MTB: Hello again, everyone! Sorry about the wait! The Gods of Fan-fiction just would not give me any time to work on this chapter... But this new chapter is going to rather interesting and will make you guys really happy! I can just sense it! So now on to the fic! (Disclaimer: I am poor and own nothing!)

Ouji-Sama! Fight for Your Man!

Chapter 7

"Welcome to the Housewife Olympics, everyone!"

Kuririn gave the announcer a look of disbelief, "Housewife Olympics?"

"Yes!" the blonde man said proudly. He leaned down to Kuririn's level, "It s marketing, you know? I gotta sell this! Make some money from merchandising!"

Kuririn scoffed, "Merchandising? Nobody's selling anything from this! It's just two idiotic women who are fighting over an idiotic man!"

The other man was puzzled, "Then what's that guy selling over there?"

Kuririn looked over to where the announcer was pointing; at the small area where the group had set up some lawn chairs for the audience area. Oolong raised up several photographs, "I got two sets of souvenir photos! Which one do you want? An autographed photo of the motherly and sweet Chichi? Or some sexy pictures of Queen VeeVee? Take your pick!"

"Oh!" said Gohan, "Let me get one of Mom!"

Choazu raised his hand, "I want VeeVee!

"I can't choose!" said Tenshinhan, "I'll take one of each!"

Choazu handed his picture of VeeVee to Yamcha, "Here, I got this for you! But don't let Bulma see!"

The former bandit turned around in his seat, "You little-!" Before he could wrap his hands around the shorter fighter's neck, Tenshinhan left his shoe's imprint on scarred warrior's face.

Goku sighed when he saw the interaction and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had never felt a situation go so awry, not even in battles. He felt another painful headache come on and rubbed his temples. When Piccolo approached him, the Saiyian-jinn gave him a glance but ignored his stare.

"So," said the Namek, "I'm guessing the whole situation came after you talked to them?"

Goku started to sweat and nervously said, "Y-yeah..."

"And that's a no," said Piccolo, "Excuse me, I'm going to talk to Vegeta... or VeeVee."

Goku grabbed his shoulder before he could go any farther. In a deadly voice, the hero said, "I'm sure Gohan's not going to miss you too much."

Before Piccolo could retort harshly, the announcer spoke up, "All right everyone! The first challenge is Clean House!" He pushed a television screen on a small table with wheels in front of the audience area. He switched the screen on which displayed the rules. "In this challenge, both wives will have an area with an equal amount of filth. There will be a time limit of thirty minutes to clean. Points will be given for the following category: Cleanliness, the time it took to clean, and the techniques used. Whoever has the most points wins!"

"And exactly where are we supposed to find a place for us to clean?" Chichi inquired.

Bulma brightened up when an idea hit her, "I know just the place! This way!" With a wave of her hand, she lead the group to the automatic doors of her private lab. As the doors swished open, the entire gang gasped.

As they looked around, all anyone could see was wires, broken machinery, car parts, spilled motor oil, and flashes of sparks coming from every which way. Humanoid robots spread out among the mess like corpses. A variety of colored wires were mixed together like tangled up Christmas lights. Ceiling panels hung upside down from their post, revealing the inner workings of the building. Stacks of blueprints and papers were pinned to the walls and splayed out on the floor.

Bulma displayed it all proudly, "This is my testing lab! This is where my ideas are tested! If they work, then they move on to my other lab! But if they don't, ... well, they kinda just stay here."

"NO," said Vegeta firmly, "I refuse to use this location."

Chichi raised her eyebrows at the female prince, then smirked. "What's the matter?" she mocked, "This too much for you?"

The Saiyian-jinn female glared at her, "Not even close. I just don't want to be free labor for Bulma."

Bulma played with her fingers, "It's not free labor, … technically."

The announcer entered the room quietly, and began to look about the lab with a upward tip of his sunglasses. He hopped over large unknown machines, and quickly dodged when a small avalanche of computer chips tumbled next to him. "Yes...," he said slowly, "Yes... This is perfect!"

