Chapter 16: Kiss
The rain outside was pouring down hard that night, and had been for most of the day, forcing everyone in the Sherwood Village to stay within their huts. Anyone stuck within it's torrents were sure to be soaked to the bone within minutes, threatening anyone daft enough with cold feet and chills. But inside their homes, people stayed nice and dry, some even staying within the huts of friends to make the nights less lonely or give an excuse for a party. Ben didn't mind so much though, as she was beneath the ground in her burrow, dry and away from the pouring skies. In fact she rather liked the rain, as it was always a soothing a sound to her. There was no lightening or thunder that rattled the skies and shook the ground. No, this was just the heavens raining down, and it had lulled Miss Rouge into a relaxed state. She lay withing her bed, reading one of the many books Azeem had acquired for her by candle light. One would believe this to be a good day, and Ben wouldn't deny it at all.
But in the middle of the chapter, Ben heard, what she guessed, to be the sound of squishy foot beats as well as cursing coming from outside. Making sure to put her finger on the place she last started reading, Ben looked out towards her cloth door, watching it for a moment to see if her suspicions were correct about said noises. If they were, any moment now the head of a scruffy faced, drenched brunette would pop through her door. And of course, she was, right down to the dripping brown locks. Didn't think to add the very angry and annoyed look, though. Darn it, she forgot about that.
"You'd think God would know by now that we've had enough rain! This is ridiculous.. My underwear is soaked, how does that happen?! I feel like I went swimming in the lake.." Will shook himself like a dog would, hoping that would take some of the water off of his body. If it did, he wouldn't know, as he still felt as if he just took a dive into the ocean. Ben laughed at her friend though, finding his exasperation comical.
"What did you do, take a long walk out before you came here?" She asked, noting to the fact he did look just as soaked as he said. She wasn't going to test to see if his under garments were wet though, she may die from the lack of blood to her body and the over abundance of it to her face.
"I only walked from my hut to here! What is that, seven yards? More? In just a few yards, I nearly drowned in freezing cold rain! And I am quite sure I saw a whale and a few fishes too..." Ben giggled some more at his silliness, setting her book down to help her friend down into her home, afraid he may slip on his own clothes.
"Well, if it truly is as cold as you say, then get down here and warm up with in the blankets. Don't want you catching your death, I need someone here who keeps me sane."
"I thought that was Wulf's job, because I am quite sure I annoy you too often for you to be sane." He teased, taking his shoes off before sliding down to meet her in the den, squatting so he doesn't hit his head on the tree above.
"Oh it is, but when he gets tired or runs off to play I need a back-up and you're the best I have got unfortunately." She grabbed one of the many blankets she had atop her bed, unfolding it so that it would be able to wrap around the wet man next to her.
"Back up, huh? I see how much I am loved." Will shook his hands, sending water out, hitting Ben with their cold droplets. She squealed noting that he was right, the rain was almost as cold as winter snow! It's a wonder he's not shivering like a leaf.
"Stop that! Now get over here and settle down to get warm." She pointed to her bed, knowing the furs and blankets would warm him almost instantly, as it does to her every night. Will went to crawl in, but stopped suddenly. After a few moments with a pondering look, Will began to shed his clothes in front of Ben, tossing his shirt as stockings over to the corner that wasn't covered with sheets.
"Will! What are you doing?!" Ben yelped, turning as red as her hair, covering eyes as quickly as she possibly can. The man looked at her confused, wondering why she was acting so shy, it was only his chest. What was wrong with that?
"My clothes are soaking, Ben, I don't want to get your bed wet." Had she not been entirely embarrassed and blushing like mad, she would have thought the sentiment sweet. But he did have a point, and as quickly as she could, she rushed to her chest in the door way area and brought out an extra pair of pants and a shirt. All without looking at him, Ben tossed the dry clothes into his arms. Trying not to laugh at her, Will examined the clothes. The pants looked baggy and just about right for him, though he was pretty sure they would be a little high near his ankles. But as he looked at the shirt, he began to chuckle, making the red woman glance at him through split fingers.
"What's so funny?" Her hands muffled her words a little, though he could still understand her.
"This was one of the shirts I gave you awhile back. It's not going to fit me, Mina, that's why I gave it to you. It was too small." He tossed the shirt back up onto the chest, making sure not to hit the wet ground his muddy feet had been standing on.
"But that is the biggest shirt I own."
