I really don't know as to why I made this fan-fiction, but who knows maybe something good will come out of it! In case you readers barely read the summary, this story is going to be quite the odd ball, but please if you see something wrong, or maybe something isn't understandable, review ok?And please don't be mad at me for the Triads names it's the best I could come up with.

Enjoy! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own pokémon ;


"Master Ghetsis, we have received word that the Shadow Triad was successful in their latest mission and will be back in by morning. We are standing by for any further word." The man then in the strange blue and white knight –like outfit exited the room and closed the door behind him.

"Hm, taking some time to get here I see Triad. No matter, as long as we have the information we need from the energy of that Chain, those fools from Team Galactic couldn't control, I am one step closer to bringing my dreams to reality, even if I am years from accomplishing it. I can wait three measly days." The man with the strange green hair, mechanical bright-red right eye looked out a window behind him, laughing hysterically, to the darkness of the underground he lived under.

Meanwhile towards the southeast of the land a tiny young girl, running frantically in the climax of a storm from the sea, screamed as loud as she could for help, for she was being hunted by a hungry purple and yellow cat-like creature. Unfortunately the help she would get from three strangers clad in black wasn't what the little blue eyed girl intended.

"H-HELP! SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP MEEE!" She going and going, her heart felt like it would burst inside her ribs if she didn't find help. She only hoped the creature stalking her would get bored or grow tired of chasing her before her tiny legs would give in to her weight.

"I know it's hard to here anything with that storm swirling around out there but, Simon and Lucian, did you two just hear a shrill of some sort?" A man sitting by the opening of a cliff-side cave turned slowly to two other men shrouded entirely in black, their white hair being the only other part of their strange fashion visible from a distance. His brown eyes scanned the cave for the two who were sitting by a fire.

"Beats me, it's probably just the wind Kurai, your mind must be playing tricks on you." The man to the left explained as he added more wood, his blue eyes glistening a purplish color from reds and yellows of the flames. His gaze shifted from the fire to Kurai and back again to the dancing flames.

"Simon is probably right, it must be your head taking in the sound of wind wrong or something. Who in their right minds would ever dare try to go out into a storm this bad? We were lucky to even find this cave before the storm hit." The man across from Simon, and the Leader of the Trio, Lucian, said. "It's probably just the stress from the long mission we took on, I mean listening to an insane blue haired man ramble on about a world without war or hate because there is no emotion is pretty ridiculous, but listening to it for over six month's is just maddening. At least on the bright side of this we obtained immense data for our Master, and our organization." Lucian admitted while staring at Kurai with his gold colored eyes.

"Mm, I guess your right on that-"

"Aah! Help!" A panicked voice cried out, clearly its owner terrified out of its mind.

"Did you hear that?" Simon asked surprised, while the other twos heads shot up just like he had. "I did, what was that a child, a little girl?" Lucian stood up and walked over to the opening of the cave, across from Kurai. He listened closer, shutting his eyes, and sure enough there was another squeal, only now it was closer.

"I told you I heard something!" Kurai exclaimed, turning towards Simon with what was would have been a visible grin, if it wasn't for his face mask covering his lips. Simon, not amused, stood and made his way over to cave entrance standing between his two team mates. "I may not be able to see it, but don't make me punch you for being so smug, if Master Ghetsis saw you he would back-hand you like he does to anyone who steps out of line." Simon spat this threat out as if something bitter was his tongue. "Hmph, fine so what now? We just ignore this like it's nothing…? Lucian?" Kurai, still sitting down, noticed their squad leader look disturbed...? Simon now changing his attention too, noticed something was off about him as well.

Lucian, noticing his teammate's stares sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We have to help." Looking up at his cohort's stunned faces was priceless, but he held the laugh back, he was still stressed at what he himself just said. "Are you out of your mind?" The two said in unison, Kurai now standing and Simon taking a step towards Lucian. "You cannot be serious Luc! (Pronounced Luke) Why would you even suggest that?" Simon just flailed his arms around like they were noodles, while Kurai was staring at them both, his mind blank.

"If you would listen to me for just a second! Look this child probably has a family that must be either out there searching for her or calling the police to report a missing child. So what do you think cops and/ or search party members would do if they stumbled onto finding the Shadow Triad while looking for this child?" Lucian yelled, glaring at the two. They glanced silently at each other for a moment, and back at their leader obviously answering his question with surprised gazes. "Exactly, now move, we search for the child and return her home!" He stated fazing into the darkness. "Alright!" The other two complied and dispersed into the black night as well.

