A.N.: E/O challenge, WOW: Sore. I'm challenging myself a bit to write characters I haven't written before starting with….JOHN! Set sometime while Sam is at Stanford and Dean is hunting solo. Hope you enjoy! Any ideas who I should do next? Thanks as always for reading!

Edit: I forgot to send someone some love. So smalld1171, Sharlot, Dizzo, Amberdreams, Wynefred, MeAzrael, and LeighAnnWallace, it's a privledge and a pleasure to be in your company week after week. Thank you!

Also a HUGE thanks to Enkidu and Onyx for creating the drabble challenges in the first place. I never knew I would make so many friends from it and have so much fun! Truly yours is one of my favorite emails to get week after week. THANK YOU!

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Every part of him is sore as he heaves himself back to his truck.

Tiny puddles of blood pool by his feet as he rests his head against the frame of the vehicle.

How long has he been standing there?

His head feels fuzzy as he paws for the door.

He should have never gone after that spirit by himself, he should have brought Dean, he should have…

Thoughts fail him as he falls into the front seat, arm clutched around his middle to try to keep his injury contained.

Stubbornness was going to be the death of John Winchester.