AN: This is for luvsbitca because she tortures me so with her imagery! I saw a picture of Tyler wearing his glasses and couldn't get it out of my head; this is what I came up with. I hope you like it!

Also I shot this out in a few hours, so if there are any problems etc let me know.

I don't own Teen Wolf.


Stiles flicked his phone to silent, checked his sandwich was in a noiseless wrapper and made sure he had his iPod headphones in his bag. He slipped out of his jeep and made his way up the steps of Beacon Hills Town Library. The building was like a mini version of the White House, complete with pillars at the front. He ducked inside with his bag slung over his shoulder and edged around a glass case to peer through the window on the door.

Mrs Parson was his arch enemy, luckily for Stiles she was nowhere in sight. He opened the door a fraction and listened carefully, trying to pick up any hint of heels, the chain of her glasses or that silly cough she does when she spies him. Finding the coast clear he ventured a step inside. This time, smell. If the acrid sent of her perfume reached his delicate boy nose Stiles knew it was time to go the other way. All he identified was a pleasant aftershave. Perhaps Jackson was using the library. Stiles frowned and checked the window, perhaps pigs were flying. He chuckled at his own joke, letting the door slam closed and stepped onto the wooden floor.

'And there he is!' Mrs Parson's shrill voice cut through the dusty afternoon sunlight like nails on a blackboard.

'Mrs Parson. The woman of my dreams!' Stiles said turning to her with an open arm. 'I had a dream about you last night; you frightened the bogeyman from under my bed.'

'I'll be having a word with your father about your cheek young man!' Mrs Parson snapped.

'Left or right?' Stiles asked, unable to resist. He bit his lip when he realised his words had come out once again. Damn mouth to brain filter.

'Mr Stilinski. Unless you want to be banned from this institution again then I'll ask you to hold your tongue.' Mrs Parson snapped. Stiles tried his best not to roll his eyes, managed to stop them as they reached the ceiling and dropped them back to look at her busy curtain dress.

'Actually technically I'm still banned but I'll be fined if I don't return this book and I really need…' She cut him off mid sentence. She usually did that. Sometime Stiles liked to try to cut her off to let her know how cut he felt when she did that to him but he never seemed to get the chance. One day…you just wait.

'Silence. You're disturbing my library.' She snapped pinching the bridge of her nose. 'You will be glad to hear that I'm retiring at the end of next week, and I'm showing my replacement the ropes.' She said.

'You're being replaced. I thought you lived here?' Stiles said looking around as if a bed and her vanity table would pop up. Mrs Parson liked to cake on the war paint. He wondered what she really looked like.

'There will be new young blood here in this library but I intend to make sure my books are cared for with the upmost attention.' She said bitterly.

Stiles wasn't listening. He was picturing a tight skirt stretched over pert buttocks, delicious stockings and boobs bursting out of a blouse.

'This is Derek Hale.' Mrs Parson said. Her nose was screwed up like there was a foul smell in the room. Stiles looked in the direction of her scorn, glad he had company for the day.

In his mind boob librarian was begging and screaming for him to pull her back but Stiles was too busy replacing big boobs with tight pecs, soft belly with washboard abs and a round bum with…well a round bum. He was tall, stubbly, wore dark rimmed glasses and had shoulders to die for. His blue tie was loose, his top button was open, and the bottom of his tie brushed his silver belt buckle. He was sex on legs. He was to die for. He was going to fuck Stiles silly – providing he agreed of course. Stiles was sure he could make Derek agree, if the way Derek was looking at him was any indication.

'Mr Hale, this is one of the most troublesome young men I have ever come across. Do not let him into this library if you can help it.' She said. Derek was too busy looking Stiles up and down to pay any attention to the crazy old bat.

'He looks harmless enough to me.' Derek spoke. Stiles quivered. He had a voice like melted chocolate. Also, he was allowing him into the library without protest. Man was clearly a genius and a god all rolled into one lickable package.

She made a disbelieving noise and shook her head muttering about the youth of today. Stiles smiled at Derek, Derek smiled back at Stiles. 'Go away.' She snapped at Stiles, turning back to Derek. Stiles stuck his tongue out behind her back. He caught a slight curl in Derek's lips before he turned away and headed to his favourite section – mythological.

