Senju Sharingan Naruto!

Hello everybody! Welcome to my new story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Chapter 1 The Truth you will see.

The day was old. The sun had set and the entire village lay quiet preparing for the usual peaceful slumber. Darkness was all that could be seen in every alley. The few traces of light flickered in the dying lamps surrounding the street corners. Among the trees surrounding the village stood a tall strikingly beautiful mint green haired woman. Her name was Hogasha, the spirit of Konoha and the Will of Fire. Taking her usual stroll around the village, she stumbled upon a strange sight. A young blond haired child was sitting behind trash cans crying. Now normally she wouldn't have noticed this child since he was well hidden in the shadows, but there was a special aura around the boy that drew her to him. It was as if she knew him somehow, like they shared something very close. She was about to go to him, when a large crowd of the villagers came walking down the street. A woman within the crowd heard the small crying and went to try and find the source. Hogasha saw that the child would now be alright, and started to walk away. However as soon as she left, she heard a shrill screeching noise. Whirling around, she stared in horror at seeing the woman slapping the blond child away. The rest of the crowd glared at the child and pulled out daggers and other weapons. She could only watch painfully as the crowd mercilessly beat the child. There was so much blood. The civilians had stabbed all or their weapons into the young blonds fleshy body. Nine Kunai were jutting out of the child's belly, through his hands and feet pinning him to the wall, while others ruthlessly stabbed him in the legs and torso. She desperately wanted to help the boy, but she was just a spirit without a body of her own. Before anything else could be done, a man wearing an Inu mask appeared and dispersed the crowd. The Anbu then turned on the child who was staring at him pleadingly and just walked away without helping the child. Hogasha was furious. This boy was being tortured by her village, and not a single soul had tried to help him. Now looking closely at the child, she found what drew her to him. The Will of Fire burned in him brighter than anyone she had ever met. She then decided to awaken a gift she bestowed to his distantly related ancestors, the Mokuton.

(Two years later)

Today was October 9th, the day before the Kyuubi festival, and the day before his surrogate grandsons eight birthday. The Sandaime found himself buried in paperwork regarding his surrogate grandson Naruto. The entirety of the civilian council wanted him to be executed, while the Shinobi council did not care either way. The one thing he had to look out for was his old teammate Danzo, and his wanting Naruto to be used as a weapon of mass destruction. 'Oh Minato. I'm sure you and Kushina are rolling in your graves furious at how the village has treated your son.'

He was running through the alleys trying to dodge the crowds that always seemed to find him. Every year, it was the same. October was the month that the village declared the fox hunt. The villagers would hunt him down and try to cause him pain. However this month he had yet to be caught, and was able to dodge all of the attempts. His running brought him to a large fenced off forest. Now he didn't know why the forest was fenced off, but he figured nobody would look for him there. Jumping up he scaled the fence and darted off into the forest. A local Chuunin spotted him running in the forest and thought to himself. 'Hmm good, the demon will be killed in that forest, and nobody can save him.' The chuunin walked away pretending like he hadn't seen anything at all.

The forest was dark and dreary. Everything seemed to lash out at him. Tree branches would dart out at him, while other plants would try and wrap around him. It was so cold; he had nothing warm, as he came unprepared for the forest. Although he didn't have anything anyways, the villagers made sure of that every time they attacked him. Naruto turned around wanting to go back home, but he couldn't find his way. He started running around, but it seemed as though he was only running in circles. All the trees looked the same; the plants were all different though. Suddenly he stumbled upon a small cave covered by the dark green foliage of the forest. As he got closer to the cave, an earthshaking roar blasted him away from the entrance and into a tree. The force of the blast knocked him out momentarily as a tiger the size of an elephant came out. The tiger carefully walked over to Naruto and was about to kill him, when the oak branches of the tree wrapped around the boy in a safe cocoon.

'So this is one of his kin.' The tiger thought. The tiger gently nuzzled the branches to show he remembered and waited as the branches receded. He picked up the boy with his teeth and carried him back inside the cave to rest.

(Hokage's office)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S MISSING!" Sarutobi yelled at the Kuma Anbu member. He was beyond furious. There was no way that Naruto could have evaded his ninja, let alone his Anbu. They were trained to find his chakra signature, and since Naruto couldn't mask his chakra, he should have been found easily. The only way to avoid detection was if he left the village, was kidnapped by another village, or if he was killed. He couldn't think of his grandson being dead. It was an impossibility.

"Sir we've looked everywhere, the orphanage, Ichiraku's, and every alley way in the village. We have either declare him dead, or missing. And I think you know what that means sir."

Sarutobi paled at that. If he even hinted that Naruto may be missing, then the council would surely override any decision he made, and make him into a missing-nin. "Fine. Call the council for an emergency council meeting immediately." Kuma vanished in the common leaf shushin. Sarutobi was left with a massive headache, and in a mood of absolute desolation.

