Disclaimer: I do not own KH or any of its characters.

*Sora and Roxa are seventeen approaching eighteen in human years.

Bon voyage.



A peaceful silence shrouded the tiny metropolis hidden between two tall mountains. It was nestled comfortably, rising masses of rock towering on each side, carefully hidden and protected from harsh winds. Although seemingly isolated, the bustling city was famous for trade and was a popular tourist attraction; the streets were only quiet after night fell.

Twilight Town, where the sky would glow the faintest pink, blended with soft orange hues every evening, when daylight met the darkness.

Water droplets plummeted from heavy grey clouds, hitting each roof with a rhythmic pitter-patter as the rain continued to fall. Safe in their homes, the residents of the town continued to sleep on, save one beautiful blonde, sobbing into his sheets. His cries were heart wrenching as he wept for the future he could not build with his own hands.

Roxas Strife, one of the most powerful fox spirit deities, was to be wed.

He angrily swiped at his face with the covers of his bed, knuckles white with fury and lips twisted into the snarl. He couldn't believe that the sibling who had raised him from birth would be the one to dictate the events of his life and, he was powerless to stop it.

Fox spirits were rare in Kingdom Hearts, the world of supernatural beings. It had been several thousand years since the birth of Cloud Strife, the eldest of the brothers, and Roxas himself was still young, only having breathed for six hundred. When their parents had been brutally murdered, Cloud had taken Roxas under his wing. He had been brought up single handedly, cared for and never neglected, even as Cloud had struggled to make a living and mark his place in the world.

Roxas had almost cried the day Cloud was accepted into the royal palace, proclaimed a general worthy of leading the King's army. The tears that day had been happy and much to his embarrassment, his rare display of affection had been seen by hundreds of soldiers. He had been so proud and even refrained from slapping Cloud away as the elder had leaned over to nuzzle him on the cheek.

As much as he loved his brother, Roxas had refused to travel with him to the royal palace. He enjoyed life in Twilight Town and could not have brought himself to leave it behind. The first few months, years without Cloud, had been terrible but Axel had helped him pull through it.

Axel helped him pull through everything.

Roxas had been in love with Axel, the fire spirit of the region, for as long as he could remember. He always fought a blush under the brilliant green of his eyes and couldn't help but card his fingers through the red, spiky hair. It was so soft to touch. He spent hours tracing the tattoos underneath his lover's eyes, smiling at the handsome features of his face. Axel, for lack of better words, was sinfully hot and he couldn't believe someone like him could be loved by this seductive man.

They bickered an awful lot and Axel was an insufferable pervert but, all the same, their relationship was precious.

He could remember how he had almost shaved off Axel's hair the first time they had met. The older man had pinched his ass and he had seen red. Roxas was rather violent and had had a hard time showing his emotions but the fire spirit had coaxed them out with much patience. And lord, their first kiss had been so passionate and it was that same night that Roxas had lost his purity. That had been one of the happiest moments of his life and it had warmed him from the inside to know that he shared an even deeper bond with Axel and that he would never give his heart to another.

Even if he was to be connected legally to another man, he would still be connected in his soul, to Axel, for as long as he lived.

He had thought that things would stay that way forever, but it had been foolish thinking.

His brother had arrived last week and Roxas had welcomed him with open arms. Cloud had looked as handsome as ever; spiky blond hair styled differently than his own, blue eyes bright, tall and graceful. Cheeks glowing pink with happiness, he had clung onto Cloud. It was unbelievable that Cloud had come to see him in the summer. Usually, he was only allowed to visit during the holidays.

What he never expected was the news that had turned his world inside out.

Roxas stopped short while pouring tea for his brother, his muscles frozen from shock. It brimmed over the edge of the cup and spilled over but neither of the siblings made a move to clean it up. Roxas' ears rung. "What?" he whispered, blue eyes wide.

"You are to be married to crown prince, Sora Leonheart. I promised the king your hand." Cloud's face was contorted in pain, "I'm sorry, Roxy."

It took a while to sink in and suddenly, Roxas' world was engulfed in pain.

The cup landed on the floor and shattered as he slammed both of his hands onto the table. "Don't fuck with me, Cloud! Stop kidding!" he yelled. His canines lengthened in his fury and waves of magical energy spun around his body, ruffling his blond tail and the ears that adorned his head.

"I'm not kidding, Roxas." Cloud stated seriously, "I had my reasons and I am sure that with Sora, you will be happy."

It hadn't ended well and Roxas still couldn't understand why Cloud hadn't blocked a single one of his attacks, red blood had rained on the floor of their home. His brother had been badly injured but never uttered a word. Maybe it had been because of his guilt but Roxas would never forgive him.

He had run to Axel in tears, kissing the redhead and burrowing his face into the crook of his neck. That was the last physical contact that they had had because soon afterwards, the fire spirit was taken to the palace. He was to be punished for inappropriate contact with Sora's, the prince's, betrothed.