"Well, then I guess I'm not going to need one." Realization hit Ben hard, and somehow the shade of red her face was became even darker. Will chuckled though, finding her innocence and shyness adorable. "It's not like you haven't seen me shirtless before Ben. Remember that first night?" He wanted to laugh himself, thinking of the first night. Will had thought her shyness and looking away was because she had not been around people for so long. In part, that was true, but the main reason was because she was a girl, not the boy she claimed to be.
"Yes, but-"
"No buts! I'm sleeping with the covers on, so you do not have to worry. The bottoms should fit though, which is good cause even though I'm okay with going shirtless, I don't think I would be okay in just my skivvies.." Thank God for that... Ben thought as she turned around once again, but this time to give Will the time to change out of his pants. She listened to the sound of the wet clothes being thrown on the ground, as well as Will grunting as he pulled on the new bottoms. It would have been funny had she not been imagining it the whole time, making her scold herself and continue to blush. The blanket she had clasped between her hands was slowly pulled out from her clutches, taking her mind away from her thoughts. Ben looked to see Will wrapping the sheet around his shoulders with a bold smile on his face. Seeing him covered instantly calmed the woman, who crawled into bed, picking up her book once again. Will soon cuddled down next to her, very thankful for the warmth he was already feeling, looking to the book she held in her hands. As a child, his mother had tried to teach him to read and write. Though he was no master at the skill, he could read and write basic words that would help him get through in life. The book Ben was reading, though, had far too many words that he couldn't pronounce or even dream about understanding. It must have been the teachings she got as a child when she was raised in the Western manor to read and write at this level. After a long period of silence, and two flipped pages, Will grew curious.
"What book are you reading?" The question sunk in slowly, or she was just finding a good place to stop, he wasn't sure, but it took a few seconds before Ben replied to him.
"It's a collection of legends about Charlemagne. He's a king from awhile ago, one of the greatest I think, and will be remembered for long past our time." Will produced a fake yawn, making Ben roll her eyes, but smile none-the-less.
"Reading is so boring, I'd rather be out adventuring myself than just reading about adventuring."
"Reading is not boring, William, it's exhilarating. And how would you do some of the things in books? You can barely catch a fish!" She teased, knowing that would push his buttons. Before he could say anything in defense though, she continued. "Besides, listen to this: Charlemagne, on his part, proceeded from his entrenchments, ranged his troops in semicircle, and stood surrounded by his peers and paladins. Some of them bore portions of the armor of Rinaldo, the celebrated Ogier, the Dane, bearing the helmet which Rinaldo took from Mambrino. Duke Namo of Bavaria and Salomon of Bretagne bore two axes, of equal weight, prepared for the occasion.." As she read on, Will scooted closer and closer to her, so that he could try and see where it was at the she was reading. The only way to get a good view, though, was to put his face nearly up against her's, cheek to cheek. In turn, Ben could feel his body up against hers, already warming from the bed and blankets. The closeness was distracting her, causing her to jump words, mutter, or completely mix up what she was reading. After another paragraph of mistakes and lack of concentration, she grew annoyed at herself and tried to divert the conversation elsewhere.
"Why did you come here, anyway? Not that I do not enjoy your company, but as you said earlier, its raining rather hard out. Why go through that just to come to here?" Will looked a little taken aback by her sudden question, as he was enjoying listening to her read. He still didn't understand many of the words she said, and had no idea who this Charlemagne was, but the sound of her voice was calm and comforting, something he could listen to all day. But Will thought for a second then shrugged his shoulders.
"I was bored. Being alone in a hut all day nearly drove me mad. So I thought if I came to see you, I would be less bored."
"Glad to know that I am so useful at such times." Ben joked, squinting her eyes a little in feigned irritation. Will gave an aloof expression, trying hard to be as serious as he possibly could with her looking at him like that.
"What can I say, you are just easy." A sharp pain racketed through his arm as Ben's fist came in contact with it. Instantly his serious expression failed and Will went into a fit of laughter as he rubbed his arm, trying to make the sting go away. Though Ben acted as if she were angry, she joined in laughter with her friend, both of them enjoying the silliness of the other. Once the laughter died down, Will snuggled into the blankets and bed, sighing in contentment. It was amazing how comfy Ben's bed was, with its furs and sheets. A small smile played at his lips as he thought of how spoiled Ben was when it came to her friends. Between Azeem, John, Wulf, Will and sometimes even Robin, Ben had received so many gifts after a heist had taken place. It never seemed to fail that whenever they went out, someone would find something and instantly think of her. Will had a few blankets in his hut, but not as much as Ben. Azeem, the one that would supply her with most of the items she owned, always thought that her living underground was colder than living in a normal hut or one of the tree dwellings like the rest of them. Will guessed Azeem had never set foot inside her Burrow because most of the time it was the opposite. If it was hot, it would remain nice and cool. On the cold nights, it would get a little chilly but not as much as the other homes though, who weren't as protected from cold winds like Ben was.
