Disclaimer: still not mine.
Spoilers: People who don't know the Doctor Who episode 'Boom Town' probably won't be able to follow this. I didn't post this fic in crossovers though, because I haven't worked out yet if the Doctor will really be making an appearance. I hope that anyone who watches Torchwood will have at least some basic knowledge of Doctor Who, especially those episodes where Captain Jack was introduced, but if not, there might be some major spoilers for you in here...
Rating: I wasn't really sure about that one, since there is some mild swearing in this. Since I believe it is mild, I am keeping the rating low. However, if anyone has objections just tell me and I'll change it.
Summary: The first time Jack Harkness visited Cardiff, he was travelling with Rose and the Doctor. But where was Torchwood Three during that time?
With a sigh, Owen cleared away the last of his scalpels. While the team had spent two days chasing their latest visitor (Jack called him a Ryepsrokitygh, but no one else even understood how to pronounce it), he'd barely learned anything from the creature after it had arrived on the autopsy table. The only thing he was certain of was that it had the disgusting habit of eating everything it came across. He hoped he would be able to get the stench out of his clothes.
The doctor was startled by Jack, who had been leaning against the railing of the autopsy bay and now suddenly spoke up.
'If you're ready, you're free to go home.'
Although he was sorely tempted, Owen knew he couldn't afford to leave this early.
'It's only four o'clock, Jack. I still have time to finish my reports from the last three days before I go.'
'No, you don't.' The Captain flashed him a smile and let go of the railing. 'You need to get home as soon as you can and start packing.' Ignoring the doctor's shocked stare, he went on. 'UNIT's organizing a three-day conference in London and I want you to attend. As our resident medic, you can follow some lectures about alien anatomy and First Aid for Non-Earth Creatures. I know you've been here for almost two years now, but you still have a lot to learn.'
Owen was still trying to process what he'd just heard. 'A conference? I thought we didn't bother with that sort of thing. I still remember my first day here.' He sent Jack a pointed look and continued with an exaggerated American accent. ''We don't have any schooling here, Dr. Harper. Just go out in the field and try to work it out for yourself. After all, medical school doesn't teach alien autopsies.' Something like that, wasn't it?' The last bit was said in his normal voice.
'Maybe. And maybe I changed my mind.' Jack seemed unaffected by the other man's sceptic expression. 'It could do you some good, meet new people, exchange opinions… Don't doctors usually do that sort of thing?' The matter was obviously closed for the Captain, who was already turning back towards the main Hub. Suddenly he stopped and looked towards the autopsy bay once more. 'Oh, and Suzie is going with you. Don't forget to warn her. You should leave at seven tomorrow morning to make it to the first seminar at ten thirty. The hotel has already been booked.'
Then he turned around and made his way to his office, leaving a very confused doctor staring at his retreating back.
When he'd sat down at his desk, he'd planned on doing some of his own paperwork, but he noticed he'd been staring unseeingly at his screen for the last ten minutes.
Am I actually doing the right thing here? Or am I going to fail this close to the end?
His thoughts were interrupted by another shout, this time much closer.
That was the last warning he had before his door was slammed open and Suzie Costello barged in. Her black hair hung loosely around her slightly red face, and she leaned over his desk threateningly.
'What do you think you're playing at?' With a detached air he noticed her eyes were small slits behind her glasses. At that moment she looked exactly like the person he'd always wanted as his second in command. Smart, calculating and not afraid to tell him when she thought he was acting like an idiot. A small smile was about to break free before he remembered that he really didn't want her to realize what he was acting like this time.
A damn mad man, that's what. An immortal fool trying not to be driven insane, but failing a bit more every day.
It wouldn't do to let her find out that part of his secrets any time soon though, so he tried not to show any emotion at all. 'You'll have to be slightly more specific, Suzie.'
She placed both her fists on his paperwork, but her voice was deceptively calm. 'London, Jack? You're sending Owen to London, when you're usually doing everything you can to keep us away from them? I can't help but wonder what you're planning.'
'Not just Owen,' he reminded her. 'Both of you are leaving tomorrow morning, and I'd like a report on every single person attending that conference.'
'Oh come on, there's bound to be at least five hundred people. UNIT is sending representatives from all over the world, and since One's own city is hosting it, they will want to establish their power. And let's not forget all the other smaller alien-hunting organizations. You could just as well have Tosh hacking their database from here. It would teach us much more than having me and Owen on site. Especially since Owen seems to be under the impression we're only going there to listen to some bunch of alien-doctors!'
Right, no underestimating Suzie. I should have planned this conversation out, instead of telling her through Owen and hoping she'd accept it. How could I have been so naïve?
'Owen will be like a fish in the water, and you know it. He was a great doctor before I stole him away from hospitals and living patients, and despite his antisocial behaviour, he will be able to appreciate everything he can learn from UNIT's specialists.' He raised his voice when she looked like she wanted to interrupt. 'Wait, I'm not finished. I know medical conferences are not your thing, and I know you can't spy on five hundred people at once, but I want you to keep an eye on Owen. I've kept all of you too sheltered in here and our doctor and technician don't know enough about the other organizations out there. I don't want One to get their hands on him. Also, I believe I've tried too hard to keep away from them. When Alex was here, we used to know at least some of their plans. Right now, the only thing we know is what you and I have been able to hack and that's not too much. So, you can go with Owen, mingle, enjoy your holiday and learn what our fellow Torchwoods are up to. Three days in London can't be that bad for your health, can it?'
