*Credit for the idea at the beginning goes to EmilieCW-DXfan0119 :)*

-Chicago, Illinois. Day 2 of Emma's spring break-

"Jesus kid, you're so lucky I love you…" Colt muttered, as he and Emma got out of his car in a local North Chicago neighborhood.

"Everyone loves me!" Emma said, in a rather cocky tone of voice, with a slight smirk on her face.

"That Tony guy may be an exception though," Colt commented. Emma shot him a mean look, and Colt sighed. "Too soon?"

"Yup," Emma said.

"Sorry," He said with a shrug.

"It's fine…so where does she live?" Emma asked him.

Colt was not fun. He was rather boring, so Emma resulted in asking Colt a bunch of questions. One of them was about Phil's family-who have no idea Emma even exists. Emma eventually wore Colt down, and now Colt's taking Emma to go meet Mama Brooks…or now known as Grandma Brooks.

"She lives right about…here," Colt said, looking at a house to his right. "But I warn you-"

"Be quiet, Colt," Emma rolled her eyes, walking over to the front steps. Colt sighed.

"She has no idea what she's getting herself into…" Colt muttered to himself, shaking his head, then following her.

Emma knocked onto the door, and a moment later, a women who looked as if in her mid-50s or early 60s opened. She was just a tad bit taller than Emma. She looked down at Emma confused, but then saw Colt, and didn't look happy.

"Oh, Scott…" She said, before sighing.

"Mrs. Brooks…long time no see," Colt said to her.

"Yes…I liked it that way," Mrs. Brooks said.

"OH Trust me…so did I," Colt said, "But the rugrat made me take her to meet you." Mrs. Brooks attention shifted from Colt to Emma.

"And who are you?" Mrs. Brooks asked her.

"I'm Emma, and you're my grandmother," Emma said. After she said that, Mrs. Brooks completely froze in shock, which caused Colt to snicker a little. Mrs. Brooks eventually got out of it, then looked back to Emma.

"Excuse me…I'm your what?" She asked Emma.

"Yeah…you see," Colt stepped in, putting an arm around Emma, "Apparently, Phil had unprotected sex a couple years ago and resulted in this little bundle of joy, but the girl he did it with is a total slut," He paused to look at Emma, "No offense to your mom."

"None taken," Emma said quickly.

"SO, Phil literally just found out about her a couple months ago, and he's over in Miami for Wrestlemania stuff, so she's with me for the weekend, and she wanted to meet her lovely grandma!" Colt explained, a smirk on his face. Mrs. Brooks was flat-out appalled, she just couldn't believe any of this, but Emma looked exactly like Phil. She took a deep breath in to calm down before speaking again.

"Please…"She began, but then paused again to take in another deep breath, "DON'T call me grandma…"

"Why not?" Emma asked. "You ARE my grandma…"

"And you do LOOK like a grandma," Colt added. Mrs. Brooks eyes narrowed at Colt.

"Shut it, Scott!" She scolded.

"See? I tried to tell you she was the wicked witch of the west but-"

"EXUCSE ME?" Mrs. Brooks shouted after that. Emma just snickered slightly.

"Oh Come on…" Colt said, rolling his eyes. Mrs. Brooks was furious now.

"GOOD-BYE, SCOTT," She shouted, before slamming the door right on them.

Emma and Colt both looked at each other, then they started bursting out in laughter from what just happened, before they walked back over to Colt's car. Emma got in and turned the radio on to B96, and "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction was playing.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG!" Emma shouted, then turning the radio up all the way. Colt rolled his eyes. He didn't like the whole boy-band phase in the 80s and 90s, he sure as hell doesn't like the modern day boy-band phase.

"I thought you liked Bieber!" Colt managed to shoutout over the radio. Right after he said that, "What Makes You Beautiful" ended, and "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber came on. Emma looked over at Colt and smiled. Colt shook his head, but couldn't help but smile as well. "Man, I'm glad you and Phil met!"

"Yeah, me too!" She shouted over the rap.

"And to think, Phil originally didn't want you!" Colt shouted with a smile on his face.

The smile on Emma's face, however, disappeared after that was said. She turned down the radio and looked at Colt.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"You know, he originally said no to full custody, but he changed his mind," Colt explained.

"What made him change his mind…?" Emma asked.

"He felt like he had too," Colt said.

"HE WHAT!" Emma asked.

"Yeah, didn't you have this conversation with him?"


After Emma said that, Colt froze in shock.

"Oh…oh….oh, this is bad," Colt said.

"He only wanted me because he felt like he had too!" Emma shouted.

"Calm down, kiddo, everything worked out for the best, right?" Colt asked, trying to calm her down.

Emma didn't even say anything. She just crossed her arms and leaned back into her seat, looking at the window. For the past two months, she was basically an un-wanted visitor that was pitied. She hated that, and right now, she absolutely hated her father.