But Will also had a suspicion her gifts were an apology, in a way, for not letting her go on as many heists as she wanted to. Since she had been teaching the others archery, Ben rarely ever left the camp unless she was hunting. Maybe once or twice a month she could go with them, but it wasn't as much as she would like. Will knew she loved going, especially if it had anything to do with Nottingham and any who liked that bastard. Still, she never whined and continued to teach the others all she could. She had even taken up teaching Wulf to read and write while all the others were away to pass the time, for both her and the boy. Will smiled again, thinking of her kindness and strength, it was one of the many reasons he loved her.
"What are you thinking about?" Ben's voice drew him from his thoughts, which made him blush almost as red as Ben had earlier at his last thought. Will still had yet to get the courage to confess to her. After Ben's story nearly two weeks ago, Will debated on how to come out and tell her. He had given up trying to woo her, as he could never seem to get it right, and even Ben herself said it was foolish to go about it that way. But how to say it, that was his problem..
"About how comfy your bed is. Why isn't mine this comfortable?" Will fake pouted, trying to take his mind away from his current thoughts. He wasn't exactly lying, he was thinking about her bed, he just didn't tell her everything he was thinking about. None the less, Ben chuckled at his complaint.
"Well then maybe you should come live in here then. It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before." Normally saying something as scandalous as that would send Ben into a fit, having being raised by a noble family, after all. But living in the woods for nigh on six years, she wasn't as confined as she used to be.
"Ha, yeah you're right. Wow, it feels like it's been forever since then."
"It's nearly been three months.. I can't believe how the time flies." Will looked her in the eyes, a sweet grim on his lips.
"Yeah, but I enjoyed every moment with you. Even when you were a boy." He teased, making Ben grin just like him.
"You are never going to let that go are you?" She asked in a joking manner, which caused them both to laugh.
"Never, not even after we're married, with 20 kids. I'm gonna tell them all their momma was a boy for 5 years." Will had nearly failed at dodging Ben's fist again. He was going to laugh at her feeble attempt to attack him, until a pillow hit im square in the face. Multiple times. After about ten successful hits, and ten fails at blocking, Ben finally relented after thinking he had enough. Finally able to breath again, Will burst into laughter, so much so that his sides started to hurt. "I was only joking!" He said, wheezing, as it was hard to speak through the laughter and pain.
"If, by some miracle of God, we ever do get married William Scarlet, you will rue the day you told our children that!" Will chuckled at her threat, but laid down, trying to catch his breath and finally calm down. All the jokes and teasing, Will hadn't realized how tired he was until he had willed himself to settle. The cloudy sky made it hard for Will to tell what time it was, but with how drowsy he felt he would guess nearly around midnight as it was the only time that was hard to keep his eyes open. With a sigh, Will closed his eyes, allowing the wave of sleep to take him. It was a few more moments before Benjamina realized that Will's breathing had slowed down. Unsure, she scooted a little closer to him, listening to each lazy breath that escaped his nostrils.
"Will?" She spoke softly, almost a whisper. She could only guess that he was asleep, so in case he was, she didn't wish to wake him. Taking this moment she had, Ben looked over her friend as he slept peacefully. It wasn't too hard to see him, as she had 3 candles lit, making his tan skin glow with beautiful oranges and yellows. It made him look so handsome with his strong jaw, the defined cheek bones, the ever changing brow line that went from amused to brooding so easily. With out any real thought, Ben ran her fingers along his jawline, feeling the small stubble already growing in since he shaved this morning. The bristle tickled her fingers as they glided all the way to his chin. Her hand was about to go down to his chest, but she remembered that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Unable to resist, Ben's eyes just glanced down for a moment, seeing the patch of brown hair peaking out from between the blankets. She remembered the first time she saw this those few months ago, entirely embarrassed and unsure how to react to him taking off his shirt and exposing his lean torso.
