~3 years later~

"I want to..." Violet's voice broke the silence and the passionate and loving kiss between them as a whisper. She was sure of this, her body felt like it was on fire, but... Well, it wasn't on the outside. She could ignore it, she knew, but it was time to put the past behind. No matter how tainted it was. "Do you wanna put on some music and.. Get rid of those clothes?" she said, the unusual shyness resounding in her tone.

Tate pulled back a little bit. His eyes quickly searching Violet's for the truth he wanted to find. "Seriously?" He said, the exited childish tone taking over his vocal cords. His dead heart only beated faster with happiness when Violet's head moved in a nod and he suddenly feet already turned on by the soft way her tongue ran across her lower lip as she did so. He could see Violet's decision in her eyes. She had forgiven him. She had actually put everythin behind her, today, after so long. Today was the day. Tate smiled. "Fine, but no Morrissey. I can't consentrate on... What we're doing with that shit" Tate's voice sounded calm, even a little amused, but inside he was joyous. In his mind, the words he had once told Hayden echoed selflessly. -I'll wait forever if I have to-. That forever ended today.

Violet couldn't help but smile at his remark. She knew he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but she knew what it meant to him. She could see it in his eyes. "Fine.." She said quickly and managed to move away from him enough to stand from the bed and walk toward her dresser where her ipod deck rested. Violet stood there, with the small ipod on her hands as she went through the songs in her ipod. "What about Nirvana? And Pink Floyd? Hm.. The Kinks and Carina Round" her eyes followed what she was doing as she added song after song. "I'm making a playlist." She said.

"Sure, just.. Not too much The Kinks" Tate smiled and led his eyes to the ceiling, resting on his back and leading his hands to rest under his head. He layed there wondering how it had been that Violet had forgiven him and loved him the way she seemed to. He didn't deserve it, he knew that, but he wasn't about to argue against it. He loved her, and he was only happy she had given him the chance to redeem himself.

"Of course. There, I put Massive Attack. And Enigma; they're cool too." She set the small ipod on it's deck and bent a little bit on her place to see what she was doing, her left hand raising to hold the stands of dirty blonde hair that threatened to block her view. And then with a swift movement she pressed play. Standing straight again and turning to look at Tate. "Done, guess what I named the playlist."

Tate's eyes left the ceiling and rested on Violet once more, the smile spreading a bit more to an amused one. "Um, I dunno. Something sexual, I hope."

Violet rolled her eyes and lifted her lips in the calmest version of a smile she could make, almost seeming as a smirk. "Hell no. What if my mom saw my ipod? Or my dad. No, I named it 'The Stars' for obvious cheesy reasons" Her eyes rolled once more. She hated admiting to shit like that, but it was true. She leaned a bit against her dresser, only to make sure her playlist worked the way she wanted it to, but really, she was just using that excuse to prolongue the moment, the truth was that the ghost of what once was her heart was beating wildly. She was nervous. It was as if it were her first time again. And in a way it was. Her first time after all the bullshit that had happened. Nerves were something she could hide well, though. And she did, making her stance seem like something completely normal even at a moment like this.

"Why are you so fucking adorable?" Tate said, moving on the bed to lie on his side and rest his head on his hand. "I love you." His smile grew when Violet's lips curved the tiniest bit in responce. "Come on." He said before she could say anything, his eyes never left her, it was almost as if he were scared that she'd disappear, but he knew better now, he'd never let her go again. "Turn up the volume and let's go."

"I'm not." Violet said with a shake of her head and an amused smile crossing her lips. She knew she had sound really cheesy, but adorable? Not ever. The song changed in that moment from "Come As You Are" by Nirvana to "Angel" by Massive Attack, and in that moment Violet nodded, her playlist worked. She bent over again for a moment as she rose up the volume of the music. When she stood straight again and started walking toward the bed it was as if her brain had just processed the rest of Tate's words. "Wait.." With a small confussed frown on her forehead she sat close to Tate on the bed, allowing herself to ask "Go?" She said as she lay beside him, never taking her alluring clear eyes off of his dark endless optics. "Where are we going?"

Tate smiled that smile that made Violet's heart, dead or alive beat wildly; that smile that let her know he was about to say or do something that would leave her breatheless. She parted her lips a bit to let the air flow quicker. But Tate moved, only gently to lie on top of her, looking down at those eyes he loved, his lips barely inches from hers as he spoke. "To the stars, of course."

And like that they kissed, caringly and lovingly at first and then passion joined them both as their clothes left their bodies; all the past foegiven, all the lies, the pain, the sorrow, all gone. Even the endless forever seeming less haunting to both of them than the way it had seem when they weren't talking. Things were perfect once more as they made love again after all those years, happy, in love, and most important of all... Together forever.