"Alright!" Bulma exclaimed, "Free labor!"

The blonde man raised his hands in triumph, "This is the site for our cleaning challenge!" He turned to face the gaping group, "Give me a moment to find a good area to each competitor and we'll start."

Goku moved through the small crowd to meet Vegeta and Chichi. When he reached them, he said, "Look, this has gone on long enough!" The hero put his fists on hips and stood up straight, "I know I'm charming and handsome and irresistible, but this isn't worth it!" When he noticed both wives had ignored him, his shoulders dropped, "Can't we just talk...?"

"The time for talk is over," Vegeta said in the harshest voice she could manage.

"Besides," said Chichi, "we have everyone here and we've already paid the announcer for the whole day with your credit card."

"What!" Goku exclaimed, "I thought he was doing this for free! And why my credit card?"

"Kakarrot's right!" Vegeta said suddenly. Goku breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the prince's words. Until the female prince said, "Why did we used his credit card? We should have used Bulma's credit card! She's making us clean her lab!"

The hero groaned and smacked his forehead as the announcer made his way back. "I'm finished!" said the man, "I got everything set up! Let's get this started! Follow me!" He gestured with his hand for the group to head inside.

A bright white strip of tape separated the lab in two; going down the wall across the floor, and up the wall on the other side. The announcer had quickly shoved the various piles junk away from the middle and were split evenly between each wife's area. In his hand, he held a black stopwatch, "The moment I press the start button, you can began. Clean the best you can in thirty minutes time! I won't give you a second more!"

Chichi and the female Vegeta moved over to their respected spots. "In front of you two," the announcer said, "are several bottles of cleaners. Feel free to use them."

"This is going to be a piece of cake," Vegeta said with a smirk.

Chichi crossed her arms and shot the temporary female a nasty look.

"Ready..." the blonde man said as he gripped the stopwatch, "Set... GO!" The moment he said that, he clicked the start button and Chichi grabbed the cleaners swiftly. With quick precision, the mother began wiping down the oil slick counter tops. She grabbed various machine parts, throwing some in a large trash bin and attempted to sort others in cabinets. The human woman continued her task of wiping, dusting, and sweeping her area as the timer kept on going.

Ten minutes into the contest, Chichi looked over to Vegeta's area to check her progress. The human dropped her cleaning rag when she saw the female Saiyian-jinn standing there and looking bored. The counter tops were still messy, the machinery still left in a chaotic pile, and a plethora of paperwork were scattered about.

"Halfway done!" called the announcer.

Chichi raised an eyebrow, halfway done and the prince had not pick up a single item. The human decided to ignore the other woman for now and continued to clean. She mopped up oil and other unknown fluids from the robot prototypes off the floor.

"Ten minutes!" another call came.

Chichi flinched at the call, she still had much to do. There were heavy weighted machines that needed to be move and the papers needed to be sorted out. Moving on the task of sorting the papers, the mother tried her best to sort the papers from important blueprints and receipts from Chinese take-out.

"Five minutes!"

Chichi glanced over to Vegeta's area and let out an unintelligible sound. The prince was actually napping away at the still horrendously messy desk. The mother stood in shock and confusion until she realized she still had much to do.


A smirk glided over the female Saiyian-jinn's face, "All the time I need."

Quickly fazing out with super speed, Vegeta warped about her space. With the greatest ease, she cleared the tables, the heavy machinery was disposed of, and the paperwork fluttered to their appropriate files. Chichi's jaw dropped at the other wife's speed.

"That's what Vegeta was doing," she mumbled, "Proving he's better than me by giving himself as little time as possible to finish!" The mother looked at her progress, "And I'm still not done!"

"Thirty seconds left!" the announcer called.

Chichi scrubbed at an oil spot with all her might, while Vegeta wrung out her wet cleaning cloth into a bucket.

"Twenty seconds left!"

The human woman struggled to lift a bucket of metal bolts, while the prince fixed a piece of ceiling panel.

"Ten seconds!"

