Me: Hi Guys, wow it's been a long time since I've uploaded anything! I hope you all will like this story.
Jamie: Uh yeah Read then Review! If you do you'll save me from dealing with Bobby!
*MP Rolls eyes*
Summary: When a car crash cuases Rogue to lose her memory, it's up to her boyfriend, her brother, and the rest of her friends to get her memory back. But was the crash really an accident? Was it all planned? Can they figure out what's happening before it's to late?
~New Chapter~
(Author's comments/translations)
~Chapter 1: They never saw the car coming~
~Chapter 1~
They never saw the car coming.
~Mansion; 3:15 Saturday~
Scott sat down in his and began his biology homework when Kitty ran into his without knock or opening the door. "Kitty." Scott said with an annoyed sigh. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
"What?" Kitty asked playing innocent.
"Knock." Scott said looking at the door. Kitty huffed and walked out, again without using the door.
*Knock, Knock*
Kitty walked through the door and crossed her arms. "Happy?" 'No' Scott thought, but settled for rolling his eyes. "Can you do me a HUGE favor?"
"What?" Scott asked suspicously. The last time Kitty asked him for a favor, he lost his glasses, his car, and his left shoe.
"Could you, like, drive us to the mall?" Kitty asked with her infamous puupy dog eyes.
"Us? Who's us? And how long are you going to be there?" Scott asked already grabbing his keys.
"Just me, Kurt, and Rogue and we'll be there for, like, an hour maybe two tops!" Kitty said. "So, will you take us?"
"Sure, meet me in the garage in ten minutes." Scott said closing his Biology textbook.
"Kay, thanks." Kitty said happily phasing through the wall towards the girls wing.
"AHHH! KITTY GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Bobby shouted from the room next door.
"EK, MY EYES! I'M TOTALLY LEAVING!" Kitty shouted and Scott rolled his eyes. 'Why did I agree to this?'
~The garage 20 minutes later~
"Where is she?" Scott asked from the front seat of the X-Van.
"Don't know." Rogue said. "Uh, Scott..."
"Yeah?" He asked looking in the side mirror looking for Kitty and/or Kurt.
"Well um, Ah wanted to- to, uh, ask if ya mind if Ah take mah gloves off?" Rogue said avoiding the real thing she wanted to ask. Scott shook his head and Rogue slipped off her gloves. As Rogue streched her fingers Scott noticed the sad look in her eyes. Scott opened his mouth to ask Rogue about her real question when Kitty and Kurt teleported into the car.
"I am, like, so sorry! I totally couldn't find my phone or my wallet." Kitty buckling her seatbelt.
"Ja, and she made me vait fer her." Kurt said following Kitty's example. "Vhy aren't ve taking your car?" Kurt asked as Scott began the drive to the mall.
"Need to change the back left tire, someone deflated yesterday." Scott explained as a comfortable silence fell over the group. The only sound in the car was Rogue's tapping. Scott stopped at the stop sign and looked both ways. Once he was sure no one was coming Scott began driving. No one saw the car coming until it was to late.
(I was so considering stopping it there, but I decided to be nice)
The SUV slammed into the X-car sending them skidding into a tree. Scott heard the squel of tires as the other car drove off in the opposite direction. "Ugh, is everyone okay?" Scott asked searching for his missing glasses.
"Yeah, I think we're good." Kitty said. Lifting her right arm, she screamed in pain.
"What! What happened?" Scott asked panic kicking in.
"My wrist, I think I broke it." Kitty said clutching the injured limb close to her. Scott relaxed and continued his search.
"You good Kurt?" Scott asked.
"Ja meine tail hurts, but besides that I'm in ze good shape." Kurt said and Scott nodded.
"And you Rogue?" Scott asked. "Rogue?" Scott asked after she didn't answer.
"Oh God!" Kitty shouted making Scott panic. "Scott Rogue's bleeding, like, bad!" Kitty said her voice trembling.
"Kitty I need you to calm down. Okay first, I need you to tell me where she's bleed." Scott said trying to calm his own panic. He could easily hear Kurt saying something in German, mostly likely a prayer for his sister.
"Uh, her head's bleeding an-and, oh god Scott, there's a br-branch in her shoulder! What do we do Scott?" Kitty shouted histrically.
