
Welcome to the final chapter of "The First Tattoo"!

I'm sorry this took so long, but my computer crashed, blah blah blah.

Wammy would be here, but he's sick. :(

Okay, let's get to anonymous reviews!

Adam: It's cool! Sugar does bad things to meh too! :D Good answer, and thank you! -( )-

Thank you for being so loyal with the reviews! It means a lot!

Francesva: I actually looked up your account one day, and found it! Yay me! I'm glad you liked the previous chapter! Thanks for all the good reviews! Love ya! :D

Guest; Yeah, his name is Fishlegs. Good answer! -( )- Thanks!

Guest: I'm updating! I promise! XD

Actually, thank all of you for the many great reviews! I only got like, 1 bad review on this story! You people have just sky-rocketed my self worth! Thank you! :D

Okay, on with the story! I'm gonna miss this!

Pft. On with it. :D


"Is it okay?"

"Yeah, is it okay?" Stoik asked frantically.

Hiccup felt of the gunk coming from his ear.

"No, I'm afraid it's not okay," Old Wrinkly said, matter-of-factly.

"What?" The chief, and Astrid both exclaimed in unison.

"This will kill him."


"I've seen this before," the old man muttered, walking across the hut, "And every single case has died."

"Well, maybe he won't!" Astrid stated.

"He's the weakest viking on Berk," Wrinkly pointed out, as he turned to Stoik, "no offense."

Stoik just stood there with a shocked look on is face.

"Take the boy home, and make him comfortable. Enjoy him while you have him,"

"I'm right here, ya know..." Hiccup said with a pained look on his face.

He was going to die.


"Enjoy him while you have him,"

That meant soon, right?

Yes, that meant soon.


Hiccup had been fading in and out of continuousness.

Toothless had returned to the home, and had been nudging the boy, cooing, for the past three hours.

"SHUT UP!" he shouted, covering his head with his vest.

He was lying on the floor, at the moment, practically trembling at the light.

It hurt his brain.

It hurt to think.

Toothless lurched back at the boy's outburst, and nudged him again.

"Aah! Stop! Somebody, make it stop!"

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked from the doorway.

Now he was trembling.

"Go away."

"Hiccup, please."

"Leave me to die!"

Toothless slunk to Astrid's feet, and grumbled.

The blond crept quietly to the boy's side, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hiccu'. Please, hang on, for me..."

"It's all for you, Astrid! All this is about you!"


"I-I made it for you..."

"Made what? Hiccup?"

"I made it! It worked! For you! To make it up!"

"Hiccup, what did you make?"

"It doesn't matter now. It's too late. Too late."

The boy let out a scream of pain.

"Help me."

"What can I do?" Astrid asked, grabbing his hand.

"Make it go-"

He was cut off by another yelp.

His face made it's way to the floor.

"Hiccup, stop it. Stop this right now."

This has to be some sick game of his, she thought.

Boys play sick games on girls, right?

Hiccup's face contorted into one of rage. A scary mixture of pain, rage, and confusion.

"I can't, Astrid. I can't."

"Yes you can! You have to!"

She sprang up, and grabbed one of the notebooks strewn upon his bed.

"Look, here's some plans! You can finish these! Please!"

"S-stop talking. Talking. Please."





The girl silently sat down on the ground beside him.

"Round up the group. I want to talk-talk to them."

"Okay, great! We'll be, uh, in the training field."

The boy shakily nodded.


"Are you crying?"

Ruffnut wiped her nose on her sleeve before punching her brother in the face.

"Guys, here he comes."

Hiccup struggled over to the group, with Toothless dangerously close to his feet.

With one stray move from the dragon, Hiccup fell, head first, onto a stray axe.

Head meeting blade.


"Oh mighty Thor." Fishlegs gasped.

Snotlout and Tuffnut immediately dashed off to the healers hut.

Astrid cringed, crouching beside her boyfriend.

"Please be okay..."

A whimper came from the boy.

"He's alive!"

And then he passed out.


When Hiccup awoke again, he was in a bed, with bloody bandages on his head.

"W-w-what happened?"

"You fell on an ax," Snotloud said, leaning on the door of the room.

"And cracked open your scull," Tuffnut added.

"And now, we're hoping that it'll grow back right," Fishlegs added.

"Nice," Hiccup said with a smirk.

"Does it hurt?" Astrid asked.

"Yes, yes it does."

"Well, it should," Ruffnut added, leaning on Fishlegs' arm.

"Am I still dying?"

"We hope not," Old Wrinkly said, coming into view.

"It's about a fifty fifty now."

"Oh. Well," Hiccup cringed, "that's good, I guess."

"Stay in bed and rest for a couple of days." the old man advised.

"And don't move your head. At all."

Hiccup scrunched his brow in confusion.

"But, what if-"

"Do you want your head to heal funny?"


"Then stay still."


The next two months of healing where the longest of Hiccup's life.

Longest, most painful, boring months ever.

But, Astrid and Toothless had helped a lot.

Once he re-gained his tolerance for people, and became a little less sensitive to sound, that is.

But non the less, he did get remarkable better.

Old Wrinkly claimed that he would "Most likely live, unless he did something stupid again", and his father was thrilled.

That is the kind of thing a father wants to hear about their son's health.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked, coming into the boy's room.

"Huh? Oh, hey Astrid."

"Um..." the girl messed with her braid, "I had a question."

"Okay, shoot."

"Do you remember when you where, well, dying, and you said something about making something for me?..."


"Well, you did. Do you know what you made?"

Hiccup scrunched up his nose.

"Erm... Yes! I do! Wait here!"

The boy shot up from the bed, and raced out of the room.

"Hiccup! Be careful!"

About twenty minuets later, he returned, carrying the strangest contraption Astrid Hofferson had ever seen in her life.

"It's a music player."

He sat it down on a table.

"It is?"

"Yeah, it is. Look,"

He took a crank on the side of the machine, and began to turn it. The machine began to play the softest, sweetest song the girl had ever heard.

It was very soft, light music, with little plucks of metal making the sound.

He cranked faster, and the song got louder.

The louder it got, the more beautiful it sounded.


"Will you forgive me?"

He continued to crank.

"Of course."

And then the music machine exploded.


OMG. I can't believe that's the end. Sadness!

So, I have a question for you guys.

Was that a good story?

I felt like it was.


Thank you for your awesomeness in reading this, and keep an eye out for more HTTYD stories! Thank you guys! I love you all!