Ok guys. I am new to writing on this site. I have had my account for a while now, but have now been inspired to write something. I recently started watching the show Lost Girl. I live in the United States, so as most of you know, it just premiered here. I am without a doubt addicted to this show! I saw the first episode and BAM! Addicted! I looked up every single episode online, season 1 & 2 and I watched them all within a span of two days. I felt really lazy because all I did was watch this show for two days. I love it, don't judge me. So I have two main ships, Bo/Dyson and Kenzi/Dyson. I loved Bo/Dyson at first, and I still do, I want them to be together, but I love the chemistry between Kenzi/Dyson, it is so cute. So this is my first story about Kenzi/Dyson. I hope you all enjoy it, I will put this first chapter up and see if I get any reviews, if not I won't continue, so if you like it, leave me a review. Reviews give me inspiration to write more!
((**SPOILERS for those of you who have not seen all of season 2 yet**)) This is set sometime after Season 2 episode 9: Original Skin. I have only one new character I will be introducing in this story and that is Bo's love interest, which she finds herself falling in love with. We are going to pretend Ciara does not exist, because I do not like her. I will try to stay in character but some things might appear OOC, I apologies for that ahead of time. The story will jump around between different character point of views, you will know who it is once their point starts but I will try to spread it out so it is easier to know who is talking or thinking. This story does not follow the episodes at all; it is its own thing. I hope you guys enjoy!
Kenzi sighed as she reached the alley where the Dal was tucked tightly. She had been at the house most of the day, killing robot hookers. She knew it was time to get out when she actually thought she was hearing robot hookers walking around the house. Bo had been gone all day with her new lover. His name was Brady and according to Bo, 'He is sooo amazing.' The only thing that meant to Kenzi was, he had a rather large penis. He was a light Fae, apparently some kind of love feeder, he fed off the feelings of love. Bo had informed Kenzi that he didn't take the love away, or lessen it; he only got his energy from being around those in love. Kenzi smirked and thought that was a pretty lame power to be born with. She brought herself out of her thoughts and balanced herself against the brick wall, reaching down and grabbing the top of her tall leather boots and pulling them up, she ran her hands over the black poofed out skirt with hints of purple in it, making sure it was not showing her underwear. She made sure her short pink wig was on tight and placed correctly and then she smiled and pushed the door open. As she turned the corner and heard the familiar rumbles of laughter and Irish music, she secretly prayed that someone she knew was here. Of course she knew Trick, but he was mostly always busy with customers, too busy to talk to her like Bo would, or Dyson. Hell, she would even settle for Hale right about now. She plastered on her smile as she looked around, the Dal was pretty busy tonight, people milling around, carrying drinks and laughing loudly. She stood on her tip toes slightly to get a better look. She let out a sigh of relief when she spotted Bo, but her smile faded as she saw Brady tucked around her, the two of them smiling and flirting like some sappy teenagers. She glanced over at the pool tables and almost did a happy dance as she saw Hale and Dyson. She loved Bo, but she was no third wheel. She made her way to the bar and plopped down in a seat and slammed her hands down on the bar.
Trick jerked his head up, a frown creasing his brow until he saw who was hitting his bar. He smiled at Kenzi and made his way to where she sat. He had grown very fond of the small human girl. Often watching over her when she was here alone. Trick had never been fond of humans, thought of them like most Fae did. They were either dinner or a snack, but not Kenzi. She had made the small gang think differently of humans. She was strong, a survivor, and Trick enjoyed her upbeat attitude and weird jokes. They all watched over her, even though Kenzi had made it known as often as she could that she could handle herself. They knew differently, if a strong enough Fae decided to put their hands on her, she would be no match. But Trick knew if Kenzi called for help or even appeared to be in trouble Bo, Dyson, and Hale would be there in a matter of seconds. Dyson was not one for humans, until Kenzi popped into their lives. Trick had watched the way Dyson had cared for Kenzi when she become sick after eating some contaminated foot soup. She was truly like a little sister to the group, like a daughter to Trick. He came up to her and smiled.
"What can I get you tonight Kenz?" he asked reaching under the bar and pulling out a shot glass. She usually preferred those. Kenzi glanced back over her shoulder for a minute and then turned back to Trick.
"Three beers and a shot of something good, surprise me." She smiled. Trick chuckled and nodded; he filled three glasses and put them on the counter. He grabbed a large bottle off the second shelf and filled two shot glasses for her. That would hold her over for a minute or two so she could walk around and say hello to her friends. She tossed back the two shots and made a small face before holding up a finger.
"I'll take one more shot, and one more beer." Trick nodded and poured another shot, she tossed it back as he filled another glass and placed it on the bar.