Chichi tripped over her bucket, and Vegeta set down a pencil holder back in its place.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" the blonde man counted down, "STOP!"

Having finished before the time was up, Vegeta stood proudly by her work. Chichi collapsed to her knees, grasping on to a work table. The human woman's lip trembled as tears threatened to fall. She had lost to a false wife. She bit her lip as the shame began to build.

The announcer made his way toward them, "Okay, ladies. I'm gonna check your area and tally up the results."

Vegeta stood next to Goku and Chichi trudged to the hero's other side. The blonde human looked about at Chichi's result, jotting down on his clipboard. Then he gave a look over at Vegeta's work, however, he did not take notes.

The female Saiyian-jinn smirked when she noticed the lack of penmanship, "Looks like he didn't find any problems with my cleaning ability."

The mother gulped loudly, finding herself very nervous. She was so sure she would beat Vegeta, but now... she did not know anymore. The other wife was much quicker and the work was much more impressive. Chichi shook in her shoes, feeling regret about challenging him.

"Time for the results!" the announcer said, "And the winner is..."

Every member of the crowd leaned in close to hear the victor.


"WHAT?" Vegeta bellowed at the blonde man, "She didn't even finish! How the hell did she win!?"

Chichi, excited and shocked, began jumping about happily, "I won!"

He cleared his throat before answering Vegeta in a matter-of-fact tone, "While you did finish before and your area was impeccable, you lost because: a good housewife should never wait until the very last minute to clean."

Sputtering angrily, Vegeta reached out for the human's throat, but then decided to go for Bulma's small wrist instead. The blue-haired woman exclaimed in terror as the prince dragged her out of the laboratory, all the while cursing loudly.

Goku groaned again as the announcer tipped up his glasses and said, "Well, I guess that's it for today." Turning to the small crowd, the blonde man exclaimed, "Tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen, we will begin a new contest! The challenge will be: Shopping! Who can get more bang for their buck? We'll find out tomorrow!"

With a small bow, the man concluded the day's event. As the crowd of family and friends begin to head out of the laboratory, they were halted at the door by a small and angry presence.

"MA!" Kalez cried out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Kalez!" Goku said in response to seeing his youngest son.

Mrs. Briefs cupped her hands, "Oh, dear me. I thought you went and took a nap."

The little Saiyian-jinn grumbled sleepily and Goku picked him up in his arms. "Hey there, buddy," the father said, "how ya been?"

"Hungry... Where's Ma?" Kalez groused.

"Well...," Goku hesitated, "Ma's a little busy right now. If you're hungry, I'll make you something to eat." He motioned to Gohan, "You too, Gohan, come on." The three members of the Son family headed to the large home, the younger boys eager at the prospect of food.

Meanwhile, Bulma sat wearily in her office chair, watching the Saiyian-jinn prince stalk back and forth on her carpet. Now back to his original self, Vegeta muttered angrily about the day's result. He cursed the announcer and the "husband-thieving, she-devil, banshee, whore of a succubus, bitch from Hell," only loud enough for the blue-haired woman to hear.

A vibration in Bulma's pocket broke her away from Vegeta's ramblings, and she reached for her small red cell phone. Tapping the touch screen lightly, she found a text message from Yamcha and prayed for some good news. She frowned when she read it. "Hey, Vegeta," she said the surly prince, "Yamcha just text me. It seems the next challenge for tomorrow is shopping."

Vegeta stopped pacing at the news and a slow dangerous smirk crawled over his face. "That one," he chuckled, "She will not win."

Bulma covered her face with her hands.

Unbeknownst to all the of the fighters and their friends, a rather interesting figure had just entered the compound and found his way to the receptionist desk. With a light tap, he rang the bell, informing the young office lady of the visitor. Turning away from the copier with a smile, she said, "Hello! Welcome to Capsule Corp.! How can I help …. you...?"

Her voice trailed off when she saw the visitor. The odd figure only had this to say to her:


The young lady looked the large bird up and down. She blinked several times at him, disbelief filling her mind. A small newsboy cap on his head, a large orange beak, and white feathers with black tips at his wings. He pointed at the white sack in his beak, "Squawk." The sack moved lightly and a small coo escaped.