At least his little speech had calmed her down somewhat. She didn't look ready to explode anymore, just ready to throw his stapler at him. 'We're Torchwood, Jack. The first thing you told me when you picked me up was that we never get holidays. You're planning something and I won't calm down before I find out what, but...' Well, good luck with that, was the only answer Jack could come up with, but he was smart enough not to say it out loud. '... but you're obviously not going to tell me. Fine.' She crossed her arms and sat down on a corner of his desk. 'However, as second in command I will need to know how you plan to manage Cardiff with only two people to man the Hub.'
He saw the small smile of triumph on her face, and recognized that this had been her trump card. He smiled in response. 'Tosh finished her Rift predictor program. It still has to be tested a bit more, but she doesn't think anything will come through in the next five days.'
'That's just it Jack! It hasn't been tested enough. What if something does come through? I'll admit that Tosh is almost as fast as Owen in the field, but she's not as strong. She couldn't hold a weevil down if it's struggling. We managed when it was still the two of us, but there's a bloody reason you went and asked the two of them to join us.'
I just might have fallen for that in any other situation. I knew there was a very good reason she ended up in Torchwood. But this wasn't any other situation. He wanted them away from Cardiff for the next few days and he wasn't going to change his mind on this one. It had already taken him a lot of time to admit to himself that it would look too strange if he sent Toshiko away as well, because he had desperately wanted to. He wanted the whole team to leave and he wanted to go with them. He'd had the urge to run since the day Downing Street had been blown up. Not that anyone had called him to explain aliens had caused the explosion, but he remembered his explanation, that first time that he had landed his ship in Cardiff and explained about the Slitheen. And in a sense he wasn't lying when he told Suzie that he wanted to know what the others were up to. If he hadn't known about the aliens invading London before it even happened, and if he hadn't known that he would come and take care of the one who had become mayor now, Cardiff might have been in serious danger. As much as Jack wanted to keep clear of One with their 'If it's alien it's ours', and of those who'd done their very best to kill him when they'd first found him, he couldn't let the city be destroyed because of it. Protecting Earth and guarding the Rift was what had kept him sane during the twentieth century and he'd be damned if he didn't continue now.
He suddenly became aware of a hand waving in front of his face. 'Hey Jack, you still there?'
Why am I letting this affect me this much? I shouldn't let it distract me like that!
'Don't worry about that. Go and prepare your stuff. I'm sure there are some files in the archives about the people you should watch out for.'
Although Suzie had made a face at his mention of the archives (he really, really needed to find someone who could tidy up down there), she didn't let herself be put off. 'You should at least try to listen when I'm saying something, Jack. And just a moment ago, I was saying that you wouldn't survive Cardiff with only two people to guard it for three days.'
'You have no idea how much I can survive.'
His smile was almost bitter this time, but she ignored him.
'Let me stay here. Owen can take care of himself. He's assertive enough not to be taken unaware by anyone. The Rift may be quiet right now, but we have other things to keep us busy. Take this,' Jack barely had time to wonder where she had hidden the file which she now threw on his desk. She definitely hadn't been holding anything when she came in. Or had she? You really should stop dreaming, Harkness. In the meantime Suzie had ploughed on. '... and I don't trust her new project. What's with all the people involved in the new nuclear station dying?'
Was she talking about the mayor now? O Suzie, you're really too smart.
'I promise you I'll look into it. By the time you get back, Tosh and I will have researched it, and we'll be able to stop her if anything is wrong. However, we can do nothing without any evidence.'
She was getting her fire back now, and he had to stop her before she backed him in a corner.
'As second in command...'
Jack interrupted her. 'Yes, as second in command, you should obey my orders. I'm saying you're going to London and I'm saying we'll take care of the mayor.' Of course, you have no idea who I'm thinking about when I say 'we'. He felt slightly guilty when he saw her face fall. 'I'm also saying that Tosh and I will be fine. If anything happens, I know who to contact.' Except I won't exactly need to contact anyone as he will be in town to take care of any alien activity.
He knew he'd hurt her when she stood up. 'Fine, Captain. I'll be off then, Captain. See you next week, Captain.' She ignored his flinch when she saluted and stormed out.
If possible, Suzie left the office even angrier than she had come in. He heard her yell at Owen to be get home and start packing, because she was picking him up at six thirty. Then the alarm sounded as the cog door rolled open and closed again. The Hub was strangely silent, and he could see Tosh at her computer, staring at Suzie's retreating back for a moment before going back to her work.
He sighed. 'Damn, but I hate possible paradoxes.'
And that was my first chapter :D! Please review, reviewers get cookies.
I know the characters might seem slightly different to the way they act in the series. I've thought about it for a long time, but came to the conclusion that this is how they should be. Alex' suicide is still very fresh in Jack's memory and he's trying to keep a distance from his team, more so than after he recruits Gwen to be 'the heart'. Owen is a bit younger and has less experience, so I think this attitude fits him. Finally, Suzie hasn't been driven mad by the glove yet. She's still the responsible second in command that keeps Jack in his place. I hope you agree with that conclusion, if not: review and tell me!
I wrote several chapters of this story already and they have been waiting around on my laptop for quite a long time. Now I have finally decided to post them here to know if anyone is interested in my writing an ending to this. The next two chapters are written and all the rest is in my head, just waiting to know if anyone wants me to write them down... Review and tell me ;-)!