Usual disclaimer: JK Rowling owns me.

I've had some really touching reviews and follows recently so I've posted this up as fast as I can! I decided this story was missing a little Hogwarts so I decided to head back there this time around. Hope you enjoy it!

Harry rearranged his scarf as he walked along the shore of the lake; the first shadows of evening beginning to creep in. The air was distinctively that of the grounds of Hogwarts; a combination of the crisp, pure freshness of the Scottish Highlands and the almost intangible aura created by the raw magic and power that surrounded the school. It was funny, he thought, that you never really realized how potent it was until you had been away for a long period of time. It brought back memories of the almost unparalleled joy he felt during his time as a student here when he would return after a summer spent with the Dursleys in the confined, stuffy bubble that was Privet Drive.

He stopped for a moment to take it all in. He only visited Hogwarts on odd occasions nowadays to visit Neville or Hagrid, who though significantly aged was still relatively robust, or guest lecture at an OWL or NEWT level defence against the dark arts class; it was for the latter reason that he had been there today. However when these opportunities arose he always made a point to tour the castle and its grounds both remembrance of those who died here on that eventful day nearly thirteen years ago and to reminisce on his years as a Gryffindor at the school. His final stop was always the white, marble tomb of Albus Dumbledore.

Movement in the corner of his auror-trained eye brought him back to the present. A small, distressed girl was tearing down the pathway that led from the castle courtyard down the lake, her long hair whipping behind her as she ran, coming to an eventual stop behind a large Oak tree against which she slumped with disconcerting grace and began to sob, entirely unaware of Harry's presence.

Harry sighed and began to make his way over to her. He had recognised his oldest niece immediately from her hair alone. It flowed and shimmered unnaturally in the same way as her mother's, aunt's and sister's and the reddish tint that gave it a distinctive, strawberry hued glow was her only concession to her Weasley ancestry in terms of appearance; it was a great source of envy for Lily whom he had caught trying to use Ginny's wand to make her own shoulder length, dark red hair grow at a party at the Burrow over the summer after she had spent the day with her two oldest female cousins.

"You know. Your Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron and Ginny and I used to sit under this tree and do our homework when the weather was nice."

Victoire Weasley looked up startled as she noticed him approaching.

"Uncle Harry?"

Harry smiled and took a seat next to her.

"Well Hermione did her homework at least. Ron spent most of the time trying to distract her."

Victoire gave a short laugh and began to wipe her tears away. Harry handed her the hanky he had taken to keeping in his pocket since Mrs Weasley had rather pointedly given he and Ron a rather large packet of them, of varying colours and patterns, each for Christmas last year.

"So. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"


Harry fixed her with a pointedly incredulous stare.

"Of course. You just felt like a run through the grounds alone on a chilly November evening an hour before dark. How silly of me. Oh that and you are using your grandma's rather fetching mustard yellow handkerchief to mop up a hefty amount of tears… "

Victoire glanced at him with a sheepish expression that wouldn't have looked out of place on the face of her father or any other Weasley brother for that matter.

"You'll think it's silly"

"Try me. You haven't seen the meaning of 'silly' until you've heard some of the excuses I've had over the years from Fred and James and actually Albus for that matter. Oh and before them Teddy of course…"

At the mention of his godson's name Victoire's face fell and she broke into a fresh stream of tears. Harry put his arm around his niece.

"So Teddy it is then. What's he done now?"

"He… He, HE…"

Harry patiently took the handkerchief back, tapped it with his wand to dry it and handed it back to Victoire as she pulled herself back together; though if truth be told she seemed angrier than anything else now. She took a deep breath.

"I was walking back from the astronomy tower and I heard people shouting in the corridor around the corner so I looked around and it was Teddy and his stupid friend Stanley and some STUPID Slytherin boys who looked like they were at least part troll… Uncle Harry, what are you laughing at?"

Harry cleared his throat.

"Oh… uh nothing. You just reminded me of your Uncle Ron is all. Please continue…"

"Well they all had their wands out and Teddy's hair was such a dark shade of blue that I just KNEW that they'd said something horrible to upset him. Anyway one of the Slytherins started going on about how Teddy's parents were freaks and how he shouldn't be allowed in the school…"

Red clouded Harry's vision as his jaw set rigidly. He supposed he should have realised this was going to happen sooner or later.

"Right. I must go and speak with…."

"No that's not the worst bit!"

Victoire's eyes welled up.