"Haah… haah… no I-I can't… g-g-go on a…ny more…" The young girl, now reduced to moving what didn't even look like a jog, collapsed on all fours panting vigorously, trying to grab as much air as possible into her lungs. She could hear it, the predator running towards her, but she couldn't figure out from where. Until it was too late, "Liiiie-pard!" at that moment time seemed to stop as she felt something like a pinch run across her back from her right shoulder near to the end of her ribcage on the left side. She heard a high pitched sound from somewhere, but couldn't figure out where it came from; at least until she felt that her mouth was wide open. After that, as she fell, she saw three large, black figures come into her blurry sight. Her body felt numb, she finally realized that along with the burning sensation to her back, she felt every little cut or bruise from when she zipped through tree branches and shrubs or fell on the wet slippery ground. She knew she heard voices, deep yet smooth like velvet, but she could not make out what they were saying, finally she saw the blackness enclose around her sight.

She felt light hit her eyes through her lids, and sharply turned her head away. But then realizing she didn't feel the cold, muddy, forest floor beneath her, she shot up, eyes wide open not even taking a moment to rub her eyes. But the effort wasn't a good idea, she felt a sharp stabbing pain everywhere, especially her back. "Whoa, whoa there missy, I don't think you should do that." A hand on her shoulder, large but gentle, pushed her down, the pain already dulling. "It's best not move around so much, don't want your stitches opening up now do you?" Her gaze shifted from the wall in across the room, to a man with gorgeous white hair and cladded in nothing but black. She couldn't believe at what or really who she was looking at, but his gold eyes seemed to smile at her, so she let her guard down, slightly. "There we go, you holding up ok kid? You worried my friends and I quite a bit when you didn't respond to us."

She didn't answer, how could she, the last thing she remembered was she was running through the woods in the pursuit of a hungry Liepard, now she was waking up in a huge overly- soft bed in a room that seemed too glorious to even be in a five-star hotel. Looking around the room she noticed two other men, dressed like the on beside her, by what was apparently the only exit. Great, now how was she going to get out, realizing that wouldn't be able get out, let alone move, she turned her attention to the golden eyed man.

Letting out a shaky sigh she responded, "I'm fine, just a little…um, shaken I guess. S-So where exactly am I? All I remember last was that I was falling to the ground when that Liepard hit me in the back with a Slash attack." Staring at the black clothed man she felt a little… tiny, or maybe she could somehow sense this was trouble for her so-called saviors. 'Crud, this is the last thing I wanna think about right now. They saved me, good for them, but it looks like he's gonna get in trouble for saving me.' It pained her like the pain all over her body, to believe such a thing. She heard him chuckle, not something she thought would happen, eyes slightly widened she bent her head to the side, curious what he was laughing at.

"My apologies, in any case, we have taken you to our 'Home', if you would call it that per say. My comrades and I brought you here two days ago, but you've been out if it since you fainted. You're currently under the infirmaries medical care here and you will be until you are ready to be discharged. Now if you will, would please answer some questions for me, it would help both us and you greatly if we knew your situation." Right after he finished she took a moment to think if she should really tell this man the truth. Then again, did she have a choice? "Ok, what do you wanna know mister?"

"Lucian is what you may call me, and if we're starting with names, what is your name?" He leaned in, but only slightly, a small smile playing on his face. "M-my name i-is Touko."

"Alright then Touko, what were you doing in the woods? Why was that Liepard chasing you?" Lucian now taking a serious tone looked at Touko, his gold eyes turning a piercing yellow color.

"I was in the woods b-because I didn't want people to find me, the place where I lived before wasn't much of a place to live, y-y-you see I am an orphan. And the Liepard was hunting me, I tried to give it some berries I picked, from my pockets, but it said it wanted meat, not fruit, so I ran but the storm coming in as it did didn't help, not even in the slightest." Touko's words felt heavy with each one she spat out, but it all just seemed to get heavier and heavier.