Chuckling at her own innocence, Ben returned her eyes to Will's face. Scanning him one more time, her gaze lingered on his lips. Thoughts of the day when he nearly kissed her sprang to mind, and she found her breath hitched within her lungs. Was he really going to kiss her? It felt like he was, with how close he got and when he closed his eyes. She could still remember what it felt like to have his hot breath dancing over her lips, the heat from his body warming her own. Then she remembered how she had leaned forward too, ready for what was going to happen. But maybe it wasn't going to happen at all.. Maybe that's just what she wanted to believe, maybe she just wanted him to kiss her so she thought he was going to. But why would she want to kiss him? Will was her best friend, one she could see herself living without. But wasn't that love? That was what Erik would always say about Adelaide, that she was his most closest friend and he would rather die than live without her. Was Benjamina Helen Rouge in love? As she looked at him once again, a warm feeling spread through her, making her smile sweetly at his sleeping form.
"Yes.. It's love, how can it be anything but?" She didn't care that she said it out loud, her mind was thinking of other things than worrying if Will had heard her. Ben lightly ran her fingers over his lips, feeling the softness of them, and she wondered what it would have been like had they actually kissed. Would it have been sweet and soft, or deep and passionate? Would it leave her breathless and speechless? What would have happened to them after? So many questions buzzing through her head like furious little bumblebees about a hive. She wondered if this was normal for those who were in love. Ben had never felt like this before, not even with any of the boys who had lived at the Manor and played with her when she was a child. Maybe a wee fancy for the knights in storybooks and great heroes of old, but they were only books and legends. That was nothing to as real as this felt.
Subconsciously she grazed her fingers over his lips again, but this time he shifted from his position, causing her to jump from the sudden action. Will didn't wake from his slumber, all he did was tilt his head more towards her instead of the forward position he was in. But as he moved, a moan escaped his lips, a soft one that would have been barely audible had Ben not been so close to him. "Mina.." He uttered, as his shifting stopped and he finally lay back to rest.
Hearing her name made her blush far more than any she had done that day. Inside her head her name was being repeated over and over in Will's tired voice, as if an echo in a deep cave. Disbelief cluttered her mind. Sure, she had wanted Will to kiss her, and her new revelation of loving him was uplifting, but this? Was Will dreaming of her? And it wasn't til after she touched his lips that he said it. So was he dreaming of kissing her?
It was too much for her right now, her heart was beating far too fast with new hope and her brain felt swelled from her bombardment of questions. If she were to let her mind linger on this any more, Ben was sure she would not be able to sleep tonight. Then, it was hard not to think of it as he slept in her bed, next to her. I wonder what it would be like..To sleep with him? Next to him, far more closely then I ever have. Her curiosity always had a habit of getting the best of her so gingerly, she lowered her head onto his chest, lulled by the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat. It was so comforting that she didn't realize how quickly she had fallen asleep, content and happy.
Not very much sun ever breaks through into the Burrow, so it was always hard to tell what time it was when she awoke. Most of the time she would rise around 7 or 8, maybe 9 if she had stayed up later than she normally would. But the moment Ben's dreams of the loving past lifted from her, and the feeling of drowsiness blanketed her, she knew it must have slept in as she felt stiff all over. Stretching from her comfortable spot, listening to the bones in her body pop one at a time, Ben wondered why she had slept so long, and with the way she felt, so deeply. Trying to think back before she drifted into slumber, she realized her pillow was breathing beneath her head. Fear gripped at her and she tensed, thinking a snake or some animal had crawled it's way into her home as she had unconsciously lay upon it. Hesitantly she looked up to see hazel brown and green eyes, filled with merry and mirth, staring down into her emerald orbs. It was a pleasant sight, to see Will so happy and looking at her in the morning, that a lazy smile spread over her lips with heavy lidded eyes.
"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered to her, smile seeming to widen as he watched her attempt to rub the exhaustion from her eyes. Normally he would have said something more silly, just to see her glare at him or attempt to punch and hurt him in some way. But when he himself awoke that morning to find her nuzzled into his chest, resting peacefully, he had not stopped smiling since. He never wanted to admit it, but since his realization of his feelings, Will wondered what it would be like so close to each other like they were now. He could feel her heartbeat even now against his skin, beating in time with his own. It was an addictive feeling, just to hold her like this, and Will was trying hard to refrain from keeping her like this for the rest of the day. Didn't want the other guys to think he had gone too soft after all.. Ben chuckled softly at what he said though, her brain still trying to work its way out of the haze that deep slept tends to cover her in. "Sleep that good, huh?"
