The sun began to rise gloomily and as it did so did Jack Dawson; a twelve year old poor boy from Chippewa Falls.
"Everyone up now; time for school!" Jacks mother, Hazel Dawson yelled to all seven of her kids who all slept in the same room. Four were girls: Marie, Grace, Martha and the eldest Esther and then there was Jack and his one and only brother Richard. Hazel yanked the curtains open letting the sun shine through and onto her kids faces. They all groaned apart from Jack, who was already up raring to go. He woke up earlier than all the rest of them because to be honest he really just wanted to get away from all the girls. The walls of the bedroom were a plain white that had once been spanking clean. If you walked into the room back then it would look like you were entering heaven. But obviously if you throw seven kids into one bedroom you know what will happen. They'll tread in, dirt all over their hands and shoes and somehow (unknown to their parents) they would end up making the walls and floor dirty. Hazel didn't mind, she wasn't a neat freak. Precise their house was so small and nine people lived there so it was bound to get dirty.
Jack pulled on his jacket before grabbing his satchel. He was always so full of energy, even in the morning. He was about to dash out of the house and go get Fabrizio when his mother grabbed the collar of his shirt. Jack turned to her, his eyebrows raised
"You're forgetting something." She said. Jack stared at her as she pulled his hat from under his pillow. He hated wearing his hat but it was part of the school uniform so he had no choice. He would still try and get rid of it though. He groaned
"Do I have to wear it?" He asked in an annoyed voice. Hazel put her hands onto her hips and stared down at him
"You either put it on and go get washed or I won't let you go out with Fabrizio after school."
Jack groaned even louder than before and grabbed his hat "I bet no one else has to have a wash in the morning."
Hazel rolled her eyes as she yanked the blankets off her kids to try and wake them
"Don't be so silly Jack; everyone has a wash in the morning. Otherwise they'd smell bad and have flies following them."
Huffily Jack stomped into the bathroom and put the taps on full blast. Hot and cold water splashed onto his uniform and hands as he did. He laughed and quickly turned the taps down. He loved to have fun and get into trouble. He didn't mean to get into trouble; after all he just saw life as one big fun game.
He quickly scrubbed the water onto his face with his grubby hands then ran out of the bathroom as fast as he could. As he did he saw that the others were just starting to get up. There would be a huge cue for the bathroom now and he had just had a lucky escape!
He was about to make it out the front door when Hazel stopped him.
"What now?" He asked clearly annoyed with a roll of his gorgeous blue eyes. His mother's frown turned into a huge smile and she kissed his cheek while hugging him
"Have a good day!"
She said as she watched him go. Once the door was closed he began to rub his mother's lipstick off his cheek. Unknown to him all he did was smudge it.
He sprinted to Fabrizio's house and knocked on the door. Sofia, Fabrizio's mother, answered with a warm smile
"Jack!" She said in her thick Italian accent "You're here for Fabrizio, yes?"
Jack nodded "Yes ma'am."
Sofia's lipstick smothered lips turned into a smile as she turned around and yelled into the house "Fabrizio! Jack is here for you!"
Immediate footsteps were heard, rushing toward the front door. Fabrizio bolted past his mother almost knocking her off her feet as he did. She blew a kiss at him
"You have a good day! Stay out of trouble!" She yelled before closing the door.
Fabrizio was Jack's best friend. Ever since he moved there from Italy he knew he was just an Italian version of him.
"Hey Fabrizio something hilarious happened last night" Jack began as the two headed for school with happy looks on their faces.
She stared at the small clock that still hung from her bedroom wall. It was the only thing still left there. It was a beautiful clock with a floral pattern on the face and a gold casing. She looked around her pale pink room that was now empty. She was actually glad they were moving away from here as she hated it. She hated her life and she was only eleven. Her baby blue Edwardian dress was annoying her. She wanted to tear it off and scream at her mother for making her wear it. She hated wearing dresses. She preferred shorts or even pants but she rarely got the opportunity to wear them. Her mother called her 'her little doll' and she felt like it, the way she dressed her up and showed her off to people. Today they were moving to Chippewa Falls. Rose had no idea why out of all the places they could move they were moving there.
It was because Ruth's (her mother) husband Joseph said he would love to live there and since he was the one with all the money he decided to pack up their stuff and head there. Obviously they had the fanciest house there and were moving to the more upper-class part.
"Rose." Her mother snapped. Rose immediately looked at her
"Yes mother?"
"Hurry up we're going." She said simply before walking back down the stairs. Rose sighed and took the clock down. She hoped that their new place would have kids who just wanted to have fun…not like the kids around here who were no fun at all. They would talk about money and how they were going to be rich when they were older. Rose was so sick of that. She was like a tiger locked inside of a cage.
She walked down the stairs, putting her sun hat on as she did. It matched her dress, baby blue with a cute flower on it. Joseph smiled at her
"All ready dear Rose?"
She nodded her head as she handed him the clock "You forgot to pack this."
Joseph laughed "Its just a clock, I'm sure there would have been plenty others like it."
Rose shook her head "It was a gift from my father."
Joseph's smile faded and he nodded "Oh."
Ruth glared at Rose "Get in the car."
She obeyed like she always did and got into the back of their car. A smile crossed her pale pink lips the feeling of a new beginning washed over her.
She watched the house until she could no longer see it.
Did you like it? I hope you did! :D I will update every Monday but if I get a chapter done before then I will upload it. I am in no rush to finish this story but I will not abandon it! :3
BTW yes Jack and Rose will meet! xD
Review please! :D dwardian