"Tuddrussel, I think we went overboard." Otto said. He balanced his feet on the lower rail of the iron fence and held tightly to a bar on the top rails.
Tuddrussel was using his high-tech binoculars to see the action. "No such thing, and it's too late to back out now, what with all those hell spawns in there as our witnesses." Otto snickered at Tuddrussel's comment in spite of himself. Tuddrussel pulled Otto gently off the railing and onto the ground. "Watch it, kid. I think that's her."
Sister Thornly had pulled up to the curb of the orphanage of her barely working and ancient Volkswagen beetle. She got out and stormed into the house and slammed the door.
"Geez, what's she got up her butt, anyway?" Tuddrussel carelessly asked.
"Satan." Otto quickly replied. They both cracked up laughing and Tuddrussel gave Otto a high five. "Now shush." Tuddrussel said. Otto covered his mouth with his fist, trying to stifle laughter.
They watched the unfolding commotion that lay inside the old house. Tuddrussel had bribed the kids with money to stay quiet while he and Otto had rigged Sister Thornly's office, making it into a booby trapped pit of doom that an Egyptian Pharaoh would be proud of to have near the entrance to his tomb.
Tuddrussel turned the volume up on the sonic sound and bent down so no one would notice him gawking.
They could hear the woman's voice, she was griping at the children and there were what sounded like snickering coming from inside. Then suddenly it got quiet; Otto grew still as he wondered if she was reaching for her office door yet. Then, a blood curdling scream and an enormous snapping and bashing of metal could be heard from inside, god forbid what Tuddrussel could pick it up, the whole neighborhood could probably hear it. Otto cringed, that must have been ugly to witness. "Ooooh, ye-ouch!"
Tuddrussel chuckled "Gotcha, ya old buzzard!"
"What is the meaning of this?! Who did this?! WHO GODDAMMIT!"
Otto and Tuddrussel snickered at Sister Thornly's rage.
"Umm, Sister Thornly, it was Otto."
"Don't lie to me, girl. He ran off you idiot, now tell me who put tar and mouse traps all over the floor rigged all those eggs and feathers to go flying-
Otto was rolling on the sidewalk laughing so hard. Tuddrussel did all he could to keep quiet enough to keep listening.
"But it WAS Otto, ma'am. He came back with these two guys while you were out and one was a robot and he took that Sydney kid with him and the other guy was REALLLLY big and he and Otto just went and did all that stuff and-."
"Gabriella you stupid little- Oww, robots, you're telling me a robot came in and took, oh for the love of God- SYD GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!"
"But he's not here, Gabbie's tellin the truth. Otto WAS here."
"Dude, Otto's still hanging around."
"What the hell are you talking about, Trevor?"
"Just look out the window, Sister, they're out there laughing their asses off right now."
There was when Tuddrussel lost it, he burst out laughing and not caring for a moment that the orphans spilled the secret, or even that Sister Thornly was now aware of them, as she stared in horror as the children were right. Otto looked up and saw her from the window and got an idea. "Hey, Buck, left me up for a moment." Otto said breathlessly. Tuddrussel calmed down briefly to do it. "Okay, but then we got to scram real quick." Otto giggled, "All right!"
Tuddrussel put the sonic hearing device and the binoculars back into his utility belt and picked up Otto, placing him on his shoulders. Otto waved at the nun defiantly, blowing a big raspberry and laughed as the nun's face went from pink to a seething red. Tuddrussel smirked at her, holding on to Otto he started to run before something bad happened.
"I told you it was a great idea!" Tuddrussel said. Otto held onto Tuddrussel's neck for dear life, bobbing up and down he wished that Tuddrussel would stop running. "Okay, okay, you were right!" Otto said. "It WAS fun, I've never seen Sister Thornly that mad before, I thought she was going to explode!"
Tuddrussel chuckled, "I think it would have been funnier if she did just that."
He continued to run through the city, only stopping for a moment he took out his walkie-talkie to communicate with Larry. "Hey, Larry? Are you done yet?"
"Yes, I'm on my way back, you're at the gas station near by, right?"
"Almost? What do you mean?"
Tuddrussel didn't answer him. Instead he put the walkie-talkie back in the belt and pretended that it never happened. "You wanna keep riding?" Tuddrussel asked.
"No, that running made me kinda dizzy." Otto muttered.
"Oh, my bad." Tuddrussel said.
He took Otto off him and put him down carefully. They then walked a block to the creepy gas station.
"I guess we'll wait then?" Otto asked.
Tuddrussel sighed. "Yeah, we can get some slushies or something though."
"Cool!" Otto said.
"I don't think so."
Tuddrussel and Otto froze, Larry just snuck up behind them.
"You two didn't do anything sinister, I hope?" Larry frowned. They looked like they had been up to no good, what with them having small patches of tar and feathers on their clothes, certainly.
"Not more than usual." Tuddrussel said.
"Hmmph. Well, I suppose we should get going then, if you're quite done harassing nuns for today."
Otto snickered, thinking that Larry probably knew along what Tuddrussel wanted to do.
"I'm ready if you're ready, Otto?" Tuddrussel asked.
"Yep, let's go back home!" Otto said.
Larry smiled as he typed in the coordinates for the satellite, and pressed the button that would zap them back home.
-author's note-
thanks to the people who stuck with this story and gave me advice and encouragement, you know who you are ;) You all know I don't own this, Cartoon Network/TimeWarner does and I hope we can all finally have a DVD of it someday.