"You're my man Trick." Kenzi smiled and took the beers into her arms as she wobbled off the stool and made her way across the floor. Trick chuckled and shook his head as he went back to his customers.
Kenzi juggled the four beers in her arms as she approached the table were Bo and Brady were snuggled.
"Hello hello love birds." She said placing a beer on the table and pushing it to Bo.
"For you my dear." She said juggling the other beers. Bo laughed as she looked up from Brady.
"Thank you Kenzi, glad you made it." She said turning her focus back to Brady. Kenzi rolled her eyes and sighed inwardly.
"Well I might have come earlier if I would have gotten a call, on this little thing called a phone." She smiled at Brady and fought the urge to stick her tongue out.
"I'm sorry, it slipped my mind Kenz, forgive me?" Bo said with pleading eyes. Kenzi chuckled and nodded waving her hand as much as she could with the other three beers in her hands. She turned away and headed for the pool tables. Maybe Hale and Dyson would pay her more attention.
"D, come on, does it really take that long to make a shot, I swear you have been staring at that ball for ten minutes." Hale grumbled and downed the last bit of his beer.
"Try one minute, you are just impatient." Dyson smirked and leaned back lifting his beer and downing the rest of it.
"Maybe you should quit complaining and go get some more beer." Dyson said.
"Never fear, Kenzi is here!" Came that small voice from behind the guys. Dyson turned around and spotted Kenzi approaching them, juggling three beers. She was dressed to impress tonight, what she was going to impress he wasn't sure. He looked over the small girl; she stood high tonight, teetering on what appeared to be 7 inch heels, not thicker than a pencil, the leather of the boots came up around her knees, with black lace, and string, looping through various holes. She wore a small skirt that poofed out with tones of purple around the bottom, her tights underneath where full of holes. She was wearing a purple shirt that flashed her stomach whenever she turned the right way, and a small black half jacket over the shirt. The whole ensemble paired off with tons of accessoriesand her short pink wig. Dyson let out a throaty laugh as she passed him and Hale each a beer, leaving one for her.
"Read our minds Kenz." Hale said and they did one of their many made up handshakes.
"That's what I'm here for." She said. Dyson stepped forward and wrapped a single arm around her, hugging her.
"Thanks Kenzi." He said.
"Now, will you please make this shot?" Hale said. Dyson rolled his eyes and leaned down, he placed the stick between his fingers and pulled back, his eyes flashed amber for a moment as he pushed forward and hit the ball. It slammed into the 8-ball and the ball went into the pocket. Hale frowned and shook his head.
"Damn, man, can't you let me win, just once?" Hale said putting his beer down and shaking his head. Dyson laughed at his friend, he wasn't much one for letting someone win. Too much of a competitor, he guessed that was the wolf in him. Kenzi was holding her hand to her mouth and laughing as Hale threw a small tantrum and reset the balls.
"Aw Hale, it will be ok, it is hard to beat someone with superior genetics." Kenzi said quoting what Dyson had said to her earlier in the year. Dyson laughed and drank some of his beer as he watched Kenzi pat Hale on the shoulder and smile. She was very helpful in keeping the calm throughout the group. She always kept Bo in line, kept Hale on his toes, and kept Dyson entertained. She was quite the human and he was very fond of her. He protected her when Bo wasn't around. That was the wolf in him, the wolf was very fond of Kenzi as well, and Dyson was always within earshot whenever Kenzi was in the Dal, to many hungry Fae around a little human like herself. Dyson smiled and then glanced over to were Bo was sitting with Brady. He felt like he should be jealous, but he wasn't. She was happy, and he was happy for her. They were friends, and always would be. He finished off the beer Kenzi had brought him. It was his sixth if he could remember correctly. He was starting to feel the effects slightly, but only slightly. Kenzi looked up from Hale and gave him a soft smile, her big blue-gray eyes shining. She pointed at the empty beer and held up a finger, asking if he wanted another. He nodded and she turned heading back to the bar.
"She's being uncharacteristically nice tonight." Hale said lining up the balls.
"Yeah I noticed that too." Dyson said as he walked around the table, his eyes caught a very good looking girl in the corner, making eyes at him. She was very pretty, and it helped that she was rubbing her bare thighs and moving her skirt up her legs slightly. Not Dyson's type, at all, but he was a man after all.
Kenzi smiled as she wobbled approaching the bar. Dyson and Hale were keeping her company and she was enjoying herself, she cast her glance back at Bo and Brady and saw that Bo was curled around him like a cat; she knew it would not be long before they headed back to the house. The slamming of something on the bar caught her attention and she looked down. Trick had placed two more shots in front of her and another beer. She was feeling the effect of the first three she'd had and these last two should top her off. She held up her finger to trick for one more just in case. He placed another in front of her and she threw back all three one at a time and sipped off Dyson's beer to chase the taste away.