Stiles made his way to his table, snatching the books he needed. He settled down and flipped to where he had left off last time. Normally Stiles made good progress during his studies but today he was distracted. His table was a poor one, he couldn't see the desk. This wasn't usually a problem, but from now on Stiles needed a better view than the town park where innocent moms with low tops had no idea of the view Stiles really had. Stiles needed Derek Hale.


Derek loved his new post. He was buried in books, surrounded by them. Books didn't chitter to him, didn't tell him to find someone to settle down with. Books didn't try to rule his life. He was busy categorizing when the door opened. It was Stiles. Derek had found out that Stiles was studying online while he worked a nightshift at a local supermarket. He spent most of his days in the library with a laptop or a book open working his way through his course material. Derek had yet to find out what he was studying but he figured it had something to do with supernatural. During his time here Derek had noticed Stiles buried in the mythology section. He chuckled to himself, all Stiles had to do was ask.

He stepped out from behind the desk and nodded to the young man, trying not to stare as Stiles sat at his table and tugged his books out. He was updating a catalogue with new arrivals when he heard the tell-tale sound of Stiles trying to unwrap his lunch. Derek left him to eat, he always cleaned up after himself and Derek had found no damage to the books Stiles used, scenting them carefully, and not just for stay food.

Hours later Derek checked his watch and made his way over towards where Stiles was tapping his pen against his notebook.

'Werewolves.' Derek said conversationally making Stiles jump.

'Uh, yeah.' Stiles said licking his lips.

'That part of your course?' Derek wondered aloud looking at the passage Stiles was reading.

'Mythological beasts.' Stiles nodded. 'Yes, that's a big section of what I'm looking at. The myths and legends surrounding them.' Stiles explained. There were pages of notes. Derek wondered what course exactly Stiles was doing. He intended to ask.

Derek snorted softly. Stiles looked at him and Derek shuffled, fixing his glasses.

'We're actually closed.' Derek said.

'Oh, I didn't realise.' Stiles said standing up and grabbing his things, stuffing his books into his bag. 'Can I check this out?' He asked pushing a book towards Derek. 'I'm in the middle of something I really need to keep at…'

'Yeah sure, I ah…just logged off the computer.' Derek said.

'Oh…well I'll just…' Stiles wen to replace it.

'Coffee. Would you like coffee?' Derek asked out of the blue. Stiles opened his mouth and closed it again.

'Are you asking me out?' He asked with a smile.

'I know it was stupid. It won't happen again I-' Derek stated but was shocked to feel lips.

Stiles cut him off with a kiss. At first it was just a press of lips but Stiles stepped closer his teeth nipping at Derek's bottom lip while his fingers tugged the short hairs on the back of Derek's neck. Derek opened his mouth to protest but Stiles was there, licking into Derek's mouth. Derek moved his tongue tentatively, touching it gently against Stiles. He let Stiles take control; he seemed to know what he was doing. Derek settled for putting his hands on Stiles's waist.

Stiles pulled away and kissed down Derek's jaw, grinding their hips together. Derek gasped, he'd never felt anything like it. The feeling of Stiles cock pressing against his own had his knees almost buckling. 'Yes.' He moaned thrusting back. Stiles hands dropped to Derek's ass, pulling him close and holding him there.

Stiles hands drifted around to the front of Derek's pants, fingers working on his belt and buttons. Derek's hands grabbed Stiles wrists. 'I've…I ah never-I'm a virgin.' Derek spluttered.

'You are?' Stiles asked, pausing for a second before going back to Derek's zip. 'Do you want me to stop?' He asked.

'Well…no.' Derek admitted.

'Well relax and I promise you'll never look at a library the same way again!' Stiles said kissing Derek again as he slipped his hands inside Derek's shorts.

Derek groaned. He'd never been touched by anyone but himself, it felt amazing. Stiles fingers worked over his skin cleverly, twisting and turning just right. Before he knew what was happening Stiles was on his knees sucking the head of Derek's cock into his mouth. Derek let out a loud gasp as Stiles tongue and lips kissed down the shaft, stopping to push his pants down his legs so he could suckle on his balls.

Derek put a hand over the back of Stiles head, fingers digging into his scalp. He moaned loudly when Stiles pulled back and sucked half of Derek's cock down his throat.

