Flipside: The Spontaneous Files
By Nan00k

This is a little plot bunny that grew into a ravenous mammalian mind monster over the course of a few weeks, and naturally, I complied to give it life. Like most of The Spontaneous Files, this is set during Aftereffects Chapter 8, though it really doesn't have a set time…or setting, for that matter. The story is written in chat room form. As in…IM conversations. Enjoy the stupidity which is fandom.

MentalPerson4545 – Becky
BarryCade86 – Barricade
ChecktheRepz – Bumblebee
Ironhide123 – Ironhide
Docbot1 - Ratchet
Popo12 - Prowl
AllDatJazz221 - Jazz
SexyBot1001 – Sunstreaker
RedTerror2 – Sideswipe
TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream – Starscream
OptimusPrime – Optimus Prime


Warnings: Utter stupidity, lack of characterization, authentic typing/dialogue, foul language, sexualized language, parody of fans
: Transformers © Hasbro. I have regrets.


Mentalperson4545 has entered the chat room.

BarryCade86 has entered the chat room.

Mentalperon4545: holy crap! You actually came!

BarryCade86: I am at work, idiot! I came to tell you to stop sending me these infernal instant messages!

Mentalperson4545: :D

Mentalperson4545: I'm bored! Mom's on lockdown so all I can do is sit at the computer.

Mentalperson4545: and ur a freaking robot from mars, dude! You can multitask!

BarryCade86: Does it ever occur to you that you're a waste of carbon, and are taking up the space that more significant matter could occupy?

Mentalperson4545: OUCH

Mentalperson4545: BURNNNNN

Mentalperson4545: srly, Cade, would it kill you to socialize?

BarryCade86: Communicating through instant text based messages over the Internet is not socializing. It's just retarded. Besides, I talk to enough of you damn fleshbags everyday.

Mentalperson4545: YEAH RIGHT. I bet you just sit in the corner of a parking lot all day and only turn on the sirens to go through red lights. I bet you don't talk to anyone besides Emily all day!

BarryCade86: Want to bet? I'm talking to one of your fellow species right now. The dumb ass wanted to run a red light.

Mentalperson4545: LMAO. I would kill to see you on the job.

Mentalperson4545: omg, would you take me in to work on Take Your Daughter To Work Day?

Barrycade86: What are you even talking about?

Mentalperson4545: Would you take me in the patrol car one day? i wanna see you take down some punk ass!

BarryCade86: You are absolutely retarded.

BarryCade86: I'm leaving.

Mentalperson4545: WAIT! At least give me half an hour!

BarryCade86: Of reading your senseless garbage? Slag no.

Mentalperson4545: If I really bug you that much, I'll invite the others to come over too so we can all talk!

BarryCade86: No, do not do that!

Mentalperson4545 is away.

BarryCade86: BITCH!

Mentalperson4545 returns from away.

ChecktheRepz enters the chat room.

Ironhide123 enters the chat room.

Docbot1 enters the chat room.

AllDatJazz221 enters the chat room.

BarryCade86: DAMN YOU!

Mentalperson4545: :D You were lonely!

BarryCade86: The hell I was!

Mentalperson4545: So, you do enjoy my company, then?

AllDatJazz221: And silence reigns! LOL!

Mentalperson4545: …Cade? Hello?

BarryCade86: Give me one good reason to stay on this line, you insolent brat.

Mentalperson4545: cause you love me?

BarryCade86: Try again.

ChecktheRepz: Come on, Barricade! What wrong with socializing? :P

AllDatJazz332: Yeah, we are in Code Green. ;) Make the best of the truce, man. We'll be wantin' this downtime later.

BarryCade86: Let me guess: the Bumbling Brat and the Saboteur?

ChecktheRepz: :(

BarryCade86: And the Hatchet and the Hulking Menace?

AllDatJazz221: Aww nicknames! And all we call you is Asshole.

DocBot1: Call me that again, Decepticon, and I will meld your servos to your aft plates.

Mentalperson4545: OOOo

Mentalperson4545: Them's fightin' words!

Ironhide123: He'll do it, too.

BarryCade86: As if you could even try it, Autobot.

Mentalperson4545: SO, to avoid arguments, LET'S CHANGE THE TOPIC

Ironhide123: To what, kid?

Mentalperson4545: …"Ironhide123?"

Ironhide123: What?

Mentalperson4545: XD Someone sure lacks originality!

