A/N Well I had a wonderful day what about you guys? What makes my day so wonderful you ask? Well fifth period yesterday was like awesome. I sit in front of my crush and the way the desk sits whenever we look up at the same time were facing each other, and we flirted the whole period. Also Saturday they had a track meet, and his short were on backwards. His dad was like ugh that is not my son. His dad disowns him a lot. So we started playing the hip bump game. Then today I was walking past my crush and he grabbed my waist, and kept holding on to me, and was like hey hey hey. His project partner said. Please tell him it is not okay to steal logos, and he goes I'm a thief. So I go bad no stealing, and he was like fine. Also he told me he loved me today…hehe…my sister said we should stop flirting and just go out. Oh and I will not be able to update all next week. Spring Break and I'm going to Tennessee. So sorry I'll still work on the chapters, and then upload them as soon as I get home.

Fang pov

I can't believe Nudge weaseled me into this. I mean this is a low, a real low. Nudge giggled looking at my outfit that she found incredibly hilarious. Well for me it was. I was wearing a pink shirt, not just pink, hot pink shirt. The only cool thing about it was the yin yang sign in the middle, then she'd made me put on a black vest, and dark skinny jeans, with chains on them, and I can't forget to mention the pink converse I'm wearing. I put on my dog tags grabbed the my guitar and walked out on stage. I still can't get over the fact I'm wearing pink.

It's all max's fault her condition was I play the guitar in the back ground and absolutely have to wear a pink shirt. I down and waited for Max to come out.

Max pov

She actually did it she got Fang to wear a pink shirt. How she did it I will never know. I can't even get him to wear a pink tie to prom. At first I was going to make Nudge do something embarrassing, like shave her head, but then I was like Fang should wear pink. I thought I'd win and not have to sing, but she manage to get him to wear it. WoW. He looks sort of sexy wearing pink if I say so myself. The music started playing.

"When I was younger I saw my daddy cry, and curse at the wind. He broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it, and my mama swore that she'd never let herself forget, and that was the day that I promised I'd that I'd never sing of love if it does not exist, but darling you are the only exception. You are the only exception."

Before I knew it I was finished with the song. The crowd applauded. I grabbed Fang by the hand and ran offstage with him.

"Well I see I wasn't the only one who wore pink." He said gesturing to my white skinny jeans, pink tank top, and pink converse.

"Couldn't let you be out there alone could I? What type of girlfriend would I be then?" I pecked him on the lips.

"You'd be the Maxiest girlfriend ever." He leant down and kissed me again.

"Well I guess I'm not Maaxy enough." I kissed him again.

"You're just the way I love a Max." He kissed me again, but this time deepening it. I kissed him back our mouths moving in a slow pace in synch together. He pushed me up against the wall and put his hands on the wall, on either side of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled his face closer with the. I pulled away slightly only to hear a satisfying groan come from Fang, and he kissed me again. Our kiss became less passionate and more needy, and I pushed myself closer to him, my hands tangling in his sexy pink shirt. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in tight to him.

"Ahem…" I heard our principal clear her throat behind us. I backed away slowly from Fang, and looked up sheepishly.

"You two need to get back on stage for judging." She smirked slightly at us and followed us back onstage. I thought I might've even heard her murmur teens under her breath. Fang and I held hands on the stage and watched the judges who were whispering furiously to each other. They passed a little slip of paper to Maya who was our M.C.

"Okay the results are in and the winners of this year's talent show are…drum roll please, " The crowd pats their legs, "Maximum Batchelder and Nicholas Ride!" Maya screamed out our names. My jaw dropped and I looked at Fang absolutely amazed that we won. He grinned and squished me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him, and smiled. I won the talent show. Wait correct that there will never be a just me anymore. Me and FANG won the talent show. Nudge ran out on stage and hugged both of us.

"Se Max, I knew you'd guys win. See what happens when you listen to me!" She smiled happily. I looked in the crowd to see Iggy, Gazzy, and Angel cheering , and screaming. Iggy was doing some weird victory dance. Don't ask it's Iggy we're talking about here.

"You won Max go get the trophy." Fang nudged me to center stage. I shook my head grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.

"Correction, we won the trophy. From now on it will always be a we, and an us, because we're a team Fang." I didn't notice I said that in the mike until a bunch of girls in the crowd awed. I blushed and took the trophy.


I'm soooo bored. What are we supposed to do." Nudge collapsed on the couch. It's amazing how I won a talent show, and now there is nothing to do!

"I don't know… what do you want to do?" I asked her. Ariel looked up from playing with her dolls.

"Let's go to the park Maxi!" She squealed. Ari nodded in agreement.

"Guess it's settled, to the park we go!" I got off the couch and grabbed my jacket.

So now I'm at the park sitting on a too small swing me feet dragging in the dirt.

"Fang's on his way here." I told Nudge.

"You guys can't leave each other's side for five minutes can you?" Nudge asked still watching the twins play with some other kids at the park.

"I don't know I've never tried and don't plan on it." I smiled at her. Ari ran up to me.

"OH NO MAX, I GOT A CUT!" He screamed pulling his pants leg up to show me his knees.

"Max will kiss it and make it better." Ari made a face.

"Ew cooties!" He laughed and ran back off to find his sister. Boys. Never will understand them.

"Hello ladies." I heard Fang's voice behind me. I twisted my swing around to see his face.

"Hey Fangster." I leaned up to peck him the lips.

"So what are we doing here at the park." He sat in the swing on the opposite side of me.

"Well I was talking to Nudge, and now you're here." I drug me feet throw the dirt scuffing the tips of them.

"Ooh, I see." He began to swing lightly with me and Nudge.

"You know what a couple months ago if you asked me how life was. I'd say it was crap. Now my dad's in jail, I have a special guy in my life, and my best friend is back. Life is starting to look up." I smiled at the two of them

A/N Woohoo! So now that the story is winding down. I'm talking one or two more chapters. Who is your favorite character? Review and tell me!