Ah man. This first chapter is just the introduction so there aren't any lemons in it...to be honest I don't even know if the next one will have them or not either! But I plan to put them in...eventually! I want this to be extra lemony! Oh and, if PokemonXHuman bother you, please don't read any further than the first chapter.

I'll be following the course of Pokemon Red while meeting some 'strange encounters' in the story. Have fun and enjoy!

I yawned and proceeded to stretch my arms high above me as I awoke from my slumber. My joints cracked and whined as I pulled myself out of my bed and took my first groggy steps towards my computer. I turned it on and mindlessly clicked a few times, a single potion rolling into my hands from the compartment underneath. How it stored unimaginable numbers of items and supplies were beyond me. All I knew was that I could store anything I wanted in there and no one could take it out except me…or people who knew my password…

Putting the potion into my back-pack, I changed into a red tank top with a denim skirt and tied up my brown hair into a long ponytail whilst staring into the mirror, "Today is the day Red. Today we set foot into the outside world beyond Pallet Town!" I stood up straight as my hazel eyes skimmed my stature. I wasn't very tall, somewhere around 1.62m. Maybe that was considered average but everyone else seemed taller than me. It makes wearing platform shoes even more appealing than what they really are.

Today was the day I was supposed to visit Professor Oak at his lab to get my starter pokemon. My skin was tingling at how excited I was. I wanted to shout and throw my arms into the air…if it weren't for my mum's disapproval.

She knew I was excited for this day and she wanted to delay it. "Just a few more years Red, then I promise I'll let you go. Why don't you find a friend to go with you first? It'll be better that way…safer too. It's too dangerous for a young girl to go out all alone!"

I replayed the argument we had last night in my head, my brows furrowing. She didn't understand…all my friends had already left! I was the only one my age left in the town! When everyone hit the legal age to become a pokemon trainer, they all packed their bags, got a pokemon from the professor and left, and here I was, at a mighty age of 18 with no pokemon or pokedex…life sucked so far. Heck, he might not have any pokemon left! I shook my head. No need to think about that now. Right now I should be at the lab. If I don't go today, there might not be another chance.

I slung my bag over my shoulder, slapped my cap onto my head and jumped down the stairs, skidding to a halt at the bottom as my eyes met with my mum's.

"…" We both stared at each other in silence. "So you're really going huh?" She said quietly, checking my attire.

One nod, "Yeah. I'll become a pokemon trainer like everyone else. Maybe even a master if I'm good enough."

Her eyes began to glaze over with misty tears as she tried to stop herself from crying. "Uhh…I'll write when I can?" I didn't know what to say. I didn't understand why she was crying…most children left their parents at this age to become pokemon trainers. It wasn't an uncommon thing so surely she saw this coming. "Look, I decided this a long time ago. It has always been my dream to raise pokemon and to see the world with my own eyes! Looking at pictures in a text-book won't give me the experience my life needs and nowhere near the amount of thrills." I stepped over to her and put an arm around her, trying to sound reassuing.

She began to say, "Why not just become a helper at the local pokemon centre? You still get to see pokemon from all over the wor-"

I snapped my hand back to my side and clenched my fist, "But then they're not entirely mine! I don't want to become attached to something and then have them leave me when their owner is back! I want to raise it myself! Keep it for myself! I can't do that at a centre…" I stared at a spot in front of me. I didn't mean to get angry but no matter what I say, she doesn't want me to go. It was just so frustrating. Did all the other kids go through this with their parents when they left?

"You don't understand!" I looked up and saw that she had restored her posture and was looking right at me, a slight frown on her features, determination in her eyes. "You're too naïve to go out there! You don't know what it's like in the outside world! Y-you could get hurt!" She faltered. She knew she was going to lose and that I would leave.

"Well of course I don't know what it's like," I shouted, "I've never been taken outside of this town before! I would understand if I was younger but right now, I'm officially an adult! Hell, I can drink all the booze I want and have all the sex I desire! I can do everything you can, so don't try to stop me!" I obviously shocked her. I might've gone too far but I didn't regret saying it. I really wanted this. I reached for the door, pulled on the handle and proceeded to take a step but stilled as a hand rested itself on my shoulder.

I turned to see my mother looking into my eyes as she whispered in a soft tone, "Please. Don't go…" I could feel the desperation in her voice as my heart faltered for a moment, a cold hand of sadness suddenly gripping it.

I turned away abruptly, a tear threatened to fall down my cheek, "I'm late for my appointment with the Professor…I should go now." I mumbled as I left, her hand losing contact with my person and hovering over the point at which I used to stand.

I was a good few metres away from her when I heard her shout, "Be safe!" She called. For someone's whose heart I probably just broke, she was still kind enough to be concerned over my well being. I smiled to myself in half happiness and half sadness whilst I headed towards the lab.

There was no turning back now…

Feel free to comment and help me get this moving but I'd appreciate it if there aren't any flames. Lol, this was a bit more angsty than I thought it would be... I hope this turned out okay :D