"The Liepard 'said' it wanted meat?" Lucian used a certain tone to the word that made Touko shudder at what she just admitted. Not looking up she nodded, "Yeah it did, I can talk to pokémon, so what? That makes me a freak doesn't it? It's not my fault but I'm still blamed for it!" She was screaming now, on the verge of tears, but she held them back trying to not let any weakness show at all. Her hands were clutching at the blanket over her legs, like they were the only things keeping her in this world. Then suddenly a hand placed itself on her head and stroked her brown locks. Lucian. "Actually no, my comrades and I don't see it that way, not in the least. You should feel proud of this gift, we also know another young child about your age with the same abilities, but it's best not to wonder about that right now. So tell me how is it you became an orphan, if you're willing to talk." He said.

She stared at him as he brought his hand away from her head, no one ever seemed curious to hear her story. Her body felt distant, cold, like it wasn't hers. Yet she still opened her mouth she knew sooner or later she had to tell at least one soul, but she didn't think anybody would be willing to listen. "If I tell you promise me, you won't pity my sob-story, I really don't like being looked down on." Touko looked at Lucian with quite the eye, who knew a five-six year old had it in her. "You have my word." He bowed his as quickly as he spoke.

"It happened only a year ago and, whether or not you've heard of her, the woman known as pokémon Hunter Jay is the reason I'm in this pitiful life. My mother has said I should never use words like this but, that Bitch murdered my parents for protecting a rare pokémon she was hunting. I found the pokémon in the woods one day and took it home so my parents could do something; they were doctors so they knew what to do." She inhaled and exhaled, trying to keep herself from getting too emotional.

"It was then a week later after caring for and healing the creature that Jay and her bully body guards broke into our house. My parents made me run with the pokémon to try and get away, soon after I made into the woods I told the little guy to run and save itself, but it tried to refuse, so I did what had to do. I broke a branch off a bush nearby and swung at the pokémon's feet, I never hit the pokemon once but I always made sure to get close so it would feel like I was more dangerous to be near then those hunters, eventually it ran away. 'Good', I thought, 'Now run and make sure to never come back or they'll find you, I'm sorry that I had to hurt you to make you leave but… please be safe little guy'. After that I ran like crazy to get home to see if Mama and Papa were ok, but I…I was too late! The first thing I saw was that pokémon Hunter putting a bullet in my Mama's and Papa's heads! She killed them right in front of me, but it's good she didn't even know I was there, y-yet I just sat there staring at my parent's bodies until the Hunter and her men left. The next thing I knew I was in a nearby police station being sent off to an orphanage. After nearly five sickening months I wasn't going to let myself sit in that building any longer waiting for some fake mom or dad to pick me up and take me away, so I ran away. I had gone camping a lot with my parents before everything happened, so I had already been living in the woods for six months or so before you three found me. And now here I am telling you everything that has happened to me in almost a year." Touko brought her head up a few stray tears in her eyes, but it wasn't even close to the blubbering and sobbing Lucian was expecting, he was impressed.

"I see, Touko would you please wait here a little while I promise I won't be long but I must discuss a few things in private with my teammates and my Master." Lucian then stood up and motioned for his cohort's to follow, not giving the girl the slightest chance to reply. But one thing made Touko wonder, who was their "Master"?

Before the three men stood a green-haired shadow looking down at them with a menacing bright-red mechanical right eye. "So Triad, you come bearing news that this brat has finally woken up, and now you three are saying it would be wrong to dispose of her for being to the sight of you three. Not only that but you say that you wish to look after the girl? I CANNOT THINK OF A MORE RIDICULOUS IDEA!" This man spat these words out like venom from an Arbok's mouth. His eye now glowing a crimson red, the leader of the Triad did something he knew he wasn't supposed to do, but asked anyway.

"Master forgive me, but let me speak freely just this once. It may be very much true if we raise the girl it could be trouble, but what if we raised her somewhere more secluded, like Nuvema town? There she could be a normal girl but we would not let her slip from our sites, not only that she won't be in the way here at the castle, and to be honest, I know you do not want another child running through these halls as much as the other Sages and Grunts do. Please Master Ghetsis let us take this girl in, as you said she knows too much about this place and of us three Triad members, plus there wouldn't be the chance of her slipping into that room where that boy lies, and ruining all your plans. We the Shadow Triad know you do not want to deal the blood of a missing child on your hands, so let us take on this duty." Lucian bowed his head in respect and fear of this man.