Then it all made sense to the young receptionist.

"NO!" she shrieked. She slammed herself into the wall behind her, holding her hands out, "NO! Please! I'm not ready!"

"Squawk?" the Stork asked.

"Please!" she continued, "I just got with my boyfriend! He hates the idea of commitment! He'll dump me! I don't wanna be a mom! I'm too young!"

"Squawk! Squawk, squawk!" he said hurriedly, trying to calm her down.

"NO!" she screamed, rushing out of the building. The Stork blinked in confusion after she left, wondering what he was going to do now that she had left. He came around the desk and, with a triumphant squawk, found a map of Capsule Corp. He examined it quickly and pointed to the east.

"Squawk, squawk," he said, informing his passenger of their direction where they were heading to: the main office of Bulma Briefs.

With the help of the map, it did not take the strange duo long to find it. Although the Stork did receive odd looks from various passing scientists. He soon found himself at the large double doors and with a smile opened one of them. Slipping in easily, he let out a soft squawk when he thought his journey would soon be over. When he saw the looming eyes of Bulma's thirty office ladies targeting him, however, the cold feeling in his gut told him otherwise. "S-squawk...," he said shyly with a wave of his hand.

Sudden chaos ensued.

The Stork ducked as several chairs and even a desk were thrown at him as terror filled the single women. He bolted past them as they shrieked, "I'm not ready!" The bird caught sight of a door on the other side and knew it was his and the baby's only salvation.

He ran through the middle of the cubicles before he was stopped in his tracks by a 300 pound woman. Her dress was an old-fashioned, pink pastel, ruffled abomination and her arms were open as wide as they could be. She growled in her gravely voice, "It's about time! Give me my baby!" She made a grab for them, but the Stork slipped between her heavy legs.

It was a grave mistake: he caught sight of her panties.

The bird continued his dangerous quest, when suddenly, a large bag knocked him on the side of his head. The result was him being thrown back and the precious sack was launched in the air. The Stork recovered quickly upon seeing the baby flying across the room. Getting to his feet, he ran with all his might to where he predicted the baby would land.

As the white sack descended, the Stork dived to catch it, and the world went into slow-motion.


With a gentle thud, the sack fell into his wings and he let out a sigh of relief. However, when he took a good look at what he caught, it was actually a designer handbag. Roughly tossing the bag aside, the Stork looked around for the baby, and to his horror, found it hanging above him from a hanging light fixture. Dangling just at the edge by the tie of the sack, the bird prayed that it would not move until he was able to reach it. His prayers were not answered, the baby inside rolled to side and pulled the weight to the edge. The sack slipped, heading to the ground rapidly. The Stork launched himself in the air to catch it.

At that moment, an office lady rioting against motherhood, lit a stack of invoices with her cigarette lighter. Holding the blaze over her head, she gave a loud war cry. The heat and smoke from her fire reached the sprinkler system above and set off the alarm.

As the Stork caught the baby, a jet stream from the sprinkler hit him right the face.

Back in her office, Bulma looked up from her doodles she was drawing as Vegeta was venting. The fire alarm was set off in the room they were in. The loud buzzing noise made the prince curl his lips in anger. Bulma stood up from her desk, "I'm going to see what all the commotion is about. Stay here for a sec, Vegeta."

After she left the room, Vegeta blasted the fire alarm with his index finger and smirked.

Soaking wet, beaten, and highly confused, the Stork stood up from the ground. His feet shaking, he opened the sack to check on the baby. With a sigh of relief that the child was unharmed, he tied the sack closed and placed it back in his beak. With a determination rivaling steel, he found the door again and ran for it.

He was only a meter away when Bulma opened it fiercely. He ducked behind an overturned desk, fearing she would react the same way the other women did. The bird peeked over the desk and flinched when she started shouting.

