Disclaimer: Let's examine the facts: is my name Kazuki Takahashi? Am I an artist in any way? The answer to both questions would be a 'no,' so I don't own Yugioh. Sorry if I disappointed you, though if I did, I'd be a little confused…

Author's note: So, sad to say that this story may or may not be over this chapter… if you're sad about that, give me some game ideas and I'll write a sequel! PM me, review this story, etc, with suggestions and stuff!

My thanks to:

Scaevola2 and Aqua girl 007 for reviewing the story! Aqua girl 007 has been a faithful reviewer from the beginning, and I appreciate that.

Also, thanks to SecretlyMinnieMouse for adding this story to their favorites!

And Otaku-Entinty for adding this story to their story alert subscriptions!

Not much else to say. So without further ado, enjoy what may or may not be the last chapter of this story series.

The end?








"No, no."


"No, no no no."


"Ah, no."


"No no no."


"No no."

"Yes, yes."

The Pharaoh and Yugi were arguing about something long forgotten. Now they were just saying yes and no to something they couldn't seem to remember, but neither would give up. Yugi said yes, and the Pharaoh said no.









"No, no."


"No, no, no, no."

"Yes, yes, yes."







"No, no no."


"No," Pharaoh said definitely.

"Y-es," Yugi disagreed.



Each time they spoke they added a little accent in different spots, making each time they said yes or no sound different. Like every other contest they waged, it seemed to be able to go on forever.

"No, no."

"Yes, yes, yes."









They could go on forever and ever, and Yugi was determined not to lose or give up. This time Yugi would win. He had to. If the Pharaoh won, well… Yugi would just have to keep trying. In this case, the game made absolutely no sense. Then again, most of their games didn't make much sense.

"No, no, no."

"Yes, yes."



"No no."



"Yes, yes, yes!"

"No, no no."




"No no."



The Pharaoh was getting rather tired of this game. Yes, no, yes, no, back and forth, back and forth. He knew it had to break eventually, but he wasn't willing to break it.






"Yugi—" Pharaoh finally broke.

"Ah-hah!" Yugi cried aloud, drawing the gang's attention.

"Uh, Yugi?" Tea asked, "What?"

Yugi just grinned happily, thinking to the Pharaoh excitedly: "I win!"

The Pharaoh blinked, "Yugi, that isn't fair."

"Yes it is," Yugi replied. "You won when you said a foreign word. This time you broke it, which means I win. Doesn't matter what you say, I still win."

Pharaoh bit his lip, "I—" he stuttered, "I—" there was nothing he could say. In a matter of speaking, Yugi had won.

"Come on, Pharaoh," Yugi smirked, "Say it."

"Uh, Yugi, why are you smirking?" Joey asked.

Yugi folded his arms, "The Pharaoh won't admit that I won."

"You won?" Tristan exclaimed.

"Don't look so surprised," Yugi said, "I was bound to win eventually."

"Come on, Pharaoh," Joey grinned, "Just admit it."

Pharaoh took a long, deep breath, knowing he had lost. He just had to say it. "I…" he tried. "I…"

"Come on, Pharaoh," Tristan grinned.

"The Pharaoh won't admit it?" Tea asked, giggling.

The Pharaoh knew he had to. He was outnumbered four to one, and he had lost. Fair and square, he had lost. Sighing, the Pharaoh swallowed his pride and readied himself to submit, if not just for Yugi.

He wanted to say it all at once, so he relaxed, closed his eyes and just said it: "You win, Yugi."

Yugi jumped to his feet, "Yes!" he cheered, jumping on the couch beside Tea. "I win!"

The Pharaoh smiled. I guess it was worth it, he thought. At least Yugi was happy. And, the Pharaoh realized, so was he.

Aw, it's over. If you've got game ideas, suggest them on this story and I'll work on a sequel. In the mean time, read the Afterlife, because it leads up to an important sequel: The Return of the Pharaoh! Thanks for reading!

Review, PM me, favorite my story, etc., but stay tuned for a sequel.

And finally, don't forget to eat your daily pretzels. Sugar and deliciousness are good for the soul!
