They were all glad to finally be returning home.
It had been nearly a month to the day since Princess Luna and company had departed from Ponyville to search for Twilight Sparkle, and nearly two since Vinyl Scratch, Surprise, and Whirlwind had left for South Island, they all trotted along the southern road, up into town, chatting pleasantly with each other. Oh they were ever so happy to be... home?
All of their jaws, even Princess Luna's had fallen open as they rounded the last corner into Ponyville, they watched in awe as EPMB combots rolled to and fro on their tracked wheelbases some of them were carrying large boxes. Others were carrying construction materials.
'What... happened... here?' Applejack asked in shock.
None of them had a good answer. That was when they heard an artificial, but cheerful voice from behind them. 'Hello!' it called out.
All of them jumped in surprise, and quickly turned around to discover that an EPMB combot had rolled up behind them, this one was different from the others, as it had a very bright and happy looking face on its monitor, although incredibly creepy at the same time.
'Greetings travellers! Welcome to Ponyville, the new technologies capital of Equestria! And the birthplace of FutureTec industries, I'm Mister Happy, because I'm happy! All the time!' the combot said cheerfully. 'If you don't mind my asking, what brings you to Ponyville?' Mister Happy asked.
'Uh... we live here', Rainbow Dash said.
Mister Happy did not reply initially, but his monitor face continued to smile brightly at them, and it was more than a little disconcerting. 'That's funny! Because I don't have records of any of you in the database! I'm sure that's just a mistake though, if I could have your names, I can go ahead and add you in!'
'Uh... I'm Rainbow Dash', Rainbow Dash said.
Mister Happy promptly interrupted her. 'OH! You're the ones who have been away on holiday! I'm sorry for not recognising you! Oh... hello! It's looking like someone just added you all to the database manually! That was very nice of them... I've just been informed that the bosses at FutureTec want to see you immediately!'
Princess Luna frowned. 'I can already see where this is going... I need to return to Canterlot... I can only imagine what Tia's planning to do about all this'.
'Okie Dokie Lokie!' Mister Happy said brightly, 'If that's what you think is best. I can go ahead and take the rest of you to the bosses!'
Twilight and looked to Vinyl Scratch, then to Princess Luna, then to Rainbow Dash, then to everyone else. 'Well... then... where are the FutureTec bosses at?' she asked.
'Oh that's an easy one! They're at FutureTec Headquarters in Whitetail Wood!' Mister Happy said.
'Whitetail... Wood?' Twilight asked. She knew instantly what Mister Happy meant. 'But I locked the EPMB door! For this very reason! How did somepony get in there!'
Rainbow Dash's eyes widened and then she looked down at the ground nervously. 'I may have gone into EPMB after you locked it... I also may have left the door unlocked...'
'Rainbow!' Twilight cried out, more in a state of worry than anger.
'We really shouldn't keep the bosses waiting!' Mister Happy said, as he spun around on the axis of his tracked wheelbase. 'Follow me!' he said as he started to roll down the street.
'Twilight Sparkle', Princess Luna said. 'Please be careful, I leave for Canterlot, and I may be gone for some time... remember, if these bosses of FutureTec have taken control of Emerald Sparkle's technology, they are incredibly dangerous, and not to be trusted'.
'I understand Princess; do what you need to do', Twilight said with a nod.
With that, Princess Luna spread her wings, taking flight towards Canterlot. While the rest of the group fell in line behind Mister Happy. Time to meet the bosses of FutureTec.