Ironhide123: What?

AllDatJazz221: She's talking about yer screen name.

Ironhide123: What about it? My alias is just fine for a noncombatant situation such as this. This activity does not require me to shield my identity.

ChecktheRepz: The question is, who took the name Ironhide 1 through 122? O_o;

AllDatJazz221: Good point, Bee. XD

Mentalperson4545: But the purpose of having a screen name is to have a really funny and cool one!

BarryCade86: And this is coming from the idiot who calls themselves "mental."

Mentalperson4545: Shut up, this is from five years ago! It was funny at the time!

Ironhide123: Why would you chose that for your designation?

Mentalperson4545: BECAUSE I WANTED TO

AllDatJazz221: Yikes! Caps.

Mentalperson4545: Lol, sorry.

DocBot1: Rebecca, I am curious.

Mentalperson4545: about what?

DocBot1: Human designations. I understand that the creators of a human child name it at birth without a thorough examination of their personalities. Why?

Mentalperson4545: Uh, because it takes at least ten years for us to get to the point where we've established personality and habits?

DocBot1: Even still, it's a curious practice. What does your name mean?

Mentalperson4545: …I actually don't know.

Mentalperson4545: Hang on, I'll Google it.

BarryCade86: You don't even know what your own name means? Idiot!

Mentalperson4545 is away.

Mentalperson4545 has returned.

ChecktheRepz: So? What does it mean?

Mentalperson4545: Rebecca means "to be tied" or "bound" apparently.

BarryCade86: "Bound?"

Mentalperson4545: What the shit? My name is sexist!

AllDatJazz221: Either that or that says something about your fetish.

ChecktheRepz: XD LOL

MentalPerson4545: damnit

DocBot1: That's fascinating, though. Human names have meanings that their spoken and written forms do not reveal!

AllDatJazz221: Yeah. Ours are a bit more obvious.

Mentalperson4545: Well, yeah. Jazz=musical, Ratchet=tools/fixing things, Ironhide=tough guy, Barricade= an impossible asshole

BarryCade86: Thanks. So much.

Mentalperson4545: :3 Anyways…then, there's Sunstreaker=fast yellow guy, Sideswipe=sneak attack, Prowl=subtle, Mirage=he turns invisible, Hound=tracker, Megatron=big robot, Optimus Prime=the best/good king, Starscream=screechy voice from pit

ChecktheRepz: Haha! True!

Mentalperson4545: I almost forgot about you, Bee! Your name…hmm…

Mentalperson4545: …why the hell are you named Bumblebee of all things?

ChecktheRepz: :|

Mentalperson4545: Seriously, do you have metal bugs on Cybertron?

DocBot1: No, we don't.

Mentalperson4545: that'd be so cool though!

ChecktheRepz: My name is supposed to signify I am quick on my feet, in relation to my coloring and physique.

Mentalperson4545: …so it means you're small?

ChecktheRepz: D: No, it doesn't!

Mentalperson4545: LOL!

BarryCade86: For once, I agree with your logic, brat.

Mentalperson4545: Was that directed at the metal brat, or the carbon-based brat?

AllDatJazz221: Ya know ya just called yerself a brat, right?

Mentalperson4545: …well, what do you know, I did. :\

BarryCade86: HA!

AllDatJazz221: Yeah…so…what we gonna talk about?

Mentalperson4545: Hey, Ratchet?

DocBot1: What is it?

Mentalperson4545: I have a serious question.

BarryCade86: You? Primus, help us.

Mentaperson4545: Shut up, I'm being serious!

DocBot1: I'll try to answer it; go ahead.

Mentalperson4545: Have you ever gotten laid?

DocBot1: Laid? What is that?

BarryCade86: Oh, Primus!

AllDatJazz221: Oh snap! :)

DocBot1: What is it? Seriously, what?

Mentalperson4545: I just lol'd. XD Poor Ratchet's not getting any.

DocBot1: Getting WHAT? :(

Ironhide123: According to the Internet, "laid" is a slang word for sexual intercourse.

DocBot1: …what?

Mentalperson4545: DO YOU HAVE A GIRL/BOY FRIEND?

DocBot1: Those are human relation-based terms, Rebecca. In case you haven't noticed, I am not a human, so they do not apply to me.

Mentalperson4545: Okay, so what about a bond mate?

ChecktheRepz: Wow, how do you know that phrase?

AllDatJazz221: *snerk* Did Barry have the "talk" with you?

