A/N- First Harry Potter fic! Ahhhhh!

Disclaimer- I don't own anything. J.K. Rowling does. .

A Poem For Ginny

She was the shy one

The one who waited


She heard the story of him as she grew up

She saw him when they met but never spoke

She spent a whole summer watching him from afar

He was there to save her

She always saw him as her hero

Then she saw him as a person

She watched him date other girls

She never said a word about it

She tried to move on

It didn't work

She tried to forget about him

He always crept back into her thoughts

Then they grew close

They shared a whole summer finally friends

He didn't see her as Ron's little sister anymore

She spent a whole year feeling his eyes on her

She broke up with Dean

Then he kissed her

After the quidditch game

And they felt undeniable bliss

He was finally hers

And vice versa