"Thanks Trick." She said sliding away from the bar with the beer. She felt a little wobbly in her large heels, and grabbed onto the nearest person, who just happened to be a young guy, good looking, with very pretty eyes.
"Whoa, easy there pretty lady." He smiled grabbing her arm to steady her. Kenzi flashed a large goofy smile and straightened herself.
"I'm good, thanks." She smiled and eased her arm out of his grasp.
"What's your name?" he smiled leaning in close to her.
"Shelia. See you later." She smiled and hurried away from him. He was Fae, and Kenzi tried her best not to mess with them besides her friends. She handed the beer over to Dyson as he finished taking a shot, he made it and Hale cussed under his breath.
"Why do you keep playing him if he always beats you ass Hale?" Kenzi asked leaning on the table to keep her balance.
"I guess I am just a masochist." Hale said laughing.
"Incoming." Hale said leaning down to take a shot. Dyson and Kenzi looked up to see Bo coming over, her hand in Brady's.
"Hey Kenz, we're headed home, you need a ride?" she asked. Kenzi considered it for a minute but shook her head. She was not ready to go just yet.
"Dyson or Hale will give me a ride." She said looking over her shoulder at the guys who were chuckling.
"Right guys?" Kenzi asked with a soft smile. They both shrugged and nodded.
"Yeah, one of us will get her home." Hale said and Dyson nodded along leaning down to take a shot.
"Alright, have fun." Bo said, she and Kenzi shared a quick hug. Kenzi lifted her hand slightly to Brady as they left the Dal. Kenzi turned around to a sight; a little skanky blonde was hanging on Dyson's arm and looking up at him with puppy eyes. Dyson was chuckling and holding her up right, his hand on her lower back. Kenzi felt a little ting of something in her chest, jealousy maybe? No surely not. Kenzi loved Dyson, like a brother though. He always protected her, but she wasn't much one for lying about her feelings. When she had seen him shirtless all those times, it was kind of hard not to have some kind of feelings for a man as good looking as Dyson. She looked away as those shots started sinking in, her head reeled a little bit and she decided to place herself on a free stool, to keep from falling. She started to feel like a pathetic human again as she watched Dyson flirt with the girl, and Hale as he looked around for potential women to take home. Kenzi sighed; she was not the type to feel sorry for herself so she decided to go find her friend. She slid off the stool and headed into the crowd, she spotted him standing around chatting with some friends and she walked right up to him.
"My name is Kenzi." She said smiling up at him.
"Samuel." He said taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. Kenzi could not help but laugh.
"I guess chivalry is not dead." Kenzi said.
"Would you like to dance?" he asked not letting her hand go. Kenzi nodded and he smiled, taking her out onto the floor.
Dyson was trying his hardest to be nice to the girl, but she was starting to become annoying. Wood nymph, notoriously sexual creatures. She giggled and slid her hands around his waist.
"Dyson, take me home, I'm sleepy." She smiled as the words flowed from her mouth. Dyson shook his head slowly and plastered on another smile.
"I'm sorry, I have a prior engagement." He said using Kenzi as an excuse. She sighed and released him waving her hand dismissively as she sauntered back over to her friends. Dyson looked up and noticed Hale had found a pretty girl who he obviously wanted to take home. Dyson finished off his beer. He was only feeling a little of the effects, that was his last one before heading home. Dyson looked around and noticed that Kenzi was gone, he looked up to the bar thinking she may have gone after another shot. When he didn't see her worry began to flow over him. Kenzi was a human in a bar full of Fae, and Dyson had noticed that she was clearly a little on the drunk side. That was the least of his worries, what if she had decided to walk home, out on the street, drunk, not a good combination at all.
"D, what's up?" Hale asked noticing the look on Dyson's face.
"Kenzi, where'd she go?" Dyson asked putting down the pool stick and turning toward the crowd. Hale looked around and said something to the girl quickly. She nodded and sat down on the stool obviously waiting for him.
"I don't know." Hale said. Dyson pointed to the dance floor telling Hale to go look and he headed for the bar.
"Trick!" he called as he pushed past several people to get close to the bar.
"Need another?" Trick asked grabbing a glass.
"No, where's Kenzi?" he yelled over the noise. Trick glanced around.
"Thought she was with you." He said quickly looking around.
"She was, supposed to take her home. How many shots has she had?" Dyson asked.
"Six, better find her Dyson. She'll land in jail out on the street and in some serious trouble in here if the wrong Fae gets their hands on her." Trick said looking around as Dyson nodded and turned away from the bar.
"Where in the hell had she run off to?"he let a low growl roll through him as he headed onto the dance floor.