Mentalperson4545: Lol, what?

BarryCade86: WHAT? I'm not her creator!

Mentalperson4545: He's my cousin

Mentalperson4545: *in law

ChecktheRepz: You have our deepest sympathies. :3

Mentalperson4545: X_x Thx.

Mentalperson4545: IN ANY CASE, Ratchet!

Mentalperson4545: do u have a bondmate?

DocBot1: Why in the Matrix do you want to know?

Mentalperson4545: because ur Ratchet! And i'm a fan girl! there were so many theories i heard from other fans, i just gotta know!

DocBot1: That is no reason.

Mentalperson4545: come on, its just conversation.

ChecktheRepz: Why, are you interested in him?

AllDatJazz221: PWNED.

BarryCade86: :)

Ironhide123: Ha!

Mentalperson4545: I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE YOU ALL! D:

DocBot1: It serves you right for asking questions that don't concern you at all.

Mentalperson4545: And ew, that's disgusting! We're not even the same species!

Mentalperson4545: And if I had to choose from anyone of you, I'd so go for Soundwave.

BarryCade86: WHAT?

Ironhide123: Primus, you're weird!

AllDatJazz221: Aw, man, that's sick!

DocBot1: How do you even know who Soundwave is?

ChecktheRepz: AND WHY?

Mentalperson4545: I have my sources.

Mentalperson4545: And dude, its Soundwave! Of course he has fan girls!

Ironhide123: What the slag is a fan girl?

Mentalperson4545: RATCHET! Answer the question!

DocBot1: It's none of your business, slag it all!

Mentalperson4545: …

Mentalperson4545: …are you gay?

BarryCade86: LOL

RedTerror2 enters the chatroom.

SexyBot1001 enters the chatroom.

DocBot1: Oh, no!

RedTerror2: you don't even know who we are yet!

ChecktheRepz: Yes, we do.

SexyBot1001: Oh yeah? Who?

Mentalperson4545: hmmm…how about the only retards who'd call themselves "terrors" or "sexy"?

ChecktheRepz: The twins! :3

AllDatJAzz: So, u gonna answer Beck's question, Ratch? ;)

DocBot1: NO.

RedTerror2: A question about our beloved Hatchet? Do share!

Mentalperson4545: LOL

DocBot1: Say it, and I'll deactivate you all!

Mentalperson4545: Well, since I'm human, I'm off limits to your evil revenge, thanks to your leader's lovely decree of "we'll never harm humans." AKA me.

DocBot1: ...

Mentalperson4545: xD I WIN!

SexyBot1001: What was the question?

AllDatJazz221: I ain't risking my servos for it, but it was funny.


Mentalperson4545: I'll tell it to you in l33t.

SexyBot1001: ߮1|\|9 17!

Mentalperson4545: O_O whoa!


DocBot1 has left the chat room.

Mentalperson4545: 1 4$|{3Ð 1ƒ R47(h37 3v3r 907 £41Ð b3ƒ0r3.

BarryCade86: He already left, idiot, so type normally.

RedTerror2: LMAO!

SexyBot1001: That's brilliant! I'm going to ask him later!

Mentalperson4545: Are you sure you don't already know the answer to that? :3

AllDatJazz221: Aaaaand another awkward silence. Sweet!

ChecktheRepz: Did you just suggest…Sunstreaker and…Ratchet are mates?


RedTerror2: *is offlining from laughter*

BarryCade86: Where do you get these absurd ideas?

Mentalperson4545: Fan fictions.

ChecktheRepz: What are those?

Mentalperson4545: fan made stories about an already established story…like the Transformers, AKA, where you guys are from. :P

ChecktheRepz: Are you still saying that we're fictional characters from some human story?

Ironhide123: Ha! That again.

Mentalperson4545: But I'm not making it up!

AllDatJazz221: Aww, that's so cute, kid.

SexyBot1001: You humans are so fragging weird.

Popo12 has entered the chat room.

Mentalperson4545: OMFG

Mentalperson4545: ROTFLMAO

Mentalperson4545: ROTFLMAO

Popo12: What?

AllDatJazz221: I think its yer name, Prowler. :)

Popo12: You're the one who chose it for me, Jazz, after you insisted I joined this obviously senseless discussion. Ratchet was right to warn me not to come.

BarryCade86: Oh, believe me, there is no discussion happening anywhere within this chatroom.


BarryCade86: ?

