Shadows painted every corner of the place. A faint outline of a poster could be seen but she could smell the comfort and somewhat familiar scent of bed sheets. The blackness seemed to be closing in her and she could feel herself drift back to sleep. This was different, it felt like she had been awake and not asleep, or she had a very vivid dream involving a redheaded archer dressed in a cute jacket showing his attractive eyes. Then she snapped out of it. It couldn't be a dream. She tried opening an eye but the pain in her head made every image blurry making her focus vague. She couldn't remember why she had to talk to Roy though. All she wanted was to see beautiful emerald eyes sparkling in the darkness. She wanted to tell him her secrets. The blonde could only remember him, the speedster clad in red and yellow. If that was the case, she must have seen him moments before...' Before what? ' Her mind turned hazy as she tried to remember.

"Hello little sis"

Her head stopped spinning in that instant and her blood turned icy. Her eyes jumped from place to place searching for the source of the voice. A voice she knew all too well and wished she wasn't hearing right now. But it wasn't the voice that bothered her the most; it was the words it spoke. Artemis knew who that voice belonged to and the fact that she had called her 'little sis' made it real, it made real the fact that in her blood was the blood of villains, of cold-hearted murders.

Cheshire stepped a bit closer to Artemis and touched her shoulder gently. Artemis closed her eyes and sunk deeper into the bed she was on. She cursed in her mind for showing any kind of weakness before her sister. If there was a moment to be stronger than ever it was now, so she opened her eyes and glared at the face in front of her. Artemis did her best to get her eyes to look hard and cold, unreadable but looking into her sister's eyes made the truth of her being real again. 'No time for weakness Artemis' she thought and willed herself to stare into her sister's eyes once more.

"Don't worry sis I didn't came here for a job, just because I'm shadows doesn't mean I don't care about you." She gave Artemis a small grin. Artemis narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything, apparently the way to tell her little sister she missed her was by shooting her with a non lethal drug to kidnap her.

Gaining her senses again, the archer tried to touch her head as pain flooded her crane. She felt an unfamiliar wetness as she lifted her hand. Red covered her slender fingers and slowly melted into her sheets creating a small pool of blood. She tried lifting her entire body unsuccessfully. Through all her display Cheshire had merely sat on the opposite bed, crossed her legs and inspected her nails seemingly bored.

"You're not the same as when we trained together Arty." Artemis hissed at the nickname giving up on lifting her tired form and tried speaking again. At least she could try using reverse psychology.'Sheyaa right, with her.' Artemis thought hopelessly "Why are you here? Why did you kidnap me? Where is my friend?" Artemis rushed her questions accusingly still dazed by the blood loss.

Cheshire hummed returning her eyes to glance at the blonde. " Well it is not fair I answer so many questions if I don't get to ask some too." She purred smirking triumphantly.

"Speaking of your friends, how is that archer friend of yours doing?" Cheshire asked as she twirled a strand of Artemis's golden locks in her finger. The question didn't seem weird to Artemis, she remembered how her sister used to ask things completely off subject to annoy her. What did seem weird though was the way she asked it, as if she wasn't asking it to get off subject and annoy Artemis again, no in fact it seemed as if the question was related to the subject.

"You mean Red Arrow?" she said careful not to say 'Roy' and give out his identity. Cheshire didn't answer; instead she walked around the room and stopped at something. Artemis had to squint her eyes since the darkness still surrounded them. She could make out a table and her sister's hand picking up something from it. It was a paper.

"I remember the good old days when we were still together. You came home one day after kindergarten and showed me this." She held up the paper close enough for Artemis to see. It had two sentences written in a big messy handwriting with a blue Crayola. "Your teacher had asked you what your biggest dream was. You wrote down 'Get married and be a mom.'

Artemis had no memory of that particular moment but she did have the memories of her dreaming of someday falling in love, get married and start a family. Even though she had toughened up, it was still one of her biggest dreams.

"I see you are very close to your teammates" Cheshire continued and upon seeing Artemis's eyes widen she said "Yes, I watch you every once in a while. Like the time you went out for smoothies with your weird Martian friend. Anyways, I see you are very close to Red Arrow and your green eyed speedy friend."