The Element of Memories Part Four

By BuckinApples.

Sorry About the long wait, I was recovering from My Little Dashie *sob* and more other excuses about why. To Be Honest (Apples Honest) I was lazy.

"How Can this be Possible" I Started to panic, my heart beating louder and faster. My mind ablaze with questions of which would be unable to be answered.

I Began Pacing Around the room , carefully avoiding the broken glass on the floor, moving about was a way that I felt to be helpful in order to overcome certain problematic situations such as this. But never before had I been so mixed with emotions.

Scared? Confused? Happy? Worried? Excited?

The Yellow Meanwhile proceeded to take out a dustpan and brush out of a nearby cupboard and knelt down to sweep up the broken glass.

I could feel myself calming down now, having gotten over the initial shock and began to slow down to a stop which luckily for me, was beside the sofa and sat down

Fluttershy had walked into the kitchen; making noises of which I guessed would be of emptying the glass into a bin.

"Would you like something to drink, to calm yourself down Mister….-" The Pony Said almost as if it was a whisper, poking her head out of the door that lead into the kitchen.

"Just Call Me Rhys….." I paused for a moment before blurting out "Oh! And yes a drink would be Greatly Appreciated Miss…."

I already knew her name from the television show, but I didn't want to raise any suspicion about so I decided it would be for the better to leave it out.

"My Name's FlutterShy-*Metallic Clanging Sound*-Eep!" The Pegasus Pony Squealed. I Jumped To My feet And Ran Towards The kitchen Door.

"Is Everything Alright In Their FlutterShy?" I Asked As It Turned And Stared Into The Kitchen.

FlutterShy was on the floor slightly dazed, a few pots and pans lay scattered across the floor of which is guessed must of have accidentally tumbled out.

"I-I Think That you might need to wait a little but longer for your drink Rhys" She Said Shaking Her Head, Wearing off the dizziness "Why Don't you head upstairs and clean yourself up whilst I deal with all this clutter?"

I Nodded in agreement, turned and began the climb up the stairs, hearing the occasional sound of pots being re-stacked atop one another.

The Bathroom Looked Recently Cleaned, It's Surfaces Gleaming, the crystal clear windows were open, letting in a nice, cool, relaxing breeze.

I Turned the Hot Water Tap and slowly allowed the sink to fill with hot, steaming water. I gazed into the mirror. "What's happening to me" I Asked the Mirror. Not receiving an answer, I Looked Away.

Twisting the tap Shut, Letting the bathroom slowly warm up with the steam, condensation forming over the mirror, shrouding the image of myself. My Mind Began To Wander Back Towards the Cutie Mark That I Had Mysteriously Attained.

The Mark Was in the Shape of a Circle Separated by Two Colours of Which each shared a half of the circle equally. A Bright Yellow Took Control Of The Left Segment Whilst The Other Held A Dull, Blank Grey.

Each Segment contained a "" Shape, Both Shapes Pointing towards the Centre of the Circle.

I Shook My Head "Better To Not Think About It" I Thought To My Self, Dunking My Hands Into The Water.

-Three Minutes Later-

It felt good to Be Clean Again, I Didn't Really like the Feeling of Being Unclean, Smelly. I Picked Up A Towel and Dried My Soaking Wet Face. When I Had Dried. I looked back towards the mirror, Still Fogged in condensation, I Used the Towel to Dry It Off.

I removed the towel and placed it other the side of the sink and once again looked back up towards the mirror. I Didn't See My Own reflection This Time.

It was that of a Pony's The Pony Was Had a Bluish Colour of Fur, it's mane a mixture of both orange and yellow. . I Gasped and Jumped Back, The Pony Miming My Every Move. I Took a Step Forward, It Copied Me. I Lifted My Right Hand, It's Right Hoof Followed. I Blinked, It Blinked. I Thought Of One Thing I Knew It Couldn't Copy. I turned to the side, exposing the Mark Laying on the side of my pelvis. The Pony Followed, showing wings meaning that this one was a Pegasus Stallion.

"My God." Was the only thing I uttered as the stallion turned, The Cutie mark was the exact same as the one that lay on me. I looked back to the face of the stallion and attempted to communicate with it, see if it gave any reaction, "Uhhhh… Hell-"

The Stallion Spoke, interrupting my attempt at communication. "Part One of Transformation. Complete" The Image Began to fade.