Popo12: It what?

Mentalperson4545: ILU. *heart*

RedTerror2: I don't understand half the shit you say at all, kid.

Mentaperson4545: Wow, neither do I!

BarryCade86: Are you high?

Mentalperson4545: Dude, I've been laughing hysterically for the last ten minutes! I'm like seeing colors flashing in the corner of my eyes, I'm laughing so hard.

ChecktheRepz: As long as you don't start tasting it.

Mentalperson4545: what?

Popo12: What were you even talking about, anyway?

AllDatJazz221: Well, we started off dissin' Ironhide's username, and then Ratchet's 'sexuality' was brought up.

Popo12: …why?

BarryCade86: Like I said before, there is no logical sense to any of this conversation.

Mentalperson4545: Oh, come on. I'm just teasing him.

Mentalperson4545: Besides, there could be worse pairings between the lot of you I can think of.

Ironhide123: I don't think you could top Ratchet/Sunstreaker.

SexyBot1001: Disgusting!

Mentalperson4545: Wanna bet?

Mentalperson4545: XD Prowl/Jazz!

AllDatJazz221: Hey, don't bring me into this!

Mentalperson4545: I actually like that pairing, thank you. It was huge in the fandom and practically canon.

Popo12: What does that mean?

RedTerror2: It means you and Jazz are sharing a berth.

Popo12: …

Mentalperson4545: Ooh! What about Inferno/Red Alert

Mentalperson4545: Or Ratchet/Wheeljack

Mentalperson4545: Or Sunstreaker/Sideswipe/Bluestreak?

AllDatJazz221: Oh, Primus, you're killing me! XD


Ironhide123: How do you know all of those names!

Mentalperson4545: Or, for the kicker, Ratchet/Ironhide/Optimus/Megatron/Perceptor?

BarryCade86: Okay, you are totally pulling this out of your ass now!

Mentalperson4545: XD That last one, yeah, but do you want to hear the real canon pairing?

ChecktheRepz: :D We're all audials!

Popo12: Sweet Primus almighty, this is ridiculous.

Mentalperason4545: Starscream X Megatron

AllDatJazz221: LMAO!

BarryCade86: You have to be kidding me.

Mentalperson4545: I am dead serious!

Mentalperson4545: Megs beats Starscream…Starscream always comes back…they bitch like an old married couple…and for some reason, they never kill each other!

BarryCade86: Starscream has tried to kill Lord Megatron. Hundreds of times.

Mentalperson4545: Still! Maybe he's got a reverse of that beated wife syndrome or whatever!

Ironhide123: Maybe he's just a malfunctioning glitchhead.

Mentalperson4545: But what if? What if he's really in love!


SexyBot1001: Can you imagine walking in on them in berth?

Mentalperson4545: Oh my god.

RedTerror2: It'd be like watching a tank assaulting a jet.

ChecktheRepz: o_o

SexyBot1001: It would be a tank assaulting a jet.

Mentalperson4545: *dies*

BarryCade86: Stop talking about this!

SexyBot1001: And did you know Starscream's nickname is Screamer?

Ironhide123: Oh, Primus.

SexyBot1001: I bet I could guess why. :P

RedTerror2: "Oh, Megatron!"

SexyBot1001: "Oh, Screamer! Scream for me!"


Mentalperson4545: I think I'm too young to be reading this. Outside of fan fiction, that is.

ChecktheRepz: Me, too.

RedTerror2: "Ooooooh…!"




Popo12: This is completely absurd!


ChecktheRepz: We were having a conversation?

Mentalperson4545: Apparently. Like five minutes ago.

Popo12: Congratulations, you've shorted out Jazz.

RedTerror2: We made his processor crash?

Popo12: No, the hysterical laughter made a few fuses give out.

Mentalperson4545: I was laughing until it got creepy.

BarryCade86: This thing got creepy the moment you signed on.

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream enters the chat room.

Mentalperson4545: …wow.

SexyBot1001: That's just…

ChecktheRepz: Ironic?

Ironhide123: And you accused me of having an overly simplistic alias.

BarryCade86: How the slag are you all getting this address?

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: What is this? Who is sending this pathetically primitive communiqué to my commlink? Barricade!

RedTerror2: LOLLLL

Mentalperson4545: Oops my bad.

BarryCade86: I'm stepping on your dog.

BarryCade86: And then your house.

BarryCade86: And then you.

Mentalperson4545: :D?