"Kitty I need you to calm down and call the institute. Ask for a teacher and explain the situation. Kurt I need you to open Rogue's door and apply presure to her wounds and check her for anymore injuries." Scott said doing a quick check over himself to make sure he wasn't seriously injured. Once he was sure he wasn't at risk of dying, he got out of the car and began searching for his glasses. He finally found them under his seat on the floor and was pleased to find that they weren't broken. Slipping them on Scott nearly had a heart acttack at the sight of Rogue. Rogue was unconsious with a small gash on her temple and a branch through her right shoulder. Running quickly over to her side he saw Kurt holding his hands down around the branch trying to stop the flow of blood. "Is she bleeding anywhere else?"
"Nein. (German: No) Scott, iz she going to be okay?" Kurt asked looking sadly at his sister. Scott nodded and put a reasuring hand on his shoulder.
"Okay, Mr. McCoy and Ororo should be here in, like, five minutes." Kitty said as Scott walked over to her.
"Good Kitty, now I want you to wait for them. When they pull up tell me." Scott said and Kitty nodded. Scott walked back over to Rogue and Kurt. "How is she?"
"Unconsious, but I think that iz best." Kurt said releaved his sister wasn't in pain.
"Okay, now why don't you go sit and calm Kitty down." Scott suggested. "I'll take care of Rogue."
"But-" Kurt began to protest, but Scott cut him off.
"No buts, Kurt. Kitty's hurt and is probably on the verge of a panic attack. You're one of her clostests friends, she needs someone to be there for her." Kurt nodded and walked over to Kitty who was pacing back and forth. Laying a hand on her shoulder Kurt began to comfort and calm her down.
"Ugh." Rogue moaned and began to stir.
"Hey Rogue," Scott said in a quite and calm tone. "I need you to stay still. Can you do that for me?" Scott asked.
"W-what hap-ppened?" Rogue asked weakly.
"Car accident." Scott said. "A car rammed us, but we're okay. Kitty and Kurt are fine." Scott reasured her.
"K-kurt? W-where's Kur-kurt." Rogue asked. Scott laid a hand on her shoulder gently and turned to Kurt and Kitty. "Kurt, get over here!" Scott shouted and Kurt ran over. "See Rogue," Scott said his voice turing back to the calming tone. "Kurt right here."
"Ja, I'm right here meine Schwester." Kurt said gently grabbing her hand.
"Scott, they're here!" Kitty shouted as they heard car doors slam shut and footsteps running towards them. Scott turned to see Hank running towards them. Scott tapped Kurt and both of them moved so Hank could get to work.
"S-scott-t, K-kurt?" Rogue stuttered trying to sit up, but was held down by a large blue hand.
"Lay still, my dear." Hank said and assesed the situation and came up with a solution. "Scott, come here, quickly!"
"Yes?" Scott said hoping to be some kind of help.
"I'm going to need you to blast the branch right between where my hand are." Hank said placing his hand on the branch leaving a gap for Scott to blast. Scott gently lifted his glasses and broke the branch leaving only about two or three inches sticking out of her shoulder. "Good, now go get Ms. Pyrde and please hurry." Hank said urgently. Scott nodded and ran to Kitty telling her Dr. McCoy needed her. Kitty rushed over, her wrist in a brace.
"You need me?" Kitty asked.
"Yes, I need you to faze the branch that is in the window over to another part of the window." Hank said and Kitty bit her bottom lip, but nodded. Placing her good hand on the branch she pushed the branch as far as she could, so it was out of his way. "Thank you, now tell Ororo to bring the strecher over, please." Kitty ran off and soon Ororo was wheeling the strecher over to him.
"She will be okay, right?" Ororo asked letting fear seap into her voice.
"I hope." Hank said gently lifting Rogue up and was thankful to see the branch didn't go all the way through her shoulder. Quickly, yet gently, he placed Rogue on the strecher and wheeled her to Med-van and loaded her in. Ororo stayed next to the crashed Van as the Med-van drove off towards the X-mansion.
"Be safe Rogue." Ororo said.
MP: Scene!
Jamie: Uh, why did you say scene?
MP: Theter term, short stack. Anyway your jobs not done or would you like to go back to Logan's training session...where Bobby is?
Rogue: Plus I'll get to figure out if I live, she won't tell me. *Points to MP*
MP: Yep, now review! And if you have any idea on what the title should be just put in your review!