Animefanlover1: WOO :D thank you for all the reviews… and sorry for my absence T~T … I was soo busy with school and now I got summer school, but hey, more time to write my chapters v.v … and I figured that one of my friends died… :'( he's the first friend that died in my lifetime… he was a great friend too… and right now, my family that I'm living… isn't that great, but I'm planning to move back with my mom soon, weird, but ok with me v.v… as for my grammar mistakes… it's my fault and Microsoft that's telling me that it's the correct grammar ugh! But thank you for the wait and time for the chapters and replies! Must read at the end about my words!

Guests: thank you very much for the review! And I read one of the guest have asked me to pray for their cousin… I wish her luck!

DragonFire Princess: you think it's hard for her right now? Think again –laughs maliciously-

Lunamoon2424: thank you!

Deathstarling556: thanks :3

velvetSunset: thank you very much –bows-

scarlet knight75: here's the chapter you've been waiting for fufu.

SuperSOULEATERLOVER: I will be making more haha

JoWashington: really? Hmm… I'll think I'll put a poll on whatever should I change my writing style to be like a book… I'll do it in this chapter, and for Aknadin, he's Seto's father ^.^ … I know I know, his name is rarely been call, but that's his name! Here's the website if you want to know about it! wiki/Aknadin

Last Time on 'No Way!'

"Of course I know what's a Court Trial is, stupid!" enraged Kagome.
"S-Stupid?! You dare call this Priest stupid? Wench, you should be put in to jail for that!" proclaimed Seto, angry by her outburst.
"Calm down Seto, at least she rid of Bakura.. for now." said Aknadin, halting Seto in his place.
"That's right. Who would be comrade with Bakura if she attacked him?" questioned Karim.
"Hmm... very true, but I'm not letting this wench out of my weary zone just yet. I'll have to keep an eye on her until I am satisfy. Agree?" asked Seto.
Kagome's mouth gasp when she hears that and shout, "WHAT?! I have to be spied on every day?! Maybe night?! What happens if I'm in the shower?!"

Chapter 5: Chapter II– Kagome's New Life

Seto sighed and rubbed his temple to rid of the headache he's having. "To think this wench is giving me a hard time is unbelievable," murmured Seto. "What is a … shower?" asked Isis, clearly confused at the foreign word. Everyone turns their heads at Isis, curious by the word. Kagome's sweatdrops, panicking inside having forgotten that this is a time where electricity or any advance technology wasn't created yet. "Umm… a shower is a bath," stammered Kagome, feeling a bit tense with the Egyptians. Isis nodded in understanding but Seto was even more suspicious at the onna. "Well, with that being said, lets retire for the night," said the Pharaoh, tired from the all the events that had been troubling him this past week. "Yes Pharaoh," said all the priestess and priests, along with the Pharaoh's advisor.

"Seto, would you be so kind to show our guest to her room?" asked Aknadin. Seto looked directly into his father's eyes. "Father, you're expecting me to lead her to her room like a servant?" retorted Seto. "Seto, you know your father didn't mean that. Just show her like any host would do," Siamun soothed gently to Seto. In irritation, Seto clicked his tongue and looked at Kagome. "Come on wench, this way to your room." Seto commanded. Kagome felt the anger fill her blood and leers at Seto, "Look, for the last time, it's not wench. My name is Kagome Higurashi!" Seto sighs and walks away. "Whatever." "Ah! Don't leave me, you jerk!" cried out Kagome as she rushed to keep pace with Seto.

▫▫◊▫▫ Next Day ▫▫◊▫▫

"Wench, are you done with your bath?!" demanded Seto. "In a few minutes!" said Kagome, scrubbing her body throughout in the large bath. "How long will the wench be showering?" mumbles Seto to himself, crossing his arms waiting for the strange girl to finish it up. Kagome grumbles at Seto's impatience and gets out of the bath and drying herself with the soft fleece towel. 'How could a girl relax when a guy trying to get her out of the atmosphere?' thought Kagome. Kagome wrapped herself in the towel and looks around for the clothes she would be wearing and got confused. She can't see her clothes.