"The other Slytherin started saying that Teddy must be crazy and evil because, because… because werewolves are savage beasts who should all be locked up! I was so angry Uncle Harry! I ran down the corridor and hexed one of them so he had fat boils on his face and Stanley got the other one so they both ran away… But then Teddy SHOUTED AT ME! He said I had no business interfering and that I was a silly girl and I didn't understand and I could have gotten hurt and I just needed to STAY OUT HIS WAY!"

Victoire began sobbing again

"Of course I understand! He's such an idiot..."

Harry patted her back soothingly as understanding dawned.

"You were defending your dad too… you know your dad isn't actually a werewolf and you know everything that those Slytherins were saying was absolute rubbish right? Look at me"

Victoire raised her head and looked at her uncle, her blue eyes glistening with tears.

"Your dad and Teddy's dad are two of the bravest men I have ever had the privilege to meet. Have you explained this to Teddy?"

"No… but I would have done it anyway, even just for him!"

"Ah, yes. Well boys can take a while to sort their feeling out. He was probably just being a proud fool."

Harry smiled to himself as various past events came to mind. His parents, Ron and Hermione, Ginny…

"That and I expect he didn't want you to get hurt…"

Victoire's face lit up slightly.

"…Really? You think so?"

She frowned.

"Well that still doesn't mean he gets to shout at me like that!"

"No you are absolutely right. Tell you what, let me have a quiet word with him, let me see if I can… give him a nudge eh? Now we need to get you back to the castle. It's going to be dark soon"

Victoire smiled and hugged her Uncle then they both stood up and began to wander contently up the path that led to Hogwarts.


"Yes Uncle Harry?"

"Where on earth did you learn that hex. You're twelve years old…"

Victoire scrutinized him with the kind of sceptical stare only achievable for those with Veela ancestry.

"Uncle George taught me."

"Of course he did. Well then. Bravo I suppose…"

Teddy Lupin lay on his bed fuming. He was angry at the Slytherins, angry at the world, angry at this stupid school with its stupid empty corridors, angry that he didn't get a chance to hex their greasy faces off first and most importantly angry at himself for being so angry with everyone. The knock on his dormitory door only served to make him angrier.

"Go AWAY Stanley! I don't want dinner tonight, just head on down without me LIKE I SAID".

The door opened with a creak and Teddy shot up ready to rebuke his best friend though his features instantly reformed themselves into a look of shock as he recognized the figure standing in the doorway.

"H.. Harry?"

"You know if I was Stanley I would be pretty offended by now…"

Harry walked over and sat himself down on the end of his godson's four poster bed.

"Funny thing just happened. I ran into our Victoire. She was pretty offended too. And come on mate you know better than to infuriate a Weasley woman! Though offended doesn't quite cover it. I'd say she is actually incredibly upset, furious and generally all around shocked by how one of her oldest friends behaved tonight."

The colour drained from Teddy's face.

"Yes Teddy she told me everything" said Harry softly.

"Does… does she hate me now" croaked Teddy.

Harry smiled.

"No mate. She doesn't hate you. But you definitely owe her an explanation and a massive apology."

"She just. She just was suddenly there and she could have been hit! I didn't need her help Harry…"

"That's not the point Teddy! Did you think about how she felt? Those Slytherins weren't just insulting your dad. They were insulting Bill and you and everyone who knew, know and cherish you and all their beliefs!

"I didn't think about that" murmured Teddy.

Harry sighed

"She loves you like family Teddy and she's a WEASLEY! Of COURSE she was going to explode!"

Teddy choked out a laugh. Harry looked his godson in the eye.

"Look I know it's difficult Teddy. Trust me when I say I know a thing or two about feeling so angry that you don't even recognize yourself but if anybody ever says anything like that to you again I want you to promise me that you will go straight to the headmaster or Professor Longbottom or even me before it gets out of hand again okay?"

Teddy stared defiantly at Harry for a moment before visibly resigning and nodding in defeat.

"I promise Harry."

Harry smiled and clapped his godson on the shoulder.

"Good man. Victoire is in the common room if you want to head down with me? Remember that friends are the family you choose; it doesn't help to push them away. Ever."

Harry stepped through the gates, exiting the castle grounds. He hadn't had a chance to visit Dumbledore's tomb this time but then again, he thought, it was important to live in the present. Those who we love never truly leave us but sometimes they need a nudge in the right direction and with that he apparated into the night.

Thoughts People? I know this one wasn't exactly dealing with famous parents but I want to expand a little bit into the rest of the Weasley clan if you enjoyed this?