She didn't reply with words, though she moaned her approval, nodding her head. Sleep was calling her back already and it was a war she was slowly losing. Then again, she wasn't putting up much of a fight, as she was too comfy to attempt to resist. Ben wanted to cuddle closer to him, enjoying the body heat that was radiating off of his body, like a fireplace with legs. The sheets he covered himself in were slightly in the way though... But when she remembered Will was half naked under the covers she clung to, all strings of sleep tugging at her snapped and her head spun as she bolted up from where she had lay too quickly. The sudden movement startled Will, thinking he had insulted her in some way, and the red tint to her cheeks only made him more curious.
"Mina, you okay?" Her name rolled off his tongue so smoothly, that it had Ben's skin crawling like thousands of tiny needles dancing upon her skin. Not with disgust or malice, but with something all too different and it scared her a little. Mina.. He had said her name in the night, like a prayer, and almost as passionately. His lips soft under her touch.. Mina. She shook herself from her thoughts, becoming so timid with her friend that it was near impossible to look into his eyes like she loved doing. He reached for her then, concerned that maybe she had come down with a cold. A gentle touch to her cheek and Will felt her face was burning hot. "Mina, are you-"
"No, no no! I'm fine! Do not worry for me, I am fine." Ben rushed, trying to smooth down her crimson hair, trying to find anything for her to fiddle with and look away from him. These thoughts she was having, she shouldn't be having them for a friend, especially Will. He meant so much to her that she did not want to ruin their friendship over her own insecurities and desires. No matter how much she wanted to believe he had dreamed of kissing her, that he wanted to kiss her all those days ago.
"Mina, your face is burning." There her name was again. Why did he have to say it like that?
"It's just hot in here. I think I should go outside!" Quickly she rushed from out under the tree, tugging her boots on, and into the crisp morning air of England. It was still a little chilly, and the air still had moisture from all the rain, but it was a cold that Ben appreciated. Small gusts of wind blew over her, cleansing her of the fire that was welling up inside her before it could burst as a volcano would. A part of her felt guilty for just leaving Will like that, and she wanted nothing more than to return and tell him why, but Ben was too afraid. So afraid of what he would say to her. Afraid of what may happen to them. So she did the one thing she knew how to do the best. Run and hide. She would not leave the camp, no this was her home, but she could avoid Will until she got herself under control. Until her name stopped haunting her as if it were the boogeyman himself.
Walking further into the camp, Ben looked around for something to do, anything. From the looks of it, Robin and most of the men were no where in sight, which meant they had already left and were preparing for their next great robbery. That left Azeem, John and Robin out of the picture as well as archery training since most of the men went with the group for back up and numbers. Fanny was always busy with her children or preparing the food for the camp, and Ben didn't want to get in her way. Helping cook the food was out of the question too, as she was terrible with cooking since she never learned how to. Why did she when she was being raised by nobles? Even before that when she was still considered a servant, Ben wasn't allowed in the kitchen unless by direct order from Erik or Adelaide. Duncan was speaking to a group of older folk, laughing about something, though she couldn't hear what from the distance. Wulf, she saw, was playing with a group of kids his age, and Ben wouldn't dare take him away from that. The poor kid rarely had any friends his age before Robin came, so allowing him this time to finally play was of far more importance than her fear. Many of the others that didn't go off on the heist or cooking were busy with their own chores or tasks, and Ben couldn't feel any more alone. Especially since the one person she knew always had time for her, or made time, was Will. What was she going to do?
She couldn't go to their spot by the river, that would be the first place he would look to. She could not stay in the village, it would be easy to see her and catch her. The only place she could think of, was Sherwood, the one place she knew better than most anyplace else. The one place that had hide her and kept her safe for years. Without a certain baring, Ben walked into the forest with determined steps and fearful place. What was she going to do..?
It would be hours before anyone noticed how long she has been gone. Anyone besides Will, who had been searching the moment he left the Burrow. He had looked all over camp, the edges of it, the bathing pool, their river spot, the lake, even bake to her Burrow, but she was gone. Fear had clutched at him then, thinking she had run away and left the camp. Left him. What had he done to scare her like this? Why was she avoiding him?
