Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-gi-oh! I would have thrown out half the ridiculous dialogue.



To Jigger - Rearrange or tamper with

Paradox – (1) A statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable

premises, leads to a conclusion that...

(2) A seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained

may prove to be well founded or true.



He had had it for what seemed like forever, as if he'd been born with it. As such, he had not even thought about it when he packed it for the orphanage. In a strange way it was means to hold on to what had been, just as much as having Mokuba's small hand latched on to his. With the knowledge that the golden rod and his little brother were still with him, the building in front of them was just a little less foreboding.

He, of course, was not a fool even as young as he was to not know of its dark power. The comprehension of what the item was, like the rod itself, seemed to have been with him for as long as he had been alive and he would readily use it to its full potential. He would keep his promise of a better life to Mokuba if he had to sell his soul to carve out a place for them.

That was why he was here, seated acrossed Kaiba Gozabura, a game of chess between them. He, that is Seto, fingered the top the Millennium Rod in well concealed anticipation, letting his already cold blue eyes survey the smug CEO before him.

"Care for a Shadow Game, Kaiba?"



The measure of a man is what he does with power.

- Greek Proverb



He had tried to justify the cry of dismay and shocked self-rage that rang out in the deepest corner of his mind as he ripped the forth Blue-eyes in half. It was a powerful card, not to mention how rare and pricy it was, but all that did not quite cover the mournful calls that issued from some buried part of him.

To tell the truth, he wasn't really paying attention to that voice anyways. He was more –barely – concerned with the spiky haired teen, the old man, and the peanut gallery gathered around him then phantom voices most likely cased by stress from his demanding position as CEO of Kaiba Corp.

Then he lost.

Then he lost.

Then he lost

As the teen who called himself Yugi Moto shattered the darkness that surrounded his heart like ice along with what was left of his mental state, the voice called out again. Not in pain or shock, but in a strange sense of triumph and recognition. The recognition remained even as Yugi's oddly angled eyes followed him into unconsciousness; holding on to that image as if they were one of the only familiar things in a strange place.

When he began to put his life in back in order, though the thought of those odd circumstances cropped up often, he pushed then away. He was a rational man and not a believer in ancient destinies. The words of a teenager with alternate personality disorder or the spouting of a mad woman had no effect on him. As far as he was concerned it was just as real as the dragon in his favorite card.

That buried part of him thought that was ironically funny.



A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
-Jean de La Fontaine