"Seto!" said Kagome while looking around for the missing clothes. "What is it wench?" asked Seto while closing his eyes and sighed. "I can't find my clothes!" exclaimed Kagome as she ends her search. "You're not supposed to, peasant." said Seto, looks at the door and clapped his hands. Several female slaves entered the room with the clothes, perfumes, and accessories in their hands. Kagome's eyes widen and gasp at the jewelry. This is all too much for the modern girl to get such riches. "W-wait, am I supposed to wear those..?!" Seto huffed out an annoyance air out of his mouth and crossed his arms. "You are the Pharaoh's guest and should be treated as one wench. You should be honored and cannot refuse his gifts, or else it will be your head." Kagome was shock and looking at the slaves, creeping back slowly while shaking in anxiety and fear. "I-I never wore these before… I don't want to wear them! Ahh!" screamed out Kagome as she was forced to wear the things the slaves brought out of her own will and fake cried pitifully.

▫▫◊▫▫ No Way! ▫▫◊▫▫

Pharaoh sat on his throne impassively and tapping his finger on his armchair. He gazed boringly on Mahad, his trusted friend, protector and advisor. "Mahad… You said that Seto is getting the girl ready?" questioning the Pharaoh. "Yes my Pharaoh, the girl would be ready any minute now," said Mahad while peering over his pharaoh and his Millennium Ring clank from the movement. The Pharaoh sighs and began to think of what would occur to create a portal to have a girl to appear out of nowhere. Is it some strange magic that Bakura have? Do the two monsters have somehow the power to merge their strength into that strange portal? Too many questions left unanswered and the Pharaoh rubs his head to rid of his headache and be in thought. "My Pharaoh, I am sure that the strange girl with some absurd clothing will answer to your needs. You just need to question her with your other protectors, Karim and Shada." said Shimon thoughtfully as to give the advice to the Pharaoh to ease some of his thoughts away.

"No, Muran, it's alright. I have a feeling that this girl is strange enough… not to give false truths." said the Pharaoh sternly, seeing her holy power that's pure and raw that destroyed Bakura beast's arm. "My pharaoh, surely you jest! The girl may have seem to not have any dark energy in her body, but you can't trust on her words that-!" Shimon was interrupt when they heard voices coming into the vast throne room. "What do you mean by that?! You aren't my dad to tell me what I should say and can't say!" "Such arrogant words that are enough to be off with your head wench! You will be proper to the pharaoh and be as such peasant!" "Excuse me for being a woman and my clothes you oaf! The name isn't wench, peasant, or whatever you'll be going to name me! It's Higurashi Kagome! Ka-go-me! Repeat with me if you have to!" "Seto, miss, please! You're going to present yourself to the pharaoh!" "Isis/Ma'am, the only one you should make their mouth close is him/her!" cried out the two of them while pointing to each other, Seto glared at Kagome only to receive a sticking-out tongue and being ignore with her presence.

As Isis, Seto, and Kagome goes into the chamber without noticing, the pharaoh gasps a bit in surprise at the beauty the raven hair girl is presented with her new clothes.

~ TBC ~

Animefanlover1: … yo… my fans… I am terribly sorry for the shortness of the story and lateness! *bows down on knees and face on the floor* I know this is too long! But I was sick and senior school is just too much for me and now I'm on my spring break with homework and time! I will try to do it as soon as possible and I might need help with the story continuing on with ideas! Since… one of my helper hasn't been replying me lately *cries* where are you!? Waahh! And I'm sooo terribly sorry! I might not be able to update to your expectations… I will need helpers to write this Fanfiction and I'm running out on ideas on how to write during the fanfic so it won't be short… I prefer the story should end over 50+ thousands…. But still! Please! Help! T3T If help isn't provided, it might go on hiatus… for who knows how long!? I am sorry to lose your trusts viewers I'm a horrible writer!