"You've made many excellent points Lucian, but did I say you could speak!" With that Ghetsis Kicked the Leader straight in the stomach making him fall back in between his comrades. Both Simon and Kurai wanted to help Lucian up, but they knew better than to react to their Masters barbaric actions. "Get up! And as for your idea on this girl…" He paused and crossed his arms, as Lucian stumbled to his kneeling position from earlier. "Do as you see fit, take her far from this castle to Nuvema Town, educate her, train her, do you whatever you want with her, just get her off the premises. You have one week and no later to leave, but should you be called for a mission one of our two Goddesses will look after this child until you return. Are we clear on this Triad? That brat is now your responsibility. Get out of my sight." He ushered and they obliged greatly dissolving into thin air.

"I can't believe you did that Luc! You were asking for a beat down right there on the spot, I'm practically speechless that Master Ghetsis didn't do worse to you!" Kurai yelled holding his leader up from falling from the massive kick he received to the gut, it was already bruising over.

"Ugh, do not remind me… Simon find the Goddesses and let them know, in private, of what they are to do. Kurai, take me to the girl, Touko. I have to give her the new news." With Simon dispersing into the air Kurai took Lucian to Touko's room. As they finally arrived, the two saw that a nurse from the infirmary had closed the door to the young girls' room. Noticing them she stepped over and explained that she changed Touko's bandages, had delivered her a new shirt, her shorts from the previous day, grime free, and her little hand purse that was found with her. As the nurse walked away from the door the two men made their way in. Touko, looking up and seeing them, smiled and waved. Though the smile didn't last as she saw the bruise on Lucian's stomach, Kurai had pulled up a chair to the bed and sat his leader down in it; he made his way to the foot of the bed and sat.

"What happened to your stomach…um, Lucian? Yeah you're Lucian because you have the gold eyes." Touko now looking concerned and seemingly better scooted out from the sheets and made her way to the side of the bed in front of the Trio-ee. "Heh heh, your quite observant for a five year old, but don't worry I fell and slammed into an open door." He didn't think it was needed to tell her he was kicked. But apparently she is also a good fib-detector. "Don't lie, if you say I'm this "observant" word or whatever, than you should know that I can see your bruise I shaped like a boot or some kind of shoe. Someone kicked you in the tummy, you never ran into a door. That and, you aren't the kind of man who looks like he would let himself fall into a door." Damn, well that excuse flew out the window quickly. But before the man had a chance to utter another lie, Touko had slipped down the side of the bed and placed her hand on his stomach. The touch of her hand to his gut stung, but before pushed her off; a small glow filled the young girls eyes. Then the area under her hand started glowing, and something like a cool but warm wave of energy passed over him. Lucian though shocked, felt calm and serene as he felt the burning of his injury dull more and more.

Eventually the light died off and Touko removed her hand from his stomach, the bruise now gone like it was never there from the beginning, both he and Kurai stared at the now drowsy looking Touko. Snapping out of it, she shook her head, and ran around the bed to the other side and grabbed her hand bag from the nightstand beside the bed. Crawling up the side was difficult for her but she made her way to its peak. "What was that? And now what are you doing?" Kurai, now out of his wide-eyed trance, had a look of curiosity as Touko reached into the small bag and pulled out a pokéball. She tapped the button enlarging the capsule and clicked the button again, letting out a small red and brown pig-like creature. "Tepig!" the little swine cried out, releasing tiny embers from its nose before it trotted over to Touko.

"Hey Tepig, how are you girl?" Touko asked lifting the little pig up and into her arms, both laughing and giggling in each other's embrace. "Oooh, I've missed you since I put in your Pokéball that night, but I had to, to keep you safe. I really like it better when you're outside your Pokéball, because now I can see your smiling face!" She again lifted the piglet to the air and brought it in nuzzling the small pokemon. "Tep-pig." The pig snorted.

"Uh-oh, Touko, I'm sorry to say this but you must return your Tepig to its Pokéball l at once! Right now, it's not a good thing to have a pokémon in this building. It could get you in severe trouble." Lucian stood and pointed at the little piglet, both its happy face and Touko's falling. "B-but why Lucian, Tepig and I haven't seen each other in days! Why is it bad for me to have Tepig out? She did nothing wrong!" Touko was now holding Tepig close to her chest, turning slightly more and more away from Lucian. Sighing Lucian sat down and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Touko, listen to me, if you're found with Tepig it will lead you into danger, and you and Tepig would be separated. You don't want that do you? Please, for now keep Tepig inside her Pokéball until we say it's clear or for when she needs to eat." He said, looking at her with a look that said 'I am serious as Hell when I say this!'.

