AN: Okay, so this is my 5cream. It is to be a sequel remake and I've done some research on some of those rules so I feel confident on how to both break and go along with those rules. Below are the list of characters who are suspects except for the main character. After that are the characters who would be on the cover of the movie from left to right, Alice and Marissa in the middle, and teir expressions. I know that the beginnings not mimicing Scream 2 at all but you'll find out why later. I may or may not continue posting. I finished the script but I'm not sure I want to keep posting, it'll depend on how many reiews I get. Read and Review!

Characters: Viola, Sara, Marissa, John, Samantha, Jason, Brenda, Lucas, Kendra, Steve, Mari, Mitch, Alice, and Tim.

Cover people: Mari, Tim, Marissa, Alice, Lucas, Sara,
Expression: curious, serious, terrified, concerned, bored, excited,

Screen opens to: Kelly's house, Viola, Kelly and Kelly's parents are at the front door.

Viola: Short, long dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. She is spunky but at the same time reserved.

Mrs. M: "Viola, remember don't answer the phone unless it's me or my husband."

Viola: "Don't worry about us, Mrs. M; I'll take good care of your daughter."

Mrs. M: "Okay, You be a good girl and be nice to Viola, okay Kelly."

Kelly: "Okay mommy."

The parents left the red two story house. The foyer had a curved stair case that led upstairs. There are barley any doors and the rooms are only separated by a frame. To the right was an off-limits sitting room and to the left was an off-limits, brown dinning room. In between was a small and short hallway with one side of it being the bathroom and the other side a door to the basement. At the end of the hallway is a room with a table, to the left is the kitchen and to the right is the living room. A few feet behind the small white table was a glass door that led outside. Outside was a patio with a large tan table in the middle. Behind that was a white Gazebo and to the left of the gazebo was a gate to the backyard. On the right side of the Gazebo was a pool area and behind the pool was another gate to the back yard. Behind the backyard there was a large, light blue house.

Viola: "So Kelly what do you want to do?"

Kelly: "Um….. I don't know."

Viola: "Well let's try to figure something out."

The two sat on the couch in the living room and light the red brick fire place.

Viola: "Why is your house so cold?" (as she lights the fire)

Kelly: "Our heaters broke."

Viola joined Kelly on the white couch. Behind the couch was another entrance to the off-limits sitting room.

Viola: "So what do you…" her cell phone rings, "Hold on one sec k." she walked into the kitchen, "Unknown number…" she clicks talk. "Hello?"

Erie Voice (sounds like Ghost face): "Hello Viola."

Viola: "Who is this?"

Voice (Girl sounding): "It's me Sara. Who else would it be?"

Viola: "I don't know. So what's up?"

Sara: "Oh nothing. Just baby sitting. You?"

Viola: "Same."

Sara: "OMG I can see you!"

Viola: "What?"

Sara: "Through the glass door."

Viola turned to the door and saw Sara in the house behind her. Sara: average height, shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes, she's fun and energetic, taking everything as a joke.

Sara: "Do you want to come over? These people have a closet full of scary movies and I can't watch them by myself. The kids could watch a different movie somewhere else in the house."

Viola: "Sure, one sec." turns to Kelly, "Hey, are you friends with the kid who lives behind you?"

Kelly: "Mitch? He's my bestest friend."

Viola: "Do you want to go to their house to see a movie?"

Kelly: "Sure!" Viola puts her phone in her jacket pocket and picks up the jacket.

Viola: "Great, let's go. Where's your jacket?"

Kelly: "Upstairs. I have lots so can you help me pick one?"

Viola: "Sure" puts jacket on the center table.

They walk up the stairs and when they reach the top they make a U-turn, go down a hall, (left is wall, right is a railing over looking the foyer.) past a bathroom and into Kelly's room. Kelly and Viola open the closet and Kelly starts picking all of the possibilities. Viola turns and sees that the window is open; she walks over to it and looks out. One could easily climb out the window and onto the roof.

Kelly: "Which one's best?"

Viola: "That one," she points to a coat.

Kelly: "No! This one is."

Viola: "Okay then put that one on."

Kelly puts on her jacket and the two go down the stairs, out the back glass door, past the pool and they swing open the gate. They walk towards the house behind them, forgetting to shut the gate behind them. They reach the porch of the light blue/grey house and looked through the sliding glass doors. Inside was a living room with a brown couch, to the right of that was the eating table and the kitchen. This house had the same amount of doors as the last on the main floor. They knock on the door and Sara comes immediately.

Sara: "Hey guys!" as she opens the sliding door, "Viola guess what we're watching!"

Viola: "Saw IV?"

Sara: "No, Stab One, either that or the original Halloween. Oh and why haven't you answered my texts?"

Viola: "What texts?" reaches for her phone but it's not on her, "Shoot, I must have left it at the house, can you take Kelly, I'll be right back."

Sara: "You're not supposed to say that!" as Viola starts to walk away but Viola turns back around.

Viola: "Why not?"

Sara: "Because it's like one of the first rules in Stab."

Viola: "There are rules in that movie?"

Sara: "Well duh, it's what separates it from the rest of horror films because their aware that it's like a horror film. The rule clearly states that if you say that, you'll die. All though, the rules have changed a bit so you might survive."