Homura Mitokado, one of the village elders asked. "What is the meaning of this Meeting Sarutobi-sama?"

Sarutobi looked out at all the council members: Hyuuga Hiashi, Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, Uchiha Fugaku, Inuzuka Tsume, Yamanaka Inoichi, Aburame Shibi, Shimura Danzo, and Utatane Koharu. Sighing he stated. "Uzumaki Naruto is the reason for this council meeting." At this the entirety of the civilian council jumped to their feet and started barking out curses and other obscenities. "Quiet!" Sarutobi yelled. "Naruto has done nothing at all and yet you hate him and curse him for saving all of your lives. He CONTAINS as in holds back the Kyuubi's wrath, and you still want him dead. Well as of now your wish has regretfully been fulfilled."

Once again the council went crazy. While the civilian side was rejoicing and being happy, the shinobi council varied from having smirks on their face to having fearful and sorrowful expressions. Danzo then asked, "How exactly do we know the validity of your statement?" Sarutobi glared at Danzo while tears were running down his face. This destroyed any thought that this might have been a lie. The Sandaime cared so much for the boy that it was obvious he was hurting. The council then left in silence out of respect for the Sandaime. As he was leaving, Danzo thought, 'Damn. Now the Demon-brat will never be under my control.'

(In the forest of death.)

Naruto just woke up. "Ow." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Where am I?" He looked around only to see darkness all around except for a small barely visible light off in the distance.

"You are safe little one." A voice echoed.

Franticly looking around, he asked. "Where are you? Who are you?" He started to back up against what he believed was the cave wall and raised his arms to cover his face.

"There's nothing to fear little one. I won't hurt you." The voice echoed again. This time a trail of fire flew along the roof of the cave giving light to the once dark. Naruto looked on and saw a magnificent orange and black tiger. "My name little one is Shinwa. Although you may call me shin if you wish." Shin lied down to show he wasn't going to harm him.

Naruto carefully walked over and started to pet him. "How come you can talk? I didn't know animals could talk."

Shin backed away a few feet and pulled out a large scroll. "The reason is because I am a summon animal from the tiger clan, and I should like you to become my clans new summoner." The large scroll in front of him unraveled and showed one man's name and finger print.

"Who's Hashirama Senju? And why would you want me to be your summoner?" Naruto asked slowly looking down. He was thinking about how everyone always called him a monster, and wouldn't play with him.

Shin saw the sad look on Naruto's face a silently growled. 'Hashirama would be furious at how his village treats this child.' Shin walked over and nuzzled his nose into Naruto chest. "I want you as my clans summoner because you have gone through so much that no child should go through. You also have the blood of my previous summoner. How I am not sure as I do not know you name, but since you do not know the name Senju then I do not believe you are a Senju. Tell me boy what is your name?"

Naruto looked up into Shins eyes and happily proclaimed. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, future Godaime Hokage!"

'An Uzumaki eh, well then I think we'll get along just fine.' "Alright Naruto, I just need you to sign this scroll with your blood, and you will be able to summon the tiger clan. The one exception of this is that you must not tell anyone about this contract."

"I can't tell Hokage-jiji?" Naruto asked a little upset.

"No. You can't tell the Hokage about me at all. If he were to know, then he would be forced to expose my contract as a Konoha contract. And I do not want that."

"I understand. Do you know the way out of this forest; I'd like to go home." Naruto mumbled.

Shin looked at him worriedly. "Where is it you live?"

"In a nice little cardboard box hidden in an alley on the far east side of the village. Why?" Naruto asked cocking his head to the side.

'Ohh yes these villagers will pay for their crimes against this child.' "Alright kid. Since you want to be Hokage someday I'll start teaching you how to be a shinobi. Now my clan is more focused on strength and agility, so that's what we're going to work on first. Follow me." Shin walked out of the cave and waited for Naruto to come out. "Now then the place we're going is pretty far, so get on my back." Naruto climbed on his back and grabbed a fistful of Shins fur so he wouldn't fall off. Like a strike of lightning, shin shot off. Naruto screamed out of joy as he felt like he was traveling at the speed of light. Within mere seconds, they were at a clearing with a small lake in the middle being fed by a nearby river. Little sunlight filtered down to the forest floor as the tree's made a canopy above the ground. He wished there was more sunlight, and surprisingly the canopy retreated back allowing a great beam of light to shine on the forest floor. Naruto jumped off Shins back and immediately jumped into the lake. Of course he started splashing around randomly going so far to even splash Shin with water.

Shin backed away out of Naruto's splash range and just took a nap until Naruto would finish playing. He didn't however take into account Naruto's incredible stamina, and so he didn't tire out until dark. Naruto then walked over and fell asleep against Shins side snoring loudly. 'I guess we can start training tomorrow then.'

(The next day)

Shin woke Naruto up early and stretched. Looking at Naruto's still sleepy form, he decided to have a little fun. He grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and tossed him into the lake. The effect was instantaneous. Naruto started screaming profanities and splashing around in the water.

