and sinking. I'll take that one as a compliment.

And, after a long while, the epilogue!)

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater. Admit it too, reader; unless you're Atsushi Ohkubo.

We walked down the pathway to the platform in the middle of the Death Room.

"Well, looks like this place hasn't changed a bit," Ragnarok said, looking the guillotines up and down. "You know, Crona, those guillotines look ready to fall on you anytime now." I cringed and clung to his arm, glancing up at the ceiling.

Ragnarok chuckled. "I'm just joking, Crona," he said. "You're still as much of a scaredy-cat as I can remember." I removed myself from him. "I could have changed too, you know," I shot back.

"Say what you want, it's not like I'm gonna believe you."

"You too."

"Would you believe me if I said I loved you?"

"Would you believe me if I said the same?"

Then we both fell in silence after that.

By the time we came to the platform in the middle of the Death Room, Lord Death was still standing there, by his mirror. Maybe he doesn't need sleep.

He turned around, and saw me. "Oh, hello, Crona! It's very good to see you again!" I nodded, letting out a humming sound that probably could've meant "Mm-hmm." Then he turned to Ragnarok. "Ah, and who is this?" He obviously did not recognize the black-blooded boy. "Your brother?"

Ragnarok shuddered at the thought. I answered for him. "No, sir, this is Ragnarok…but in a human form, I think." Lord Death was silent for a while, but then looked him over again, and then embraced him so tight that if it were Kid he was hugging, Kid's windpipes might have burst.

"Ragnarok-kun! And here everyone thought you were dead!"

"I know, huh? Seemed like such a predicament," the boy standing beside me said. "You others might not have noticed it, but Stein had a lot of time on his hands. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what happened next."

Lord Death nodded, and then grabbed a thin limb. "If I was expecting you in human form, then you're a lot skinnier than I would have expected." At that remark Ragnarok cringed. "Yeah. But Stein wouldn't change the stupid human body he made for me."

"Like the Frankenstein monster?"

"Pretty much." I stifled a laugh.

"What the hell is so funny?"


"Well, I bet the others are going to be so excited when they see you," Lord Death said like a cheery parent waiting for their first child. (It was actually kind of weird having to see Lord Death in that position, seeing as no one knew how Kid was born.)*

"Yeah. Crona seems to think so too. Even if she was in a relationship with your son." Ragnarok gestured to me. I looked down at the floor. I still felt some guilt for breaking up with Kid…I didn't mean to make Kid do that.

"Yes, yes, Kiddo-kun told me that he broke off the relationship. Said you really liked someone else." Lord Death commented. I flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sure Kid wouldn't have put it that way…but…I guess he's…r-right…" I'm not sure how I stumbled over the last word, but maybe it was very hard to admit that the object of my so-called affections was standing right next to me, nonchalantly chewing a piece of gum.

Odd. I never knew he chewed gum.

"Right? Well, I guess that's a lot to look forward to," he said, suddenly leaning over and blowing in my ear. The gum made his breath smell like peppermint. I flushed even more.

Lord Death just seemed to smirk under that mask of his.

"My, my, my…"

"You're kidding, right?" Black*Star said, crossing his legs over the desk. "Stein just gave you some sort of human form like that?**"

Ragnarok nodded, his head propped up on his hands, as if he were bored. "Took him a while, though. I guess there was something wrong in the process, which made me look somewhat like a relative of Crona."

I shook my head. "Not much." I smoothed out my shorts. "Funny. I'm not even dating Kid anymore and still, I'm wearing the symmetrical outfits that Liz and Patty made me get for him."

"Man, and after all this time we thought you had really melted." Maka remarked. "We really tried to give Crona a new weapon." Ragnarok jumped up from the desk, and I was thankful that our teacher hadn't come yet. "WHAT?!" he almost screamed. "You were trying to replace me? How could you?" "It's not like we knew you were alive, so I wasn't waiting for you!" I cringed, shielding my head, as if waiting for him to pound tiny fists on my head, like when he was still in my bloodstream.

"Damn, you're right," Ragnarok returned to his seat and resumed his bored position. "Not cool, man. You need logic for that," Soul said. "It's not like you have much logic, though, Soul," Maka teased, laying a finger on his chest. "Oh, Maka," he said. "You know yourself that I have much logic. Especially in bed." While saying the last sentence, he bit her ear, and I blushed a bit at the way it reminded me of that time in the Death Room. A burst of peppermint cut through my head.

"Get a room," Liz cut in, looking up at our two friends showing their affection. Soul just sat back down with a satisfied grin on his face, while Maka blushed more than I did as she sat down. Patty laughed, and Tsubaki sighed.

As I looked at them, there was only one person who did not join in the conversation.

A certain set of golden eyes kept watch on my black-blooded weapon.

"Well, so this room hasn't changed," Ragnarok was looking my room – no, scratch that – our room now – over, and he looked kind of disappointed to see that the fact that everything seemed so…blank, that was how he put it.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't find any way to make it look more appealing." I shot back, and Ragnarok crossed his arms. "Man," he said to himself. "It seems the only thing that has changed is Crona."

I nodded. It seemed that way, ever since he left…

"Yeah, I know I'm right," he said, bringing me back to reality. "I just hope you haven't changed too much, Cron."*** He leaned in close, and I could smell his peppermint breath too close before the space was closed.

A/N: No, I'm not going to update continually on this one. I guess this one is better left open-ended, like the Y'hudah fanfictions I was making before. Only you can guess what's coming next!

In fact, I might be coming back for a sequel!

* - You Kid fangirls can say whatever you want, but one thing is constant – we will never really know how Kid was born…until Mr. Ohkubo tells us.

** - Many fanfictions tell of human!Ragnarok coming through one of Stein's experiments. I believe in this theory. Somewhat.

*** - "Cron" is a cute nickname I made Ragnarok give Crona. It's like Crona without the a.

Ragnarok: Oh, I did not give her a freaking nickname!

Carol: Shut up!

I just think it would be nice for human!Ragnarok to chew gum instead of eat candy. He's not a baby, you know! (episode 26 FTW)

And the peppermint…yeah, I think I've been reading too much of Inkheart. (You all know about the peppermint breath…Not that I like his character.)

Sorry it's so short...

Keep reading stories, please! (The authors will be very pleased if you give their fanfics hits. I know the feeling.)

Soul Eater © Atsushi Ohkubo.