Viola: "Well guess what. We're not in a horror film. Do we really need to watch a horror movie, to be honest their kind of stupid."

Sara: "Is that why you didn't come see the last Stab with me? You know that one was based off another true story, of Jill Roberts and Sidney Prescott."

Viola: "That's what they all say."

Sara: "But it happened, like, ten years ago."

Viola: "And you really believe that? It's all bull. I have to get my jacket, see you in a minute."

Viola walks back to the pool gate, opens it (note: when she left it she left it open) and walks back in the house. She reaches at the table but there isn't anything there.

Viola (to herself): "Maybe I left it upstairs."

She walks upstairs and sees the jacket on the bed. She picks it up and looks at her cell phone. Twelve messages. She curses and erases all of them. As she walks out of Kelly's room her phone starts to ring. Without checking who it is, she answers.

Viola: "Sara, I'm on my way." She started walking down the stairs.

Voice: "This isn't Sara."

Viola: "Sorry I thought you were… Never mind. Can I help you?"

Voice: "Yes, I'm taking a survey, and I need to ask you a question. What's your favorite…"

Viola's phone starts beeping.

Viola: "Hold on a sec I have another call coming in."

The Voice starts to protest but she puts the Voice on hold and answers the other call.

Viola: "Sara?"

Sara: "Yea, can you hurry up; Stab and/or Halloween and I are waiting."

Viola: "Yea just one sec."

She hangs up and goes back to the voice's call.

Viola: "I'm sorry, you were saying."

Voice: "I'm taking a survey, It's like a game actually."

Viola: "A game?"

Voice: "Yea, a game. First question: What's your favorite Scary Movie?"

She saw this in a stab commercial before. She stops in the short hallway between the eating area and the foyer.

Viola: "I have to go."

Voice: "Don't you dare hang up…" but Viola already hung up. She runs towards the door when the house phone rings.

She stops cold and looks at the phone on the living room sofa. She debates in her mind if she should run or stay. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she goes to the couch to answer the call.

Viola: "Hello?"

Voice (Obviously Ghost-face): "You shouldn't have done that Viola. Besides, you're not supposed to answer the phone unless its Kelly's parents, remember?"

Viola: "Who is this!"

Ghost-face: "An old friend."

Viola: "John, if this is you I'll kill you."

Ghost-face: "Not if I kill you first."

Ghost-face comes out of the off limits sitting room and jumps over the couch to grab her. She screams and she accidentally backhands him. He falls on the couch, she throws the phone at him, and she runs to the back door.

She runs out and goes to the gate to the left of the Gazebo. She tries to open it but it's locked. She turns to run to the pool area gate but he's already blocking the exit. She runs back in the house and goes for the front door. It is locked and as she searches for the lock to unlock it, he grabs her. She punches him off and she's chased upstairs, makes a u turn and runs into Kelly's room.

She shuts the door behind her but he intercepts it with his knife. She shoves the door again and closes the door. She forgets to lock it and the killer thinks she did lock it so he starts running into the door in attempt to break it open. She opens the window and begins to crawl out. As she gets halfway through the killer realizes that the door's not locked and opens it. She is about to get her last leg through when he pulls her back in. Viola screams for help as she's pulled back in the house.

Switch to Sara at Mitch's house.

Sara is sitting at the table looking out the window. She calls Viola, but there's no answer. She looks at the two kids they were babysitting, and both are sound asleep. She puts on her jacket and goes out the sliding glass door, after she closes it behind her; she walks over to Kelly's house. She opens the pool gate and walks past the pool. Her phone rings and she stops. She checks the caller and sees that it's Viola.

Sara (answers phone and walks onto the patio): "Hey, I'll talk to you inside I'm right here."

Ghost-face: "Good, I was just about to ask you to come here."

Sara: "Ha-ha, you're funny. Your Ghost-face voice isn't even that good."

Ghost-face: "Wanna bet?"

Sara: "Okay, enough kidding around 'Ghost-face,' and come outside."

Ghost-face: "I am outside."

Sara: "You are?"

She turns towards the gazebo and Ghost-face grabs her by the arm.

Sara: "Oh! Good job Viola, you got me scared for a second. Now let's go."

She tries to go but Ghost-face won't let go.

Sara: "Oh, I get it. 'Please Mr. Ghost-face killer, don't kill me!' Happy now?"

Ghost-face shows her the knife.

Sara: "Wow, for someone who hates scary movies as much as you do, you really went full out for this."

Ghost-face stabs her side and she gasps. She looks down at her bleeding side then back up at Ghost-face. She gets him off of her and limply runs towards the pool gate exit.

As she runs towards the pool Ghost-face comes up behind and tackles her to the ground. She kicks him and starts running again. As she passes the pool, Ghost-face runs up behind her and stabs her in the back. She screams and he pulls out the knife from her back.

As she falls in the water The Title Scream 5 comes up. The 5 replaces the S so it looks like 5cream.

AN: So what did you think? Also, I worked hard for everything to be simular from Scream 2 so tell me who you think Viola Gellar and Sara Cooper are based of of. oh and also REVIEW!