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: I demand an answer! What is this?


BarryCade86 leaves the chat room.

Mentalperson4545: AWW!

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: Did he just call me a bitch?

Mentalperson4545: ROTFLMAO *dies*


RedTerror2: LMFAO

Ironhide123: Ha!

ChecktheRepz: Look like you failed to keep him here for thirty minutes, Becky.

Mentalperson4545: Nuh uh! It's been thirty minutes!

ChecktheRepz: Twenty-nine minutes, fifty-six seconds.

Mentalperson4545: BITCH!

AllDatJazz221: Fail! XD

Mentalperson4545: :( Talk about epic fail. He'll bring that up the next time I try talking to him, too.

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: WHAT is going on?

AllDatJazz221: Not to mention the fact he's gonna to ignore you for the next month an' a half.

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: Do not ignore me, Autobots!

Mentalperson4545: Who u calling an Autobot, Screamer?

RedTerror2: LOL!

ChecktheRepz: Hahahaha~!

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: And you, human! I demand you show me the respect I deserve!

Mentalperson4545: Sure, Star Cream.

RedTerror2: HAHAHAHA!

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: HUMAN!

Mentalperson4545: It was a typo, I swear!

Mentalperson4545: :3

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: Enough of this stupidity! Do not contact me again, Autobrats! I don't care if we are in a truce or not!

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: You either, fleshling! I know where you recharge!

Mentalperson4545: ):

SexyBot1001: I have one question, Star Cream.

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: What?

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream: AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!

SexyBot1001: Is Megatron good in berth?

TheGreatAndPowerfulStarscream leaves the chat room.

RedTerror2: PWN'D!

Popo12: Dear Primus…

AllDatJazz221: LOL!

Mentalperson4545: Lol, that was kinda mean. Great timing, though.

AllDatJazz221: But it was Starscream.

RedTerror2: And that makes it okay.

Mentalperson4545: Oh…kay…

AllDatJazz221: That was amazing on so many levels of amazingness.

Mentalperson4545: Oh, hey! You're alive!

AllDatJazz221: Yeah, well, we gotta wrap this up.

Popo12: Patrol starts in less than a breem.

Mentalperson4545: Awww!

Mentalperson4545: Let's do this agin

Mentalperson4545: *again

ChecktheRepz: When?

AllDatJazz221: I'm free tomorrow.

Mentalperson4545: I have school.

RedTerror2: We don't need you :P

Mentalperson4545: D':

Mentalperson4545 has left the chat room.

RedTerror2: HAHA!

ChecktheRepz: Jerk!

Ironhide123: Why did I even stay this long?

Ironhide123 has left the chat room.

Popo12: I'll see you all back at the base, on time for your duties.

Popo12 has left the chat room.

AllDatJazz221: Aww, Prowler! Don't go!

AllDatJazz221 has left the chat room.

ChecktheRepz: Well, that was eventful.

RedTerror2: Humans are weird, but entertaining.

SexyBot1001: Let's go find Ratchet and ask him that question again.

ChecktheRepz: And get my servos hacked off? No thanks.

RedTerror2: I bet we could get Sam to ask him.

ChecktheRepz: Don't even think about it. :(

RedTerror2: Okay, okay…:P

RedTerror2: Besides, Sunshine here should be able to tell us all about it, right? ;)

SexyBot1001 has left the chat room.

ChecktheRepz: …where did he go?

RedTerror2: …oh, slag. He knows where we are. RUN.

RedTerror2 has left the chat room.

ChecktheRepz has left the chat room.

OptimusPrime has entered the chat room.

OptimusPrime: I apologize for my tardiness. Jazz informed me of a group discussion going on.

OptimusPrime: …hello?

OptimusPrime: :(

OptimusPrime has left the chat room.


End Chatterday.

Next, Barricade and Becky earn a job from a third party source they just can't refuse. Unfortunately, the Autobots have to stick their noses into it, and well, Idaho may not survive.


Fun Fan Fiction Facts
-Their names were a pain in the ass to come up with, I swear! :( I must have gone through five different versions for all of them.
-This idea has been floating around my mind for WEEKS, even before I finished Flipside.
-I kept writing "SexyBoy" instead of "SexyBot" for at least five minutes.
-The reason why Becky freaked out about the whole "Popo" thing is based on an inside joke my sister and I have.
-Optimus Prime has no friends. D:

(I warned you; this is total crack and always will be.)