"What the Hell is going on here!?" Bulma yelled. Her voice startled the women in the room and stopped their rioting. The genius could only stand in shock at the scene. Chairs, desks, and tables were overturned, light fixtures were pulled down from the ceiling, cubicles were broken and punched into, the floors and the women were wet from the sprinklers, and a woman in a ruffled pink dress was eating all the lunches from the company fridge.

In her rage, Bulma began going off on the office ladies, "I can't believe what I'm seeing here! What the hell got all of your panties in a fucking bunch?! This is going on all of your records-

As the blue-haired woman continued on her rant, the Stork was easily able to slip by without being seen. He closed the door behind him and sighed again.

"Hey, Bulma," Vegeta said, not noticing the bird, "Did you figure out what-"

The Saiyian-jinn choked on his words when he saw him.

"YOU!" Vegeta shouted pointing at the Stork.

"SQUAWK!" the bird responded and mimicked Vegeta.

The prince dropped his arm in shock, "What are you doing here?"

His answer was the large bird digging his wings into his feathered body and producing a clipboard and pen. "Squawk."

Much similar to the women before, Vegeta backed into a wall, "What!? No way!" With every step the Stork took closer to him, Vegeta tried to reason with him, "Look, right now's not a good time! Kakarrot and I are going through some stuff! We wanted to wait a little while longer before having another kid!"

"Squawk," said the Stork menacingly as he approached Vegeta with the clipboard.

"Look, can't you postpone this or something?"

"Squawk," was the negative reply.

"Well, can't I call a manager or some-

Vegeta's sentence was cut short when the Stork grabbed his collar and pulled him nose to beak. "Squawk. Squawk, squawk, squawk."

Looking into the bird's eyes, Vegeta had a sense that he was trying to explain some horrible thing that had happened. The Saiyian-jinn pushed the bird away, careful to avoid the baby. "Fine," Vegeta huffed and snatched the clipboard from him, "give it to me."

The Saiyian-jinn signed his name on the appropriate line and roughly handed the items back to bird, "There."

Taking the pen and clipboard, the Stork gave him the white sack from his beak. After he handed the baby over, tears started to cloud his vision and his beak let out little whimpering squawks. Vegeta looked at him with annoyance as the bird tried to hold back his tears.

With a roll of his eyes, the new parent asked, "Do you want to say Goodbye?"

The baby was quickly snatched back and the Stork cooed at it through the sack. Vegeta waited for the heartwarming moment to finish so he could gag. He got his new child back soon after from a shaky wing. The delivery bird turned away from them with a rough snort to keep the feelings in. As he opened to door to leave, he gave one more glance over his shoulder, but stopped himself from doing anything further than that.

Right after the door closed behind the Stork, Vegeta heard him bursting into tears. He rolled his eyes and huffed in frustration. Looking down at the sack in his hands, the prince said, "Well, might has well have a look at my new brat."

As he undid the tie, a sudden appearance of flame-like hair caught him off guard. Vegeta smirked when he saw it, hoping the rest of the child would match his own looks. He lifted the baby from the out of the sack and his jaw drop.

The newborn was a complete opposite of Kalez, Vegeta noted. While Kalez had his face, the boy had inherited Goku's hairstyle. This new child had inherited Vegeta's hairstyle including the bangs the prince once had in his childhood; but it's face was identical to Goku's. "The gene pool isn't quite creative, is it?" Vegeta mumbled to himself.

The baby's eyes opened and looked at Vegeta intently, before giving the new mother a wide toothless grin.

Thump, thump.

Vegeta pulled the newborn close to his chest, "Damn, you inherited that too." He pulled the diaper out enough to see inside, "Boy. Good." He picked up his new son a little higher to see him better. When the newborn smiled at him again, the prince let out a small smile of his own back at him.

The warm moment was destroyed horrifically by Bulma slamming the door open and shouting, "GODDAMN! You just can't find good help nowadays, I tell ya!" Her ranting was cut short when she saw the newborn in Vegeta's arms. She rubbed her eyes to know if what she saw was correct. "Vegeta?" she asked slowly, "Is that a baby?"

The prince rolled his eyes, "Yes, you stupid girl. I had another baby."

