Chapter 11

/So sorry guys, I got really slack on the story writing front... But I got an iPad, so updating and such should be a lot quicker :3/
/Warning, it gets a bit... M close to the end.../
/I do not own INK/

I awoke what felt like moments after, a searing headache biting at my temples. I rolled onto my side, quickly sitting up.
The sheets pool around my lap, and I throw them to the side, hopping out of bed and padding across the cold floorboards toward the wooden door. What was that little shit thinking, drugging me, fucking hell. I was so over being thrown around like a rag doll.
I pressed my cheek against the door, pushing it open just a crack with my hands. I peered out, surveying the outside.
"Little idiot, didn't see this coming, did you?" I whispered to myself, slipping out of the room and pounding down the stone corridor.
My footsteps are light and quick, I barely touch the ground.
I look into every open door, take every corner I can, trying my hardest to find my way out. I come to the end of the seemingly endless corridor and there is a doorway with a stairs symbol on it. I look to the left and right of me, no one in sight, and swiftly make my way into the door and down the stairs.
I pass a few people on my way down, but no one seems to mind, or see me, passing. It's as if I'm invisible to them all, or as if they see this kind of thing all the time.
I decide to exit out a door labeled, 'Floor One', and once I'm out, I can see why no one was fazed about me running past them in the corridor and down the stairs.
"Zero, Zero, Zero," he tuts, walking slowly toward me, "you're running away?" He asks, walking around me once.
"After I took you under my wing, let you sleep in my bed-" he says in a seductive tone.
"You drugged me, that isn't my fault," I growl through clenched teeth.
"Now Zero," he says in a sing-songy voice, "no need to get snappy with me, they're the ones you need to get snappy with..."
He has been walking around me for a while now, and its started to make me dizzy, "who's 'they'?" I ask, teetering on the spot.
"Them, the people that hurt you," he clarifies.
My brain is whizzing through a list of people that hurt me and coming up blank. I'm suddenly sitting in a chair and Clovis is holding a lit lighter right in front of my nose.
"INK, The Resistance, they're the ones that hurt you Zero," he coos.
"INK?" I ask, my eyelids getting heavy.
"Yes, Zero, don't you remember? They threw you out, threw you to the dogs... Lucky I was there to get you, or you'd be dead..." He explains.
"Dead? They- they wanted me... They threw me to the d- dogs?" I ask, sitting forward in my chair.
Clovis nods, pushing me gently back in my chair, "thanks to me, you're still alive, but no, we aren't going to let them get away with what they did to you. We're going to get revenge, we're going to get them back... And you know we're they are."
I blink rapidly against the lighters flame, my eyes finding it hard to open fully without drifting closed.
"We will be the best team, you and I, and, you are in dept to me. You owe me. You need me. You want me." He smiles a wicked smile, clicking his fingers in my face once, twice, three, four times.
"So Zero, where are INK hiding?" Clovis asks, we are suddenly in a large room with thousands of people sitting in a crowd in front of us. Clovis's arm around my waist, a wooden podium and microphone sitting before me. I have to tell them where the retched INK are hiding.
I step up to the podium, out of Clovis's grasp. I lay both of my hands, palm down, on either side of the microphone stand. I take a deep breath, looking to everyone with half lidded eyes.
My voice is strong as I give away INK's coordinates.
There is an uproar in the crowd, everyone clapping and cheering, as Clovis details an attack plan, I sit, and listen intently. I watch as his firm jaw moves with every word he says, my saviour. I can't help my watch his arms, his biceps are beautiful and smooth, I want to touch them. I want to run my hands up his back and down his chest. I watch his lips make words and wish he'd kiss me, the guy who saved me when INK had abandoned me.
"So, we have three basic groups, broken into five groups each. Your groups have already been assigned to you, and tattooed on your forearms. So group 2 and 3, you will be storming the headquarters from both the north and the south east wing, 2a will be leading the front, and 2b, c, d and e will be fanned out behind 2a, slowly backing them up, 2a will call if anything goes wrong. 3a, your job is to scout around the south wing of the headquarters, and when it's safe, move in. 3b, you will be waiting back at the south wing, for further instructions. 3c, d and e, you'll wait for 3a's command to move in, understood?" There was a wave of shouted 'yes' from the crowd.
"Ok then, both group 2 and 3, go back to your quarters and get some rest for tomorrow's attack, group 1, stay behind for your instruction." Clovis's management of MacBeths lackeys made me grin. He was so good with words, so good with tactics.
Once all the 2 and 3 groups had left the room, Clovis began to detail the group 1 tactic. These tactics were different to the ones for group 2 and 3, much more though out. Much more precision.
Afterwards he told me I was in group 1a with him. He told me that group one was made especially for me, for my revenge.
"We'll be taking few hostages, and you get to kill everyone who ever did you wrong." He whispered to me seductively, running his hands down my bare arms.
His lips brushed my neck, his teeth leaving small stinging marks all the way down to my shoulder.
"Clovis-" I said, turning in his hold to look him in the eyes. Those same eyes were the only ones I remembered ever holding any warmth for me.
"Yes, darling?" Clovis whispered.
"I- uh, I-" he kissed me passionately on the lips, his hot lips melting mine. His tongue entered my mouth and caused a shiver to run down my spine.
He tugged at my hair, causing my ponytail to fall out, his hands getting rough with me.
This was what I loved about him, he was rough but kind, a jerk but caring... What did it matter that he'd slept with Sal? If I loved him like I thought I did-
Clovis has never slept with this Sal person... Who am I thinking about?
Clovis's hands quickly unbutton my short shorts as he pushes me to his dark wood canopy bed, clearing my mind of any thoughts.
I fumble to take his shirt off, and he quickly strips me of my shorts.
I unbutton his jeans as he kissed my neck and bites my earlobe. His lips moving to my lips again, his tongue giving me utter bliss.
I owed him. I wanted him.
He pulled off my fishnets and tugging on my undies. I struggled to get his jeans off his legs.
He kissed me again, flipping up so I was on top. I stroked his bare chest, feeling each dip and dive. Making my stomach to flips.
Soon we were both naked and he was on top again.
"You ready, darling?" He asked me sweetly, needing my breasts like dough.
"N- not yet- Clovis..." I stammered.
He groaned outwardly.
"Don't you love me enough?" He asked, his eyes guarded.
"No! No I do!" I protest.
"Then let me have you." He bites, licking up my bare chest.
"B- but-" and then a horrible pain takes place in my abdomen, and tears pool in the corners of my eyes.
Soon after, Clovis leaves me to get cleaned up.
"I have important things to take care of, Zero," he smirks wickedly, "be ready when I get back."
And he leaves me laying in his bed, fresh tears coming to my eyes with a fresh pang of pain, but this pain in in my heart.
I am useless.
I am weak.
I am going to get revenge on INK tomorrow, but I need Clovis to touch me again, to let me know I'm alive.
To let me know the only man I love still cares.
"Clovis," I whisper.