Somehow he found himself in the forest itself trying to think of some place that she could be. Maybe she had her own special place to go where no one else knew about, though most of the time it was her Burrow. Maybe she went off hunting, as she hadn't done that for a few days. Since she had trained the men to shoot, many of them had taken up the mantle of hunter and went out to catch food so there was rarely a need for her to do so. Where could she possibly-
It was a sneeze, and a tiny one, but Will had heard it and knew exactly who it was. He could tell that sneeze from anywhere, one that sounded as if a little girl had sneezed. Will stopped moving, listening intently for the next one he knew was about to come any second now.
There it was! And now Will had a baring of where she was. Following where he heard the sound, Will found himself in a smallish clearing with a huge and twisted tree in the center. The limbs twirled in many directions, as if it was trying to dance. Following the limbs up, he could see the figure of a body sitting on one of the upper most branches, legs hanging over and swinging just a little. Relief flooded through his body, knowing she was safe and didn't run away like he feared she had done.
"Ya know-" He heard a yelp as the body nearly fell off the tree in fear, "leaving the bed like that can make a man feel very unwanted." Ben looked down from her perch to see Will standing bellow, hands on his hips as if he were scolding her, and a devilish grin on his face.
"How did you find me?"
"Well, I know that sneeze better than anyone, I used to tease you about it when you were masquerading as a boy, saying it sounded far too girly for a man. I remember you used to hold your sneezes in after that and John would yell at you, saying your eyes would pop out of your scull if you kept doing that. But you still did since you didn't want to be teased anymore." Ben blushed, thinking back on all the times he did tease her.
"Actually it was because I didn't want you thinking I was a girl.." She confessed, climbing down the tree nimbly, landing right in front of Will.
"Why did you run, Mina?" His low voice was filled with sorrow and confusion, and Ben felt the sting of it. She didn't think about how Will would have felt when she ran, she just wanted to think things through before she confronted him. "Was it something I said? Did I offend you somehow?"
"Yes-No! No you didn't!" She caught herself quickly, though Will didn't seem persuaded.
"What? What is it?" Ben hesitated, though she wanted to say it so badly. But how to without sounding so weak.
"It's just.." Will waited, looking at her though she refused to look back at him. Finally she sighed, and glanced at him through her long lashes. "You said my name last night.. While you slept. You were dreaming of me." Will couldn't hide the rosy colour tinting his cheeks, as he had remembered the dream he had quite vividly.
"Was that it? Why didn't you just tell me instead of-"
"I was afraid William! Afraid I would lose you if I had made a wrong step, asked the wrong question! I was afraid you wouldn't.." She stopped mid sentence and didn't continue. It looked as if she were at war with herself, and Will was starting to believe he knew why. And of all the things he could think of, he never thought it would be like this. But he stepped toward her, not caring that she flinched at his sudden movements.
"I am already wearied with thinking
of how my thoughts are never weary of you,
and how I've not abandoned life itself yet,
to flee so heavy a weight of sighs:
and how my tongue is never lacking sound
to speak of your face and your hair,
and your lovely eyes I always talk of,
calling on your name day and night:
and how my feet are never tired and weary
of following your footsteps everywhere,
spending so many paces uselessly:
and how from it comes all the ink and paper
where I go writing of you: if that is wrong,
it is Love's fault, not a defect of my art."
He spoke so wistfully full of passion and hope that it left Ben thoughtless, breathless. It was beyond beautiful, and yet it sounded slightly familiar. The first line she had heard before, and she was sure it was said by Will. Then she remembered at their log when Will was acting strangely, mixing up strange words and curses because he couldn't say something right. Was this what he was trying to say to her? This poem?
"Will, that was-" But she had no time to speak, as Will closed the remaining distance between the two, holding her face in his hands and bringing her lips to his. They were so soft on her's, so gentle, yet so full of want and need as if without her lips he would die. Ben couldn't think, she could barely move, all that was racing through her mind was that He is kissing me. And it was exactly how she dreamed it would be. Before she could return the kiss, Will took a step back, though didn't take his hands from her face. Caressing it tenderly within his grasp, his thumbs brushing up and down her cheeks as he stared into her eyes.
"I love you, Mina."
Memo: Hey everyone, hope you're all still alive lol. The book Ben was reading I got from Legends of Charlemagne
Romance of the Middle Ages by Thomas Bulfinch and the poem Will was finally able to remember was Francesco Petrarch: "Io son già stanco di pensar sí come". Hope you all loved this chapter, thank you all for reading still. You are all my beautiful muses :3 xoxoxo