Knowing she didn't have a chance to fight back, she apologized to her friend and returned the pokémon to its capsule. "Good, and thank you for well "healing" me, I'll have to ask you about that later but for now I have something to tell you." And with that, Simon had walked as if called for; finally everything can be set into place.

They'd been driving for nearly two days straight now, and they only stopped every six or so hours for a rest stop break. The three men could go on longer, but a five year olds bladder can only hold for so long. Yet finally, Touko caught sight of the shining blue strip of endless water from on top a hill side in the car. "Ah! I can see the ocean, were almost there now, right?" Her attempts at keeping the excitement in her failed miserably as she giggled hysterically looking out the window as the car came closer to the growing ocean. With their white hair really being wigs, much to Touko's dismay, Kurai and Lucian looked back to see her giddiness as she clutched her Tepig close with both excitement and anxiety, their blonde and brown hair swaying from the open windows. Simon in a car behind them had called them to see if they had the address and map out of the small town, Kurai once again for the thousandth time reassured him they had both on his cell phone.

The town was immensely small compared to cramped cities; it all seemed like farm land. When they drove further into the tiny community a little market area only about twelve buildings in length and two other sets of buildings wide. Eventually they made it into a small home suburb area, the little houses reminded Touko so much of her home she shared with her parents, but before unwanted feelings hit her, she pushed them back for later that day when she would find somewhere to be alone. Finally the cars pulled over in front of a house with a moving truck in the driveway bringing in furniture to fill the empty house, they needed to seem normal so a little furniture shopping had to be arranged, which was greatly loathed by anyone the Triad sent out to buy. Lucian opened the door for Touko and she scooted her way out from the seats and walked a few steps from the car. Kurai stayed with her as Simon and Lucian went to talk to the man in charge of the moving men.

"So, Touko, what do you think? I know and you know you'll be home schooled for a while, but it seems like a fair place to make friends with any children here your age. Are you excited?" Kurai asked this staring at the girl with a soft smile, 'A ninja with a heart that's one for the records.' Touko thought, she deemed them ninja's a while ago as she noticed they could dissolve into thin like ninja's, but she didn't want to say anything for fear of offense and angry glares. "Mhm. It seems really fun and maybe even a great place for adventuring a little. But why do I have to call you three my older brothers, can't just call you by names?" Her puzzled look made Kurai want to tackle her and hug her, he always had a fondness of wanting a sibling, and now he had one, kind of. Unlike Simon who seemed very emotionless, and not much of a brother type, most of the time, Kurai already felt close with Touko like she'd been meeting his long lost sibling he was meeting for the first time.

"Ahem, well we need to have some form of identity and familiarity here of each other, or people would suspect something is wrong. Do you understand? So from this day forward we are siblings if anyone asks, alright?" He bent down making eye contact with her, actually seeming intimidating. Suddenly as if out of nowhere there was a pitchy sound that them both cringe in pain.

"Hiiiii, Good afternoon!" Both turning their heads, they saw a small girl with sun colored hair and grass-green eyes, behind her two boys. One had Honchkrow black hair with glasses, and the other had brown hair slightly lighter than Touko's darker locks. The blonde girl seemed a little too energetic, but either way it brightened Touko's mood. "H-hi there, I'm Touko, and this is my older brother Kurai." She said stepping behind Kurai, a little frightened of the Cheshire grin on the girls face. Her clutch on Tepig just slightly increased and then softened as quickly as it came.

"OMIGOSH! Is that a Tepig? I've never seen one in person!" The little blonde girl was suddenly in Touko's personal bubble, thankfully the two boys, with difficulty though, pulled her away held her back. "Darn it, Belle, why do you always do that when you see a pokémon? Can't you see your making her uncomfortable?" The kid with the black screamed this in her ear like was going to be the last time she would hear it. Something told Touko he not only had done this before many other times, but he would be doing it as long as he knew her.

"Uuuh… S-sorry about my friends, they're kind of always doing this." The kid with the brown hair, who was originally helping hold the blonde back, had stepped forward scratching the back of his head to apologize for them. "They've always been like this, ha ha. Anyway my name is Black, the rude four-eyes with the black hair is Cheren, and the girl with the blonde hair is Belle." He explained pointing at each kid to show which is which.