Bulma looked around the room, "You had another baby? Where did you put the afterbirth?"

"There was no afterbirth!" Vegeta shouted at her angrily.

"Where did it come out from...?" she asked although she was a little worried about the answer.

"It didn't..!" Vegeta started to yell but stopped himself. "Look, the Stork was just here and he delivered him to me, okay?"

Bulma shook her head, "Look, that may have worked on Goku, but its not gonna work on me. Now, where did it come out from?"

Vegeta decided to ignore her question and walked past her, "Speaking of Kakarrot, I need to let him know about his new son." He exited the room and was startled when he saw the horrid condition of office. He turned to Bulma, "Where did this come out of?"

In the large kitchen in the Briefs' family home compound, Goku drummed his fingers lightly on the table as he watched his two boys eat. Kalez swallowed everything indiscriminately while Gohan took his time and enjoyed the taste.

"Gohan," Goku said suddenly. The older boy looked up from his meal and gave him a questioning look. The older Saiyian-jinn knew Gohan had enough understanding of the situation to ask him a rather poignant question.

"Gohan, who do you like better? Your mom or Vegeta?" Goku asked.

"Mom," Gohan replied without hesitation.

The father dropped his head on the table at Gohan's response. "Don't get me wrong, Dad," Gohan explained, "Uncle Vegeta treats me very well. But... well... it's Mom."

The hero sighed, "Yeah, I know."

"The real question is 'Who do you like better?'" said a deep voice from the kitchen entryway.

Goku looked up from the tabletop and snorted at the tall, green Namek. "It's obvious, isn't it?"

Kuririn appeared behind Piccolo, "Not really."

The hero watched as Kuririn, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Choazu took seat at the large table. Yamcha, sitting the closest to him, leaned over and asked, "So, is it true? Who ever wins the Housewife Games gets to keep you?"

"No!" Goku responded, "They came up with this crazy idea all on their own!"

"So, who does get keep you?" Tenshinhan asked, leaning back in his chair.

Goku rubbed his aching forehead, "I want to stay with Vegeta. But I have this little nagging voice in the back of my head. And I wonder if Chichi never died, then would we even be together?"

The other fighters contemplated this question carefully. Choazu spoke up first, "But that's not what happened." Goku knitted his brows at the statement, so Choazu continued, "I mean, maybe you and Vegeta wouldn't be together if Chichi never died. You were always faithful to her, and despite the fact that she would get frustrated with you, she was faithful as well. Plus, you and Vegeta were such fierce enemies. So fierce that when you two came out as a couple, well, you saw how shocked we all were."

Kuririn spoke up from there, "Yeah, I mean we all thought you two would end up killing each other."

"I didn't," said Tenshinhan in a bored tone, "I figured if they fucked each other, they would probably end up becoming best friends."

For that comment, the three-eyed warrior received incredulous looks from the other fighters. He returned it, "Well, I was right, wasn't I?" Murmurs of agreements followed his question.

"F-f-f," Kalez started.

Goku quickly put a hand over the little boy's mouth, "Gohan, please take your brother and go to the other room."

The twelve-year old boy nodded, and lightly grasping his little brother's hand, led him to the living room to watch T.V. Goku let out the air in his lungs he was holding and went back to the conversation at hand.

"What I'm really worried about," the hero continued, "is the idea that if Chichi lived and we were still married; then what about Vegeta? Would he have gotten married to someone else later? Or would he never have married at all?" His eyes betraying a sadness unlike his usual demeanor, he looked at his friends, "What if we were really never meant to be, and this all happened by accident? Did I take Vegeta away from the person he was meant to be with? Did I take him away from someone who would have loved him even more than I do?"


Despite his best efforts, Yamcha could not contain his mirth. "What are you talking about, Son-kun?" he said between laughs. "There's a 99.9% chance that Vegeta would probably have ended up wandering the universe all by himself for the rest of his life! I honestly don't know anyone else crazy enough to love that maniac besides you!"