"What Transformation?"

"What's going on?"

It Ignored Me and faded away, revealing me again, Human Me again that is. Standing in front of the mirror, my face had turned white, the blood draining from my face. I was scared. Not the kind of scared which makes you jump. But the kind that scares you to the core of your soul.

I Moved out of the bathroom and headed back to the stairs, where I heard a loud crack which sounded like a door being burst open. A demanding voice pitched up next to a second voice, gentler and quieter which I assumed was flutter shy, But the first voice, I'm sure I've heard of that voice somewhere, but who's is it?

I Moved To The Top Of The Stairs Looking Downwards, I Stood Their Listening On Their Conversation

Downstairs About 5 Minutes Ago

FlutterShy had just finished cleaning up the pots and pans, placing the back into their relevant places and cupboards. She walked back into the living room. The Sound Of Rushing Water came from upstairs, guessing that Rhys Had found his way up to the bathroom.

She Trotted Back into the kitchen and took out a glass cup out of a cupboard and an apple from the fruit bowl lying upon one of the kitchen work surfaces. She took the cup to the sink, filling the cup with Crystal Clear Water.

Moving once again back into the kitchen, gently balancing the cup of water upon her head, Somehow she managed to not spill a single drop of the water during the short journey, effortlessly placing the cup gently onto the coffee table in the living room.

The Yellow Pegasus Climbed up onto the sofa and sat down.

"Phew… What a day today has been" she said ever so gently, almost as if she was whispering to herself as she watched Angel the rabbit emerge from one of the many animal houses and bounced along with a baby carrot in its mouth.

It's not every day you save a creature from death which turns out it can communicate to you, not like Angel's 'Communication' but real talking, a creature that can hold a True Conversation with you.

It doesn't look Like a Pony, but how does it have a Cutie Mark? Spike can talk, he doesn't have one but he isn't a pony either. "Maybe I'll ask Twilight If She Knows?" She Thought

As If on Cue the front Door Burst Open, Making FlutterShy Jump in shock and grip onto one of the Rafters in the Ceiling. The Purple Pony Herself Ran in, she was panting heavily, beads of sweat practically dripping off her fur.

"Is…Is….Is everything all right" Twilight Gasped, in-between breaths for air. "I was heading to Zecora's Hut for some of her herbal tea when I heard some Glass smashing inside of your home…." She Looked Around "FlutterShy, Where are you?"

"I'm R...Right here Twilight" FlutterShy said still gripping onto the Rafters, Twilight Looked upwards seeing FlutterShy Almost Stuck Onto the ceiling, she remembered Opalescence, Rarity's Cat Doing the same thing once when Pinkie Made Her Jump.

"FlutterShy, Get Down from There" She Said Slightly Amused "Tell Me what's Going On".

She Released herself from the Ceiling and Floated back to the floor, her wings slowing her descent, "nothing's wrong twilight, everything's as it should be, I only broke a hand Mirror"

The Purple Unicorn Sighed with Relief "Thank Celestia, that sprint up the hill really tired me out, I would of have been here sooner if it wasn't for a certain cross Eyed Pegasus accidentally Flying into me" She relaxed, knowing that there was no immediate danger to be had. She began to take in her surroundings, the Sound of rushing water coming from upstairs, the apple and Glass of water upon the Coffee Table.

"FlutterShy? Have you got guests over?"

FlutterShy Looked towards the Ground "N-No- Noponies here besides me and you Twilight." Her Voice Getting Quieter.

The Water Rushing sound stopped suddenly, filling the room with an Awkward Silence as Fluttershy's Ruse was just Rendered Wrong

"FlutterShy…" Twilight said Her Voice Being More Stern. ".Upstairs?"

She backed Off, Moving backwards to the Bottom of the Stairs, Muttering "Y..Yes-N..No" She Gave Up "Twilight, I Can't Lie To You, Of All Ponies" She Looked Down To the Ground Ashamed,

Twilight Moved Closer To her "FlutterShy, You can Trust Me, 'Cross My Heart, Hope To Fly, Stick A Cupcake In My Eye'" Her Voice Lowering As He Mimed Pinkie Pie's Promise, Putting her Right Hoof Over Her Eye

FlutterShy Turned Around, Looking Upstairs "Rhys Could You Come down Please"