'Fuck! Stiles I'm going to…'

Stiles pulled off with a whine from Derek and smiled up at him, gripping the base with his fingers. 'I have plans for this.' Stiles grinned. 'Take your clothes off.'

Derek's fingers trembled over his buttons as he struggled to open them while Stiles removed his shoes and socks. 'You're slow!' Stiles moaned grabbing Derek's tie and tugging him to the floor, kicking his sneakers off and wiggling out of his jeans while he kissed Derek on the mouth.

'You've done this before?' Derek asked.

'Multi-tasked?' Stiles asked. 'Of course.' He rolled the tie around his hand and tugged Derek close to his mouth, nipping and biting his lips as he loosened the blue material and tugged it over Derek's head, getting it caught on Derek's nose. They laughed for a second before Stiles kissed Derek again, pushing the white shirt over his shoulders. Stiles shrugged out of his shirt and tugged his t-shirt over his head.

'So you've never done anything?' Stiles asked throwing a leg over Derek's waist.

'I-no.' Derek blushed.

'No biggie. That's why I'm here. I'm going to take good care of you.' Stiles said with a cheeky grin.

'You sound like my dentist.' Derek muttered staring as Stiles's tongue made a path across his bottom lip.

Stiles laughed and leaned forward to kiss Derek. 'Who's you're dentist?' He asked.

'Mr Green.' Derek muttered.

'You have a crush on Mr Green because he's like…' Stiles started but Derek cut him off quickly. There was no way he had a crush on the ancient dentist.

'Shut up.' Derek snapped leaning forward to kiss Stiles. Stiles kissed him at the same time as he reached forward pulling his bag towards him and rifling through it. Derek watched curiously as Stiles pulled his hand back and flicked the lid, spilling some onto his fingers.

Derek's heart started to race. He'd never thought about this before, never thought too much about the logistics but he always expected that…

His cock gave a throb when he realised what he was seeing. Stiles had reached around behind himself. Derek could see his arm moving, could hear the slick sounds, and Stiles moaning. Derek could hear Stiles moaning as he prepped himself. Derek wanted to see, longed to watch what was happening. 'I want to see.' He told Stiles.

'Tell you what; you can see next time, when you do it.' Stiles promised pulling his fingers free and rubbing the excess lube on Derek's cock before reaching for a condom. Stiles crawled backwards and eased the condom over Derek's length, giving it a few tugs adding more lube before easing himself down slowly.

'Fuck!' Derek gasped out, his eyes almost rolling in his head as Stiles raised and lowered his hips until his bum was seated snugly against Derek's hips.

'How does that feel?' Stiles whispered.

'Like you've got two minutes until I come.' Derek admitted. Stiles chuckled, leaning forward again to kiss him.

'Just relax.' Stiles whispered starting to move his hips in tiny circles. Derek's hands were on his thighs, thumbs rubbing in circles. Stiles ran his hands down Derek's chest, pinching his nipples as he bounced on Derek's cock, rolling harder and harder.

'Fuck!' Derek moaned as Stiles wrapped his hand around his cock, pumping it in time with their movements. 'That feels so good.'

Derek could feel it building in his toes, working its way up his legs and coiling in his balls. He watched Stiles's hand jerking himself as Derek pushed against him. 'Stiles I'm gonna come!' Derek said his fingers curling on Stiles's skin. His claws almost slipped out, he could see his nails changing but he worked it away.

'Yeah, that's the plan.' Stiles said clenching around Derek, his hips rocking hard as he came, coating his fingers and Derek's belly with his come. Derek called out loudly as he joined Stiles. He kept his eyes closed, fighting his wolf back. He was a little disappointed that he couldn't share this with his wolf, but he didn't think Stiles would take kindly to green eyes flashing blue.

He couldn't help but watch as Stiles licked his fingers clean, kissing Derek before easing himself off Derek's softening length and licking Derek's belly clean. He disposed of the condom in a pile of tissues, and settled on the floor beside Derek.

'Staying late to study when Mrs Parson was here was never as good as this.' Stiles said, using Derek as a pillow.

'I hope not or I'll start thinking you're whoring yourself out to every librarian you see.' Derek muttered running his hand down Stiles's back. He wondered when they would do this again. He hoped it was soon.

'Never met one as hot as you.' Stiles grinned. 'So how about that coffee?'

Derek laughed and pulled him close for a kiss.