Kuririn smiled against his better judgment, "I think what Yamcha is trying to say is; you and Vegeta might be the last Saiyian-jinns in the universe for a reason. He's a prince and you are a 'lower class.' If the planet were there now, you two would have never even met."

"And besides," Tenshinhan began, but Yamcha's strong and sudden hand on his shoulder stopped him from saying anymore. The three-eyed fighter lightly jumped at the contact and stared at scarred fighter's now terrified face. He slowly glance where Yamcha's eyes were looking to: behind Goku. When Tenshinhan saw what was causing Yamcha so much fear, he jumped again, making his chair scrape the floor. Choazu followed after and suppressed the shout in his throat.

Kuririn raised an eyebrow at the three and turned his head to find out what the commotion was about. He let out a small scream when he found out. Goku, now very confused at the other fighters, turned around in his chair.

"Aaah!" the hero shouted.

Behind him, a very large white bird stood at the doorway of the kitchen. His eyes were red and swollen from crying, his feathers dripping water on the pale tile floor, and his whole body was limp from fatigue.

"Squawk," he said slowly. The Stork ignored the group at the table and made his way to the kitchen cabinets. Using his wings to propel him lightly onto the marble counter tops, he began opening and closing cabinet doors. The warriors watched him in fascination, until the bird found what he wanted: a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey.

Taking the bottle and a glass out, the Stork hopped down from the counter. Setting the items aside, the bird made a beeline to the refrigerator and opened it up. He stuck in his head in and examined it for a mixer to his drink. He pulled out a can of cola and set it next to the bottle of Jack. Taking up the glass again, he began to fill it with ice from the automatic ice dispenser on the fridge.

The Stork glanced at the men at the table. "Squawk," he said with an upward tip of his head. The fighters nodded back at him in greeting. Once his glass was filled with ice, the bird forced opened the bottle of Jack and began to pour.

"Who's bottle is that?" Kuririn pondered as the bird added the cola in.

"It's mine, but I'm not gonna say anything," Yamcha replied.

His drink completed, although most of it was whiskey, the Stork took a seat next to Goku. He twirled the glass around with his wing; before tipping it up and gulping it down halfway. With a satisfied sigh, he relaxed his head on the table.

Goku locked eyes with his friends to confirm if what he was seeing was real. Suddenly, the bird lifted up his head and shuffled through the feathers on his body. Taking out a clipboard and pen, he handed them to Goku and tapped the bottom of the page. "Squawk."

The hero held the items in his hands and an overwhelming feeling of deja vu held him. He read through the page quickly, noting that all it said was "squawk." His hands began to shake and his lips followed soon after.

"Ah, ah, ah," Goku whimpered.

Kuririn reached out, "Goku, what's up?"

As fast as lightning, the hero pushed away from the table and ran out the kitchen. "VEGETA!" he shouted as he went jetting down the hallways of the large mansion.

"VEGETA!" he screamed again when he saw the prince coming into view. Using his heels, Goku skidded to a stop in front of the other Saiyian-jinn. He gasped when he saw the tiny bundle curled up in Vegeta's arms. "Is... is that?!" he panted out.

"I see you heard the good news," Vegeta said sarcastically.

"AH!" Goku squealed loudly. The older Saiyian-jinn handed the baby over to the new father, and Goku cooed lovingly at him.

"Congrats on your new baby, Son-kun," said Bulma.

"Thank you," Goku said with trembling smile.

The other warriors arrived, following after Goku had bolted. "Hey, Goku," said Kuririn, "what's going on?"

"Look!" Goku said as he proudly displayed his new son, "Vegeta and I had another baby!"

A dumbfounded look overtook their faces before Kuririn sputtered out, "C-congrats..."

Yamcha looked around suspiciously, "Where did they put the afterbirth?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Choazu asked in delight.

Goku looked into the baby's diaper, "Boy!" The group of masculine warriors crowded around the newborn and began cooing at him. The child gurgled happily at each compliment he received and grabbed on to index finger waved at his face.