He had been given a choice: it was either his hand in marriage or Axel's life.

So tonight would be the last night that Roxas was still Axel's Roxas. Tomorrow, he would be Sora's Roxas.

He promised himself, as he sat alone in his cold bed, that no matter what happened, he would never fall for the one who had taken his sunshine away.



Sora Leonheart sighed.

He glanced out the large window of the library to gaze upon the village below the palace filled with cheerful citizens. He allowed a small smile to flit across his lips.

He fingered the cuffs of his jacket and ran a hand through his brown spikes. They were arranged in a unique style, neat and tidy but Riku, his advisor and best friend, always called it a bird's nest.

Then, Sora would comment on his silver, womanly tresses and fists would be thrown.

He turned his head to look at the long mirror that hung on the wall. His eyes, often compared to the clearest of blue skies, surveyed his appearance. Elegant boots donned his feet and white silk pants clung nicely on his hips. He hummed merrily at his favorite blue jacket, the first three buttons undone to reveal his collarbone. The cat ears on the top of his head twitched and he swished his caramel brown tail; he was a cat spirit of the royal family and the golden patch of fur at the tip of his tail proved that. It was shaped like a crown, proclaiming him the rightful heir. That was how the system worked in Kingdom Hearts, the throne was not passed down from generation to generation. Only those born with the crown were to be given the role of king.

The current ruler was kind and wise and Sora often felt pressured to be continuing in his steed. King Mickey often reassured him that the crown never picked the wrong spirit. However, he still could not quench his worries.

"I wonder if I'm doing the right thing, asking for something like that." He whispered to himself, "is it a sin to want to be with the one you love?"

"Surely not, your highness." A voice resounded behind him. Sora jumped, fur standing on end in shock before coughing in embarrassment. Kairi stood behind him, giggling, rabbit ears twitching in amusement. Her blue eyes sparkled.

"We're alone here, Kairi," Sora whined, "Don't call me that. You should know by now! Call me Sora!" He huffed in annoyance and walked towards her, leaning on the railing beside the stairs.

They were currently on the fourth floor of the grand royal library, complete with scrolls, documents and books. It was on this floor that secret documents of the royal family were held, locked away and guarded carefully. Sora spent a significant amount of time reading through diaries of past rulers and getting to understand Kingdom Hearts. It was his duty as crown prince but also one of his favourite past times.

The library was cozy; rounded with six floors, huge and spacy. Large intricately designed windows lined the walls, shoes were not allowed on the soft creamy carpets and it had the comfiest, not to mention, the softest sofas. Kairi, the librarian's daughter, had been working here since the age of five. She grew up alongside Sora and at one point, had fallen in love with him.

She plopped down onto the floor and stared up, past the last two levels and out of the domed glass top of the library. Kairi blew strands of magenta pink hair from her eyes before glancing back at Sora. It was clear that he was troubled. His shoulders were stiff and his mouth was pulled into a constant frown. It could have easily been mistaken for a pout.

"What's wrong?" She questioned.

He turned to look at her. "Kairi, do you think it's wrong to love someone?" He had said it in such a serious tone that it made her uneasy.

"Of course not, silly. Why would you ever think that?"

"Well," he hesitated, "You know all about Roxas. We've been promised since birth and he has the silver crown, making him my rightful mate." Sora's face crumpled painfully.

Kairi sat up and opened her arms, gesturing towards him. He managed a grateful smile before stumbling over and accepting her embrace. "But he's in love," Sora mumbled, "I heard, with that fire spirit, Axel. I just met him and he spat in my face. I've never been hated before, Kai. Roxas must hate me too, what do I do? I've loved him for so long, he's part of me and I've taken something so precious from him!" He held her closer to him, "I'm so jealous as well, overcome with it. He is my mate but he's been taken by another man, spirit. He doesn't love me, in fact, he never even knew about me. How am I supposed to start from scratch?" He raised his troubled blue eyes to look at her.

Kairi smiled encouragingly. "You'll manage, Sora. They don't call you 'the miracle' for nothing."

Sora didn't say anything after that; he closed his eyes and just focused on breathing. Roxas would be his in two days, he had waited four hundred years for this day, ever since he had first heard about his mate and no matter how hard Roxas would try push him away, he would not let go.

Not with Roxas finally within his reach.







First chapter of my first multi-chapter story /sobs/ Not to mention, it's my first time writing for KH.

I purposely made this chapter short so please expect longer chapters in the future. In a way, this is a prologue/ brief introduction to everything.

I'm not sure how long I wish to make this; however, I know I'll update whenever I can.

I would love to know what you guys think about this BD & I will reply to every review I get. In addition, this is unbeta-ed. If anyone would like to beta for me, I'd be overjoyed.

Thank you for reading :heart: