Hey guys, I know its been literally forever since I posted anything here, but I've finally come out with the continuation of this story! I might add more to this, but I haven't quite decided yet. But anyways, here's the next part of Her Perfect Imperfections, after close to 5 years!

Lily stumbled out of the compartment, knocking into an unsuspecting first year who gave her a dirty look before readjusting his cloak and continuing on his way. Many of her belongings had fallen in her hurried attempt at avoiding any further conversation with Malfoy, including her notebook. She bent down and quickly picked it up, shoving it into her bag.

She took a few seconds to calm herself down before heading towards the front of the train in search of Lysander. She hoped that she would find him before he got back to the compartment that Scorpius now inhibited. Her mind was a jumbled mess. How was he always able to do that to her? Why had she let him take up such an important place in her memories, to where they still affected her this much, so long after their break up?

Someone ran into her, nearly knocking her over. She looked up to see who it was, but the person had paid no attention to her and was already continuing on her way, as if Lily had not been there at all. But Lily knew who she was.

"Lily, Lily are you alright?" Rose asked her cousin. Her brows were furrowed with worry.

Lily blinked a few times before turning to face her cousin. They were sitting next to each other in the Great Hall, having a late dinner. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"You've been staring at the Slytherin table for the past two minutes. An empty seat, might I add."

"Sorry, just thinking about my potions essay," she said, looking down at her plate of untouched food. The great hall was nearly empty at this point, most people had already finished eating and had returned to their respective common rooms already. But Lily had insisted that she and Rose stay an extra half an hour in the library to finish an assignment.

Of course, that wasn't the real reason that she had begged her cousin to stay in the library with her. She didn't want to have to see Scorpius in the Great Hall. She didn't know what to say to him without sounding like a fool.

"You finished that essay before dinner though, Lils." Rose still had that worried look on her face, but turned her attention away from her cousin.

You're being ridiculous, Lily thought to herself. Its probably nothing. Her attempt at convincing herself that her boyfriend was not cheating on her did not have the effect that she had been hoping for. And her plan of avoiding him at dinner did not go well either.

When she and Rose had entered the Great Hall, there he was, sitting next to her. Melanie, the girl he claimed was just a friend, but Lily knew better. She knew that Melanie liked Scorpius, and even if he said nothing was going on, she had felt the shift in their relationship. Something had changed, and she didn't know what to do about it.

She had no real evidence that Scorpius was being unfaithful to her, but deep down, she knew that he was.

"You're doing it again," Rose said, bringing Lily back to the present.

"Come on, lets go back to the common room," Lily said, rather than respond to her cousin's statement. Rose's plate was empty, and Lily was not in the mood for eating right now.

Rose started going on about the Quidditch game that was going to take place tomorrow, and Lily really did try to listen to what her cousin was saying, but her mind was elsewhere. "Oh! I just remembered I meant to go back to Transfiguration to grab my jumper I left there earlier today, do you mind the detour?" Rose said.

"Oh um, yeah sure, that's fine," Lily replied.

They made a right turn and soon were at the entrance to the Transfiguration room. The door was shut, which was unusual, but neither of them paid it much notice. Rose opened the door and the two girls walked in.

And standing there, tangled up in Melanie, was Scorpius.

"Oh um sorry, I just need to… grab… this," Rose said awkwardly, grabbing her jumper and hurrying back to the entrance. Lily just stood there, completely shocked.

Scorpius and Melanie leapt apart from each other, and looked at the two new comers.

"Lily," Scorpius said, walking over towards his girlfriend. Lily kept a calm face, showing no emotion at all. After all, Rose had no idea that she was even talking to Scorpius, let alone his girlfriend. All she wanted to do was slap him, and slap that slut that was with him. But she couldn't do that. No, she would have to wait for another opportunity when none of her friends or family were around.

So instead, she simply turned around and walked out of the classroom. Rose closed the door behind them and then immediately broke out in laughter.

And Lily forced herself to do the same.

"Lily, Lily, are you there?" Lysander said, bringing her back to the present.

"Sorry, I guess I was daydreaming again," she said, looking up at her smiling boyfriend.

"In the middle of the Hogwarts Express?" he laughed. She shrugged and smiled back at him. He slung an arm around her shoulders. The train had begun to slow down, and soon the two of them were making their way to a carriage with the rest of their friends and family.

3 weeks later.

Scorpius stood in the empty hallway, leaning against the brick wall, his bag casually hanging off his shoulder. His eyes were closed, and he looked at peace, his usual arrogant expression missing from his face. He was waiting for Lily to get out of her Charms class that he knew she had now. The class had only just started, but he had nothing better to do than to wait and catch her on her way out of the class.

A sudden thumping brought him out of his thoughts, and he opened his eyes, his cold exterior returning to his face. He'd been expecting a first year to be running past him, still unsure of how to get around the castle. But instead, he saw a disheveled looking Lily. Her hair was all over the place, and there were papers in her hand as well as falling out of her bag. She looked as if she had just woken up.

"Scorpius?" She asked, barely more than a whisper.

"Running late for class, I see," he said, trying to sound like his usual self. He didn't want her to find out that he had been waiting for her to get out of class.

"What are you doing out here?" she asked, stopping a few feet in front of him.

"Why do you care?" he asked.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds. She just looked at him, as if she were looking for something.

"You're right, you have changed," she finally responded, referring to the brief conversation they'd shared on the train ride. "But not in a good way." With that she turned around and started walking towards her class.

"Lily, wait," Scorpius sighed. He reached out and grabbed her arm, spinning her back to face him. "Can we… talk? Actually talk. No funny business, I swear."

"I'm already late for class," she said, tugging out of his grasp. He reluctantly let her go, but she didn't immediately start walking away from him.

"Please, Lily, it'll only take a minute, I promise." She sighed, and put the disorganized pile of papers that were in her hand into her bag.

"Fine. But only a minute."

They found an empty classroom not too far from the one she was supposed to be in. Scorpius sat on the desk at the front of the room, the one the professor usually sat at. Lily stopped a good two meters in front of him, crossing her arms, and looked quite uncomfortable.

"Alright, what is it then?" she asked him. "And if you're just going to ask me to get back together with you again, the answer is still no."

"No, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. But I did want to talk about us. I do miss you, Lily."

She refrained from yelling at him like she had on the train. She knew that it would do no good. He obviously hadn't listened to a thing she said, and why would now be any different.

"I know that after what I did to you, you'll probably never want to get back together with me, and I understand that. But I miss you. I miss being around you, and talking to you. I don't like seeing that look you always get on your face whenever you see me. I hate that I caused you so much pain."

She didn't know what to say to him. She was in too much shock. For some reason, she believed every word he was saying.

"So, I'm not here to ask you to dump your boyfriend and get back together with me. I'm here to ask you to be my friend. Just my friend," he said looking at her with those eyes that she had fallen so deeply in love with. It was the first time she had really looked at them since before they broke up.

She knew it would be a bad idea to say yes, but part of her couldn't help it.

"Fine. We can be friends. On one condition," she said, raising her eyebrows at him.

"Okay." There was a shocked expression on his face, like he had been expecting her to curse him and then leave the classroom.

"Everyone, and I mean everyone, has to know. That includes Lysander, Rose, and even James and Albus."

"Deal." His face broke out into the biggest smile that Lily had ever seen on him. She gave him a small smile back.

"I've really got to get to class though," she said, turning around.

"I'll see you around?" he called after her.

"See you around," she replied.

When she made it to Charms, she took her usual seat next to Lysander.

"Where were you?" he asked, a concerned look on his face.

"I think I just made a new friend."