Gohan, with Kalez in tow, arrived shortly after hearing the commotion his father had caused. They squeezed through the crowd and found their parents' focus on the bundle in Goku's arms. "Dad," asked Gohan, "What's going on? Kalez and I heard you screaming."

"Oh! Gohan! Kalez!" Goku exclaimed, "Look, you guys got a little brother!"

Wide eyed, Gohan froze, "What?"

"Brodder?" Kalez inquired.

"Yep!" Goku nodded and squatted down to show them, "See?"

Kalez locked eyes with the new baby and a slight shiver went down his back. His mouth dropped opened as he took in the new child. "Little brodder...?"

"Yeah, Kalez. He's your little brother," said Goku. "You're a nii-san like Gohan now."

"I'm a nii-chan?" the boy said with a thick tongue. The sentence seemed so surreal to him; an idea that should not have come true.

"That's right, Kalez," the father continued, "Now you have to be a good nii-san and take care of him, OK?" The four year old reached his hand out, but hesitated before he reached the newborn's head. "You can touch him," said Goku, "just be careful. Don't use any strength."

Kalez nodded and reached out again. He started patting the new baby's forehead lightly, then gently moving his hand to stroke the baby's hair. The youngest Son child seemed pleased with the affection given to him, and Kalez broke out into a overwhelmingly delightful grin. "Little brodder!" he squealed.

Following suite, Gohan also stroked his new sibling's hair gently, a small smile playing on his lips. "Gosh," he said, "he looks just like Dad."

The excited group of onlookers was disrupted by Chichi shoving people of out her way to get a look at center of attention. "Goku-sa!" she called out, "What is going on?"

Unfazed by the tone of her voice, Goku responded with a smile, "Look, Chichi! Vegeta and I had another baby!" He presented his new son to her, and the woman's reaction to the newborn was to stammer in shock.

"What!" was the only coherent thought she could have, but she did not miss Vegeta's mocking smirk at her.

Before she could began to question Goku, the hero turned away and gave his attention to Vegeta. "Hey, Vegeta," said Goku, "did you name him yet?"

Vegeta looked away and pondered as the crowd looked on eagerly. "I was thinking," he said slowly, "perhaps... Gobo?"

Goku blinked and looked down at the child in his arms, "Gobo, huh?" He lightly tapped the baby's nose, "What do you think? Do you like it?" A happy gurgle was Goku's answer and the father grinned back at him, "OK! Gobo it is!"

The group, except for Chichi, applauded the Saiyian-jinns and their new addition, and several people fought for the right to hold the baby next.

"Oi, Kakarrot!" Vegeta said, catching Goku's attention. The prince lifted up a beige envelope, "I'm gonna read this new letter."

"Oh," said Goku, "go ahead."

Vegeta tore open the envelope and skimmed through the contents inside, "Hmm... it says he has a lot of potential and that we should nurture it."

"Oh!" said Kuririn excitedly, "It must mean he has a lot of fighting potential!"

"Heh," said Vegeta, "let's hope so." He looked up from the paper and was taken back when he saw Chichi too close to his face. The mother stood before him glaring straight into his eyes and her arms crossed across her chest. His slight shock at being caught off guard quickly dissipated and Vegeta barked, "What?"

With a puff of pride she said, "Just because you had a baby, doesn't mean I'll go easy on you! I'm taking you down tomorrow! I wouldn't count this as a happy occasion. It just means that when I'm done with you, you'll be a single parent with two kids!"

"Single parent, my ass!" Vegeta cursed, "You have no idea what horrors tomorrow will bring for you!"

As the two stood staring each other down, Gohan sighed and patted his new brother's head. "Gobo, you came at the wrong time," he said solemnly.

MTB: Chapter completed! Thanks so much for waiting so patiently! I do hope you enjoyed it! I'll try to bring out the next chapter soon! I'm ready to work on the next story!

So a little information on Gobo! Gobo is actually the Japanese name of the taproot of the burdock root when its young. It is used in many Japanese dishes. Make sure you soak them before you cook them so you don't get a bitter taste. Another Saiyian-jinn name pun!