Chapter Five
Sorry it's taken so long too update, I lost touch with the story. I'm back on track now! Reviews welcome!
The Killer and the Doctor scoured the streets of London for Jim. Primarily looking in his favourite places – The Park, the Hospital and the Ice Cream Shop – but Jim was no where to be found. Sebastian had given up. Six hours of searching and no results really did have a wearing effect on a man, but then he realised. Yes Jim's brain was damaged, but this doesn't make him any less crafty than before. Sebastian knew full-heartedly where to find him.
"Baker Street please!" The pair said, jumping into a cab that waited outside their flat. The cab driver floored it, unusually quickly, which was saying something as this is London after all. As the city skyline shortened into residential housing, the turning for Baker Street appeared. Time could not be moving slower for Sebastian. He anxiously waited for the street sign to illuminate. Seconds morphed into hours, and those hours took their time coming. Sebastian could hear the heart beat in his head, and feel it in his hands. If Jim wasn't found today, he'd be dead by tomorrow. The taxi was just about to turn down the road, but suddenly John noticed something. A bundle of the street corner, bunched up against the sign. Silver pennies shimmered in the reflection of the rising sun. It would be beautiful if it weren't so sad. The car promptly pulled over, it's headlights highlighting the smaller droplets of rain beginning to fall.
Sebastian ran over, his eyes were glazed from the cold, but he knew it was Jim. He recognised the crocked ball that Jim on occasion rolled himself in to on colder nights.
"Jim!" Sebastian croaked. "Jim, I'm here!"
The ball turned around revealing a navy cashmere suit, Seb had found his psychopath.
"Sebby?" Jim smiled.
Sebastian fell to his knees beside him, immediately wrapping his arms around the frozen ball that was Jim.
"Fuck! You're freezing!"
"Well, I have been outside for seven hours, and it is London, and I'm only small." Jim giggled, lifting his head to look Sebastian in the eye.
"Oh aha, aha, aha, let's get you home!" Sebastian strained as he lifted Jimmy up.
"Sebby, one question." Jim asked, "Is the bad man still there?"
"No." Sebastian smiled. "I'll make sure you'll never have to see him again.
The cab raced back to Jim's apartment. After throwing cash at the driver Sebastian raced upstairs. He got all the maids working on keeping Jim warm, such as making hot coffee, getting blankets and quilts, running a steaming bath.
"You're a lucky man, Moriarty." Seb half snarled.
"Why would that be?" Jim smiled.
"You should be dead."
"Haven't I heard you say that before, dear?" Jim smirked, almost reptilian.
"I never stop saying it, Jim-bob."
Jim giggled, he twiddled his thumbs around the bottom of his shirt and looked down.
"What's up Jim?" Sebastian sighed.
"Thank you Sebastian." Jim whispered.
"No problem, its part of the job."
"It's fucking not." Jim said, placing a kiss on Sebastian's cheek before waltzing out the room.