A/N: Hey! Its me again with a new fanfiction story! I thought of this from a weird thought of Usagi-san being with Misaki who was younger than usual and I'm probably not making much sense. Anyway, this story is always in first person POV Misaki but at times when I think its necessary, I'll put it an a different POV. So enjoy!

Takahashi Misaki, 2nd year high school student, age 16. There are a few things you need to know about me.

My parents died when I was 8 and my brothers been taking care of me.

I am a complete jerk.

I'm gay.

I am in love with Usami Akihiko.

Usami-san is my brother's best friend. It may be hard to think about since he's 26 and I'm 16 but I still love him. When I sleep, I still think of the day I fell so far in love with him. Tossing and turning with my heart beating uncontrollably. It all started on my 15th birthday.


'Nii-chan isn't going to be happy about this.' I thought. I looked at my paper with a score of 48 circled in red. Walking down the street on my way home. My day couldn't have gotten any worse. First my alarm didn't go off, so I was late to school, then some kid ran in to me in the cafeteria and spilled his lunch on me and now I get this score. God couldn't have made my day any worse.

I was walking in the street, not watching the lights because I was looking down. I was about to cry until I heard someone yell "Watch Out!" Then felt arms around my body and me flying backwards. My eyes widen in shock as I saw the giant 18-wheeler go by. I wanted to know who saved my life.

I looked both ways and I saw him.

"U-Usami-san!" I saw shaking. He was breathing in a sign of relief until he took a look at who he just saved.

"Misaki?" He was surprised. Hell I was too. "You should watch were your walking instead of having big trucks come at you." He gave me a sigh. This just added onto my list of the terrible things that happened to me today. Usami-san stood to his feet and held out his hand to pull me up and I took it.

"T-Th-Thank you." I was just happy he saved me instead of letting me be hamburger meat. He smiled.

"No problem." I rose to my feet and watched him pick up his bags. "Oh that reminds me." He reached into one of his bags and pulled out something. "Happy Birthday." My eyes widen. I couldn't believe I forgot my own birthday. I blushed because of the embarrassment.

Usami-san gave me my present and I just stared at the box. I hesitated to open it and when I finally did, it was a locket. Taking a glance back at him, my face blushed with happiness.

"Open it." I did what he said and I was about to go in shock. Inside the locket was a picture of me and Nii-chan, before our parents died. It was a small sibling picture that Nii-chan must have given him. I looked back up at him and smiled.

"T-Thank you very much!" I was shaking with joy. Nobody has ever given me such a thoughtful gift. It touched my heart. He didn't say anything. Just took the necklace and put it around my neck like I was a girl. The writer looked back at me.

"I'm just glad you like it. Takahiro wouldn't stop mentioning your birthday, so I thought I'd get you something." Figures Nii-chan was behind this. But then again, he bought this on his own; at least that's what I thought. He turned around, like he was going home with me. I stopped walking.

"Thanks again...for saving me...and for the..birthday present." My face was hot and I looked down. I didn't want him to see me blushing.

"I just didn't want you hurt." He stated as he stopped also. Instantly, my blush left and I was full of anger.

"Why, so you wouldn't upset your precious Takahiro?" I said, acting like my jerk self.

"No. I consider you part of a family. I don't want to lose someone like you." My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Something whole hearted by a cold man. I smiled but disappeared with his next words. "Besides who would I tutor if your dead."

"Tutor?" I asked confused.

"Yes. I saw your paper. 48 huh?" He said smugly. I was bursting with irritation.

"So. I was having a bad day...that and...I just don't understand Literature." I said embarrassed.

"That's why I'll tutor you." He smiled over his shoulder. "With me, you'll do just fine. I don't need you failing. Takahiro won't stop complaining." I chuckled because that is what Nii-chan would do if he saw my score. "I won't tell him about the 48. Okay?" I just nodded and held onto my necklace.

At home, all I could think about was Usami-san. I smiled the rest of the night. I may have had the shittiest day, but because of him, he made me have a better day.

-End Flashback-

Ever since that day, my small crush, has turned into complete love. People might think just puppy love, but no, this is real. Every night I hold on the locket he gave me, never taking it off. I also have an 'Usami Journal' that I write in every time something happens between us. Even if its just a pat on the head. I love him and sooner or later, I'm going to have to get my feelings out and in the open.

When he comes around my brother, I sooth with jealously but then I remember that we hate each other around him. I can't act all lovely and love struck. I have to keep my attitude up or Nii-chan will find out. He's too over protective and he won't care that Usami-san is his friend. He'll do anything to keep me save and protected. Just stay cool and everything with fall into place.

A/N: Oh but little did he know that a lot of things are going to happen in this story. Its not going to be like my previous story 'Cheater'. But I do have a lot intended for this story. Just keep reading and it'll get better.