A/N: Hey people! I have a sudden new obsession with House of Anubis (the best TV show ever!), so I decided to write this instead of studying for my finals. I also found a few like this on the site, but the grammar and spelling were making my eyes bleed. This is what appeared from that annoyance. I hope you guys enjoy it! And just a heads up, I try to update each chapter after I get 2 new reviews. If I don't get 2 new reviews, I don't update. Enough said.

House of Pharaohs

Kane Chronicles & House of Anubis Crossover Fanfiction


Sadie watched the fields of grass and various pastures filled with goats and cows as they passed by. Adele played in the background, improving her mood by zero percent. She was already missing her friends back at Brooklyn House. Especially Walt… They hadn't officially started dating yet, but he had stolen a kiss or two from her. Her lips stretched into a smile at the sweet memories.

Slowly, the small shops of Liverpool started to dot the side of the street. In the horizon, a large house-like brick building appeared. "Looks like we're there," Carter mumbled, almost mindlessly. With a sigh, Sadie paused her iPod and wrapped the headphones around it sloppily. She shoved the device into a coat pocket and grumbled something about how boring this will be.

The cabbie stopped in front of what turned out to be the school. Carter handed the money to the driver and they pulled their bags out of the trunk. Carter was looking at a map and started heading of in an odd direction.

"Where are we going?" Sadie demanded, crossing her arms.

Carter sighed. "Come on, Sadie. We're getting to the place we'll be staying until we find the magician."

Sadie mouthed what Carter had just said with an irritated expression on her face but continued to follow her brother.

After a minute or so of walking, they arrived at a decently sized building with a sign that stated that this was the "House of Anubis." Sadie let out a sigh and a silly smile covered her face. As much as she hated that jackal-headed god, she still had a huge crush on him. His brown hair would always fall perfectly over his dark eyes, and his smile was enough to make any girl swoon.

"Earth to Sadie!" Carter said, waving his hand in front of Sadie's face, pulling her out of her day-dreams.

"Huh, what?" Sadie asked, blinking in confusion.

Carter groaned in frustration. "We should probably head inside before someone questions about why you were staring at a sign that said Anubis on it.

Sadie sighed but pulled her suitcase along the pathway to the house. Unbeknownst to the two magicians, a black silhouette was watching them from behind a tree, biding his time for the right moment for revenge.

A/N: Sorry that this was so short! But hey, it's 10 PM and this is only the introduction. Remember to please review! I love advice on what I can do to improve my writing as much as Aphrodite loves love! But please no flaming (as in "This is stupid. I hate it.") I'll try to update soon! Ta Ta For Now!