"Why would you do that!" Naruto yelled.

Shin just laughed and said, "It was to wake you up; and I think it did the job." Shin smiled and then proceeded to drag Naruto out of the lake. "Now since you're all awake, let's start with your physical training. For your warm up, run around the lake five times, then do twenty push-ups and twenty sit-ups. Now you'll be doing this exercise every day for a week until you can do all of this without getting winded. After you finish, you're going to meditate and find your chakra."

Naruto finished his early morning exercise rather fast, and got started on trying to find his chakra. He sat still, which was quite hard for the boy, and felt a great warmth flow through his body. Suddenly blue chakra exploded out of his body and dissipated into the air and being absorbed by the plants around him. Now he didn't feel the warmth, but a fire in his gut. He screamed out in agony and fell into sweet unconsciousness.

Naruto woke up in front of a large cage. Peering inside, he saw the sleeping from of a small orange-red fox. Not thinking anything was wrong, he walked in the cage and started to pet the little fox. Surprisingly the fox started to purr, almost like a cat, but in a deeper tone. The fox then opened one red eye and stared at the child petting her. "What are you doing?" the fox asked.

Naruto recoiling in shock stared at the now awake fox. "I was petting you. Was that wrong?" He asked innocently.

The fox then shook its head. "Tell me what your name is."

"Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki."

The fox then stared eyes widening. 'So this is her kit. The odds of me being sealed into three Uzumaki's. But what is this I sense in him.' "Well then. I guess you should know my name. It is Aiko, the Kyuubi no Kitsune."

Naruto stepped back in shock, but then seeing the look in Aiko's eyes, walked towards her. He pulled her into his lap and resumed petting her. Aiko just sat and enjoyed the feeling.

"So Naruto, how would you like to have bloodline?"

Looking confused, Naruto asked, "What bloodline?"

"Well it would be a variant of the Sharingan. Since I was the one who gifted it to those arrogant bastard Uchihas, I should be able to give it to you ne. Of course I'd have to alter your dna just a little bit, and you would have to rip away half of the seal…" She starts to whisper at the end.

"Not yet at least, I don't want to be over-whelmed, I mean I did just meet my new family." Naruto gets up to leave, then realizes he doesn't know how. "Uhmm would you mind telling me how to get out of wherever here is?"

Sighing Aiko just nods. "Just concentrate on being in the real world, and you'll leave. The same goes for coming back here. Goodbye Naruto."

(With Shin)

Shin was pacing back and forth infront of Naruto's small body. He was extremely nervous for the boy. He felt a tad bit of Youkai, and then watched as the boy blacked out. 'He must be the nine-tails Jinchuriki' he thought to himself. 'But why didn't I sense the beast when I first saw him. I'm used to the smell of Youkai as Mito was Hashirama's wife and she was also a Jinchuriki.' He picked up Naruto and dipped him in the water in an effort to wake him up. It had no effect whatsoever. Just as he was about to give up and go to sleep, he watched as Naruto slowly pushed himself up. Running up to the boy, he started babbling. "Naruto are you alright? You're not hurt are you? No? Ok good. What happened did you meet the Kyuubi what'd it say?"

"No Shin I'm fine. I did meet Aiko, and she did offer me some bloodline called the Sharingan. But I don't know what that is so I declined for now."

Shin started to think on what this could mean. 'The Kyuubi has to know he already has the Mokuton which can control it, so why does it want to give it the Sharingan which also can be used to control it…. What did he say she?'

Shin was brought out of his stupor when Naruto started bouncing around. "Hey shin hey shin hey shin! Look at what I can doooooo!" In a split second Naruto seemingly vanished. Shin stared in amazement. 'holy shit what'd that brat just do. He's not that fast yet.' He looked all around and still couldn't find the blond brat anywhere until some branch hit him. He looked up to see where the stick came from, and to his amazement, he saw Naruto sitting on top of a branch about a hundred feet up.

"Isn't this so cool!" Naruto exclaimed.

Shin just looked flabbergasted. Naruto had perfected a technique created by Hashirama. While Hashirama could travel through wood, Naruto just traveled through the grass. 'Hmm his Mokuton might be more powerful than Hashirama-samas.' Naruto then melted into the wood and appeared behind Shin jumping on him.

"So what do you think? Cool right."

"Well it's very interesting Naruto. Especially because you have the bloodline of my previous friend Hashirama Senju." Naruto stared on in glee and started bouncing around shouting he had a bloodline. Shin grabbed him and set him down. "Now that you know this, I'd like to get started on you training to control it. So for the next few years I plan on you having chuunin level skills in Ninjutsu, genjutsu, Bojutsu, and jounin level chakra control. Let's get to work shall we." Shin smiled with a sadistic grin stamped on his face. The next few years would promise to be like hell.