"Hey! Who are you calling 'Four-eyes'?" Cheren exclaimed. But he was brushed off by Black as he went on. "Anyway, we heard we were getting new neighbors with a kid our age coming in too. So we thought 'Why not we try to make friends with this guy/girl!' So I don't know if you want to, do you want to play with us?" Black gestured he was serious by lending out his hand. Touko, not really sure what to do, looked at Kurai with eyes pleading to let her go play. As if he was reading her mind, he nodded with a small smile to encourage her more. Smiling in happiness, Touko took Black's hand and shook it, agreeing to play with him and his friends. They ran off towards one of the houses to play with some toys out in the front of its yard.

"Well seems she's already starting to make friends." Lucian smiled slyly. "Great, now I have to deal with more screaming kids? I think they're ok to have around sometimes, but living with them is hard enough." Simon complained, rubbing his head with a now sickly face. Though his black hair covered most his face anyway.

"Oh, stop complaining, you agreed to this too, like Kurai and I both did. In any case, Simon you will be her educator for home schooling, you are more qualified as an educator anyway out of both of us. And I will start her on her training to be like us, you two and I have both seen what she can do in the past week. Though when she is completed with her training it will be her decision whether to join us when the plans commence in the future." Lucian said, eyeing the girl with something that looked like regret or sadness.

"But didn't Master Ghetsis explain that we are not to reveal anything to her of our organization? We can her train as one of us, but she can never join because she would be a hinder in the operations. Maybe we should tell her what she might be getting into if agrees to train. No, we have to it Lucian, we must let her know that we are criminals and we work for an organization that may separate us from one another in the far off future." Kurai explained facing his leader with eyes that screamed to want to let the truth out.

"Fine. But should this change any of our plans IT'S ON YOU." He threatened his whisper raspy and menacing at the last part for Kurai's ears only. "Touko! Come here for a moment, I need to discuss something with you!" Getting she excused herself for a moment from her play mates and made her way over. "What is it Lucian?" Her face showing all signs of curiosity.

Taking a breath and exhaling, he bent on one knee and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Listen to me, Simon, Kurai, and I-"he was cut off by Touko finishing his sentence. "Are bad guys? I'm sorry for interrupting, but I've kind of known since I heard you three talking outside my door that night after you asked me if I would move here with you. So don't worry, you guys saved me, so you all can't be that bad, and I won't run away unless you give me a good reason." Her knowledge was scary enough, the fact that she was still smiling in front of the three ninja's, frightened them. "So is that all you wanted to talk to me about?" Her voice snapping them to attention.

"Uuuh, no." Lucian coughed a little, clearing his throat. "I need to tell you that if you decide to train under the three of us, there may come a time when you might have to defy us, no matter what you think of Kurai, Simon, or me. We are like beings of shadows, we aren't easily detected. That is why our Master hired us, and he may be why we could end up against one another when you are older. But, knowing this, will you join us to be a family, at least to the eyes of the ignorant. Meaning will you lie with us?" His grip tightening around her shoulders slightly, indicating she should think before she opened her mouth.

"Lucian, you and these two saved my life. So I will follow what you think is needed, until this so called 'time' comes to make us fight each other. Until then we are a family!" Smiling, she held her out to make it a deal. "Ok then it is a deal, training will begin tomorrow though so you must be back here for a well needed nights rest." Scurrying off, Touko had a smile brighter than the sun. She knew full well a time in her life, where conflict will try to overcome her, but until then she would live normally. Along with getting some new, much wanted and needed friends, she fully believed she would love living in Nuvema Town.

"Well now that that's over with. Satisfied Kurai?" Lucian said annoyed standing up, brushing grass and dirt off his pants. "I am, and now let's see, if you will be training her in our ways and many others, and Simon will be in charge of her educational needs. What at am I to do?" Kurai asked placing a finger on his lip, mulling over what he would be doing. Smirking and taking a look at the grinning Simon, they both chimed in unison, "Isn't it obvious? You're the maid of the house, or should we say 'Mama, Kurai'!" They both chuckled or snickered ecstatically, trying to contain their enjoyment of the stone frozen Kurai.

"WHHHAAAAT?" Kurai shouted, as his newly called 'Brothers' laughed away. Ugh, Brotherhood.